August 06, 2014 by Rostec
The Shvabe holding, which is a subsidiary of the Rostec State Corporation, has developed and released a mobile robotic radiation survey unit. The robot is designed to seek out local sources of gamma radiation and absorb them.
The mobile robotic radiation survey unit works both in indoor environments as well as in open areas. Due to its rotation and movement sensor, the robot is able to move freely even in the most impassable places.
In addition, the robot is equipped with heat flow sensors, a set of sample collecting devices, special gripping mechanisms, as well as convenient innovative containers for the absorption and disposal of gamma radiation. The unit moves at a speed of 1 meter per second. It can be controlled either via radio waves or cable line.
The robot is able to lift up to 50 kilograms, and it can operate continuously without needing to be charged for several hours.
The Shvabe Holding consists of major enterprises in the electrooptical industry. The holding develops and manufactures high-tech optoelectronic systems as well as special-purpose and civilian systems, optical materials, medical equipment, energy-saving lighting equipment and other products. It is a subsidiary of the Rostec State Corporation.