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11 juillet 2014 5 11 /07 /juillet /2014 12:35
Vietnam Buy More Bastion-P and Su-30MK2 ?

Bastion P missile complex of the Vietnamese Navy (photo : DatViet)


11.07.2014 Defense Studies

Russian news leads from defense industry source report from the Russian Defense Ministry said Vietnam intends to purchase additional missile battalion 3rd Bastion-P.

Russia News report led the defense industry source from the Russian Defense Ministry said that Vietnam intends to purchase additional missile battalion 3rd Bastion-P.

The source quoted a Russian representative to the meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on military-technical cooperation is said: "In the current conditions and the contract is signed preparation, Vietnam has adequate short-term opportunity to become No. 1 partner of Russia cooperation in the field of technical cooperation - the military in Southeast Asia ".

According to the official, during the meeting, Vietnam and Russia had also discussed the possibility of buying more missile battalion coastal defense Bastion-P, as well as the multirole fighter Su-30MK2 and a number of air defense missile system.

This is an information gained special attention of many other countries. From the presence of Vietnamese Navy, Bastion-P complexes with anti-ship cruise missiles, supersonic Yakhont has quickly become the "shield of steel" of Vietnam.

Known as one of the weapons on shore marine world's most modern, combined arms Bastion-P missile missiles Yakhont supersonic anti-ship.

Design of Bastion-P allows it to float force to destroy enemy ships in all weather conditions, even in noisy environments enhanced electron.

Yakhont missile weighs about 3 tons, 8.9 m long, 0.7 m trunk diameter, 1.7 m wingspan. Shells are designed with large 4-door navigation in near the tail, the nose is in the air intakes for engine operation.

Yakhont jet engine supersonic static straight line speed allow more than 2 times the speed of sound. With such a large maximum velocity, very difficult opponents and react easily destroyed by explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 200-250kg.

According to international experts, Yakhont has the ability to destroy large warships with a single shot.

Navigation system, after leaving the Yakhont missile launchers will fly under the regime inertial navigation programmed. In the approach phase target, lead investor active radar (on missiles) will activate the search, detect targets at a distance of 75km.

In particular, at this stage missiles fly low altitude from sea clinging 5-15m. This factor is also enhanced survivability against missile air defense system on enemy warships.

Yakhont missile's range depends on flight mode: fly high orbit - low to allow the mixture to reach a range of 300 kilometers; low orbital flight - low gain range of 120km.

Yakhont missiles designed to integrate extensively on a variety of platforms (surface ships, submarines, aircraft, ground platform). Currently equipped with Yakhont mainly on coastal defense systems on land Bastion-P. A Bastion-P system can protect a coastline of 600km.

According to information from the Russian side, in 2011 Vietnam has received two battalions sea defense system in the Russian Bastion-P.

Armed with basic Bastion-P system includes: 4 self-propelled launcher vehicles carrying K340P (2 rounds each truck Yakhont missiles); vehicles carrying ammunition reserves; radar fire control Monolit-B; vehicle commander and logistics facilities, technical support.


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