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3 juillet 2014 4 03 /07 /juillet /2014 07:55
Developments at the head of DCNS


July 2, 2014 Thales

Patrick Boissier, Chairman and CEO of DCNS, has informed its main shareholders, the French State (through the Agence des participations de l’Etat) and Thales, that he intends to ask the Board of Directors to cut short his term, 5 months before the end of his tenure, to provide clarity on the designation of his successor, hence setting the proper conditions for the Company to prepare its future.

Shareholders acknowledged this decision, which reflects Patrick Boissier’s commitment to the Company’s interests, and have thanked him for the work carried out and the results achieved during his tenure.

Following a selection process conducted by the Nomination Committee of DCNS, Hervé Guillou will be proposed as his successor at the July 23 Board Meeting. The Board’s proposal will then be sent to the French President, as the decision to appoint the Chairman and CEO of DCNS rests with him and is issued by decree.

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