Brussels | Oct 16, 2013 EU Defence Agency
Securing the supplies for defence capabilities has become a challenging task for all actors – from defence administrations to industry. Future defence capabilities rely on emerging key enabling and cutting edge technologies, which today often are of “dual-use”. The requirement of non-limited access and availability makes some of these technologies “defence-critical”, associating the need for joint and coordinated action at national, but also European level.
The 2013 EDA Research & Technology (R&T) Conference (05-06 December) aims to look at critical defence technologies from various perspectives. It will give the opportunity to survey Europe’s defence technology and industrial base and identify vulnerabilities that could negatively impact Europe´s production of defence systems. Some specific research areas will be highlighted. The conference will also provide opportunity for dissemination and exploitation of results from two Joint Investment Programmes (JIP). Furthermore it will discuss innovative ways of funding dual-use research and of connecting academia, SMEs and industry for R&T collaboration.
The morning of Day 1 will provide views on the topic of Critical Defence Technologies and EDA´s role together with the Member States, European Commission, ESA, ENIAC and Defence Industry. In the afternoon, two parallel sessions will inform about the results from the JIPs “Force Protection (FP)” and “Innovative Concepts/ Emerging Technologies (ICET)”, and invite for ideas on the exploitation. A poster session will give opportunity to discuss results in depth. The day will conclude with a conference dinner.
Day 2 will start with a panel session on research for dual-use technologies, European Structural Funds and the Smart Specialization Strategy. After lunch, selected academics, SMEs and industries will present novel research in three important areas for defence.
The conference is organised by the European Defence Agency (EDA) and is hosted by the Ministry of National Defence of Greece.
This conference is mainly oriented towards governmental, institutional, industrial and research decision makers and experts in R&T activities and for applied research and development oriented industries and research organisations as well as their associations. Attendance is limited to 170 persons. For registrations please fill in the registration form here. Please note that registration will be valid upon receipt of confirmation.
Main Dates
Dates of the Event: 05-06 December 2013
Registration Starts: 07 October 2013
Registration Ends: 21 November 2013
The conference will be held in Hellenic Armed Forces Officers Club Rigillis 1, 10675 Athens, Greece
Conference secretariat:
EDA R&T Directorate
Rue des Drapiers, 17-23
1050 Brussels, BELGIUM
Phone: + 32 2 504 2881 or + 32 2 504 2882
More information
Draft programme (EDA RT Conference Programme_v_15Oct2013)
Event page Research & Technology Conference 2013: Critical Defence Technologies – Exploring Innovation Together
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