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16 octobre 2013 3 16 /10 /octobre /2013 07:20
Elbit Putting Surplus Military Vehicles into Peacekeeping Role


Oct 15, 2013 ASDNews Source : Elbit Systems Ltd


In storage for years, even decades in many instances, surplus US Army vehicles are being brought back to life at Elbit Systems of America's Land Vehicle Center (LVC).


Located in San Antonio, the LVC takes non-operational military vehicles, with obsolete technology and unserviceable equipment, and completely refurbishes and restores them. "Our expertise is giving new life to decades-old vehicles," said Kurt Huff, Vice President, Services and Support Solutions. "When an, M113, Bradley, Humvee or other vehicle rolls out our door, it is fully mission capable. All our customer has to do is fuel up and connect the battery."


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