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20 novembre 2013 3 20 /11 /novembre /2013 13:50
EDA Launches Streamlined Structure


Brussels | Nov 20, 2013 European Defence Agency


The European Defence Agency (EDA) will have a new structure in place as of 1 January 2014 better to support Member States in a rapidly evolving environment. The Agency will be organised in three operational directorates: Cooperation Planning & Support; Capability, Armaments & Technology; and European Synergies & Innovation. This will facilitate prioritisation of tasks and improve operational output, in particular on key activities such as Air-to-Air Refuelling, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Satellite Communications, Airworthiness, Certification, SESAR, and Energy & Environment.


The Defence and security environment is evolving rapidly. Defence cuts are leading to greater cooperation on programmes. In addition, many wider EU policies such as Single European Sky or Radio Spectrum have major implications for the defence community. The overall objective of the restructuring is to ensure that the Agency is properly equipped to: anticipate and react to developments; improve its operational output; facilitate the prioritisation of tasks; and serve the needs, expectations and interests of Member States effectively and efficiently.


Cooperation Planning & Support

The Cooperation Planning & Support directorate will focus on the early identification of requirements at European level and the through-life aspect of capabilities. It will be responsible for capability planning through the Capability Development Plan and the Cooperative Programme Database; and Pooling & Sharing including the Code of Conduct. It will deal with Defence & Industry analysis to complement the identification and development of capability demands. The directorate will also be responsible for key enablers to support defence cooperation and enhance interoperability: military airworthiness, standardisation and certification, and education and training. In addition, it will support CSDP operations and EU Battlegroups at the request of Member States.


Capability, Armaments & Technology

The Capability, Armaments & Technology directorate will prepare the programmes of tomorrow by maximising synergies between capabilities, armaments and Research & Technology. The directorate will bring together the Agency’s work in the areas of: Information Superiority (Communication & Information Systems, Surveillance & Reconnaissance, Space, Cyber Defence); Air (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Air-to-Air Refuelling, airlift and aerial systems technologies); Land (Counter-IED, armoured systems, camp protection and land systems technologies); Maritime (Maritime Surveillance, Mine Counter Measures and naval systems technologies); and the Joint domain (mobility, transport, medical and Ammunition). Particular attention will be given to identifying future Critical Defence Technologies needed to support military capabilities.


European Synergies & Innovation

This directorate will act as an interface between defence ministries and wider EU policies that have implications for defence. Its main tasks will be to promote and support innovation through innovative research in the areas such as: Components, Radio-Frequency & Optical Sensors, Materials and Structures, Energy, and CBRN protection. It will develop synergies and greater complementarity with EU programmes such as Horizon 2020 and European Structural Funds. The directorate will also be the Agency’s focal point on Space Policy, on which it will have a close dialogue with the Commission and the European Space Agency. It will be responsible for Market & Industry policy, including SMEs, Security of Supply, the REACH regulation, market efficiency and global aspects of the defence market. The directorate will also deal with the military dimension of the Single European Sky, with a particular emphasis on the SESAR deployment phase, as well as the Agency’s activities in the areas of Green Energy.


More information:

Donwload here the new organogram of the Agency (as of 1 January 2014) (EDA Organogram_1 January 2014)

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