5 février 2014
01.02.2014 EUNAVFOR
Serbian Forces Maintain High Level of Readiness With Exercise On Board World Food Programme Aid Ship |
On Monday 13 January the Serbian Autonomous Vessel Protection Detachment (AVPD), which is currently operating as part of the European Union Naval Force providing close protection to the World Food Programme (WFP) aid ship, MV Caroline Scan, carried out a firing exercise on board. The exercise, which took place as MV Caroline Scan was enroute from Bossasso to Djibouti, having just delivered humanitarian aid to the Somali people, was a good opportunity for the Serbian protection forces to maintain their gunnery skills at peak levels and importantly, verify their firing accuracy.
EU Naval Force has a New Deputy Operation Commander |
On 17 January 2014, Rear Admiral Jean Martens (German Navy) handed over the role of Deputy Operation Commander (DCOM) of the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia – Operation Atalanta to Rear Admiral Bartolomé Bauzá (Spanish Navy). The handover took place at the Operation Headquarters (OHQ) in Northwood, London.
Spanish Air Forces Rotate Aircraft Crew In Djibouti |
The 33rd Spanish Air Forces Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) crew joins the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta. The 32nd and 33rd crew rotations performed their hand over in Djibouti on January 23rd.
EU Naval Force Frigate FGS Hessen Interacts With Local Fishermen off The Horn Of Africa |
Last week, German EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta warship, FGS Hessen spotted three Iranian flagged dhows stopped in the water in close proximity to each other. FGS Hessen called the dhows on the ship’s radio to ask if any assistance was needed. One of the masters of the dhows immediately invited the German sailors to go on board his vessel.