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Counter Piracy Newsletter - EU Naval Force Somalia


01.02.2014 EUNAVFOR


EU Naval Force Warship ITS Libeccio Conducts Training With The Tanzanian Navy And Visits A Local Orphanage During Port Visit To Dar Es Salaam

Italian frigate ITS Libeccio, which is currently participating in the EU Naval Force, countering piracy off the coast of Somalia, has completed a fruitful port visit to Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania.


Ukrainian Navy Warship Hetman Sagaidachniy Joins EU Naval Force Counter Piracy Operation Atalanta

On Friday 3 January 2014, Ukrainian frigate Hetman Sagaidachniy joined the European Union’s counter piracy Operation Atalanta. The warship will be part of the EU Naval Force off the coast of Somalia for two months.


EU Naval Force Flagship FS Siroco Visits Mayotte On The Day The Islands Became Part Of The European Union

On Wednesday 1 January, the European Union Naval Force flagship, FS Siroco, conducted a port visit to Mayotte in the Indian Ocean.


EU Naval Force Flagship FS Siroco Conducts Training with Tanzanian Navy During Port Visit to Dar Es Salaam

During their recent port visit to Dar Es Salaam, EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Flagship FS Siroco, conducted training with a team from the Tanzanian Marines.


EU Naval Force Warship FGS Hessen Gives Assistance to Stricken Seafarers in the Gulf of Aden

On Friday 10 January, EU Naval Force warship FGS Hessen gave assistance to a Yemeni Dhow that was adrift and suffering from technical problems off the coast of Yemen.


EU NAVFOR Force Commander Visits Tanzanian Military Authorities And Dar As Salaam Information Sharing Centre

During a recent visit of the EU Naval Force Flagship to Tanzania, the EU Force Commander, Rear Admiral Hervé Bléjean, visited members of the Tanzanian military and the Dar As Salaam Maritime Information Sharing Centre.


European Union and Seychelles Carry Out Counter-Piracy Exercise

On Friday 10 January, the Seychelles Coast Guard, Air Force and Police Force, together with the EU Naval Force Somalia – Operation Atalanta and EUCAP Nestor, carried out a counter-piracy exercise in the Seychelles.


Serbian Forces Maintain High Level of Readiness With Exercise On Board World Food Programme Aid Ship

On Monday 13 January the Serbian Autonomous Vessel Protection Detachment (AVPD), which is currently operating as part of the European Union Naval Force providing close protection to the World Food Programme (WFP) aid ship, MV Caroline Scan, carried out a firing exercise on board.   The exercise, which took place as MV Caroline Scan was enroute  from Bossasso to Djibouti, having just delivered humanitarian aid to the Somali people, was a good opportunity for the Serbian protection forces to maintain their gunnery skills at peak levels and importantly, verify their firing accuracy.


EU Naval Force Warship ESPS Tornado Strengthens Counter Piracy Cooperation with Republic of Korea During Port Visit to Salalah

On Tuesday 14 January 2014, the commanding officer of Spanish warship, ESPS Tornado, Lieutenant Commander Juan Belizon, welcomed on board  Captain Choi Sung-Mok, the commanding Officer of the Republic of Korea Ship (ROKS) Choi Young.  The Republic of Korea warship is currently part of the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), combating piracy off the Horn of Arica. The visit took place during a short logistics stop in Salalah.


EU Naval Force Flagship FS Siroco Ensures Safe Delivery Of EUCAP Nestor Vehicles To Mombasa

On Saturday 11 January 2014, EU Naval Force French flagship, FS Siroco conducted a transfer operation of two armoured vehicles to Mombasa.  The armoured vehicles belong to EUCAP Nestor and are due to be transfered in EUCAP Nestor Mogadishu office later.


EU Naval Force has a New Deputy Operation Commander

On 17 January 2014, Rear Admiral Jean Martens (German Navy) handed over the role of Deputy Operation Commander (DCOM) of the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia – Operation Atalanta to Rear Admiral Bartolomé Bauzá (Spanish Navy). The handover took place at the Operation Headquarters (OHQ) in Northwood, London.


EUCAP Nestor And EU Naval Force Conduct Firefighting Training With Djiboutian Navy And Coastguard

On 15 January in the port of Djibouti EUCAP Nestor and the EU Naval Force Warship FGS Hessen conducted firefighting training with members of the Djiboutian Navy and Coastguard.


First Pirate Attack In 2014 In The Gulf Of Aden Resulted In Apprehension Of Suspects By EU Naval Force

On Saturday 18 January 2014, the French EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta flagship FS Siroco in cooperation with Japanese assets released the crew of a Dhow that was suspected to have been used as pirate mother-ship. The flagship apprehended 5 suspected pirates believed to be responsible for an attack on an oil tanker in the Gulf of Aden a day earlier.


Media Visit On Board Ukrainian Frigate Hetman Sagaidachny

EU Naval Force frigate Hetman Sagaidachny and her crew began their second patrol in the Gulf of Aden after a short port visit and a media brief in Djibouti.


Three EU Naval Force Warships Meet At Sea With US Replenishment Ship

On Tuesday 21 January EU Naval Force warships, FS Siroco, FGS Hessen and ESPS Tornado rendezvoused at sea for a joint replenishment at sea (RAS) with the logistics American ship, USNS Joshua Humphreys from Task Force 53.


Spanish Air Forces Rotate Aircraft Crew In Djibouti

The 33rd Spanish Air Forces Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) crew joins the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta. The 32nd and 33rd crew rotations performed their hand over in Djibouti on January 23rd.


EU Naval Force Frigate FGS Hessen Interacts With Local Fishermen off The Horn Of Africa

Last week, German EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta warship, FGS Hessen spotted three Iranian flagged dhows stopped in the water in close proximity to each other. FGS Hessen called the dhows on the ship’s radio to ask if any assistance was needed. One of the masters of the dhows immediately invited the German sailors to go on board his vessel.


Ukrainian Frigate Hetman Sagaidachniy Continues Her Counter Piracy Patrols With Operation Atalanta In The Gulf Of Aden

The Ukrainian frigate, Hetman Sagaidachniy, is continuing her counter piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden and along the coast of Somalia as part of the EU Naval Force.


Suspect Pirates Apprehended by EU Naval Force Flagship Transferred To The Seychelles

On 29 January 2014, international collaboration in the fight against piracy resulted in the transfer of five men by the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta flagship, FS Siroco, to the Republic of Seychelles, with the aim of prosecuting them for acts of piracy.

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