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17 juin 2014 2 17 /06 /juin /2014 17:50
“Pooling and Sharing” on 56 pages


16 June EATC


Only few years after inauguration the EATC is already recognized as a European reference and enabler in air transport (AT). No wonder, because EATC is gathering experienced subject matter experts from all its participating nations within its premises at Eindhoven Air Base, guiding from here over 60 world-wide missions per day while relying on the commitment of our comrades working at all EATC assigned national airbases.

EATC’s first online issue is a wide-spread overview of what the organizations stands for.  The 2014’s issue contains

-    welcome words of Belgian Air Chief and the Commander EATC

-    the operational work EATC stands for

-    different functional achievements and involvements

-    EATC guided training/exercises 

-    EATC’s role in A400M employment

-    Presenting EATC competence in different military aviation matters

-    The upcoming accession of Spain

-    EATC involvement in world wide- and mission scenarios

-    Many facts and figures…


Find the first EATC online issue here.

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