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13 novembre 2014 4 13 /11 /novembre /2014 08:30
Ministers Hennis-Plasschaert and Asscher - photo DefensieNL

Ministers Hennis-Plasschaert and Asscher - photo DefensieNL


06-11-2014 Defensie NL


"I have immense respect for our Dutch military personnel and the contribution they are making to the international effort in the fight against ISIS. It is important work that is also in the interests of the Netherlands.", said Vice Prime Minister Lodewijk Asscher while visiting Air Task Force Middle East in Jordan. He, together with Minister of Defence Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert and Chief of Defence General Tom Middendorp, was informed about the military effort against the ISIS terrorist movement.


During their visit to the air base from where the Dutch F-16s operate, the ministers and the general talked to both pilots and ground crew members. The detachment commander gave a tour of the F-16s and explained the planning process and mode of operation of his unit.




The ministers and the Chief of Defence gave expression to their feelings of respect and  appreciation for the military personnel and their high-risk and important mission. "The response time available for deployment was short. There is great flexibility and professionalism among our people. I am deeply impressed", said Hennis. The delegation is to return to the Netherlands tonight.


Minister of Defence Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert and Chief of Defence General Tom Middendorp – photo DefensieNL

Minister of Defence Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert and Chief of Defence General Tom Middendorp – photo DefensieNL


Support for the mission


According to the first results of  a survey conducted by the Defence organisation, the Dutch population supports this mission in the fight against ISIS. 64% of those questioned declared to be "strongly in favour or mostly in favour" of the Dutch deployment; 67% indicated that they were "proud" of the Dutch contribution to the fight against ISIS, and 59% said they thought that the deployment of our F-16s "will contribute to security in Iraq".

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