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20 janvier 2015 2 20 /01 /janvier /2015 17:35
Islamic State jihadists moving in vehicles captured from the Iraqi army

Islamic State jihadists moving in vehicles captured from the Iraqi army


Jan 19, 2015, Times of India (PTI)


NEW DELHI: Britain has warned India about possible attack by ISIS and said all efforts must be taken to check activities of the Middle East terrorist group.

British officials have conveyed this to their Indian counterparts at the India-UK counterterrorism joint working group meeting held in London on January 15-16.

Officials said that during the meeting, India had asked Britain to impress upon Pakistan not to differentiate between "good" and "bad" terrorists in the wake of recent attack on a school in Peshawar and said that it must take a firm stand on why Pakistan had become a nursery of terrorists.


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