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16 mars 2015 1 16 /03 /mars /2015 12:55
Special Forces : doing it differently with the 3rd dimension (JDEF)

13 mars 2015 by JDEF


Regarding this unpublished issue, “Special forces : doing it differently with the 3rd dimension”, “Le journal de la Défense” (#JDef) followed the French Special Forces commandos’ training during 6 months.
We know neither their faces nor their names, and their missions are even kept secret. Nevertheless, they intervene at any time throughout the world.
Release of hostages, counter-piracy missions, war criminals’ arrest… The 3.300 members of the SOC, the French Special Operations Command, are part of all commitments, time to time in the most demanding conditions.
Whether they belong to the Army, the Air Force or the Navy, all Special Forces units have to master the 3rd dimension, which stands for a conducive environment to their interventions

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