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24 juillet 2015 5 24 /07 /juillet /2015 07:45
SAAF Oryx has nose wheel accident in DRC

SAAF Oryx has nose wheel accident in DRC


22 July 2015 by Dean Wingrin


No-one was injured when a South African Air Force (SAAF) Oryx helicopter suffered damaged to its' nose on Saturday July 18 while operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).


Unconfirmed reports state the helicopter, serial 1209 (UNO 827), was taxiing on the ground at Goma airport in the eastern DRC at 14h45 when the nose wheel hit a 5cm raised section of a resurfaced taxiway area. This caused the nose wheel to collapse, leaving the helicopter nose down on the apron.


The SAAF operates a number of Oryx medium-transport helicopters as part of an SANDF deployment in the DRC. South African elements are part of both the MONUSCO peacekeeping mission and the UN FIB (Force Intervention Brigade).


In May this year, another SAAF Oryx flying in the DRC was hit by small arms fire when flying the MONUSCO Force Commander on a routine visit to the Bunia area of operations when several shots from a small calibre weapon were fired at it from unidentified gunmen on the ground. One of the projectiles penetrated an internal fuel tank, causing a fuel leak. The aircraft commander took evasive action, flew out of the danger zone and diverted safely to Beni Mavivi Airport.


Picture via the Unofficial SAAF website

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