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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:20
photo Lockheed Martin

photo Lockheed Martin

12 oct. 2015 by Lockheed Martin


The U-2 Dragon Lady goes through Lockheed Martin Programmed Depot Maintenance (PDM) every 4,800 flight hours or every seven years. PDM involves the complete disassembly, inspection, repair and reassembly of the entire aircraft; ensuring its longevity and ability to fly at today's record-high operational rates. This thorough maintenance allows Lockheed Martin to collect data on airframe integrity, confirming that nearly 80 percent lifespan remains on the aircraft. The U-2 collects critical targets no other platform can, flying faster, deeper and with greater reliability compared to any high-altitude ISR aircraft since the SR-71.

Learn more: http://lockheedmartin.com/us/products...

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