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11 octobre 2015 7 11 /10 /octobre /2015 11:35
Russia will sign contract on Mi-35 deliveries to Afghanistan in October


Oct 9, 2015 By Dylan Vosman - defence-blog.com


Russia will sign contract on Mi-35 deliveries to Afghanistan in October. The Afghan government intends to buy Mi-35 attack helicopters from Russia in a bid to boost the capabilities of the Afghan Air Force. The Afghan Air Force received the first six Armed MD-530s last month with the NATO Train, Assist, Advise Command-Air and 438th Air Expeditionary Wing, saying that the armed MD-530s will increase the Afghan Air Force aerial fires capability. Armed Mi-17s and MD-530s give the Afghan Air Force six times the number of armed aircraft for Fighting Season 2015 as compared to last fighting season, which only employed five Mi-35s.

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