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28 octobre 2015 3 28 /10 /octobre /2015 17:30
photo USAF

photo USAF


October 23, 2015 defencetalk.com (AFP)


The US Air Force recently lost control of two armed Predator drones in separate incidents in Turkey and Iraq, a US military official said Wednesday.


The Predators were both carrying air-to-surface Hellfire missiles when they crashed, but these were safely recovered along with the aircraft. In the first case on October 17, a Predator crew reported a “lost link and subsequent crash while the Predator was flying southeast of Baghdad,” military spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said. Local Iraqi police recovered the drone in the vicinity of Al-Kut. They returned the aircraft to US control and there were no injuries, Warren said. Then on October 19, a different Predator “crashed” in southern Turkey, Warren said. Local media have said it came down in Hatay.


Read more: http://www. defencetalk.com /two-armed-us-predator-drones-crash-in-iraq-turkey-65677/

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