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7 novembre 2015 6 07 /11 /novembre /2015 20:50
Bad Aibling Station (22. Juli 2006)  photo Dr. Johannes W. Dietrich

Bad Aibling Station (22. Juli 2006) photo Dr. Johannes W. Dietrich

The BND's listening station in Bad Aibling, Bavaria: In addition to spying on friends, German intelligence also monitored Oxfam, Care International and the Red Cross.


November 07, 2015 Spiegel.de


Efforts to spy on friends and allies by Germany's foreign intelligence agency, the BND, were more extensive than previously reported. SPIEGEL has learned the agency monitored European and American government ministries and the Vatican.


Three weeks ago, news emerged that Germany's foreign intelligence service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), had systematically spied on friends and allies around the world. In many of those instances, the BND had been doing so of its own accord and not at the request of the NSA. The BND came under heavy criticism earlier this year after news emerged that it had assisted the NSA in spying on European institutions, companies and even Germans using dubious selector data.

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