22.10.2015 European Security and Defence College (ESDC)
The European Security and Defence College (ESDC), with its network institutions and Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC), has developed a programme of pre-deployment training for CSDP missions. The standardised curriculum has been approved by all EU Member States in the ESDC Steering Committee.
The pre-deployment training (PDT) is designed to harmonise the management culture of CSDP missions and to ensure that deployed personnel have the knowledge and skills necessary to be maximally operational.
The PDT includes, for example, modules on the operational principles of CSDP missions, mission management, CSDP guidelines on mentoring and advising, reporting, the CSDP Code of Conduct, gender mainstreaming, security sector reform (SSR) and coordination of different EU instruments in the field. Each participant will receive a mission-specific briefing from the relevant CPCC desk. The course includes eLearning, amounting to about 16 hours of study. This includes eHEST, completion of which is a pre-requisite for the course.
The course is open to civilian and police personnel from EU Member States and from CSDP missions. The course is also open to third countries which second personnel to CSDP missions. It is aimed primarily at personnel already selected for a CSDP mission.
Applications (standard CSDP mission application forms) are to be sent to
secretariat-esdc@eeas.europa.eu by seconding authorities or CSDP missions.
The training is organised on monthly basis. This arrangement makes it possible to deploy personnel to missions directly after the course.
Scheduled pre-deployment training courses:
Further information is available from secretariat-esdc@eeas.europa.eu and in Schoolmaster.