source European Defence Agency
News of the News
Great success for Pilot Project on defence research: EDA has received 21 submissions in response to the “Call for Proposals for the Pilot Project on defence research” coming from 20 countries, covering all the activities and involving a wide diversity of stakeholders such as large groups, Intermediate Size companies, SMEs, Research & technology organisations, academia. The objective is to award grant agreements for a total value of €1.4 million for two technological development projects and one R&D project. |
General Information |
EUGS: At the European Council on 28 June 2016, Federica Mogherini (Head of the Agency, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission) presented to the Heads of State and Governments the European Union Global Strategy (EUGS) on foreign and security policy. |
The 2015 version of the Common Military List of the European Union was published on 21st June 2016 in the Official Journal |
Support to Industry |
EDA ‘COSME platform’ is now online: If you are a defence-related Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) or a defence-related cluster, you might have access to EU COSME Programme opportunities. Seek your opportunities through the following link: |
EDSTAR: Two technical domain will start to be explored in September 2016: Range Interoperability and Blast Effects. Interested industries are invited to participate by registering to philippe.cambraye@eda.europa. |
EDA and Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) cooperation yields first concrete results: Joint efforts by EDA and the EEN to support dual-use SMEs led to a first concrete result when the Dutch SME IC3D Media, presented by EEN, was allowed to participate in the EDA’s R&T expert cell (CapTech) dedicated to ‘System of systems, Battlelab and Modelling & Simulation’. |
On 21 June, EDA gathered for the first time the newly selected SME Senior Advisers, Mr Francisco González Mené and Mr Dušan Švarc. Their role is to counsel EDA regarding future activities and identify new potential ideas and concrete initiatives in support of the defence-related SMEs. |
Outcome of EDA studies |
Read the Executive Summary of the short study on Industrial Analysis for opportunities derived from the collaborative database (CODABA) in the field of CBRN Individual Protection equipment. |
Your Opinion is interesting for EDA |
Market survey on Role 1 and/or 2 services: To inform various stakeholders, EDA launches a market survey to better understand the range of commercially available solutions, which could fulfil possible future requirements for Role 1 and/or 2 services for EU military operations and civilian missions. Do not hesitate to respond to the survey. |
Feedback from EDA meetings |
Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS): In June, for the first time, industry representatives attended a plenary meeting of the CF SEDSS in Dublin, aiming at building up a European Defence Energy Network. As their contributions were much appreciated, it is foreseen to invite industry representatives again for specific topics of the next plenary meeting in November 2016. Please find all relevant information on the EDEN website, including how to register for participating to the Consultation Forum and attend next meeting. |
More than 70 representatives from Member States, industry and EU institutions gathered on 28 June for the workshop “Opportunities for Dual-Use Technologies – Components” organised by the European Defence Agency, the European Commission, the ECSEL JU. Importance of cooperation between defence, space & civil research has been highlighted. |
Industry Network |
DSCN: Numbers of NDIAS participated to the Defence Supply Chain Network (DSCN) meeting in EDA on 27 June 2016 to discuss EDAP and PA. Following presentations from EC, EDA and industry representatives a lively debate followed to discuss the industrial views related to these two major initiatives. Interesting information was shared such as EDA informing industry on the Member States’ preferred topics for the Technology Demonstrator and Critical Defence Technologies types of projects of the PA that were forwarded to EC. All NDIAs are members of the permanent network and have received the presentations given on that day. |
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