15.09.2016 source EU Defence Agency
Outcome of EDA studies |
EDA has commissioned a study on “Support to the Implementation of the Supply Chain Action Plan” with the objectives: - to reach a common understanding of the European Defence Supply Chain, - to propose improvement of access to information & business opportunities, - to develop & implement the Defence Supply Chain Networks (DSCN) to reinforce the link between EDA and Industry, - to identify & analyse potential incentives & measures for suppliers to open their supply chains, - and to provide recommendations based on identification of best practices for funding mechanisms along the supply chain. The Executive Summary of the study is available on the EDA website. |
INEA CALL 2015 results in € 53.5 million for military SESAR projects: With the July approval by EU Member States, 14 military projects on SESAR deployment will receive a total of € 53.5 million in EU funding under the 2015’s call for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) published by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA-call). In its role of military coordinator for SESAR deployment, EDA had supported Member States to identify and prepare bids for this call. |
Tool of the Month |
All companies belonging to the National Defence Industries Associations (NDIAs) in Europe and ASD can be found in the ASD/NDIA catalogue which was a deliverable of “Support to the Implementation of the Supply Chain Action Plan” EDA study. This ASD/NDIA catalogue is now available on EDA website and be downloaded. |
Thinking of organising a B2B event? EDA has just published ToRs for B2B as another deliverable of the commissioned “Support to the Implementation of the Supply Chain Action Plan” study. Do not hesitate to upload it from the EDA website and use it. EDA welcome any feedback from your experience. |
General Information |
EDA Military Airworthiness Conference 2016: it is still time to register here to the MAWA conference which will be held on 5th and 6th October 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal. |
If you want to know more about what EDA does in regards to Operation Support, do not hesitate to read the updated dedicated Operations Support factsheet and browse in the CSO Platform. |
Hot Spot |
RPAS have been earmarked as one of four capability development priorities by the December 2013 European Council. EDA, which has been working on the RPAS thematic for the past 6 years and has divided its work in the field of RPAS into five main areas which are described in the attached factsheet. |
The DTEB Plenary Group will conduct the Test and Evaluation Community Days (TECD) Conference in Vienna from 25th to 27th April 2017. The Conference is hosted by the Austrian Armament and Defence Technology Agency (ARWT). Latest information and will be regularly updated on http://www.eda.europa.eu/what- |
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