Aug 10, 2011 ASDNews Source : BAE Systems PLC
BAE Systems Australia has selected Australian Aerospace Composites (AAC) for future manufacture of Dorsal Fins for the Evolved SeaSparrow Missile (ESSM).
AAC will join a number of other Australian industries involved in the ESSM program with production expected to continue to 2018 for the current model. A forthcoming Block II ESSM may require dorsal fin redesign effort by the two companies.
Australian involvement in the multi-nation ESSM program commenced in 1995 and has achieved over 300 million dollars in export sales. ESSM serves on over 200 NATO and Australian warships.
BAE Systems Australia, as the design authority for Dorsal Fins, Aerodynamic Control Fins and Thrust Vector Controllers, is the principal Australian partner for the Raytheon Missile Systems led ESSM program. BAE Systems Australia also developed the algorithms for the missile guidance during the first phase of flight and was instrumental in development of the enhanced home-all-the-way guidance mode, which provides a local area defence capability by the missile.
The Dorsal Fins will be manufactured at the AAC Brisbane facility.