01.12.2012 EU Naval Force
We’ve updated the monthly incident report. Please note, that whilst piracy has significantly reduced in 2012, there is still a real threat of piracy in the Indian Ocean and we encourage all ships transiting the High Risk Area to not become complacent and to ‘hold the line’.
Please note, we have also updated our website and you can now read the following articles (see below), as well as the webpage “Mission” and “MSCHOA” in Somali.
- Spanish Navy Takes Custody Of Suspected Somali PiratesEU
- Naval Force Warship ESPS Relampago Escorts World Food Programme Merchant Vessel
- EU Naval Force Meets With EUCAP Nestor In Djibouti
- EU Naval Force Meets Somali Fishing Representatives and Elders on ITS San Giusto
In mid-December we will be launching a new look to our website – it will still provide you with lots of facts about EU Naval Force and provide regular updates on our counter piracy mission – Operation Atalanta.
Articles published in November
EU Naval Force Meets Somali Fishing Representatives and Elders on ITS San Giusto
On Tuesday 27 November 2012, the Force Commander of the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia – Operation Atalanta, Rear Admiral Enrico Credendino, met with local Somali fishing representatives, clan elders of coastal communities and local authorities on board the EU NAVFOR flagship, ITS San Giusto, off the north-eastern coast of Somalia, near Hurdyo.
Full Story here
EU Naval Force Warship FS Dupleix Provides Assistance to Yemeni Dhow
During the night on 21 November, French warship FS Dupleix, operating as part of the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) – Operation Atalanta, was patrolling along the northern coast of Somalia, when she was directed by the EU NAVFOR flagship to provide assistance to a Yemeni dhow – ‘Al Fahad’. The dhow had suffered engine failure and was drifting in a busy shipping lane in the waters of the Gulf of Aden.
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EU Naval Force and Combined Task Force 151 Work Together to Ensure No Safe Haven for Pirates In Indian Ocean
Earlier today, Romanian frigate ROS Regele Ferdinand, under command of the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) worked in close co-operation with Turkish warship TCG Gemlik of Combined Task Force 151 (CTF-151) to apprehended nine suspected pirates at sea off the coast of Somalia.
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EU Naval Force Frigate ROS Regele Ferdinand Conducts Training With Tanzanian Sailors in Dar Es Salaam
During a port visit to Dar Es Salaam 12 – 13 November, Romanian frigate ROS Regele Ferdinand, operating as part of EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia – Operation Atalanta, trained with sailors from the Tanzanian Navy.
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Romanian Frigate ROS Regele Ferdinand Visits Tanzania and Looks Back on Three Weeks of Continuous Counter Piracy Patrols With EU Naval Force
On Sunday 11 November 2012, EU Naval Force warship, ROS Regele Ferdinand,entered the port of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, following a busy three weeks at sea. The purpose of the Romanian frigate’s port visit was threefold: to conduct routine maintenance on the ship’s equipment, to provide training to Tanzanian sailors and to enhance strong diplomatic ties in the region.
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EU Naval Force Warship ESPS Relampago Visits Seychelles Coast Guard
On 8 November 2012, the Commanding Officer of the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) warship, ESPS Relampago, paid a visit to the Commander-in-Chief of the Seychelles Coastguard. The aim of the visit was to promote EU NAVFOR’s presence and support, in fighting piracy in close co-ordination with the Seychellois authorities.
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EU Naval Force and NATO Counter Piracy Commanders Meet At Sea
On 10 November, EU NAVFOR Force Commander, Rear Admiral Enrico Credendino, met with the Commander of NATO’s Operation Ocean Shield, Rear Admiral Ben Bekkering, on board the NATO flagship, HNLMS Rotterdam.
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European Union Naval Force Commander Reminds Yacht and Leisure Craft Owners That Piracy Still a Clear and Present Danger in Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean
Rear Admiral Potts who is the operation commander of the European Union’s counter piracy mission (EU NAVFOR) off the coast of Somalia today reminded the yachting and leisure craft community that whilst pirate attacks have reduced off the Horn of Africa over the past year, the threat of piracy remains and owners should continue to avoid transiting the High Risk Area – the southern Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and the Western part of the Indian Ocean.
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EU Naval Force Meets The Commander Of Chinese Counter-Piracy Task Force
On 2 November 2012 Rear Admiral Enrico Credendino – the Force Commander of the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia – Operation Atalanta, met Rear Admiral Zhou Xuming, the Force Commander of the Chinese counter-piracy task force on board the Chinese flagship, PLA Yiyang which is currently deployed in the Gulf of Aden.
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EU Naval Force Meets With EUCAP Nestor In Djibouti
On 31 October, the Force Commander of the EU Naval Force Somalia – Operation Atalanta (EU NAVFOR), Rear Admiral Enrico Credendino, met Jacques Launay, Head of EUCAP Nestor, the European Union mission on Regional Maritime Capacity Building in the Horn of Africa.
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