Brussels | Apr 09, 2013 European Defence Agency
The EDA in partnership with Rotary Wing Operational Evaluation and Training Unit (RWOETU) from the UK and the Swedish Armed Forces, has developed a European Helicopter Tactics Instructors Course (EHTIC) as a sub-project to the EDA Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP). The aim is to develop a common train-the-trainer capacity to assist in future harmonisation and interoperability.
The first EHTIC started on 8 Apr 2013 at RAF Linton and it is executed in two parts. The first part consists of a two weeks ground phase of classroom theory and a one week simulator phase to be conducted in the EDA purpose built facility in RAF Linton-on-Ouse. The second part will be a flying phase with the duration of three weeks, conducted at FMV Test Range, Vidsel, Sweden. The total of thirteen students (instructor-pilots) from Germany and Sweden will go through intensive theoretical, synthetic and practical training led by 14 RAF Qualified helicopter instructor pilots with the aim to give selected European helicopter aircrew tactical depth and expertise leading to an enhanced awareness of helicopter tactics and employment, and multi-national integration. The EHTIC is also attended by the observers from Austria, Hungary, Sweden, Estonia, Germany, United Kingdom and United States. The course graduation is scheduled for 24 May 2013.
The EHTIC is designed to provide pMS with an opportunity to train standardised helicopter tactics instructors, acting as multipliers and mentors not only in their home units, but as well interacting with the EDA HEP and the Helicopter Tactics Course (HTC). These instructors will provide an significant contribution to an increasing interoperability and a better understanding between European helicopter crews and will form a cadre of European Helicopter Tactics Instructors.
- More information on the Agency's helicopter initiatives can be found here.