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(Photo: Insitu)


September 14, 2011 Strategy Analytics – defpro.com


India and China on the Horizon


BOSTON | While the success of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is leading to an expanding number of fielded platforms, there are a number of platforms that dominate mindshare in the marketplace. The Strategy Analytics Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) service report, “Overview of the Global UAV Platform Landscape” (http://goo.gl/OwpvE), outlines the major platforms in operation on a global level as well as the key companies involved in both the manufacture of UAVs and their subsystems.


The growing number of fielded platforms can be roughly categorized in terms of size, weight and endurance parameters, leading to broadly five main categories:

• Micro Air Vehicles

• Mini UAVs

• Tactical UAVs

• Medium Altitude / Long Endurance (MALE) UAVs and;

• High Altitude / Long Endurance (HALE) UAVs


While the initial mission statement for UAVs focused on intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), weaponization of UAV platforms is also leading to the next stage of development for UAVs in the form of Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs).


“Despite military budget pressures, Strategy Analytics forecasts continued growth in US defense expenditure for UAV platforms. This will also ensure that US-based UAV manufacturers remain at the forefront of UAV development and deployment,” noted Asif Anwar at Strategy Analytics. “Israeli-based platforms are also leading the field and demonstrating considerable success in international markets.”


“European-based platforms have struggled to capture the same mindshare enjoyed by US and Israeli platforms, however, there are continuing efforts to bridge gaps with a strong emphasis on developing UCAV platforms,” commented Eric Higham, ADS Service Director, North America. “Other nations are also getting involved with countries like China and India developing indigenous capabilities that extend across the full range of platform categories.”


Major UAV platforms across the various categories include:

• Boeing/Insitu ScanEagle

• Elbit Hermes 450

• General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper

• Northrop Grumman Global Hawk (RQ-4A)

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