19 October 2011 Thales
Thales has successfully deployed BDSP (Base de Données de Sécurité Publique – Public Security Database), the command and information system for the Gendarmerie Nationale for conducting operations and processing operational information. In concrete terms this means that Thales, via BDSP, is able to unify and modernise the operations management and operational information applications over the entire national territory, including French overseas departments and territories.
This success demonstrates the capacity of Thales to provide responses suited to the evolving challenges and duties with which the security forces are faced. This further reinforces Thales's leadership credentials in the field of critical information systems for security forces.
BDSP allows gendarmes, from command centre level through to the units on patrol, to access summaries of all available information associated with a mission or intervention. In this way, gendarmes can get all the information they need for executing their duties, securing intervention zones and optimising the resources deployed.
Thanks to Thales's BDSP solution, access to enriched information is possible both nationally and locally. Ultimately, this will lead to some 60,000 gendarmes on over 4300 sites permanently using and feeding data into a central database equipped with a semantic search engine and extremely high-performance operational intelligence analysis and exploitation tools.
"BDSP is a highly efficient system capable of summarising a large quantity of information andmaking it available in real time to gendarmes in order to facilitate the running of operationson the ground," explains Pascale Sourisse, Senior Vice President, Defence and Security C4I Systems, Thales. "We are very proud to make available to the Gendarmerie Nationale all of Thales's expertise in order to help them in their daily duties."