3 juin 2013
The NRP Alvares Cabral (front), sailing with the FS Georges Leygues (centre) and the FS Tonnerre (rear)
03.06..2013 EUNAVFOR
Counter Piracy Commander Warns Of Continuing Threat As EU Naval Force Warship Once Again Denies Suspect Pirates Freedom Of The Seas |
The Operation Commander of the EU Naval Force, Rear Admiral Bob Tarrant, has issued a renewed warning that Somali pirates are still determined to get out to sea and, if presented with an easy target, will attack. “I am very concerned that seafarers and nations will lower their guard and support for counter piracy operations in the belief that the piracy threat is over. It is not; it is merely contained. We should remember that at its height in January 2011, 32 ships were pirated by Somali pirates and 736 hostages were held. It is crucial that we remain vigilant or the number of attacks will once again rise.”
European Union Welcomes Somali Defence Minister and Delegation to EU Naval Force Operational HQ in London |
Earlier today the Somali Defence Minister and members of the Somali Cabinet visited the EU Naval Force Operation Headquarters in London. In view of the EU’s comprehensive approach to Somalia and its reinforced partnership with the country, the meeting was attended by the EU Naval Force Operation Commander, the Head of Mission of EUCAP Nestor , the Chief of Staff of the EU Training Mission Somalia , as well as representatives of the European External Action Service, the EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa and EU Special Envoy to Somalia.
EU Naval Force Warship HSwMS Carlskrona Conducts Medical Evacuation |
Earlier this week HSwMS Carlskrona was contacted by the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Force Commander on board the flagship of the operation the Portuguese warship NRP Álvares Cabral. A member of the ships company of the British Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) replenishment ship Fort Victoria, had suffered urgent and severe abdominal pains, necessitating an immediate medical evacuation.
EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia - Operation Atalanta is part of the EU's comprehensive approach to tackle symptoms and root causes of piracy off the coast of Somalia and the EU Strategic Framework for the Horn of Africa adopted in November 2011.
EU NAVFOR conducts anti-piracy operations off the coast of Somalia and the Indian Ocean and is responsible for the protection of World Food Programme (WFP) shipping carrying humanitarian aid to the people of Somalia and Horn of Africa as well as the logistic shippings supporting the African Union troops conducting Peace Support Operations in Somalia (AMISOM). Additionally, Operation Atalanta contributes to the monitoring of fishing activity off the coast of Somalia.
For more information, please visit our website www.eunavfor.eu.