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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 12:50
European Defence Agency Launches Defence Procurement Gateway
Brussels | Jun 28, 2013 European Defence Agency

The European Defence Agency today officially launched a new section on its website dedicated to defence related business opportunities and information. This new “Defence Procurement Gateway” will allow European governments, industry and academia to easily access information related to defence procurement at EU and national levels.


“The Defence Procurement Gateway is a user-friendly tool designed to increase awareness and visibility of defence business opportunities and information. This is not a complex new system. We simply feed available information from a number of open sources into one tool”, said Peter Scaruppe, Director Industry & Market at the European Defence Agency.

Aimed at enhancing transparency in the European Defence Equipment Market, the web-based tool offers unique access to a comprehensive set of European defence procurement information and business opportunities.

The gateway provides information on defence procurement opportunities published at EU level through Tenders Electronic Daily, the online version of the Supplement to the European Official Journal dedicated to European public procurement, as well as other defence contract opportunities published at national level or by European organisations and agencies such as the EDA. Specifically for governments the gateway contains such functions as the new EDA e-QUIP portal and CODABA.

In addition, it brings together in one single place all relevant EU Regulations (e.g. directives and specific guidance notes published by the European Commission), court and infringement cases, EDA Codes of Conduct, EDA Procurement Rules & Regulations, specific EDA portals (i.e. EDSIS, REACh, Security of Supply), national directories (including access to national procurement policy related websites), industry directories (containing also information on defence industry associations at EU and national level) as well as information on relevant training and conferences.

The Defence Procurement Gateway will additionally include an industry directory (“Yellow Pages” section) serving as a platform for European defence industry to market its knowledge and expertise in the defence domain. So far, about 80 companies have registered to be listed in this section. More registrations are expected after its launch.

The Defence Procurement Gateway is accessible through the EDA website (www.eda.europa.eu/procurement-gateway) with many of its features being publicly available. The tool will be constantly updated and monitored by the Agency. 


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