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17 septembre 2013 2 17 /09 /septembre /2013 07:55
Nexter shows off new 6 x 6 armoured vehicle, TITUS

09/16/2013  Defence IQ Press


There’s a new 6 x 6 wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) on the market after Nexter, the French vehicle manufacturer, took the covers off its Tactical Infantry Transport and Utility System (TITUS) at DSEI last week.


In terms of armaments TITUS can be equipped with any kind of Remote Control Weapon Station from 7.62mm to 20mm, and 40mm Grenade Launchers as well, depending on the level of threats and type of missions.


photo Armée de Terre

photo Armée de Terre

The company’s VBCI has been one of the most sought after vehicles for the last few years and Nexter will have similar high hopes for this latest variant.

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