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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 07:15

US Navy takes wraps off MRMUAS competition details
source sitelife.aviationweek.com 08/09/11 By Stephen Trimble SOURCE:Flight International The US Navy has outlined the details of a 15-month competition to start later this month to select an unmanned helicopter that could be purchased in the hundreds...
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 07:10

Venezuela Flying Russian Stealth Jets?
11.09.2011 DEFENSETECH Last week we wrote quite a bit about China’s J-20 stealth fighter, asking you what you think the plane will be used for and how effective it will be against other fifth-gen fighters. Another question that comes to mind is; how would...
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Published by RP Defense - dans South & Latin America
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 07:05

North Korea Jammed a U.S. Spy Plane’s GPS
09.09.2011 DEFENSETECH Well now, it looks like North Korea has found a new way of provoking the U.S. and its South Korean allies — GPS jamming. A U.S. Army RC-7B Crazy Hawk reconnaissance plane was forced to make an emergency landing last March after...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 07:00

The U.S.’ Post 9/11 Weapons Tech
09.09.2011 DEFENSETECH Being part of Military .com, it wouldn’t be right if we here at DT didn’t do something to recognize the ten-year anniversary of 9/11. We figured we’d list off some of the most significant advances in weaponry that have occurred...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America USA Defence Défense UAV MRAP V-22 LCS F-22 Industry
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 06:55

Photo of the day: J-11BH (China Defense Blog)
22nd Fighter Regiment, 8th PLA Navy Fighter Division. 10.09.2011 by Coatepeque - China Defense Blog
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 06:50

BEL signs up to supply 46 coastal radars
source trishul-trident.blogspot.com September 11, 2011 By Saurabh Joshi STRATPOST Indian defense Public Sector Unit, Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) signed a contract last week to supply 46 radars to enhance coastal security. The order, worth around...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 06:45

REX, a Robotic Mule from IAI
REX, a Robotic K9 from IAI is designed to offload the warfighter from excessive loads carried on dismounted missions. It is trained to follow simple commands, like a trained dog and follow the team's advanced tracking 'virtual bread crumbs' left behind...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 06:40

Ukraine says ready to loan naval pilot training facilities to Russia
Ukrainian Defense Minister Mykhaylo Yezhel KIEV, September 10 (RIA Novosti) The Ukrainian Defense Ministry is willing to loan Russia facilities on Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula for naval pilot training, Defense Minister Mykhailo Yezhel said. In line with...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 06:35

UAVs 'could end Israel-Turkey rift'
An Israeli Air Force soldier looks at an Israeli made unmanned aerial vehicle, the Heron TP, at the drone's induction ceremony into the Israeli Air Force at the Tel Nof Air Force Base, February 21, 2010. The large drone is built by the Israel Aerospace...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 06:30

Russian army to start receiving new-generation tanks in 2014
T-90 during a military exercise MOSCOW, September 10 (RIA Novosti) The Russian military is planning to carry out a large-scale rearmament of its armored units with new-generation main battle tanks (MBT) in 2014-2020, the Defense Ministry said on Saturday....
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 06:25

Russian Military Helos Spar For Orders
Sep 10, 2011 By Maxim Pyadushkin - aerospace daily and defense report MOSCOW — The rivalry continues between Russia’s two new combat helicopters — the Mil Mi-28 and Kamov Ka-52 — for dominance of the domestic market. Russian Helicopters, the holding company...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 06:20

Navy Starts Building Second Virginia Of Year
Photo: US Navy Sep 9, 2011 By Michael Fabey - aerospace daily and defense report The Electric Boat unit of General Dynamics this week started building the yet-unnamed SSS-787 Virginia-class attack submarine — the 13th vessel of the class and the second...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 06:15

Russia Sees 1,000 T-50 Sales
Photo: Sukhoi Sep 9, 2011 By Robert Wall - aerospace daily and defense report LONDON — Russia is projecting it may sell as many as 1,000 T-50 fighter aircraft in the coming decades. In addition to sales to the two countries already signed on to the program,...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 06:10

Embraer KC-390 : D’autres fournisseurs dévoilés
Embraer KC-390 – photo Embraer 10 septembre 2011 par Nicolas Perron Aeroweb-fr.net Le constructeur brésilien Embraer a annoncé le nom de trois autres fournisseurs importants pour son nouvel appareil de transport et ravitaillement militaire, le KC-390....
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Published by RP Defense - dans South & Latin America
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 06:00

New Zealand set for closer defence ties with Timor-Leste
September 9, 2011 Ministry of Defence (New Zealand) – defpro.com Today marked a new step in the defence relationship between New Zealand and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, said Defence Minister Wayne Mapp after the two countries signed a bilateral...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 05:55

New rocket launch detection system unveiled by IAI
EL/M 2084 Multi Mission Radar. (Photo: IAI) September 9, 2011 Avihai Chiim / Israel Defense Forces (IDF) – defpro.com Othello system will allow IDF to respond immediately to rocket fire This week, Israel Aerospace Industries unveiled the Othello system,...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 05:50

Embraer Takes 25 Percent Share of Brazil's AEL
source opex360.com 11 Sep 2011 By ANDREW CHUTER DefenseNews Embraer has increased its hold in the Brazilian defense sector by taking a 25 percent stake in AEL, the Elbit Systems local operation as part of a deal for the two companies to collaborate on...
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Published by RP Defense - dans South & Latin America
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 05:45

Turkey Asks U.S. to Base Predators There: Report
Turkey has requested that the U.S. base Predator drones there to operate against Kurdish separatists based in northern Iraq, the Washington Post reported. (Air Force) 11 Sep 2011 DefenseNews AFP WASHINGTON - The United States is considering are request...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 05:40

Philippine Air Force in Bad Shape: Spokesman
photo Timawa 10 Sep 2011 DefenseNews AFP MANILA - More than three-quarters of Philippine military aircraft are not fit to fly - hampering the country's ability to protect its airspace and territorial waters, the air force said on Sept. 10. Air force spokesman...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 05:35

Coopération franco-britannique: it's a long way....
11.09.2011 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense L'accord franco-britannique de coopération en matière de défense signé le 2 novembre 2010 n'en finit pas de me faire sourire (au risque que Gérard Longuet m'accuse de « dénigrement »). Les Britanniques ont...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Europe
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 05:30

Libye : Le Tonnerre part relever le Mistral
Le BPC Mistral avec les hélicoptères du groupe aéromobile crédits : EMA 12/09/2011 MER et MARINE Le bâtiment de projection et de commandement Tonnerre a appareillé de Toulon la semaine dernière pour relever son sistership, le Mistral, au large de la Libye....
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Published by RP Defense - dans Africa & Maghreb Libya Libye Harmattan Unified Protector BPC Marine Nationale Navy
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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 05:30

Minsk se procurera des S-400 russes
ASTRAKHAN, 11 septembre - RIA Novosti La Biélorussie envisage d'acquérir le nouveau système de missiles sol-air russes S-400 Triumph, a annoncé samedi aux journalistes le commandant en chef des forces aériennes et de la défense aérienne de Biélorussie,...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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11 septembre 2011 7 11 /09 /septembre /2011 22:49

by Galrahn - informationdissemination.net
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11 septembre 2011 7 11 /09 /septembre /2011 22:00

Putin sees Russia’s ‘flying tank’ make its debut
09 September, 2011, RT.com Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (center) observing T-90AM tank while visiting the 8th International Exhibition of Armament, Military Equipment and Ammunition "Nizhny Tagil 2011" on the premises of the Nizhny Tagil Institute of...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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11 septembre 2011 7 11 /09 /septembre /2011 21:30

France's Nexter Joins Canada CCV Competition
photo Armée de Terre 9 Sep 2011 By PIERRE TRAN DefenseNews PARIS - French land systems company Nexter filed its bid for Canada's Close Combat Vehicle (CCV) competition at the end of August, said Mike Duckworth, the firm's international affairs director....
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Published by RP Defense - dans France
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