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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 16:40

Australia Joins with Japan for First Bilateral Air Combat Training
July 26, 2011 defense-aerospace.com (Source: Australian Department of Defense; issued July 26, 2011) The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has successfully completed bilateral flying operations with the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) for the first...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 16:35

Russian, US military will counter a mock terrorist attack in joint exercises
The Russian and US militaries will exchange tactical and technical experiencein providing security for nuclear materials 26 July, 2011, RT.com Moscow and Washington will hold joint nuclear security exercises in early August to train in measures for the...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 16:30

PLA Navy's Ka-31 in busy flying training for Varyag Sea Trial
2011-07-26 (China Military News from China-defense-mashup) In 2010, PLAN acquired at least total of 9 Ka-31 Airborne early warning helicopters. These helicopters are expected to be stationed onboard the Russian Yaryag and indigeneous aircraft carriers...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific China Chine Defence Défense Ka-31 aircraft carrier Varyag Industry Industrie
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 12:35

GD Awarded $24 M to Renovate and Modernize USS Harpers Ferry
Jul 26, 2011 ASDNews Source : General Dynamics Corporation San Diego - The U.S. Navy awarded General Dynamics NASSCO $24.4 million in contract modifications to support an extensive renovation and modernization of the USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49), including...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 12:30

New U.S. 60mm Mortar
photo Adrian Muehe July 26, 2011: STRATEGY PAGE U.S. Army troops have finally begun receiving the new M224 lightweight 60mm mortar. Weighing 16.1-21.1 kg (35.4-47 pounds), the new weapon is a much awaited improvement on older models. For ease of carrying...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 12:05

Stealth Fighter or Bomber?
July 26, 2011 By David Axe - the-diplomat.com/flashpoints-blog A photo from a Chinese aerospace exhibit, posted on an Internet forum, provides the first new evidence in more than six months regarding the role and capabilities of China’s first stealth...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 12:00

U.S. Base In Bahrain In Danger
source sldinfo.com July 26, 2011: STRATEGY PAGE The United States is quietly looking for another country, on the west coast of the Persian Gulf, to host an American naval base. This is because months of political unrest in Bahrain has put the American...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 11:55

Assaulting Australia
July 25, 2011: STRATEGY PAGE SHOALWATER BAY TRAINING AREA, Australia – Several landing craft air cushioned (LCAC) from USS Germantown, head to the shores of Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia, July 19, 2011 during a U.S. Marines amphibious...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 11:50

Israel Gets A Guilt Discount On Sixth Dolphin
July 26, 2011: STRATEGY PAGE Germany has agreed to pay 20 percent of the cost of a sixth Dolphin class submarine for Israel, which was ordered earlier this year. Two more are under construction, and will arrive in the next two years. The sixth one should...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 11:45

Cobham wins USAF KC-46 tanker engineering subcontracts
July 26, 2011 SHEPARD GROUP Source: Cobham Cobham has been awarded two subcontracts by Boeing related to the hose and drogue aerial refuelling system that will be used by the US Air Force's new KC-46 tanker aircraft. The contracts, valued in excess of...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 11:40

Vehicle Simulators to Help Train Our Soldiers (Australia)
Jul 26, 2011 ASDNews Source : MoD Australia Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced that Defence has signed a contract worth $25 million with Thales Australia to deliver nine additional vehicle training simulators for Australian Army...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 11:35

Acoustic Shooter Locating System Now Ready for Market
Jul 26, 2011 ASDNews Source : Rheinmetall AG In international peacekeeping and peace enforcement operations, asymmetric threats pose the principal danger to the Bundeswehr and its allies. Security sweeps by mobile elements and the need to protect convoys...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 11:30

Rockwell Collins awarded KC-10 CNS/ATM cockpit contract
July 26, 2011 SHEPARD GROUP Source: Rockwell Collins The US Air Force has awarded Rockwell Collins a contract to provide systems integration and avionics for the KC-10 Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) Cockpit Modernization...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 07:57

Afghanistan: quelles évolutions du dispositif français?
26.07.2011 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense Les missions et moyens de la brigade La Fayette, actuellement déployée dans l'est de l'Afghanistan, dans la vallée de Tagab, vont-ils être infléchis, suite à la visite éclair du chef d'état-major de l'armée...
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Published by RP Defense - dans France
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 07:55

Textron Systems’ CUSV excels during SUMMIT
source unmanned.co.uk July 26, 2011 SHEPARD GROUP Source: Textron Textron Systems Advanced Systems, an operating unit of Textron Systems, a Textron Inc. company, announced today that its Common Unmanned Surface Vessel (CUSV) successfully completed the...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 07:55

Biggest deal: IAF may buy 189 jets for $20bn
IAF is likely to add 63 fighters after delivery of 126 in first lot. Jul 26, 2011 Rajat Pandit, TNN, THE TIMES OF INDIA NEW DELHI: The "mother" could well become the "granny" of all defence deals in the years ahead. India is likely to go in for another...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 07:50

China to announce its Aircraft Carrier Project on this Wednesday
source china-defense-mashup.com 2011-07-25 (China Military News from China-defense-mashup) Some resources indicate that China will announce its Aircraft Project on the Chinese Defense Ministry's regular press conference, which to be held on July 27, the...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 07:45

NATO warns Turkey against buying Chinese, Russian air defense systems
A strategic missile Topol-M makes an impressive entry into Red Square during the Victory Day parade in Moscow, Russia 09 May 2011 July 25, 2011 Ümit Enginsoy - Hürriyet Daily News ANKARA- NATO may avoid sharing ballistic missiles intelligence with Turkey...
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Published by RP Defense - dans NATO - OTAN
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 07:40

Communications & Power Industries Awarded $15 Million Contract to Support Aegis Weapons System
The AN/SPY-1 radar antennas are the light grey octagonal panels on the front and starboard side of the superstructure of USS Lake Erie (CG-70). - photo US Navy PALO ALTO, Calif., July 25, 2011 /PRNewswire The Econco Division of Communications & Power...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 07:35

Malaysia defence chief prefers Eurofighter
26/07/11 By Greg Waldron SOURCE:Flight International Malaysia has named the Eurofighter Typhoon as the best option for its long-running fighter requirement. "The Eurofighter is admittedly the best fighter jet and, as it is expensive, we need to evaluate...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 07:30

Russia, U.S. to hold nuclear security drills in August
WASHINGTON, July 26 (RIA Novosti) Russia and the United States will hold joint nuclear security drills within the framework of the bilateral military cooperation committee, the U.S. Department of State said. The event, headlined Crimson Rider, will take...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 06:10

U.S. Navy Gets a New LCS Program Chief
25 Jul 2011 By CHRISTOPHER P. CAVAS DefenseNews The U.S. Navy's effort to develop and field the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) got more focused after the July 11 establishment of a single program executive office that combined ship and mission module development...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 06:05

Vice Chief Nominee Hints At Program Cuts Ahead
U.S. Navy F-18 Jul 23, 2011 By Jen DiMascio AviationWeek.com As large cuts to the U.S. defense budget are picking up an air of inevitability, more program kills are probably on their way, the military’s likely next second-in-command told senators July...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 06:00

BAE Systems Increases Production of Visibility Sensors for U.S. Army and Marine Corps Vehicles
DVE-FOS provides enhanced driving visibility and situational awareness 25 Jul 2011 | Ref. 134/2011 BAE Systems AUSTIN, Texas — BAE Systems was awarded another task order to produce the Driver’s Vision Enhancer Family of Systems (DVE-FOS), a system of...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 05:55

Ratification de l'accord de Défense et Sécurité de la région des Grands Lacs
25/07/11 ANGOP Luanda – L’éventuelle ratification de ‘‘l’accord de Défense et Sécurité de la région des Grands Lacs’’ par l’Angola a été l'un des principaux sujets abordés lundi, à Luanda, par le ministre angolais des Relations Extérieures, Georges Chikoti,...
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