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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 05:50

Premier plan de manœuvres pour les forces armées arméniennes et américaines
25 juillet 2011, par Marion @armenews.com Le ministère de la Défense arménien a annoncé vendredi que les Etats-Unis et l’Arménie ont provisoirement convenu de procéder aux premiers exercices militaires qui mettront en évidence leur rapprochement en matière...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 05:45

Embraer choisit le V2500 d’IAE pour motoriser son KC-390
source Embraer 25/07/2011 par Romain Guillot AEROCONTACT Embraer Defense & Security et la FAB (Forces Aériennes Brésiliennes) ont conjointement annoncé que le futur KC-390 serait motorisé par une nouvelle version du V2500 d’IAE (International Aero Engine),...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 05:40

Toxins Grounded F-22s: Sources
The U.S. Air Force's fleet of F-22 Raptor fighters have been grounded because of toxins entering the cockpit, sources say. (U.S. Air Force) 25 Jul 2011By DAVE MAJUMDAR DefenseNews The U.S. Air Force's fleet of F-22 Raptor fighters has been grounded since...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 05:35

Naval Tactical Laser Energy System Development
25/07/2011 by Armed Forces International's Defence Correspondent Defence/aerospace giants Boeing and BAE Systems are set to work together to produce new maritime laser energy technology. The two firms will collaborate on the Mk 38 Mod 2 Tactical Laser...
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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 05:30

Russia enters S. Korean tender with 5th-generation fighter
MOSCOW, July 25 (RIA Novosti) Russia's Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA fifth-generation fighter has been placed on a short list of a South Korean tender for the delivery of advanced fighter jets, a Russian arms industry think-tank said on Monday. Korea is seeking...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 20:05

Russia plans modernization of Soviet-era missile defense base in Azerbaijan
The radar station in Gabala, Azerbaijan - source rt.com 25 July, 2011, RT.com Moscow wants to extend the lease on the Gabala radar station and modernize the Daryal information and analytical center. Russia has prepared proposals to Azerbaijan’s leadership...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 20:00

Un U-2 américain est pris en chasse par des Su-27 chinois
25 juillet 2011 par Édouard Maire – INFO-AVIATION Des Su-27 des forces aériennes chinoises ont franchi la ligne médiane dans le détroit de Taïwan le 29 juin alors qu’ils pourchassaient un avion espion U-2 américain qui effectuait une mission de surveillance...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 18:10

BAE Systems Awarded $53 Million From U.S. Marine Corps for MRAP Work
source army-guide.com 25.07.2011 BAE Systems army-guide.com ARLINGTON, Virginia -- BAE Systems received multiple awards from the U.S. Marine Corps totalling more than $53 million for five separate delivery orders to provide upgrades for RG 33 Mine Resistant...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 18:05

Revived Argentina aerospace firm delivers first project
photo Francisco Infante 25/07/11 By Stephen Trimble SOURCE:Flight International One year after its revival, Argentina's state-owned aerospace manufacturer has announced delivery of its first major project to the national air force. On 8 July, Fabrica...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 18:00

Importante fuite dans la cale sèche où sont construits les sous-marins Scorpène indiens
source meretmarine.com - crédits DCN 25 juillet 2011 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS Le projet indien de construction de sous-marins Scorpène avait déjà pris 3 ans de retard. Il vient de connaitre un nouveau revers : la cale sèche du chantier...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 17:50

Army to Implement 63 Decker-Wagner Acquisition Recommendations
July 25, 2011 defense-aerospace.com (Source: US Army; web-posted July 22, 2011) WASHINGTON --- The Army will implement 63 of the recommendations put forth in the final report of an Army acquisition review that was charted by the service's secretary. Since...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 17:45

USS Wasp Prepares for Joint Strike Fighter Trials
July 25, 2011 defense-aerospace.com (Source: US Navy; issued July 22, 2011) ATLANTIC OCEAN --- The crew of the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) is preparing the ship to become the first at-sea test platform for the U.S. Navy’s test variant of...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 17:40

L3 Wins Order for Pakistan F-16 Simulators
July 25, 2011 defense-aerospace.com (Source: U.S Department of Defense; issued July 22, 2011) L-3 Communications, Link Simulation and Training, Arlington, Texas, is being awarded a $20,563,657 firm-fixed-price contract. The instant buy for the Pakistan...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 17:35

Northrop Wins $795M for Advanced Hawkeye
An E-2D Advanced Hawkeye makes its first carrier take-off aboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) during its carrier suitability trials earlier this year. (USN photo) July 25, 2011 defense-aerospace.com (Source: U.S Department of Defense;...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 17:30

After Protests, Army Restarts Boeing Emarss
USAF photo Jul 25, 2011 By Amy Butler AviationWeek.com After nearly nine months of protests over the selection of Boeing to build a new fleet of intelligence-collecting aircraft, the U.S. Army has revalidated the contactor’s role and begun work on project....
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 17:25

Le ministre australien de la défense demande l’aide américaine pour construire 12 sous-marins
photo US Navy 25 juillet 2011Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS Le ministre australien de la défense, Stephen Smith, se rend aux Etats-Unis pour obtenir l’aide américaine dans le projet de construction de 12 sous-marins classiques destinés...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 17:20

Chasseur furtif pour Séoul: la Russie en lice
MOSCOU, 25 juillet - RIA Novosti L'agence sud-coréenne d'acquisition de l'armement (DAPA) a admis le chasseur russe Sukhoi T-50 de 5e génération dans son appel d'offres pour l'achat de 60 chasseurs furtifs, a annoncé lundi le Centre russe d'analyse du...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 17:15

North Korea Source of 40 Percent of Developing World's Missiles
source britannica.com July 25, 2011 defense-aerospace.com (Source: Forecast International; issued July 22, 2011) SEOUL --- North Korea is the top supplier of ballistic missiles to developing nations. Forty percent of all ballistic missiles sold to these...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 17:10

USAF, Navy Preparing Air-Sea Battle Concept for 21st Century Fight
Source New Wars July 25, 2011 defense-aerospace.com (Source: U.S Air Force; issued July 22, 2011) ARLINGTON, Va. --- Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Phil Breedlove discussed the Air Force's enduring capabilities, the Air-Sea Battle concept and the...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 17:05

USS Abraham Lincoln Passes First Underway Cyber Inspection
July 25, 2011 defense-aerospace.com (Source: US Navy; issued July 22, 2011) USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN, At Sea --- USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) passed a first-of-its-kind afloat Department of Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) command cyber readiness...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 17:00

Study Explores UAV Operations on Carriers
source MIT - Table top displayDeck Operations Course of Action Planner (DCAP) July 25, 2011 defense-aerospace.com (Source: US Navy; issued July 22, 2011) ARLINGTON --- The Office of Naval Research announced July 13 that a recent self-sponsored effort...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 16:55

India negotiates for more AEW systems
IAF photo 25/07/11 By Arie Egozi SOURCE:Flight International The Indian ministry of defence is in negotiations to purchase an additional airborne early warning system from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). If the deal goes ahead, the AEW system will...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 16:50

Israeli Eitan UAVs for French Air Force
photo by Georges Seguin (Okki) 25/07/2011 by Armed Forces International's Aviation Expert The French Air Force is set to have a new Unmanned Aerial Vehicle design in service by 2014, according to an announcement made by the French Defence Ministry in...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 16:45

Défense : Israël accélère le développement du missile Hetz 3
source blogtsahal.files.wordpress.com 25 juillet 2011 Guysen International Israël a accéléré le développement du système de missile Hetz 3, censé intercepter les missiles ennemis de longue portée, à ogive conventionnelle ou non-conventionnelle, a annoncé...
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25 juillet 2011 1 25 /07 /juillet /2011 16:40

U.S. continues oxygen system checks
WASHINGTON, July 25 (UPI) The U.S. Air Force is continuing a review of its aircraft equipped with oxygen generation systems, Air Force officials said. Following the fleet-wide stand-down of the F-22 Raptor directed by Air Combat Command leadership in...
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