WASHINGTON, March 21, 2015 – DoD News U.S. and coalition military forces have continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Syria and Iraq, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today. Officials...
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21/03/2015 Gabriel Boyer - Armée de Terre Le 11 mars 2015, un détachement du 122ème régiment d’infanterie - centre d’entraînement de l’infanterie au tir opérationnel (CEITO) et une quarantaine de professeurs et élèves du Lycée Jean Vigo de Millau (12)...
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Leclerc-VBCI (Nexter- photo G. Belan) - LEOPARD 2 A5 (KMW)
March 21, 2015 By Pierre Tran – Defense News PARIS — Nexter and German family-controlled Krauss Maffei-Wegmann are on track to forge a cross-border link up in the land weapons sector this year,...
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The European Defence Agency is coordinating an effort to develop mobile counter-IED laboratories.(Photo French MoD)
March 18, 2015 By Julian Hale – Defense News BRUSSELS — The Netherlands is the lead nation in an EU effort to build two mobile counter-IED...
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photo Marina Militare
March 19, 2015 Defense News (AFP) ROME — Italy said Thursday it would increase its military presence in the central Mediterranean, describing a deadly attack on a museum in Tunis as fresh evidence of a growing threat from extremist...
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MFoCS systems photo DRS technologies
March 20, 2015 By Tom Kington - Defense News ROME — After hinting for months that he would consider selling DRS , Finmeccanica CEO Mauro Moretti said on Thursday he was taking stock of the firm's improving results...
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March 20, 2015 by asian-defence.net The new Russian submarine, Lada, will end the era of USA's reign at sea. Washington will lose the main instrument of "power projection" to remote regions and may finally lose its global geopolitical role as well. Anti-Russian...
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Mi-28NM helicopter
March 19, 2015 asian-defence.net It could take Russia about three years to complete the development of a fifth-generation attack helicopter and start testing its prototype, a defense industry official said Wednesday. The Mi-28NM, a...
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Mar 20, 2015 defense-update.com It was the fifth air launch of the Indian BVR missile. The first live launch was carried out on May 4, 2014. A previous test earlier this week has failed, as the missile failed to launch. India’s Beyond Visual Range (BVR)...
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March 19, 2015 by asian-defence.net The first Block 2 JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft made its maiden flight from the Pakistan Aeronautical Company (PAC) facility at Kamra on 9 February. The aircraft (serial number 2P01) made three more successful flights...
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Leader Class Nuclear-Powered Destroyer
March 21, 2015 by asian-defence.net Russia is very likely to start construction on the world's third nuclear-powered destroyer with the assistance of China, according to the Sputnik News based in Moscow. Admiral...
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March 19, 2015 by asian-defence.net Images have emerged on Chinese military web forums suggesting sensor upgrades to Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) J-11A combat aircraft, with reports noting that two regiments have received these modifications so...
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First Upgraded IAF Mirage 2000 Photo Dassault Aviation
March 20, 2015 by asian-defence.net India will get its first upgraded Mirage 2000 later this month from France under a Rs 10,000 crore deal. French defence major Dassault Aviation, the original manufacturer...
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Malaysia - Air Force Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29N (9-12SD) photo Junchuann
March 21, 2015 By Nigel Pittaway – Defense News LANGKAWI, Malaysia — Speaking on the eve of the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) show, Malaysian Defense Minister...
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Su-30MKI With BrahMos-A at AeroIndia 2015 photo Livefist
March 19th, 2015 defencetalk.com The Indian Air Force plans to start mounting BrahMos cruise missiles on its aircraft in 2016, BrahMos Aerospace CEO Sudhir Mishra told RIA Novosti Wednesday. The...
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March 21, 2015 By Barbara Opall-Rome – Defense News TEL AVIV — Israel has passed the point of no return in its plans to sell Israel Military Industries (IMI) to the highest qualified bidder by the end of this year, according to the man charged with overseeing...
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A Mexican Air Force C-130K Hercules aircraft in flight. Photo Zahpo75
20 March 2015 airforce-technology.com Cascade Aerospace has completed a first test flight of the Mexican Air Force's (FAM) upgraded C-130K Hercules aircraft from its base in Abbotsford,...
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March 19th, 2015 By Air Force News Agency - defencetalk.com When one door closes at the Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex regarding aviation modernization, that same door swings open for another opportunity. In the 562nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron,...
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Model 527 radar signal simulator - photo Textron
20 March 2015 airforce-technology.com Textron Systems Electronic Systems has been awarded a contract to supply advanced, handheld radar simulators for electronic warfare (EW) preflight testing on all variants...
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The Danish HDMS Hvidbjoernen (F 360), British HMS Chatam (F 87), and U.S. guided missile cruiser USS Cape St. George (CG 71) cruise in formation during the joint combined exercise BALTOPS 2002 - photo US Navy Copenhague, 21 mars 2015 Marine & Océans (AFP)...
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London, 21/03/2015 EEAS ref 150321_02_en We, the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with the EU High Representative, met this afternoon to review progress in the nuclear negotiations with Iran. We...
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22 mars 2015 Romandie.com (AFP) Washington - Les Etats-Unis ont annoncé samedi soir qu'ils avaient évacué tout leur personnel encore présent au Yémen pour des raisons de sécurité, après des attentats qui ont fait 142 morts à Sanaa. En raison de la détérioration...
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Al-Anad base located in Lahj province in southern Yemen (picture credit Google Maps)
March 21, 2015 By Katharine Lackey, USA TODAY – Defense News U.S. troops were evacuating a southern Yemen air base Saturday after al-Qaeda seized a nearby town amid growing...
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USS Carl Vinson & FS Charles de Gaulle in the Northern Arabian Gulf photo US Navy
March 19, 2015 Defense news (AFP) WASHINGTON — Once a source of irritation for the United States, France has nudged aside Britain to become the US military's key European...
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F-16 & Fregate - photo MIL.be
18/03/15 – 7sur7.be (belga) Le ministre de la Défense, Steven Vandeput, a bel et bien rencontré le 5 mars un des hauts responsables de l'Otan mais il s'est refusé mercredi à toute précision sur la teneur de cet entretien...
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24 juin 2024 Safran Safran annonce être entré en discussions exclusives en vue d’acquérir 100 % du capital de Preligens, l’un des leaders de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) dédiée aux industries de l’aérospatial et de la défense, pour une valeur d’entreprise...
Paris, le 18 juin 2024 À l’occasion du salon Eurosatory 2024, Safran Electronics & Defense a annoncé le lancement de sa solution de lutte anti-drones Skyjacker. Ce système répond à la menace croissante des drones, aussi bien sur le champ de bataille qu’à...
Paris, le 19 juin 2024 À l’occasion du salon Eurosatory 2024, Safran Electronics & Defense lance l’intelligence artificielle ACE, pour « Advanced Cognitive Engine ». Son objectif est d’intégrer des capacités IA dans l’ensemble des produits de Safran Electronics...
photo Thales
07/06/2024 Thales Group Sous l’égide du ministère des Armées français, le ministère de la Défense ukrainien a signé un contrat pour la fourniture d’un second système complet de défense aérienne Thales pour protéger l’Ukraine. Ce système de...
Depuis 27 éditions, le salon Eurosatory accompagne les mutations mondiales du secteur de la Défense et de la Sécurité. Notre décennie est marquée par une accélération de l’histoire et l’instauration progressive d’un nouvel ordre mondial. Ainsi, dans un...
22.06.2020 source DCSSA À l'occasion de la fête nationale, qui aura lieu le mardi 14 juillet 2020, une collecte de sang exceptionnelle en soutien aux armées sera organisée, à Paris, Hôtel national des Invalides Paris 7e, de 10h à 17h30. Rendez-vous annuel,...
source: FED Manifestation biennale créée en 1989 à l’initiative conjointe de la CCI Val-d’Oise/ Yvelines et de la DCMAT (Direction Centrale du Matériel de l’Armée de Terre) devenue en 2010 la SIMMT (Structure Intégrée du Maintien en condition opérationnelle...
18.06.2019 Ministère des Armées A l’occasion de la 53ème édition du Salon International de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, nous vous proposons de découvrir la maquette grandeur réelle du futur hélicoptère interarmées léger, exposée sur le stand du ministère...
photo Thales
17 juin 2019 CP Thales Thales lance IVEN, la première plateforme digitale assurant la mise en relation entre industriels de l’aéronautique et de la défense et fournisseurs de pièces détachées. Avec IVEN, l’acheteur bénéficie d’un tiers de...
Spy’Ranger 550 photoThales
18 juin 2019 CP Thales Thales présente le Spy’Ranger 550, son nouveau système de mini drones tactiques de surveillance et de renseignement. Il complète la gamme de systèmes de mini drones proposée par Thales. Déployable en vingt...