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19 mai 2011 4 19 /05 /mai /2011 06:00

Britain Approves Design of New Nuclear Submarines
18 May 2011 DefenseNews AFP LONDON - Britain has agreed the design of new nuclear submarines, even if the politically-sensitive decision on whether to build them will not be taken until 2016, Defence Secretary Liam Fox said May 18. The first preparations...
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19 mai 2011 4 19 /05 /mai /2011 06:00

Pentagon to save $23M in U.S. Bank deal over soldiers' effects
WASHINGTON, May 18 (UPI) The Pentagon stands to save at least $23 million a year after changing the way it pays the cost of transporting military personnel's effects during redeployment or in response to other logistical needs related to service personnel....
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19 mai 2011 4 19 /05 /mai /2011 06:00

ITT modernizing Swedish coastal radars
CLIFTON, N.J., May 18 (UPI) ITT Corp. in New Jersey has completed production acceptance testing for the first system in modernizing Sweden's coastal surveillance radars. The company said that in the past 20 years, Sweden's military forces have depended...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 22:30

Airbus Military Sees $240B Transport Market
Photo: Mark Wagner May 18, 2011 By Robert Wall aerospace daily and defense report SEVILLE, Spain — Despite a lull in new orders this year for light and medium-sized transports, Airbus Military expects to see double-digit sales growth in the sector this...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 22:30

Les pourparlers Azerbaïdjan – Russie sur la station radar de Gabala
18 mai 2011 Rachad Suleymanov – APA Bakou.-. Une rencontre Azerbaïdjan – Russie sur la prolongation de la durée du bail la station radar de Gabala devrait être tenue récemment, a indiqué pour l’APA, une source militaire. Les représentants des ministères...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 22:30

SAFT : Des remous sur le titre à prévoir demain
18/05/11 par Emmanuelle Ducros - investir.fr Le fabricant de batteries pour l’industrie et la défense publie ce soir un communiqué qui devrait provoquer des secousses sur le titre demain à l’ouverture. Le groupe indique que Johnson Controls, qui est son...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

IMDEX du 18 mai au 20 mai à Singapour
18/05/2011 DCNS La 12e édition du salon IMDEX s’ouvre aujourd’hui à Singapour. Ce salon, qui réunit les plus grands maîtres d’œuvre du naval, rassemble plus de 150 sociétés différentes venues de 20 pays. 55 délégations de l’Asie-Pacifique sont également...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

Airbus Military lifts veil on C-295 AEW study
18/05/11 By Craig Hoyle Flightglobal.com Airbus Military is to perform a three-month test campaign aimed at demonstrating the C-295 transport’s suitability as an airborne early warning aircraft, the company has revealed. A C-295 development aircraft had...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

La Malaisie veut mettre à niveau ses F/A-18
18 mai 2011 par Édouard Maire info-aviation Le 12 mai, le Pentagone a informé le Congrès d’une demande de la Malaisie concernant la mise à niveau de sa flotte de F/A-18D. Cette commande comprendrait l’intégration de six Pod AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR, des pièces...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

RQ-170 Stealth Drone Used in Bin Laden Raid
May 18, 2011 DEFENSETECH And here we go, U.S. intelligence officials are starting to acknowledge that the stealthy RQ-170 Sentinel drone was indeed used to provide ISR support for the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

Singapore Proves Vigilant in USV Strategy
Zyvex Technologies' Vigilant/Piranha USVs (all images : Gizmag) 18 May, 2011 DEFENSE STUDIES The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) will receive an undisclosed number of Zyvex Technologies' Vigilant USVs ahead of a proposed year-long evaluation, company...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

Northrop Grumman Sponsors the Newest Naval Aviation Photo Book "FLY NAVY: Celebrating the First Century of Naval Aviation"
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

RAAF PC-9s Grounded After Crash
A file image of a RAAF PC-9 at East Sale.(photo : Australian Aviation) 18 May, 2011 DEFENSE STUDIES The RAAF has grounded its fleet of Pilatus PC-9/A turboprop trainers after one crashed today at RAAF East Sale after a “suspected engine failure” during...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 21:30

L'armée allemande au pain sec
18 mai 2011 par Ana Lutzky L’USINE NOUVELLE Tout comme Paris a réduit la voilure militaire, dans le cadre de son livre blanc, Berlin procède à une sévère cure d'amaigrissement de la Bundeswehr. Le gouvernement allemand a adopté ce mercredi un projet de...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 21:00

Thales prudent sur le rapprochement avec Safran
18 mai 2011 par Ana Lutzky L’USINE NOUVELLE Après l'accord de principe sur le périmètre d'un échange d'actifs entre Thales et Safran, reste à négocier le prix. Et sur ce point, le PDG de Thales Luc Vigneron se dit prudent. "Le projet sera complet lorsque...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 21:00

La Grande-Bretagne a choisi ses futurs sous-marins nucléaires
18/05/2011 AEROCONTACT Reuters LONDRES, 18 mai (Reuters) - Le gouvernement britannique a annoncé mercredi avoir choisi le modèle de sa prochaine génération de sous-marins nucléaires. Ce modèle "permettra à nos sous-marins de disposer d'une capacité de...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 21:00

Réorganisation et la modernisation de la Bundeswehr
Communiqué de Gérard Longuet, ministre de la Défense et des Anciens combattants 18/05/2011 MINISTERE DE LA DEFENSE Thomas de Maizière, ministre de la Défense de la République fédérale d’Allemagne, vient de rendre publiques la réorganisation et la modernisation...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 21:00

Russia to enhance strike potential if missile cooperation with NATO fails
MOSCOW, May 18 (RIA Novosti) Russia will boost its strike nuclear capabilities if NATO refuses to cooperate with Moscow in the European missile defense project, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday. The United States refused to comply with...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 21:00

Les ministres de la Défense en mode « speed meeting »
18 mai 2011 par Nicolas Gros-Verheyde BRUXELLES2 On connaissait déjà la réunion sans Haut représentant (à Palma), par vidéo (à Gand), Catherine Ashton vient d’inventer le « speed meeting ». Les ministres de la Défense se réuniront, en effet, lundi prochain...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 21:00

L-3 Awarded Contract for C-17 Training System Program
May 18, 2011 defpro.com NEW YORK | L-3 Communications (NYSE: LLL) announced today that its Link Simulation & Training (L-3 Link) unit has been awarded a contract to operate the U.S. Air Force's C-17 Training System (TS) program. In addition to an initial...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 21:00

Lockheed Martin Receives $45.3 Million Contract to Upgrade Finland's Precision Fires Capability
May 18, 2011 defpro.com DALLAS | Lockheed Martin received a $45.3 million contract to upgrade 22 Finnish Army M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) launchers, incorporating the Universal Fire Control System and other enhancements. The upgrade enables...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 20:30

IAI/Tamam MINIPOP sight for Rafael's weapon station RCWS delivered to Czech Army KBVP fighting vehicle
May 18, 2011 defpro.com IAI/Tamam's MiniPOP Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has announced that it has delivered the new MiniPOP lightweight EO/IR sights for Rafael's Samson 30 RCWS (Remote Controlled Weapons Station) in a deal worth several millions...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 20:30

Eurofighter debut at IDET in Czech Republic
May 18, 2011 defpro.com At IDET 2011, the International Exhibition of Defence and Security Technologies held in Brno from the 10th-13th May in the Czech Republic, Eurofighter had a significant presence. The team hosted many visitors ranging from government...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 20:30

CASSIDIAN Spain appoints Luis Hernández Vozmediano as Head of the Eurofighter programme
May 18, 2011 defpro.com Cassidian Spain has appointed Luis Hernández Vozmediano, a qualified aeronautical engineer with a degree from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and an MBA from the San Telmo International Institute (Instituto Internacional...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 20:30

Chinese military official urges promoting APF modernization drive
May 18, 2011 Wang Shibin, Liu Yanjun / PLA Daily– defpro.com Guo Boxiong, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and vice chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), watched the capacity-building...
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