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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 11:30

DCNS procède à la mise à flot du patrouilleur L'Adroit
Le patrouilleur L'Adroit est sorti samedi de son hall de construction crédits : DCNS 18/05/2011 MER et MARINE C'est aujourd'hui que le prototype de la famille des corvettes et patrouilleurs hauturiers de la famille Gowind est mis à flot. Construit sur...
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Published by RP Defense - dans France
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 11:30

China Exports VLS System
May 17, 2011: STRATEGY PAGE China recently began offering its HQ-16 VLS (Vertical Launch System) anti-aircraft missile for export. This system is a license built (or using stolen tech) version of the Russian Buk M2 anti-aircraft missile systems. These...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific HQ-16 China Chine VLS Missile Defence Défense
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 11:15

Ms. Arnould speaks at the “High Level Conference on Defence and Security Industries and Markets”
Brussels - 18 May 2011 EDA News Ms. Arnould will participate in a high-level conference on Defence and Security Industries and Markets, organised by the European Commission, in Brussels, on 23 May. Ms. Arnould will speak on a Panel discussing “Market”,...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Europe
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 08:00

PLA Navy opens first class of high-tech training course
May 17, 2011 Xu Bin, Qian Xiaohu / PLA Daily – defpro.com In early May, the first class of the two-week-long high-tech training course of the Navy of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was held at the Naval University of Engineering of the PLA...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 06:00

New Zealand AF's new helicopters and hangar unveiled
May 17, 2011 ASDNews Source : New Zealand Defence Force. The Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) today unveiled its new A109 Light Utility Helicopters (A109LUH) and opened the new hangar where they will be housed during a ceremony at Air Force Base Ohakea,...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 06:00

FLIR Introduces Next Generation Explosives Detection
May 17, 2011 ASDNews Source : Flir Systems Inc. Portland, OR - FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR) announced the introduction of the next generation of its industry leading handheld, explosives detector - Fido(r) NXT. The completely redesigned Fido NXT...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 06:00

Le Parlement européen réclame une législation sur les sociétés de sécurité privée
17 mai 2011 par Nicolas Gros-Verheyde (BRUXELLES2) Le Parlement européen a réitéré de la manière la plus ferme sa volonté de voir les sociétés de sécurité privée réglementées au niveau européen. Le rapport Gualtieri, adopté mercredi dernier (11 mai),...
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 06:00

Turkish firearms sales to Azerbaijan reaches $30M
May 16 2011 by Editor TRDEFENCE Turkey sold weapons and munitions worth $20m to Azerbaijan in January-April this year, says the report issued by Central Anatolian Exporters Union. Turkish companies exported weapons and munitions worth $20 million to Saudi...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East
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18 mai 2011 3 18 /05 /mai /2011 06:00

Russia unveils plans for “invincible” ICBM
Topol-M missile (RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev) 17 May, 2011, Robert Bridge, RT In a thinly-disguised message to NATO, which remains uncommitted to the idea of co-operating with Russia in a European missile defense system, the commander of Russian Strategic...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 22:30

General Dynamics Canada Receives More Support Work on Sweden’s Visby-class Corvettes
May 17 2011 By David Pugliese - Defence Watch General Dynamics Canada has announced it has been awarded an engineering support contract by SAAB AB for the continued integration of the Hydra multi-sensor sonar system on the Swedish navy’s newest Visby-class...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 22:30

'India eyes mega-Navy spend - $50 bn'
May 16, 2011 expressindia.com Singapore India is to invest USD 46.96 billion as part of moves to boost up its naval forces over the next 20 years adding 101 new warships, ranging from sophisticated destroyers to nuclear submarines. "Going by the investment...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

La Royal Navy menacée par de nouvelles réductions budgétaires
17 mai 2011 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS Le ministère britannique de la défense est à la recherche de nouvelles sources d’économie pour la prochaine année fiscale. Il manquerait environ 3 milliards £ pour les 3 prochaines années. Selon...
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

L’état-major de la marine russe déménage au 1er juin
17 mai 2011 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS Des bâtiments de l’état-major de la marine russe à Moscou devront être vidés d’ici le 1er juin en raison de son transfert à St Pétersourg, a déclaré vendredi un porte-parole du ministère de la...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

Les moyens maritimes de l’OTAN repoussent une nouvelle attaque des forces libyennes sur Misrata
17 mai 2011 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS Dans la marinée du 16 mai, les forces maritimes engagées dans l’opération Unified Protector de l’OTAN, ont détecté 2 embarcations gonflables qui semblaient avoir été mises à l’eau dans le voisinage...
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Published by RP Defense - dans NATO - OTAN
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

Lockheed hopes to finalize F-16 sales to Iraq, Oman
Mon May 16, 2011 By Andrea Shalal-Esa Reuters WASHINGTON- Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) says it hopes to sign sales contracts for up to 18 F-16 fighter jets to both Iraq and Oman by early 2012, and expects to book a total of about 100 additional orders...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

F-35 Tests Proceed, Revealing F/A-18-Like Performance
The F-35B STOVL variant was placed on a two-year “probation” late last year by Defense Secretary Robert Gates. (Andy Wolfe / Lockheed Martin) 16 May 2011 By DAVE MAJUMDAR DefenseNews The U.S. Marine Corps' short-takeoff/vertical-landing (STOVL) F-35B...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 22:00

Urban Warfare Training is a Blast
5/16/2011 STRATEGY PAGE Officers of 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, "Ready First" 1st Armored Division, participate in an urban combat exercise at a training facility on Fort Bliss, Texas, May 11-12. Photo by Staff Sgt. Joseph Wilbanks
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 21:30

Libye: l'aviation pro-Kadhafi "anéantie"
17/05/2011 Par LEXPRESS.fr avec AFP Le ministre français de la Défense, Gérard Longuet, a estimé ce mardi que plus de 80% des appareils du régime libyen étaient hors service. Le ministre de la Défense, Gérard Longuet, a estimé que l'aviation libyenne...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Africa & Maghreb
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 21:30

Russie-Tchéquie: défense antimissile au menu
WASHINGTON, 17 mai - RIA Novosti Le vice-ministre russe de la Défense Anatoli Antonov discutera mardi avec son homologue tchèque Jiri Sedivy des problèmes de la création du système de défense antimissile européen (ABM), a annoncé mardi le service de presse...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 21:30

Bouclier antimissile: aucune menace pour Moscou (diplomatie US)
WASHINGTON, 17 mai - RIA Novosti Le meilleur moyen pour la Russie de s'assurer que le bouclier antimissile américain ne la menace pas est de prendre part à sa mise en place, a confié à RIA Novosti un haut responsable du département d'Etat américain qui...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 21:30

CamoScience™ Spurs Special Operations Apps launch
TAMPA, Fla., May 17, 2011 /PRNewswire Special Operations Forces Industry Conference -- MW Research and Development founder, K. Dominic Cincotti, has announced the launch of a new company — Special Operations Apps — that will design and field applications...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 21:30

TOPGUN Commander and Chief Operating Officer Join ATAC
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., May 17, 2011 /PRNewswire ATAC (Airborne Tactical Advantage Company), the U.S. leader in outsourced tactical airborne services for 16 years, is proud to announce the addition of former TOPGUN Commander Thomas "Trim" Downing to its team,...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 21:30

CSI and RSD Launch New Line of Tactical Combat Vehicles Combat-Proven Designs Combine Mobility, Protection and Versatility
TAMPA, Fla., May 17, 2011 /PRNewswire Critical Solutions International (CSI) of Dallas, TX, in partnership with RSD, a division of DCD-DORBYL (Pty) Ltd. of Boksburg, South Africa, launched the MOUNTAIN LION family of high mobility armored vehicles at...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Africa & Maghreb
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 21:00

Elbit Systems to Supply an Asian Army With Advanced Tactical Training Systems for $32.7 Million
HAIFA, Israel, May 17, 2011 /PRNewswire-FirstCall Elbit Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ and TASE: ESLT) ("Elbit Systems"), announced today that it was awarded a contract valued at $32.7 million to supply an Asian army with advanced training systems for its armor...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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17 mai 2011 2 17 /05 /mai /2011 21:00

Calendrier des think tanks européens à Bruxelles MàJ 17 Mai
lundi 17 mai 2011 Mise à jour par la Représentation permanente de la France auprès de l’UE
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