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26 mars 2015 4 26 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
Defence Cyber Protection Partnership: cyber risk profiles


24 March 2015 From: Ministry of Defence


Information about the DCPP initiative and the proportionate cyber security controls to be implemented as part of all MOD contracts.


The Defence Cyber Protection Partnership (DCPP) is a joint MOD / Industry initiative established in 2012 and tasked with improving the protection of the defence supply chain from the cyber threat. Alongside MOD, the DCPP is formed of 13 defence primes, 2 trade associations (ADS and techUK) representing small and medium sized enterprises, and the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), Communications-Electronics Security Group (CESG) and the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI).



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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 13:50
photo  EU2015LV

photo EU2015LV


March 6, 2015 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe; issued March 5, 2015)


ASD Welcomes EU Initiative On Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems


RIGA, Latvia --- On the occasion of the High Level Conference on civil Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems organised by the Latvian EU Presidency in Riga on 5-6 March 2015, the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Associations (ASD) welcome the intention of the EU Commission to move forward with a joint European action plan to open the (civil) Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) market.


“RPAS will be huge potential market of future aviation contributing to an estimated employment of 150 000 direct jobs in 2050 , innovation and growth in Europe. In the future, many applications could be developed both in terms of fixed wing aircraft and rotorcraft. Moreover, important technological spin offs could be created to improve efficiency and safety for manned aviation,” said Jan Pie, ASD Secretary General.


Speaking in the name of ASD, Mr Alberto Pietra, Business Development Director at Selex ES, delivered the keynote speech, highlighting the importance of making progress on the insertion of all categories of RPAS into controlled airspace without reducing safety and airspace capacity. Mr Pietra also drew the attention to the fact that Industry was prepared to play a leading role in terms of technology development provided that the right framework is put in place in terms of safety regulation and EU public funding for R&D. ASD in particular stressed the need for Industry to be fully involved in all safety rulemaking initiatives and the need to increase the amount of public funding for R&D beyond the funds currently allocated to SESAR 2020.


ASD represents the Aeronautics, Space, Security and Defence industries in Europe. Based in Brussels, the organisation’s membership today comprises 15 major European aerospace and defence companies and 27 member associations in 20 countries. These industries reach a turnover of 197.3 billion euros, invest 20 billion euros in R&D, employ more than 778,000 people and counts over 3000 companies, 80000 suppliers, many of which are SMEs.

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19 novembre 2013 2 19 /11 /novembre /2013 12:30
photo EADS

photo EADS


18/11/2013 Par Caroline Bruneau - Air & Cosmos


Airbus Military espère vendre 130 A400M dans la région.


Revue de marché pour Airbus Military. Quelques mois avant de changer de structure et de nom pour devenir Airbus Defense & Space (ADS), le fabricant de l’A400M a tenu une conférence de presse impromptue sur le salon. Le futur ADS a détaillé ses perspectives mondiales, et plus spécifiquement pour le marché moyen-oriental.


Rien qu’au Moyen-Orient/Afrique du Nord, le constructeur voit des perspectives importantes pour les 30 prochaines années: il compte sur un marché de 145 appareils légers/moyens (type CN235, C295), 30 avions de surveillance (ISR), 25 ravitailleurs MRTT et 130 A400M. Il y a actuellement, selon les chiffres d’Airbus, 420 appareils de ces catégories en service au Moyen-Orient, dont la moyenne d’âge est de 27 ans.


A l’horizon 2042, le constructeur voit ainsi un marché mondial de 915 appareils légers et moyens, 325 ISR, 125 MRTT et surtout, un marché potentiel de 760 A400M.

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25 juin 2013 2 25 /06 /juin /2013 11:50
UK/US trials review F-35 interoperability in simulated maritime scenario

20 June 2013 adsadvance.co.uk


Working with Lockheed Martin and the UK Ministry of Defence, BAE Systems have linked simulation facilities across five UK sites to create a common synthetic environment to evaluate F-35 interoperability with other UK military platforms.


Linking Air and Maritime


A recent trial saw Royal Navy, RAF and US Navy pilots operating the F-35 fighter jet during a live simulated maritime scenario with the Queen Elizabeth Carrier, a Type 45 Destroyer and Sea King helicopter. This is the first time that we and Lockheed Martin have linked our Air and Maritime simulation capabilities and mission system laboratories at multiple locations into one common battlespace environment.


Roles and responsibilities


Royal Navy, RAF and US Navy pilots flew the F-35 aircraft from Lockheed Martin supplied desk top simulators at our Samlesbury site, alongside two Royal Navy Sea King aircrew who provided command and control directions to the F-35 pilots.


Linking into the live scenario, Royal Navy air warfare officers from HMS DUNCAN were at the controls of the Queen Elizabeth Carrier lab in the Isle of Wight whilst in Portsdown, Royal Navy air warfare officers and fighter controllers from HMS DAUNTLESS operated from the Type 45 Destroyer lab.


Lt Cdr Mark Humphries, RAF Air Warfare Centre, took part in the trials. He said: “Bringing both air and maritime capabilities into a common mission scenario, we have been able to begin to test the interoperability between F-35 and other key maritime assets, something we have never been able to do before. Today we have taken part in a maritime scenario where the F-35 was the first line of defence for a Carrier Task Force in a hostile threat situation. Being able to evaluate interoperability concepts for passing commands and threat information via digital datalinks in real-time between air warfare officers on the Queen Elizabeth Carrier, fighter controllers on the Type 45 destroyer and Sea King helicopter and F-35 pilots has been extremely valuable."


Lt Cdr Jim Blythe, HMS DAUNTLESS, also took part. He said: “We have been able to fully exercise the Type 45 combat management system and gain a broader experience of digitally controlling fighters than has hitherto been possible. This means we are in a far better place to develop an informed Concept of Operations for working with the F-35 when it comes into service.”


World class simulation and systems integration


Tony Hall, BAE Systems F-35 programme manager for the Interoperability trials, said: “As a business we have world class simulation and systems integration capabilities which exist across a number of different locations. Working closely with Lockheed Martin and the UK customer we have created a distributed test capability linking UK Industry and Government assets across a secure network to provide a common synthetic environment.


"Not only does this help the UK customer get their heads around how the F-35 will integrate into operations, but it can also save a lot of time and money. We can identify interoperability issues early and fix things at this stage far easier than when the aircraft are built and in operation.


“It’s great that we can get the customer involved at these early stages to make sure that the aircraft and other cooperating platforms are doing the job they want them to do. It’s an added bonus that we are able to use this project to prompt improvements across a range of other military assets too."


BAE Systems are responsible for leading F-35 integration activities on behalf of the UK customer. The maritime mission scenario trial is the third out of a series of four planned scenarios which form part of the overall F-35 UK interoperability project.

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