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30 octobre 2015 5 30 /10 /octobre /2015 12:50
EDA is recruiting


Brussels - 29 October, 2015 European Defence Agency


The European Defence Agency (EDA) is currently looking for a Project Officer Airworthiness (TA, AD10), two Procurement and Contract Officers (TA, AD7), an Administrative Assistant (TA, AST4) and an IT Security Administrator (CA, FGIV). Candidates must apply via the EDA website by 23 November 2015.


The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives including its annual Work Programme and its rolling three-year Work Plan. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of flexibility, innovation, and team-working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.


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25 juin 2013 2 25 /06 /juin /2013 16:50
EASA & EDA: Civil-Military Cooperation in Aviation Safety
Paris | Jun 19, 2013 European Defence Agency

Patrick Goudou, Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA) on 18 June signed an arrangement for enhanced cooperation between the two agencies. The arrangement specifically covers the harmonisation of military aviation safety requirements with a primary focus on airworthiness.


“The EDA-EASA Cooperation Arrangement will improve European civil-military cooperation in aviation safety. EDA and its Member States will profit from EASA’s experience in the field of harmonised airworthiness requirements. EDA on the other hand brings in its experience from the military side”, said Claude-France Arnould during the signature ceremony at the International Paris Airshow “Le Bourget”. Patrick Goudou added, “I am delighted to sign this agreement with EDA. The combined expertise of our two agencies is a great asset that will enable to pave the way for an effective partnership. Our common objective is to promote the highest possible aviation safety standards, in the civil and military domains.” 


Both agencies expect to achieve considerable benefits from this increased cooperation, especially in areas of ‘dual use’ aircraft. One such example will be the A400M which had recently been certified by EASA in its civil aircraft configuration. This civil certification can serve as a baseline for the subsequent military certification by the respective national Military Airworthiness Authorities. Some Member States have already agreed to use EDA’s harmonised European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs) for the in-service support phase of this aircraft programme. 

In the field of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) close cooperation and harmonisation of civil and military rules and regulations to enable safe operations in Europe will be essential. EDA projects on air traffic insertion (DeSIRE) and mid-air collision avoidance (MIDCAS) can be preliminary enablers towards joint civil and military certification.



In European civil aviation, EASA ensures that all civil aircraft operating within Europe are airworthy and safe. The relevant legal framework is detailed in EU regulations. This means that EASA issues aviation safety rules which are implemented the same way in all Member States following the agency’s mission of achieving a “high uniform level of civil aviation safety in Europe”. 

On the military side, Member States currently have their national aviation safety systems in place. These systems are independent from each other, as each Member State is responsible for the regulation of its military and state aircraft. The results of an EDA initiated study underlined that the use of harmonised certification procedures for the development phase of multinational military aircraft programmes could generate at least 10% cost savings on industry as well as on the governments’ side, and up to 50% reduction in the programme duration. The EDA Military Airworthiness Authorities (MAWA) Forum was established by Defence Ministers in 2008 with the main objective to harmonise the European military airworthiness regulations of Member States. The MAWA Forum has already developed and approved harmonised European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs) on type certification, maintenance and training as well as other supporting documents. 

On invitation of EASA, EDA experts already participate as observers in EASA rulemaking groups on air traffic management, airworthiness and flight operations (RPAS).


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25 juin 2013 2 25 /06 /juin /2013 16:50
European Defence Agency Reflects on the Need for Greater Harmonisation in Military Airworthiness

Greater harmonisation in military airworthiness between European Member States could lead to significant cost and time savings as well as improved interoperability and other operational benefits. A common approach to the type-certification of military aircraft, together with approvals of airworthiness organisations and personnel, is essential for future Pooling & Sharing activities. During the high-level seminar on military airworthiness, organised on 18 June by the European Defence Agency (EDA) at the Paris Air Show “Le Bourget”, key European decision-maker’s discussed the enablers and perceived barriers to increased cooperation.


European Member States previously operated military aviation safety systems independently from each other, with each Member State being individually responsible for the regulation of their own military and state aircraft. As a result, military airworthiness activities were conducted and regulated on a national basis, with European harmonisation only being achieved at an individual programme level and having to be repeated and developed for each new programme. This generated many challenges for multinational aircraft programmes and has been identified as one of the primary causes of delays and additional costs. 

The EDA Military Airworthiness Authorities (MAWA) Forum was established by Defence Ministers in 2008 to harmonise the European military airworthiness regulations of Member States through the establishment of European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs) for implementation into national military regulations. The MAWA Forum comprises of representatives from the Military Airworthiness Authorities of Member States and industry representatives. It is chaired by the EDA.

High-Level Seminar

The Agency’s high-level seminar aimed at increasing key European decision-maker’s awareness and visibility of the achievements made to date in the area of military airworthiness and exploring the next steps. The EDA MAWA Forum has for example approved three European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs): EMAR 21 for the initial and continued certification of military aircraft – including the approval of the design and production organisations, EMAR 145 covering the approval of maintenance organisations and the activities they undertake and EMAR 147 detailing the responsibilities of organisations responsible for the training of maintenance personnel. The EDA MAWA Forum has also approved other supporting documents and is on-track to deliver the complete set of EMARs by the end of 2015. 

Panellists in the seminar included high level representatives from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), European aerospace industry, Ministries of Defence and National Military Airworthiness Authorities. The event also provided an opportunity to reflect on the progress made towards delivering the ‘Roadmap Objectives’ given to the EDA MAWA Forum by European Defence Ministers. 

The discussions addressed the political implications of this activity, areas for closer cooperation with EASA, together with governmental, industrial, and European National Military Airworthiness Authorities’ views on the positive impact that increased harmonisation will have on current and future military airworthiness activities.

Basic Framework Document

Additionally, several Member States provided their national approval and restating their commitment to the principles of the updated “European Harmonised Military Airworthiness Basic Framework Document” which defines the role and functions of the MAWA Forum. The previous version of the document had been nationally approved by 20 Member States and with the addition of Poland today brings the total to 21 Member States. Further national re-approvals are anticipated over the next few weeks. The document clarifies the principles of a common approach to military airworthiness and addresses issues such as the mutual recognition between National Military Airworthiness Authorities which is essential to realise the expected benefits from regulatory harmonisation. 

“EDA has received the mandate by Defence Ministers to work towards the harmonisation of military airworthiness. In close partnership and cooperation with the MAWA representatives from the National Military Airworthiness Authorities, we have created the necessary regulatory framework and principles. What we need now is additional political will for the next step: the implementation of the EMARs into national military regulations in order to achieve mutual recognition between Member States”, said Giampaolo Lillo, Armaments Director of the European Defence Agency, during the meeting.


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