Minister Kodheli:You, Albanian commandos should commit yourself in the framework of the “Resolute Support”, alongside our allies and partners for a safer world for us and our children.
It was held today at the Air Force Command in Rinas the departure ceremony of contingent of Land Forces, to Kabul, Afghanistan, Commando Battalion who will act in the framework of the “Resolute Support”.
Defence Minister Mrs. Mimi Kodheli, Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Major General Jeronim Bazo, Land Force Commander, Major General Zyber Dushku, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Tirana, Mr. Hidayet Bayraktar, senior militaries of the Ministry of Defence, General Staff of the Armed Forces, family members and relatives of soldiers attended at the departure ceremony of 30 commando troops in this mission were.
L'amélioration de l'image et l' intégrité de l'armée, grâce à une stratégie législative claire, le recrutement et la lutte contre la corruption sont les principaux objectifs du ministère de la Défense au cours de 2014, a annoncé mardi le ministre albanais de la Défense, Mimi Kodheli lors d'une conférence de presse, selon ATA.
Elle a dit que en 2013 l'armée albanaise a atteint son apogée, avec la pleine intégration dans l'OTAN, ou le développement d' exercices conjoints conformément aux normes de l'Alliance de l' Atlantique du Nord, tout en reconnaissant les échecs au cours de l' année dernière, dont le développement incomplet des capacités opérationnelles, les documents stratégiques de défense et de sé curitéincomplètes, la mauvaise gestion des ressources de la dé fense, qui ont grevé les finances de la défense, ainsi que des problèmes liésà la promotion et l'évaluation.
C'est précisément pour combler ces lacunes, que Kodheli a assuré que le programme du gouvernement albanais a des objectifs ambitieux pour le renforcement des capacités de la défense, de recrutement et de mécanismes efficaces pour lutter contre la corruption dans ce domaine. Le ministre de la Défense a également annoncé la révision de la structure des forces armées dans le but de construire une structure organisationnelle plus efficace, fonctionnelle, capable d'effectuer des tâches de base dans la dé fense du pays, dans le cadre de la défense collective à l'appui de la population civile et dans des situations d'urgence.
Royal Marines from 42 Commando have travelled to NATO ally Albania for a week-long exercise with the country's armed forces.
Hot on the heels of last month’s large-scale exercise Albanian Lion, which was the first set-piece for the UK’s Response Force Task Group on Cougar 13, elements of 42 Commando have returned to the Balkan country for a further week.
The Royal Marines are the nation’s on-call commando unit, ready to deploy anywhere in the world at short notice should the government determine their presence is required.
The week-long Exercise Dragon Hammer with the Viking amphibious vehicles of the Royal Marines Armoured Support Group saw the green berets train mainly around the bay of Vlorë – also the setting for Albanian Lion.
Lima Company used night-vision technology to practise moving through an underground tunnel complex at Porto Palermo, near Himarë, which once served as a base for Cold War submarine operations in the Adriatic.
Their week of Dragon Hammer concluded with a company-level attack on the small island fortress of Sazan, just off the Vlorë peninsula – also the focal point for an assault during Albanian Lion.
Meanwhile, Juliet Company carried out various exercises with live ammunition – including firing the new lightweight Glock pistols being introduced across the Armed Forces – and engaged in close quarters battle. Their week drew to a close getting to grips with working side-by-side with the Vikings.
The Vikings deployed on Cougar 13 hoping to show the rest of the Corps what the all-terrain armoured vehicle, which is based in Dorset, can offer on the battlefield.
Major Chris Samuel, Officer Commanding Juliet Company, said:
The story of close co-operation between Juliet Company and the Viking Troop is one that needs to be read throughout our Corps.
Put simply, during this exercise, my commanders at all levels were exploiting the Viking’s capabilities in ways that they would not have envisaged or thought possible even 3 months ago.
The green berets completed Dragon Hammer delighted at the unique training environment offered both by Albania’s landscape and its military facilities.
Lieutenant Colonel Neil Sutherland, Commanding Officer of 42 Commando, said:
Dragon Hammer was an excellent opportunity – and one that the Commando fully exploited. Arduous, complex terrain and a challenging environment provided some fantastic training opportunities.
Live firing with Viking fully integrated into one of my manoeuvre companies and close quarters battle in a complex sub-terrain cold war submarine facility, where we fully utilised black light, are but 2 examples of the excellent training we were able to run. Overall, it proved to be superb training for 42 Commando.
Cougar 13
Cougar 13 is the routine annual deployment of the Royal Navy’s very high readiness Response Force Task Group (RFTG). Elements of the RFTG deployed to the Mediterranean and east of Suez, demonstrating their ability to project a highly effective UK maritime component anywhere in the world.
The deployment includes a series of demanding exercises with partner nations throughout the region which will ensure that the Task Group is ready to respond to any contingencies as and when they arise.
The RFTG ships have now passed through the Suez Canal and are carrying out further exercises with partner nations.
A large-scale exercise which will see more than 600 Royal Marines hone their skills alongside their Albanian counterparts is now underway.
Exercise Albanian Lion is the first major outing for the Response Force Task Group (RFTG) – a Royal Naval force comprising 4 warships and 5 support vessels which are exercising in the Mediterranean and Gulf over the next 3 months under the name Cougar 13.
The exercise will see the Lead Commando Group of 42 Commando, the Royal Marines unit that stands ready to react to events anywhere in the world, carry out a series of mock assaults on enemy positions near Bise designed to improve their core amphibious warfare skills.
This will be the third time the 2 forces have worked together since the RFTG was formed after the 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review.
Ahead of the exercise, Colonel Kevin Oliver, Deputy Commander of 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines, met with Major General Xhemal Gjunkshi, Chief of General Staff of the Albanian Armed Forces, at Tirana International Airport.
Colonel Oliver said:
Building on from last year’s exercise we have enhanced our contribution by providing a larger force comprising fast jets, helicopters, assault boats and armoured personnel carriers for ground manoeuvre and force protection.
We already have reconnaissance teams in place, as we would in a real-life scenario, who will guide in the landing force.
Once the forces have landed they will push forward through enemy terrain while being supported by the RFTG ships which can sustain them logistically and cover their progress with firepower should that be required:
Albania has some of the best training areas ever used by our Task Group,” added Colonel Oliver. “We are extremely grateful for their use and for the chance to work alongside Albanian forces, sharing the experience of operations.
The Cougar 13 deployment will operate in and around the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, the Gulf and the Horn of Africa. It involves exercising with partner nations and will demonstrate the capacity of UK Armed Forces to project an effective maritime component anywhere in the world as part of the RFTG.
The RFTG is commanded by Commodore Paddy McAlpine from the fleet flagship, HMS Bulwark, and is the UK’s high readiness maritime force at 5 days’ notice to respond to any contingency tasking including humanitarian disaster relief or international military intervention.
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