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1 octobre 2015 4 01 /10 /octobre /2015 16:50
photo BAE Systems

photo BAE Systems


30.09.2015 BAE Systems


BAE Systems today delivered the first production series ARCHER artillery system to the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) during a ceremony at the company’s Karlskoga facility.


The ARCHER system is one of the world’s most advanced artillery systems with high mobility and precision. ARCHER provides fire support that is powerful and flexible, and features high levels of autonomous operation under protection. It is based on proven subsystems and has an extensive ammunition portfolio.


“BAE Systems Bofors and FMV have been working very closely to achieve our high-level requirements for the ARCHER program. This is an important milestone as we begin the delivery of all systems for our Swedish customer,” said Lena Gillström, managing director for Weapon Systems, Sweden at BAE Systems, Inc. “ARCHER will provide the Swedish armed forces with an advanced artillery system that focuses on the safety of our soldiers.”


BAE Systems’ employees and representatives from FMV, the Swedish Armed Forces, and the Ministry of Defence were in attendance as Gillström delivered the first system to Swedish Defence Minister Peter Hultqvst.


“ARCHER is an important part of strengthening the Swedish defense,” said Dan Ohlsson, Acting Director General for FMV.


BAE Systems delivered the pre-serial ARCHER systems to the Swedish government in 2013, which have been in use by the Swedish artillery regiment.

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12 décembre 2013 4 12 /12 /décembre /2013 08:50
La Norvège abandonne le programme Archer

L’imposant système d’artillerie Archer sur camion Volvo (Crédits FMV Ministère de la Défense suédois)


11 décembre, 2013 Guillaume Belan (FOB)


Bonne nouvelle pour l’industrie terrestre française, le canon d’artillerie automoteur Caesar se débarrasse de son concurrent britannique  !


La Norvège vient de signifier à la Suède, son partenaire dans le programme d’artillerie  Archer, qu’il abandonnait le programme. Lancé au milieu des années 90, le canon de 155 mm/52 calibre sur châssis articulé Volvo 6X6 A30D de 30 tonnes, était le fruit d’un développement commun entre l’industriel suédois Bofors (qui appartient aujourd’hui au groupe britannique BAE System) et la Norvège, selon un accord signé en 2008. Selon cet accord, la Norvège et la Suède partageaient les coûts de développement et de production et s’engageaient à acquérir 48 systèmes (24 pour Oslo et autant pour Stockholm). Patatras! Après quelques retards dans le développement du système, la Norvège qui a reçu l’exemplaire de pré-série fin septembre de cette année pour évaluation, vient de juger ce matériel trop lourd et pas suffisamment mobile. L’Archer « ne correspond plus au changement de concepts de notre armée » a annoncé la ministre de la Défense Eriksen Søreide, qui met ainsi un terme à la coopération nordique et de facto au programme Archer.


Canon Caesar - photo Armée de Terre

Canon Caesar - photo Armée de Terre

Cette décision met le groupe britannique BAE en difficulté sur ce programme, le privant d’un système d’artillerie autopropulsé pour les marchés export. C’est donc une excellente nouvelle pour les français Nexter et Renault Trucks Défense (RTD), qui avec le Caesar, il est vrai nettement plus léger (18 tonnes) et mobile voient un sérieux candidat s’effacer. L’Archer était notamment positionné sur des appels d’offres au Canada, en Croatie, au Danemark ou encore en Inde.

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30 septembre 2013 1 30 /09 /septembre /2013 17:50
First ARCHER systems delivered in Sweden

Sep 27, 2013 BAE Systems PLC


BAE Systems delivered the first four ARCHER artillery systems to the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, FMV, during a handover ceremony at the company’s Karlskoga, Sweden facility Sept. 23.


BAE Systems employees and representatives from FMV and the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation, FLO, attended the ceremony where FMV’s Director General Lena Erixon received the four systems from Lena Gillström managing director at BAE Systems’ Weapon Systems business in Sweden.


“ARCHER is an important program, for both the Swedish and Norwegian Armed Forces. Today is an important milestone in our partnership and it is very encouraging for us deliver the first systems to our Swedish customer,” said Gillström.  It’s an immensely proud moment for everyone at BAE Systems and we now look forward to continuing our partnership with the Swedish and Norwegian customer in working on the delivery of all systems,” added Gillström.


In total, 48 systems will be delivered to the Swedish and Norwegian Armed Forces.


The ARCHER system is one of the world’s most advanced artillery systems with high mobility and precision.  It’s based on proven subsystems and has an extensive ammunition portfolio.

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 17:50
FMV receives delivery of the first Archer pieces

25.09.2013 FMV army-guide.com


BAE Systems Bofors delivered the first pieces of the Archer artillery system to FMV Monday, September 23. The acquisition of Archer is a joint Nordic project in collaboration with Norway and a total of 24 pieces was commissioned for the Swedish Armed Forces from BAE Systems Bofors.


    This is a project that delivers one of the best artillery systems. We have had both successes and setbacks in the project, but now the first four pieces of the Archer artillery system could finally be delivered, says Lena Erixon, FMV Director General.


    The fact that we could receive the first pieces now is a result of our Norwegian partners at FLO, the supplier BAE Systems Bofors – and of course FMV who in the situation acted flexible and powerfully. All have helped to get the pieces to the Artillery regiment. They will now be transported to Boden where FMV, FLO and the artillery regiment will continue with both tests and training, says Lena Erixon.


Delivery of the first Archer pieces from Lena Gillström BAE Systems Bofors to FMV's Director General Lena Erixon took place in Karlskoga, Monday, 23 September at 16.00 pm. Thereafter delivery inspection and transportation to the artillery regiment occurred.

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