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16 janvier 2019 3 16 /01 /janvier /2019 17:55
Lancement du site Internet de l’IRSEM et de son portail documentaire ARES

source : irsem.fr

L’Institut de recherche stratégique de l’École militaire (IRSEM) dévoile ce jour son nouveau site Internet irsem.fr. Moderne, dynamique et fluide, il héberge un portail documentaire, ARES, nouvel outil de la recherche stratégique destiné aux chercheurs et à toute personne intéressée par les questions de défense et de sécurité.

Le site de l’IRSEM était jusqu’alors intégré à celui du ministère des Armées. Ce nouveau site extérieur, irsem.fr, correspond à l’identité hybride de l’Institut, à la charnière de deux mondes, ceux de la Défense et de l’Université. Son interface est lisible et interactive.
Il héberge notamment un portail documentaire de la recherche stratégique appelé ARES, en référence au dieu de la Guerre dans la mythologie grecque. A son lancement en janvier 2019, ARES rassemble plus de 3 000 documents de source ouverte d’organismes relevant du ministère des Armées et d’associations qui lui sont liées, en libre consultation. Certains d’entre eux sont inédits. Ce portail témoigne que le ministère n’est pas seulement consommateur mais aussi producteur de recherche.
Cet outil répond à un besoin exprimé par la communauté scientifique et au sein du ministère des Armées. Il est destiné à toute personne intéressée par la recherche sur les questions de défense et de sécurité. Régulièrement mise à jour, sa base de données s'enrichira continuellement.
Pour contribuer à la base de données ARES : ICI

À propos de l’IRSEM :
Créé en 2009, l’IRSEM est un organisme extérieur de la Direction générale des relations internationales et de la stratégie (DGRIS) du ministère des Armées. Composé d’une quarantaine de personnes, civiles et militaires, dont une majorité de chercheurs titulaires d’un doctorat, il a pour mission principale de renforcer la recherche française sur les questions de défense et de sécurité.

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21 mai 2015 4 21 /05 /mai /2015 19:35
[JDef, part 1] Afghanistan: 13 years of French operations

19 mai 2015 French MoD


After 13 years of operations fighting terrorism and establishing security as part of the international coalition, French troops have left Afghanistan. Afghan forces are now responsible for the security of their country. During those 13 years, nearly 70, 000 French soldiers were deployed to the Heracles, Pamir, Ares and Epidote operations. They fought there. Each of them has left a part of their soul in the mountains of Afghanistan. 700 were injured. 89 lost their lives there, in the name of their commitment. In this first issue of the Journal of Defense, Afghanistan Special, we will transport you to the theatre of operations to relive the key moments of the French involvement.

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17 mars 2015 2 17 /03 /mars /2015 12:35
1ere partie – l’intégrale - Afghanistan : du déploiement aux 1ers engagements des forces françaises


17/03/2015  DICOD


Afghanistan - Après treize ans d'opérations de lutte contre le terrorisme et de sécurisation au sein d'une coalition internationale, les militaires français ont quitté l'Afghanistan. Les forces afghanes sont aujourd'hui responsables de la sécurité de leur pays. Pendant ces treize années, près de 70 000 soldats français ont été projetés dans les opérations Héraclès, Pamir, Arès ou encore Epidote. Ils y ont combattus et laissé une part d'eux-mêmes dans les montagnes afghanes. 700 ont été blessés et 89 sont morts au nom de leur engagement.


Dans cette première partie du Journal de la Défense (#JDef) « spécial Afghanistan », nous vous emmenons sur le théâtre d'opération afghan pour revivre les moments forts de l'engagement des forces françaises entre 2001 et 2009.

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2 avril 2014 3 02 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
Pentagon to organize drones in teams for sharing data, fighting together


Moscow Apr 01, 2014 Spacewar.com  (Voice of Russia)


The Pentagon's research unit is ready to launch a program that unites drones into teams allowing them to share data and act together on a battlefield while being operated by one human. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently announced that the Proposers' Day for its Collaborative Operations in Denied Environments (CODE) program will be held on April 11. CODE's goal is to unite "autonomy and inter-platform collaboration" of unmanned aerial vehicles.

DARPA intends to develop four "critical technology areas" for its future drones: single-drone flight autonomy; a human-systems interface that allows a "mission commander" to operate a drone fleet; drone-team collaboration; and an "open architecture" that allows drones to pass information between each other and humans.

According to DARPA, the CODE project will prepare today's relatively primitive drones for future conflicts, which will be characterized by "a higher level of threats, contested electromagnetic spectrum, and re-locatable targets." DARPA believes that in future, drone technology will be more widespread, and enemies will be more ready to counteract.

It was recently reported that DARPA is also doubling funding for its Hydra program, which develops underwater drones. Some of DARPA's other projects include inaudible military vehicles, the ATLAS robot, brain-reading technology and lasers to shoot down multiple enemy drones.


Smartphone-controlled drones to support US troops in combat zones
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) hopes to work with contractors to develop smartphone-controlled drones for US Army ground troops to use to stay better protected while out in the field.

"Many missions require dedicated vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) assets, but most ground units don't have their own helicopters," said Ashish Bagai, DARPA program manager, in a press statement. "ARES would make organic and versatile VTOL capability available to many more individual units. Our goal is to provide flexible, terrain-independent transportation that avoids ground-based threats, in turn supporting expedited, cost-effective operations and improving the likelihood of mission success."

The ARES is in its third and final phase, with Lockheed Martin currently taking the lead on DARPA's research.

There is increased interest in using smaller, field-deployable drones, so soldiers on the ground are able to do short-range reconnaissance - or to launch small-scale aerial assaults. Unlike civilian smartphone-controlled drones, DARPA is seeking technology able to carry up to 3,000 pounds, allowing for weapons and supply reinforcements as well.

Private sector companies and government contractors have already developed technologies for use by special forces, but ARES could be widely deployed.


DARPA's new search engine to crawl Deep Web, root out human trafficking and illicit business
A new kind of web search engine capable of ferreting out human trafficking operations and other illegal activities, hidden in the "deep Web" of the Internet, is expected to become reality in a few years as the US agency responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military is looking for a partner to create a project which may come in handy for law enforcement and military operations.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, is the agency which works on the development of new military technologies such as robots, satellites and body armor. It is currently seeking ways to technologically index the "deep Web" of the Internet - forums, chat rooms and other semi-hidden parts of the Web - which are not scanned by the majority of search engines such as Google and Bing and where a substantial part of illicit business takes place.

The brand-new project was dubbed "Memex " which is a combination of the words "memory" and "index." The main objective of Memex is rooting out human trafficking operations, including labor and sex trafficking. The system is supposed to replace sites that have enabled software that currently prevents them from being "crawled" by today's search engines. According to DARPA, "an index curated for the counter trafficking domain, along with configurable interfaces for search and analysis will enable a new opportunity for military, law enforcement, legal, and intelligence actions to be taken against trafficking enterprises."

Last year, Time magazine wrote about the "deep Web", emphasizing that it is an "electronic haven for thieves, child pornographers, human traffickers, forgers, assassins and peddlers of state secrets and loose nukes." The problem is that many of these sites hide in the less-monitored corners of the Internet and cannot be accessed with normal search engines as they require specific software programs.

Interestingly, the "deep Web" was crafted by the US government as a tool for espionage agents and law enforcement. However, over the past decade, it became widely used by people searching for privacy or ways to conduct illicit activities on the Internet secretly.

The Memex project was opened for proposals last week and companies can submit their final proposals until April 8.


Meet ARES: DARPA's newest transformer-style drones under development
The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DAPRA, presented concept images of its scheme to pair up the US military with modular drones named Aerial Reconfigurable Embedded System (ARES for short), capable of transforming to comply with the needs of different missions.

The ARES drone will be utilized as an unmanned vehicle that would be able to set military units down in dangerous environments. The UAV could also be used as a resupplying entity for troop deployments. If injured combatants need to be evacuated from an area, ARES can help facilitate such ventures.

The final variant of ARES has been shown off as a sort of drone that can buzz around air space but can also be connected to a variety of modules such as vehicles or special container units. It was created from a project called Transformer (TX) with the primary goal being to make "a ground vehicle that is capable of configuring into a VTOL [vertical take-off and landing] air vehicle that provides sufficient flight performance and range, while carrying a payload that is representative of four troops with gear."

"ARES would make organic and versatile VTOL capability available to many more individual units," Ashish Bagai, DARPA program manager, said in a statement, "Our goal is to provide flexible, terrain-independent transportation that avoids ground-based threats, in turn supporting expedited, cost-effective operations and improving the likelihood of mission success." Design assistance and system integration techniques are being taken care of by Lockheed Martin Skunkworks, with ARES in its last stage.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 08:20
ARES : Future camionnette volante de l’armée américaine ?

Images  DARPA


19.03.2014 Romain Guillot journal-aviation.com


Succédant au projet Transformer (TX) dévoilé en 2009, le projet ARES (Aerial Reconfigurable Embedded System) de l’agence américaine DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) va bientôt se concrétiser.


La DARPA a en effet annoncé le mois dernier que le programme était désormais lancé et qu’il avait gagné en maturité, atteignant sa troisième et dernière phase de conception (Phase 3). Un premier prototype va être construit pour un vol attendu en 2015.


Développé en coopération avec la division Skunk Works de Lockheed Martin et Piasecki Aircraft Corporation, ce drone est destiné à effectuer des missions de transport, notamment pour assurer la logistique des lignes de front. Il s’agit d’un appareil pouvant décoller et atterrir verticalement (VTOL) grâce à deux soufflantes carénées orientables.


À la différence des premiers travaux concernant le projet TX, ARES ne ressemble plus du tout à un Hummer volant. Il est désormais composé de deux parties : un module porteur, complètement autonome, qui comprend la voilure, la motorisation, les systèmes et le carburant, et un module de transport, complètement détachable et adapté en fonction des besoins de la mission. Ce dernier module pourra par exemple se décliner en compartiment de transport de matériel ou de vivres, en logement d’évacuation pour blessés (CASEVAC) ou en système de reconnaissance et de renseignement.


Pour la DARPA, ARES permettra ainsi de s’affranchir des contraintes du terrain (relief, menaces) par opposition au traditionnel transport par voie terrestre, tout en évitant de mobiliser des hélicoptères avec leur équipage. Le drone deviendrait ainsi un moyen de transport plus économique, tout en divisant par deux la surface d’atterrissage requise.


L’un des objectifs du programme est de pouvoir transporter une charge pouvant atteindre 3000 livres (1,4 t), soit plus de 40% de sa masse maximale au décollage. ARES sera dans un premier temps entièrement autonome, ne nécessitant aucune intervention humaine pour assurer les missions. La DARPA précise cependant que le drone pourra aussi, mais dans un second temps, être piloté dans certaines phases de vol grâce à des applications sur mobile ou sur des tablettes durcies.


Ce projet s’ajoute au programme X-VTOL dévoilé en février 2013 et qui plante le décor sur de futurs concepts d’aéronefs alliant voilure tournante et voilure fixe.

ARES : Future camionnette volante de l’armée américaine ?
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19 février 2014 3 19 /02 /février /2014 13:20
ARES Aims to Provide More Front-line Units with Mission-tailored VTOL Capabilities



February 11, 2014 DARPA


Unmanned aerial logistics system would bypass ground-based threats and enable faster, more effective delivery of cargo and other essential services in hard-to-reach areas


U.S. military experience has shown that rugged terrain and threats such as ambushes and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) can make ground-based transportation to and from the front lines a dangerous challenge. Combat outposts require on average 100,000 pounds of material a week, and high elevation and impassable mountain roads often restrict access. Helicopters are one solution, but the supply of available helicopters can’t meet the demand for their services, which cover diverse operational needs including resupply, tactical insertion and extraction, and casualty evacuation. 


To help overcome these challenges, DARPA unveiled the Transformer (TX) program in 2009. Transformer aimed to develop and demonstrate a prototype system that would provide flexible, terrain-independent transportation for logistics, personnel transport and tactical support missions for small ground units. In 2013, DARPA selected the Aerial Reconfigurable Embedded System (ARES) design concept to move forward.


“Many missions require dedicated vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) assets, but most ground units don’t have their own helicopters,” said Ashish Bagai, DARPA program manager. “ARES would make organic and versatile VTOL capability available to many more individual units. Our goal is to provide flexible, terrain-independent transportation that avoids ground-based threats, in turn supporting expedited, cost-effective operations and improving the likelihood of mission success.”


ARES would center on a VTOL flight module designed to operate as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capable of transporting a variety of payloads. The flight module would have its own power system, fuel, digital flight controls and remote command-and-control interfaces. Twin tilting ducted fans would provide efficient hovering and landing capabilities in a compact configuration, with rapid conversion to high-speed cruise flight similar to small aircraft. The system could use landing zones half the size typically needed by similarly sized helicopters, enabling it to land in rugged terrain and aboard ships.


It is envisioned that the flight module would travel between its home base and field operations to deliver and retrieve several different types of detachable mission modules, each designed for a specific purpose—cargo pickup and delivery, casualty extraction or airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities, for instance. The flight module would have a useful load capability of up to 3,000 pounds, more than 40 percent the takeoff gross weight of the aircraft.


Units could direct the flight modules using apps on their mobile phones or ruggedized tablets. Initially, the system would be unmanned, with a future path towards semi-autonomous flight systems and user interfaces for optionally manned/controlled flight.


ARES is currently in its third and final phase. Lockheed Martin Skunk Works ® is the lead vehicle design and system integration performer for Phase 3 of the program.

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