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24 janvier 2016 7 24 /01 /janvier /2016 17:25
photo Armée de l'Air

photo Armée de l'Air


22/01/2016 Sources : commandement des forces aériennes - Armée de l'air


Dans le cadre des activités de coopération bilatérale entre la Fuerza Aérera argentine et l'armée de l'air française, le sergent-chef Stéphane, instructeur de survie opérationnelle au sein du centre de formation à la survie et au sauvetage (CFSS), a gravi début décembre 2015 l'Aconcagua (point culminant la cordillère des Andes à plus de 6962m).


Cet exploit physique et humain récompense une préparation minutieuse et un entraînement physique spécifique. L'instructeur a ainsi bénéficié du soutien des centres montagne air, de la cellule préparation du combattant et du centre médical air de la base aérienne 120 de Cazaux et du savoir-faire de l'armée de l'air afin de préparer au mieux sa mission et son arrivée à Mendoza en Argentine le 3 décembre 2015.


Encadrée par deux instructeurs spécialistes « montagne », un sauveteur et aidée par des mules pour le volet logistique, la petite équipe a réalisé son ascension sur une durée de 11 jours, multipliant les nécessaires paliers d'acclimatation afin d'écarter tout risque d'embolie pulmonaire, un risque non négligeable à de telles altitudes.


Cette mission exceptionnelle a non seulement permis au CFSS d'élargir son expertise dans le domaine de la survie en haute altitude mais aussi de tester in situ les matériels et tenues spécifiques haute montagne détenus par l'équipe recherche et sauvetage aérolarguée du commando parachutistes de l'air n° 10.


Riche d'enseignement, cette expérience hors norme a porté haut les couleurs du commandement des forces aériennes et de l'armée de l'air.

photo Armée de l'Airphoto Armée de l'Air

photo Armée de l'Air

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9 décembre 2015 3 09 /12 /décembre /2015 08:50
C295W airdropping Parana, Argentina

7 déc. 2015 Airbus DS

C295W performs airdropping in Parana, Argentina as part of its Latin American Tour.

For More Information: http://bit.ly/1NLgyS6

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9 décembre 2015 3 09 /12 /décembre /2015 08:25
C295W - paratrooping in Argentina

7 déc. 2015 Airbus DS

Check out some paratropping in action! C295W keeps performing demos as part of its Latin American Tour.

For More Information: http://bit.ly/1NLgyS6

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3 juillet 2015 5 03 /07 /juillet /2015 21:25
TAM photo Ejército Argentino

TAM photo Ejército Argentino


3 juillet 2015 timesofisrael.com (JTA)


BUENOS AIRES – L’armée argentine a signé un contrat de 111 000 000 dollars avec Israël pour rénover 74 tanks en Argentine.


L’accord visant à améliorer les tanks argentins moyens ou TAM, a été signé à Buenos Aires par le ministre de la Défense de l’Argentine Agustin Rossi et Ben-Baruch Mishel, le directeur de la Division de la coopération internationale de la défense du ministère israélien de la Défense.


« Ceci est une étape extrêmement importante, non seulement pour le projet mais aussi pour les excellentes relations entre les deux pays. C’est aussi le début d’une grande amitié entre les deux ministères », a déclaré Ben Baruch, qui a également fait l’éloge du travail accompli par les équipes techniques israéliennes et argentines pour conclure l’accord.


L’accord inclut différents outils visant à assurer que l’Argentine puisse développer sa propre technologie et ses capacités par le biais des projets de communs avec Israël, ainsi que les ressources humaines pour la formation et l’assistance technique pour rénover les tanks en Argentine.


Rossi a déclaré dans un communiqué publié par le ministère de la Défense après la signature de l’accord la semaine dernière, que l’accord « est un sérieux coup de pouce » pour l’industrie de la défense locale et l’a décrit comme « un investissement de 111 millions de dollars ».


« La modernisation des TAM est emblématique parce que c’est un tank conçu et fabriqué en Argentine », a déclaré Santiago Rodríguez, le secrétaire du ministère de la Production scientifique et technologique de la Défense.


« La chaine de production sera installée dans notre pays, où les composants fabriqués localement seront intégrés », a-t-il ajouté.

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27 mars 2015 5 27 /03 /mars /2015 07:25
Credits Eric Gaba

Credits Eric Gaba


March 26th, 2015 defencetalk.com (AFP)


Argentina branded Britain’s plans to beef up its defenses in the Falkland Islands a “provocation” and a pre-election stunt Wednesday.


On Tuesday, British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said London would spend £180 million ($268 million) over 10 years to counter “continuous intimidation” from Argentina in the disputed South Atlantic islands, which the two countries went to war over in 1982.


“This business from Great Britain is a provocation, not just to Argentina but also to the United Nations,” said Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timerman.


The UN’s Decolonization Committee adopted a resolution last year calling on Britain to negotiate with Argentina on the islands’ status, as Buenos Aires has long demanded.


Britain argues the islanders should decide themselves which country they want to belong to. In a 2013 referendum, 99.8 percent voted to remain a British overseas territory.


Timerman said the British defense initiative “makes no sense.”


“We are committed to dialogue and international law,” he told local broadcaster Radio del Plata, saying Argentina would file a formal complaint with the UN and the Decolonization Committee.


President Cristina Kirchner’s cabinet chief, Anibal Fernandez, said the defense plan was less about Argentine threats than the campaign for Britain’s general elections on May 7.


“They’re facing elections so they resort to cheap nationalism to put all of British society on tenterhooks over a military matter,” he told a press conference.


Argentina invaded the Falklands, which it calls the Malvinas, in April 1982, sparking a bloody war that it lost in just over two months.


The conflict claimed the lives of 649 Argentine soldiers, 255 British soldiers and three islanders.


Argentina’s secretary for the Malvinas, Daniel Filmus, said it is “absolutely not the case” that Buenos Aires plans to repeat the invasion, launched under its military dictatorship.


“Since 1983, Argentina has again lived under a democracy and forcefully insists that there is only one path to regain sovereignty, the path of peace, diplomacy and negotiation,” he said.


Filmus said Britain’s real aim appeared to be “supporting the offshore oil rigs that are illegally pumping Argentine hydrocarbons” in the South Atlantic.


Argentina does not recognize Britain’s right to drill for oil in the region, where significant offshore deposits have been discovered in recent years.

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18 mars 2015 3 18 /03 /mars /2015 17:25
Argentina Confirms JF-17 Talks with China

The Argentina air force has sent a technical team to China to discuss a possible buy of 12 to 24 Chengdu JF-17 Xiaolong (Thunder) combat aircraft, seen here armed with anti-ship missiles. (Chinese Internet photo)


Mar 18, 2015 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: La Gaceta; published Mar 17, 2015)

(Published in Spanish; unofficial translation by defense-Aerospace.com)


Argentina Evaluating Offers to Buy 24 Fighter Jets


BUENOS AIRES --- Argentina is talking with China about buying up to 24 FC-1 / JF-17 fighters capable of reaching the Falklands, as confirmed by the Minister of Defence, Agustín Rossi. He said that an official delegation will travel to China next week to begin the talks.


"The Chief of Staff of the Air Force (Mario Miguel Callejo) is going to China with a technical mission to explore the possibility of purchasing" the fighters, Rossi confirmed as he accompanied President Cristina Fernandez in announcing an investment of $930 million to equip the Army.


Argentina’s interest in the Chinese fighters was first reported by the London Sunday Express newspaper The possibility was first raised as part of the trade agreements signed by Fernandez during her recent trip to China.


“The aircraft is a single-seat, single-engine design capable of a top speed of Mach 1.8 at an altitude of 55,000 feet. It also has a combat range of 1,350 kilometers, which allows him to fly back and forth to Stanley from the base of Tierra del Fuego," Rossi explained during an interview with Radio America.


Rossi declined to give many details of the talks but confirmed that the intention is to buy "not less than 12 and not more than 24" aircraft. If the agreement did indeed materialize, he said it would be "something new for Argentina’s Air Force, which has always had Western equipment."


The defense minister said that China is not the only country with which negotiated for the purchase of fighter planes. For the moment, Argentina has "two formal offers" for Spanish Mirage F-1s and Israeli Kfir Block 60s. "We also have an informal French offer," he said, but avoided giving details.


Argentina will make its decision once all formal offers are on the table, but the intention is that it should happen before the end of the year. "Then, I'll take the options to the President to make the decision," Rossi confirmed.

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15 mars 2015 7 15 /03 /mars /2015 12:25
photo INVAP

photo INVAP


March 11, 2015 Spacewar.com (AFP)


Buenos Aires - Argentina will manufacture locally designed military drones, according to an announcement Tuesday in the official government gazette.


Argentina plans to use the drones, expected to fly as long as 12-20 hours, on its ships in searches at sea.


The program has an initial investment of 238 million dollars, the gazette said. The government contract is with state-owned INVAP, which makes complex technological products, and is owned by Rio Negro province.


INVAP designed Argentina's first communications satellite which was launched in October.


Dubbed ARSAT-1, it was Latin America's first to be built with homegrown technology.

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10 mars 2015 2 10 /03 /mars /2015 14:55
photo Ministère de la Défense

photo Ministère de la Défense


10/03/2015 Communiqué du ministre de la Défense


Le ministre de la Défense déplore la disparition du brigadier-chef Alexis Vastine, décédé cette nuit dans un accident d’hélicoptère en Argentine, alors qu’il participait pendant ses permissions à une émission télévisée. Neuf autres personnes y ont péri.


Natif de Pont-Audemer (Eure) et âgé de 28 ans, le brigadier-chef Alexis Vastine, sportif de haut niveau du ministère de la Défense depuis 2007, était affecté au centre national des sports de la Défense, basé à Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne).


Son palmarès est l’un des plus prestigieux de la boxe française de ces dernières années : médaillé de bronze aux Jeux Olympiques en 2008 à Pékin, Chine ; quart de finaliste à Londres, Grande-Bretagne, en 2012. Son dernier titre de champion du monde militaire acquis à Bakou, Azerbaïdjan, en juin dernier démontrait sa volonté de se préparer pour l’échéance olympique de Rio, Brésil, et sa fierté de représenter les armées dans le sport militaire international. Egalement médaillé d’or aux jeux militaires mondiaux en 2011 au Brésil, il faisait partie de la délégation française pour ceux d’octobre prochain, en Corée du Sud.


Pilier de l’armée de champions, il était un ambassadeur remarquable du ministère de la Défense. L’ensemble de la communauté militaire est endeuillée par ce drame.


Le ministre de la Défense, M. Jean-Yves Le Drian, adresse ses plus sincères condoléances à la famille d’Alexis Vastine ainsi qu’aux proches de l’ensemble des victimes.

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9 mars 2015 1 09 /03 /mars /2015 17:25
M113A2 Wildcat photo Ejercito Real Sueco

M113A2 Wildcat photo Ejercito Real Sueco


09 March 2015 armyrecognition.com


WASHINGTON, -- The US Department of Defense has offered to the Argentine government one hundred armored tracked series M113 at a discounted prices. The total amount bid is $2,495,368, $2,277,049.20 of which correspond to the M113A2 , $24.412 for one M548A1 and 193,906.80 for six M577A2 .

The offer, issued by the DSCA (Defense Security Cooperation Agency), includs 93 armored personnel carriers M113A2, a single load armored M548A1 and M577A2 six armored command post.


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5 mars 2015 4 05 /03 /mars /2015 08:25
CZ-11W Light Attack Helicopter

CZ-11W Light Attack Helicopter


March 3, 2015: Strategy Page


China is making a major effort to become the largest exporter to Latin America (South America and the Caribbean). One of the major offerings is not cheap consumer goods but military equipment. This stuff is not only cheaper than anything the Americans have but is also sold without any restrictions. Over the last few decades the United States has added a growing list of conditions to its military exports. All these are directed at withholding weapons from any nation who that does not meet current American standards for political correctness. China has long ignored that sort of thing sold to anyone (openly or clandestinely) to anyone who could pay. China also realizes (as do most South American military leaders) that these countries do not need the best (as in American) weapons just something as good as or a little better than what their neighbors have.


China is so eager to get into and dominate the Latin American market that it is willing to ignore the credit worthiness problems. Thus China has offered Argentina armored vehicles, warplanes and warships on easy terms. China also wants to open factories in Argentina to produce Chinese military equipment. All this in a country that, over the last few decades, has stumbled from one fiscal crises to another and is now a pariah to most foreign investors. But China sees a long term opportunity and wants to sustain spectacular growth in trade with Latin America. This grew from $18 billion a year in 2002 to nearly $300 billion now. That is still a third of the trade the United States does with Latin America but it is still impressive growth. It will take deals like the one with Argentina to keep the growth going.


China isn’t going blind into Argentina. Back in 2011 China licensed an Argentinian firm to build military versions (CZ-11Ws) of the Chinese Z-11 helicopter. Despite a Western arms embargo, China was able to buy Honeywell LTS101-700D-2 engines for its Z-11 light helicopter. Normally, American military grade equipment cannot be sold to China, but the Z-11 is considered a civilian helicopter. This despite the fact that there is a military version, which is armed with four anti-tank missiles, two 12.7mm machine-guns or four rocket launchers. The 2.2 ton Z-11 can carry up to six people, cruises at 259 kilometers an hour and has an endurance of 4-5 hours. There was no such embargo on Argentina, so they will be able to buy American equipment for their Chinese designed helicopter gunships. However, because of the way American export laws work, these Argentinian gunships could not be sold back to China. Argentina planned to build about 40 CZ-11Ws. That deal was eventually cancelled, in part because the Americans would not play along and China got tied up in the Argentinian bureaucracy. China did not consider all that a failure but rather a learning experience and are proceeding more confidently into the new deal.


Before the 2011 Chinese helicopter deal Argentina sought, for the first time, to buy Russian military equipment in the form of two Mi-17 helicopters. The main reason for this 2010 move was price. American or European helicopters would cost more than twice as much. Russia also offers lower rates for training pilots and mechanics. Russia is keen on establishing good relations with new South American customers, and has been increasingly successful selling weapons in this region during the last two decades. This deal fell apart because the Russians were put off by the fiscal anarchy rampant in Argentina and the poor prospects of ever getting paid.

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22 février 2015 7 22 /02 /février /2015 17:25
Two J-10 fighters at the Zhuhai Airshow on Nov. 5, 2008. (Photo Xinhua)

Two J-10 fighters at the Zhuhai Airshow on Nov. 5, 2008. (Photo Xinhua)


February 22, 2015 By Wendell Minnick – Defense News


TAIPEI — London's successful blocking of the Gripen fighter sale to Argentina appears to have done little to stop Buenos Aires' determination to replace its aging attack and fighter fleet. Nor has it halted its threats to use force to "liberate" the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands from British control.


In October, Argentina's Defense Minister Agustin Rossi announced plans to procure 14 Saab Gripen fighters to replace its single-engine Dassault Mirage III/5, which saw combat during the 1982 Falklands War.


However, London quickly killed the deal. When that was nixed, Argentine's President Cristina Kirchner traveled to Beijing, Feb. 2-5, and announced Argentina and China were creating a working group to facilitate the transfer of a variety of military equipment, including fighters. To further sweeten the pot, China takes Argentina's position on the Falkland Islands and has compared the dispute to China's sovereignty claims over disputed islands in the East and South China Seas.


Two types of Chinese fighters are candidates: The FC-1/JF-17 and the J-10, both built by Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC).


The JF-17 is the Pakistan-built variant of the FC-1. Both fighters have their advantages and disadvantages, said Doug Barrie, the senior air analyst at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. The Chengdu FC-1 represents the cheaper and less-capable combat aircraft, he said. Argentina could purchase significantly more FC-1s, "although in capability terms this would not represent as great an increment in overall performance compared to the J-10," he said.


The Argentinean Air Force could face difficulties acclimating to non-Western equipment, but "we should understand that such a sale will have a special political importance for the Chinese. It brings prestige and opens doors to new combat aircraft sales to the region," said Vasily Kashin, a China military specialist at Moscow's Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies. "They will likely provide good financing conditions and will probably pay special attention to subsequent maintenance and training work."


Logistics and follow-on support is still a question, and China's reputation with past fighter exports is dubious, said Roger Cliff, nonresident senior fellow, Asia Security Initiative, Atlantic Council. He said Argentina might have no choice in the matter since London will no doubt block any Western fighter sale. Russia could also be a contender, but also has a poor history in fighter support, Cliff said.


However, China's JF-17 fighter program in Pakistan has proven a reasonably successful test bed for joint fighter production programs. The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and CAC developed the JF-17 and CAC's FC-1 in a joint program begun in 1995. Like Argentina, the Pakistan JF-17 replaced its Mirage III/5 fighters.


Richard Fisher, a senior fellow with the US-based International Assessment and Strategy Center, said that in 2013 CAC was in discussions with the Argentine aerospace company Fabrica Argentina de Aviones to co-build the FC-1 in a similar fashion as the CAC/PAC deal. Fabrica did not respond to requests for information on the issue.


China has been working hard to placate Buenos Aires. In 2011, Fabrica and the Aviation Industry Corp. of China (AVIC) signed a co-production deal for the CZ-11 single-engine light multi-purpose helicopter.


Future cooperation could cover co-production with China's Norinco for 100 eight-wheeled VN1 eight-wheeled armored personnel carriers, and joint development with China's Shipbuilding Corp. for five corvettes modeled after the P18 (to be dubbed the Malvinas-class after the Falklands dispute).


These agreements could complicate London's ability to protect the Falklands from another invasion.


Fisher said that with aerial refueling, which will be available from Argentina's new Embraer KC390s, "the FC-1 is able to carry two CM400AKG-derived hypersonic anti-ship missiles out to a reasonable strike range." With the element of surprise and a minimum of 20 fighters, "there is the potential they could launch up to 40 of these missiles at the likely single aircraft carrier that Britain would send to defend the Falklands from a second attack."


London does not have an aircraft carrier that can operate fixed-wing aircraft. The famed AV-8 Harrier jump jetss that made their name during the Falklands War were retired in 2010. However, two 70,000-ton Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers are under construction, with the first to be completed in 2017 with an air wing operational in 2020, Cliff said. The carriers will be equipped with short take-off and vertical landing F-35B joint strike fighters. "So the UK might be especially vulnerable at the moment, but that situation will not last long."


Fisher said the issue is more complicated today than it was during the war.


The other new element is that Argentina and China are now partners in space cooperation. China is building a strategic Southern Hemisphere tracking and control facility, and Argentina could get access to China's growing surveillance satellite network.


The scenarios Fisher paints are dark. "What if Venezuela gave Argentine aircraft base access to mount an early strike against a British task force? This could become a realistic option with Chinese ISR. This Chinese-Argentine military relationship is just beginning to blossom. Anti-ship ballistic missiles, over-the-horizon radar, and submarines could quickly join the list of possible Chinese exports.


"Look, there does not have to be a second war," Fisher continued. "If China sells Argentina enough weapons, a future British government could opt for a lengthy face-saving Hong Kong-like transfer. But in Latin America, such a 'surrender' would be viewed as much a Chinese as an Argentine victory."


The political and economic consequences for Argentina of making another grab for the Falklands would be severe, and even threatening to do so would not be in the country's interest. But that does not mean it could not happen, "as people in the country are still passionate about the issue", Cliff said.


"Argentina made things pretty dicey for the UK back in 1982 and probably could do so again, especially if they prepared carefully for it."

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18 janvier 2015 7 18 /01 /janvier /2015 12:25
Mi-171E transport helicopter - photo Rostec

Mi-171E transport helicopter - photo Rostec


BUENOS AIRES, 17 janvier - RIA Novosti


L'Argentine envisage d'acheter des hélicoptères russes, a annoncé vendredi à Buenos Aires le ministre argentin de la Défense Agustin Rossi.


"Nous coopérons intensément avec la Russie. Nous avons déjà acheté des hélicoptères Mi-17 et envisageons d'augmenter nos achats", a indiqué M.Rossi lors d'une rencontre avec l'équipage du navire diesel-électrique russe Vassili Golovnine chargé de ravitailler les bases argentines en Antarctique.


Selon le ministre, l'Armée de l'air argentine a acheté deux hélicoptères russes Mi-171E en 2011 pour réaliser des missions de sauvetage au Pôle Sud. C'était une grande première, car auparavant, la coopération militaire et technique entre la Russie et l'Argentine était quasi inexistante.


Le Mi-171E, version modernisée de l'hélicoptère Mi-8,  n'a pas son égal dans le monde en termes de fiabilité, de robustesse et de polyvalence.

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3 octobre 2014 5 03 /10 /octobre /2014 11:25
CSDP’s new partners: South America


At first glance, it may appear somewhat odd that a considerable number of Latin American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and the Dominican Republic) participate in EU missions and operations in regions far from their immediate geographic security sphere. Yet this is part of a broader trend whereby the number of third countries involved in CSDP activities has steadily risen over the last decade. Of the 19 non-EU states which have contributed to date, 7 have signed Framework Participation Agreements (FPAs) with the Union, thereby establishing a legal foundation for their involvement in its crisis management activities.

In 2014, Chile and Colombia became the first South American countries to sign FPAs, moving their respective partnerships with the EU beyond the traditional realms of trade, aid and political dialogue.


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25 mars 2014 2 25 /03 /mars /2014 11:25
Sukhoi Su-35S (Su-35BM) multirole fighter

Sukhoi Su-35S (Su-35BM) multirole fighter


25.03.2014 Rostec


Negotiations on a number of potential projects will take place during the FIDAE-2014 exhibition

The company Rosoboronexport plans to increase the presence of Russian military equipment in Latin America. During FIDAE-2014, the company will discuss cooperation with representatives of the armed forces of Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, and other countries in the region.


FIDAE-2014, the international exhibition of military and aerospace engineering, will take place in Santiago from March 25-30, 2014. There Rosoboronexport plans to increase its contacts with Chilean partners and continue developing a productive dialogue with Latin American countries concerning topics such as industrial cooperation.

“Russia’s presence in the Latin American market will only expand. We work with practically every country in the region, and we expect that the FIDAE-2014 exhibition will open a phase of cooperation with many countries, particularly with Chile,” noted Sergei Ladygin, Deputy CEO of Rosoboronexport, who is leading the company’s delegation to the exhibition. “Some time ago we conducted rather productive talks with Chilean partners about helicopters, but then this work began to lag. We hope that while in Santiago we can resume these kinds of negotiations, as well as discussing a number of other potential projects.”

The Rosoboronexport delegation will hold a series of talks with senior members of the armed forces of Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, and other countries in the region.

Rosoboronexport’s schedule of joint activities includes talks with several Brazilian companies on technological cooperation, such as with the company Atlas Taxi Aero, which already actively uses the multipurpose Mi-171A1 helicopter, and the large industrial company IAS (Indústria de Aviação e Serviçios).

Foreign experts are expected to show particular interest in the combat training Yak-130 aircraft, the Mi-17 military transport helicopter, the Mi-28N military helicopter, the Su-35 multipurpose fighter jet, and the Il-76MD-90A military transport aircraft. Questions about aftermarket services and the development of service centers in the region are also expected to be discussed. Major Russian air defense systems, such as the Pantsir-S1, Buk-M2E, Tor-M2E, and Igla-S, are also expected to have great potential.

“Naturally, the Latin American market is traditionally thought of as the purview of Western European and American manufacturers. However, we offer not only military hardware and weapons that are ahead of competitors in terms of cost-effectiveness, but also technological cooperation projects. Gradually, as a result of systematic and phased work based on the principles of mutual benefit and transparency, we have been able to strengthen our position in the region,” noted Sergei Ladygin.

Russia has been a traditional participant in the FIDAE exhibition since 1994, presenting many times over the skies of Santiago the country’s best products, including Su and MiG fighter planes. In 2002, a group of Chilean parliamentarians at the exhibition familiarized themselves with the Mi-17 helicopter during a demonstration flight. Such demonstration flights were also held for the K-32 helicopter in 2008 and for the unique Be-200 amphibious aircraft in 2010.

Rosoboronexport is the only state organization in Russia authorized to export the entire spectrum of military and civilian products, services, and technologies. Part of the state corporation Rostec, Rosoboronexport is one of the leaders in the world arms market. The company accounts for over 80% of Russia’s exports of weapons and military equipment. Rosoboronexport cooperates with more than 700 enterprises and organizations of Russia’s military-industrial complex. The geography of Russia’s military-technical cooperation spans more than 70 countries.

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26 novembre 2013 2 26 /11 /novembre /2013 13:25
Argentina and Brazil coordinating cyber-defense in the framework of Unasur


26.11.2013 cybergeopolitik (Mercopress)

Argentine Defense Minister Agustín Rossi met his Brazilian counterpart, Celso Amorim and agreed to incorporate all South American countries in their bilateral treaty on cyber-defense. The decision was made after several reports indicated the United States engaged in espionage activities against the countries in the region.

Two months ago, both ministers met in Buenos Aires to discuss the situation and in this last meeting in Brasilia they again discussed the same topic: how to promote cooperation in order to fight potential cyber threats, such as the espionage carried out by the US National Security Agency, which was unveiled by Edward Snowden, the former US agency contractor.

“I think that the UNASUR bloc has a common defense strategy” said Argentine minister Rossi in conversations with journalists after meeting Amorim. Rossi also called the rest of the countries in the southern end of South America to enroll in this cyber-defense strategy.

“In order to preserve the region’s progress, we should consider this policy,” he added.

According to Rossi, the organization in charge of discussing this proposal should be UNASUR’s Defense Council. Defense ministers are supposed to meet and define joint actions regarding security.

Amorim regretted that the Council has not met since the espionage scandal started with Snowden’s accusation, adding that it would be fundamental to debate the issue in the next meeting.

“However, while we wait until joint decisions are made in the South American sphere, we can work bilaterally as we are doing with Argentina” indicated Amorim.

To maintain that cooperation, Rossi said that the country will be sending a group of military officers to Brazil Superior War Academy to train in “cyber-war.” Meanwhile, Brazilian officers will be travelling to Buenos Aires to do a masters in the Army’s University Institute.

Rossi was also invited to visit the Brazilian Army’s Communications and Electronic War Centre to learn about the defense actions carried out in Brazil. Rossi and Amorim did not detail any other measures that both countries will be taking on jointly.

Source: http://en.mercopress.com/2013/11/22/argentina-and-brazil-coordinating-cyber-defense-in-the-framework-of-unasur

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19 novembre 2013 2 19 /11 /novembre /2013 08:25
Fear of creditors keeps Argentine forces away from regional maneuvers




Argentina's worries over creditors' backlash to its 2001 sovereign default and scant cash resources threaten to isolate the Latin American country's forces in regional military collaboration networks.


This month, Argentina stayed away from Cruzex 2013, the largest air maneuvers by regional air forces. Buenos Aires said it canceled its participation to avoid international creditors pouncing on its military assets in ongoing claims from the debt default.



Analysts said that cash-strapped Argentine armed forces appeared unwilling to take part in international events where their hardware and technical inferiority could be questioned.


Cruzex this year featured U.S. forces alongside air fleets from Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay and even Venezuela, despite its rancorous ties with Washington. Most of the maneuvers took place in northern Brazil, with Brazilian forces forming the largest contingent.


At least 90 military aircraft and "several thousand" military personnel from the participating countries took part, officials said.


Argentina pulled its small team, comprised of a Hercules KC130, several A4-AR fighter jets and about 115 personnel, at the very last minute.


Reacting to a news media uproar, Argentine Defense Minister Agustin Rossi said he wasn't sure what all the fuss was about. He said procedural delays had led to problems seeking legislative approval and forcing Argentina to opt out of the maneuvers.


Industry analysts said Argentine sensitivity over the current state of its armed forces also played a part in the country's abrupt withdrawal from the maneuvers. Argentine military commanders have been calling for more funding for a military regeneration program.


President Cristina Fernandez's administration is locked in a struggle to beat inflation and control foreign exchange spending. Several spending plans for the military have been revised downward in recent years.


In later comments, Rossi admitted the government worried there could be a replay of an international incident in Ghana last year, when Argentine navy frigate Libertad was impounded in the west African country following a claim filed against Argentina by a financial fund. The fund's claim dated back to 2001, when Argentina defaulted on $95 billion of its debt.


After two months' detention in Ghana, the Argentine navy ship won reprieve after U.N. intervention. Since that incident, even Fernandez has acted cautiously when flying out of Argentina, fearing her presidential jet to be at risk from the country's creditors.


Rossi said the government was keen to avoid any "inconvenience" arising from creditor action against the country over its 2001 sovereign default.


During this month's military exercises, the air forces taking part simulated various combat situations in a real war scenario, AirShows said on its website. They learned from each other during the training and shared their techniques, AirShows said.

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10 juillet 2013 3 10 /07 /juillet /2013 11:35
JF-17 : l’Argentine va s’associer à la Chine

10 juillet 2013 Info-Aviation


Des représentants de la FAdeA (Argentine aerospace company Fabrica Argentina de Aviones) ont confié lors du salon du Bourget 2013 qu’ils avaient eu plusieurs discussions avec des responsables chinois sur la co-production éventuelle du chasseur multirôle JF-17/FC-1 de la Chengdu Aircraft Corporation.


L’accord est loin d’être conclu. Les responsables de la FAdeA sont notamment confrontés aux problèmes du « transfert de technologie ». Néanmoins, ces discussions sont une première tentative formelle qui pourrait conduire à la co-production d’un chasseur chinois moderne en Amérique latine.


Les responsables de la FAdeA ont ajouté que la version co-produite en Argentine pourrait être appelée « Pulqui-III », en référence au Pulqui-II qui fut le premier chasseur à réaction conçu par l’ingénieur allemand Kurt Tamk pour le gouvernement de Juan Peron en 1950.


Démarré en Chine à la fin des années 80 sous le nom FC-1, le programme JF-17 est devenu un projet de chasseur sino-pakistanais en 1999 visant à réduire la dépendance du Pakistan à l’égard des entreprises occidentales pour les avions de combat de pointe. L’objectif est de mettre en service un chasseur léger multirôle d’un faible coût (moins de 20 millions de dollars) mais équipé d’une électronique moderne. Ce positionnement répond à un marché que l’Occident a dominé, mais a presque abandonné au cours des dernières décennies.

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2 juin 2013 7 02 /06 /juin /2013 07:25
Agustin Oscar Rossi

Agustin Oscar Rossi

May. 31, 2013 Defense News (AFP)


BUENOS AIRES — Argentine President Cristina Kirchner reshuffled part of her cabinet late Thursday, appointing new defense and security ministers, her spokesman said.


National Deputy Agustin Oscar Rossi, who leads the ruling Front for Victory block in the lower chamber, will replace Arturo Puricelli as defense minister in the surprise move, spokesman Alfredo Scoccimarro told reporters.


Puricelli, in turn, will replace Security Minister Nilda Garre, who will be nominated as ambassador to the Organization of American States.


Kirchner was elected in 2007 and won a second term in 2011 with 54 percent of the vote.

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24 mai 2013 5 24 /05 /mai /2013 16:25
Marché latino-américain des armes: 50 mds USD d'ici 10 ans (Moscou)

LIMA (Pérou), 18 mai - RIA Novosti


Au cours des dix prochaines années, la capacité du marché latino-américain des armes pourrait atteindre près de 50 milliards de dollars, et la Russie cherche à s'imposer sur ce marché, a annoncé samedi à RIA Novosti Sergueï Goreslavski, responsable du géant public russe de l'armement Rostech.
"Selon nos estimations, la capacité du marché des armes en Amérique latine se chiffrera à environ 50 milliards de dollars d'ici dix ans", a indiqué M. Goreslavski qui conduit la délégation de Rostech au salon international de la technologie pour la défense SITDEF 2013. Le salon se déroule du 15 au 19 mai à Lima.
Selon le responsable de Rostech, la Russie doit déployer des efforts énergiques pour renforcer ses positions sur ce marché.
Parmi les clients potentiels, il a  cité le  Venezuela, le Pérou, le Brésil, l'Argentine et le Mexique.
"Ces pays sont intéressés en premier lieu par nos hélicoptères et nos systèmes de défense antiaérienne", a indiqué M. Goreslavski.

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7 mai 2013 2 07 /05 /mai /2013 12:25
"Etranges Affaires" enquête sur les missiles Exocet dans la guerre des Malouines

07.05.2013 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense


Le deuxième numéro de la série documentaires "Etranges Affaires" est en cours de post-production et sera diffusé sur France 3 en juillet. Il est consacré à l'affaire des Exocet français aux mains des Argentins, lors de la guerre des Malouines.


Le 4 mai 1982, un missile Exocet lancé par un Super Etendard de l’aéronavale argentine coule un destroyer de la Royal Navy venue reconquérir les îles Malouines. Le couple Super Etendard-Exocet, fabriqué par les Français, va être l'objet d'une guerre secrète entre Britanniques et Argentins.


Comme le précédent numéro de la série consacré à l'affaire des Vedettes de Cherbourg, le deuxième épisode d'"Etranges Affaires" est un documentaire hybride de 52 minutes qui associe archives, témoignages et animation. L'enquête est menée par Sasha Maréchal (interprétée par la comédienne Ina Mihalache) et Patrick Pesnot (dans son propre rôle). Les témoins clés en Argentine, au Royaume-Uni et en France décryptent le rôle des armes françaises pendant la guerre des Malouines. De l'attaque du destroyer Sheffield à l'opération Plum-Duff menée par les forces spéciales britanniques, le film propose un regard inédit sur cette affaire qui agita les relations entre Margaret Thatcher et François Mitterrand.


Ce deuxième opus d'"Etranges Affaires" est une coproduction Vivement Lundi !/Antoine Martin Productions avec la participation de l'unité documentaire de France 3, en association avec France 3 Nord-Ouest.

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