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17 décembre 2015 4 17 /12 /décembre /2015 08:50
Searching for CBRNe ID threats


Korneuburg - 16 December, 2015 European Defence Agency

From 23 November to 11 December 2015, the European Defence Agency (EDA) in cooperation with Austria as host nation, organised the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear explosives Improvised Devices Search Pilot Course (CBRNe ID Search Course), to enhance pMS’ knowledge on all aspects of C-IED.    


The event took place at the “AbwehrSchule” CBRN School in Korneuburg, Austria. A total of sixteen students attended the course which included a mixture of military and police Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), CBRN and Search specialists from the following countries: Austria, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Latvia, Czech Republic and Spain. A mixture of military and civilian CBRNe Search expertise ensured a wide range of operational experience was available during the course.

Practical training provided the most effective means of learning for this course and students were able to participate in immersive scenarios as commanders, searchers, EOD and Sampling and Identification of Biological, Chemical and Radiological Agents (SIBCRA) specialists in a joint CBRN response team. A variety of instructional methods were employed to achieve this learning: demonstrations, individual skills practice, group mini-tasks and full tactical tasks for teams provided a structured approach to learning. Differentiation was applied where required to compensate for language difficulties or adaptation of existing skills from SIBCRA to Search.

All practical exercises were recorded using photos and videos; this enabled every day to be concluded with a video debrief to ensure students understood the details of each phase even if they were involved in a separate aspect of the task. 

The various scenarios provided a range of operational complexities which highlighted the different operational capabilities, policies and procedures each pMS had. As a result, the course provided much opportunity for sharing best practice, and  a seminar was held to facilitate discussion about the range of capabilities.

A Distinguished Visitors Day was hosted by Austria on 10 December 2015. Several Defence Attaches and other visitors participated in the event and took the opportunity to visit the CBRN School for briefings on the course design and contents. Visitors also had the chance to visit a live “vessel search” demonstration in the Danube river.

The EDA intends to hold a CBRNe ID Search seminar during 2016 to define and exploit concepts on this area of expertise.


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6 décembre 2015 7 06 /12 /décembre /2015 08:50
La bataille d'Austerlitz reconstituée par 2000 amateurs d'histoire

photo Thomas Riegler


05.12.2015 Romandie.com (ats)


Environ 2000 figurants en costumes historiques ont reconstitué samedi près de Slavkov (200 km à l'est de Prague) la bataille d'Austerlitz. L'affrontement avait permit à Napoléon de défaire le 2 décembre 1805 les armées russe et autrichienne.


Selon les organisateurs, quelque 18'000 spectateurs, dont le Premier ministre tchèque Bohuslav Sobotka, ont assisté dans l'après-midi à cet événement commémoratif traditionnel, dont le scénario prévoit chaque année une série de manifestations étalées sur plusieurs jours.


"A l'occasion du 210e anniversaire de la bataille, l'ampleur de l'événement a été environ deux fois plus grande que les autres années", a déclaré le président de l'association organisatrice "Projet Austerlitz", Miroslav Jandora.


"Les spectateurs ont vu la reconstitution du 'Saut de Lion', une manoeuvre menée au centre du front, grâce à laquelle Napoléon a décidé du sort de la bataille", a-t-il précisé.


Napoléon a été une nouvelle fois incarné par l'acteur américain Mark Schneider, tenu pour un sosie de l'empereur. Environ 120 chevaux ont foulé le champ de bataille.


La bataille d'Austerlitz, surnommée la "Bataille des Trois Empereurs", opposa Napoléon (qui fêtait le premier anniversaire de son couronnement) à François II (empereur d'Autriche et neveu de Marie-Antoinette) et Alexandre Ier (empereur de Russie). La bataille d'Austerlitz fut suivie du traité de Presbourg (aujourd'hui la capitale slovaque Bratislava), le 26 décembre de la même année.

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3 décembre 2015 4 03 /12 /décembre /2015 19:55
Proclamation après Austerlitz, 12 frimaire an XIV (3 décembre 1805)

Bataille d'Austerlitz. Par François GERARD (1770-1837) - Photo RMN-Grand Palais


source napoleon.org

Soldats ! Je suis content de vous. Vous avez à la journée d'Austerlitz, justifié tout ce que j'attendais de votre intrépidité ; vous avez décoré vos aigles d'une immortelle gloire. Une armée de cent mille hommes, commandée par les empereurs de Russie et d'Autriche, a été, en moins de quatre heures, ou coupée ou dispersée. Ce qui a échappé à votre fer s'est noyé dans les lacs. Quarante drapeaux, les étendards de la garde impériale de Russie, cent vingt pièces de canon, vingt généraux, plus de trente mille prisonniers, sont les résultats de cette journée à jamais célèbre. Cette infanterie tant vante, et en nombre supérieur, n'a pu résister à votre choc, et désormais vous n'avez plus de rivaux à redouter. Ainsi, en deux mois, cette troisième coalition a été vaincue et dissoute ; La paix ne peut plus être éloignée, mais, comme je l'ai promis à mon peuple avant de passer le Rhin, je ne ferai qu'une paix qui nous donne des garanties et assure des récompenses à nos alliés.
Soldats, lorsque le peuple français plaça sur ma tête la couronne impériale, je me confiai à vous pour la maintenir toujours dans ce haut éclat de la gloire qui seul pouvait lui donner du prix à mes yeux. Mais dans le même moment, nos ennemis pensaient à la détruire et à l'avilir ! Et cette couronne de fer, conquise par le sang de tant de Français, ils voulaient m'obliger à la placer sur la tête de nos plus cruels ennemis ! Projets téméraires et insensés que, le jour même de l'anniversaire du couronnement de votre Empereur, vous avez anéantis et confondus ! Vous leur avez appris qu'il est plus facile de nous braver et de nous menacer que de nous vaincre.
Soldats, lorsque tout ce qui est nécessaire pour assurer le bonheur et la prospérité de notre patrie sera accompli, je vous ramènerai en France ; là vous serez l'objet de mes plus tendres sollicitudes. Mon peuple vous reverra avec joie, et il vous suffira de dire « J'étais à la bataille d'Austerlitz », pour que l'on réponde, « Voilà un brave ».

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7 novembre 2015 6 07 /11 /novembre /2015 20:50
Bad Aibling Station (22. Juli 2006)  photo Dr. Johannes W. Dietrich

Bad Aibling Station (22. Juli 2006) photo Dr. Johannes W. Dietrich

The BND's listening station in Bad Aibling, Bavaria: In addition to spying on friends, German intelligence also monitored Oxfam, Care International and the Red Cross.


November 07, 2015 Spiegel.de


Efforts to spy on friends and allies by Germany's foreign intelligence agency, the BND, were more extensive than previously reported. SPIEGEL has learned the agency monitored European and American government ministries and the Vatican.


Three weeks ago, news emerged that Germany's foreign intelligence service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), had systematically spied on friends and allies around the world. In many of those instances, the BND had been doing so of its own accord and not at the request of the NSA. The BND came under heavy criticism earlier this year after news emerged that it had assisted the NSA in spying on European institutions, companies and even Germans using dubious selector data.

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3 novembre 2015 2 03 /11 /novembre /2015 12:50
Merkel met en garde contre un conflit entre pays des Balkans

Illegal immigration city hubs and routes  - Credits Europol


03.11.2015 Romandie.com (ats)


Angela Merkel met en garde contre de possibles affrontements armés entre pays des Balkans, par où transitent la plupart des réfugiés, dans l'hypothèse où l'Allemagne fermerait sa frontière avec l'Autriche. La crise migratoire continue d'alimenter le débat outre-Rhin.

Il y a déjà dans les pays de l'ouest des Balkans des tensions et "je ne veux pas qu'on en arrive à des affrontements militaires là-bas", a déclaré lundi soir Mme Merkel lors d'un rassemblement de la CDU, son parti, à Darmstadt, dans l'ouest de l'Allemagne, selon des propos rapportés mardi par des médias allemands.

De nombreux experts ont mis en garde sur le fait que, si l'Allemagne, principale destination des migrants fuyant notamment la guerre en Syrie, venait à fermer sa frontière avec l'Autriche, les pays des Balkans par lesquels transitent migrants et réfugiés en feraient de même.

L'Union européenne a annoncé fin octobre la création de 100'000 places d'accueil pour les réfugiés en Grèce et dans les Balkans afin de juguler la crise migratoire alors que des tensions ont déjà surgi entre la Slovénie, la Croatie, la Serbie et la Hongrie ces derniers mois autour du transit de dizaines de milliers de migrants.


"Zones de transit"

Sur le front intérieur, la question des réfugiés continue de diviser la coalition conservateurs/sociaux-démocrates au pouvoir en Allemagne. Dimanche, les deux courants ont échoué à s'entendre lors d'une réunion. Les conservateurs bavarois de la CSU réclament que l'Allemagne accepte moins de réfugiés sur son territoire alors qu'elle en attend entre 800'000 et un million cette année.

Un nouveau round de négociations est prévu jeudi, notamment autour de la création, voulue par les conservateurs, de "zones de transit" à la frontière germano-autrichienne pour accélérer l'examen des dossiers et les expulsions. Mais cette idée est rejetée en l'état par le parti social-démocrate SPD (gauche).

Si cette nouvelle réunion ne devait donner aucun résultat, "nous continuerons à négocier", a souligné Angela Merkel. "Ce n'est pas la première fois que nous devrons convaincre les sociaux-démocrates de la justesse de certaines choses", a-t-elle ajouté.

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29 octobre 2015 4 29 /10 /octobre /2015 17:50
Increasing awareness of European Armament Cooperation


Brussels - 27 October, 2015 European Defense Agency


From 27 to 29 October 2015, an Awareness Level Module of the European Armament Cooperation Course (EAC) is taking place at the European Defence Agency’s premises. Organised by the European Defence Agency (EDA), the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) and the Austrian Ministry of Defence (MOD) and Sports, the course has attracted the highest number of attendees in its four-year history. Forty-six enrolled students represent thirteen EDA Member States, the European Commission, European External Action Service (EEAS) and Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR). 


The aim of the EAC course is to enhance mutual understanding of the armaments cooperation issues and to serve as a useful networking platform to foster and harmonise armaments cooperation among the Member States. Most of all, it addresses junior personnel who need to gain knowledge and experience in international acquisition and project management. The course also complements the curriculums of available national courses. “We believe that the practitioners who work in national and international armament cooperation can highly profit from the course. We are able to provide them with practical knowledge and understanding of the armament sector along with its frameworks, the stakeholders’ tools and processes as well as challenges and benefits available at the EU level,” says Massimo Guasoni, the EDA Head of Unit Education, Training & Exercise.


Towards Europe’s strategic autonomy 

Rini Goos, the EDA Deputy Chief Executive, welcomed the course participants and, in his speech, he pointed out the key elements for European strategic autonomy and freedom of action: “Apart from working on capabilities, first of all, we must strive to enhance investment in traditional defence research, particularly in collaborative Research & Technology. Secondly, we need a sound European industrial policy. Thirdly, I would like to mention standardisation: a pan-European standardisation approach is the key to increase European competiveness on a global scale and to strengthen the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base Strategy; it is also the main driver for interoperability. And last but not least, civil-military ‘dual-use’ synergies need to be better exploited. It is only if we move ahead along these four strands of work that Europe will be able to attain strategic autonomy and become a security provider rather than a security consumer”.  


Dr Wolfgang Sagmeister from the Austrian MOD being the Course Director will make sure that all the course objectives will have been met. The topics on the agenda are much varied and include the presentations of the EDA and the ESDC; military dimension of the Common Security and Defence Policy; EU military capability development along with the EDA Capability Development Plan, current trends in military defence capability development; intercultural aspects in international cooperation; EU Defence policies in a wider context, and other.  

The EAC course traditionally comprises two parts: an Awareness Level Module taking place in Brussels, and an Expert Level Course, which will be held from 23 to 27 November 2015 in Warsaw, Poland. However, in order to attend the course, it is mandatory to complete an Internet-based Distant Learning (IDL) module offered by the ESDC. 


Shaping an educational platform

Since 2006, the EDA had been working towards establishing a proper training frame in response to the growing needs for harmonised education in the armament acquisition field. In 2009, the Czech Republic’s EU Presidency supported the creation of a new European armaments cooperation course, providing an EU-wide training platform where a common understanding of a European approach to armaments cooperation could be promoted. The EDA Member States welcomed the initiative and later that year the EDA Steering Board, in the National Armaments Directors configuration, approved the top-level European Armaments Cooperation (EAC) Framework, under which the current course was established.

In 2013, thanks to the initiative of Austria and other like-minded countries, including the Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, the course took its current form. It followed the success of the pilot European Armaments Cooperation Course organised in Brussels and Stadtschlaining in 2012.


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29 octobre 2015 4 29 /10 /octobre /2015 08:45
Protea is demo platform for Camcopter

Protea is demo platform for Camcopter


28 October 2015 by defenceWeb


Last week saw Austrian company Schiebel successfully undertake trials with its Camcopter S-100 unmanned air system (UAS) using the SA Navy hydrographic vessel, SAS Protea, in False Bay.


In a statement the Austrian manufacturer, which also produces a range of defence and humanitarian products, said: “The maritime environment hold unique demands for both situational awareness and timely communications. The Camcopter S-100 is an asset that meets these requirements, specifically with its ability to persistently extend the electronic ears and eyes of maritime commanders to operational ranges well beyond those on sensors on board.


“The SA Navy as well as representatives of other South African government authorities had the opportunity to see these capabilities for themselves at sea offshore Naval Base Simon’s town.


The S-100 conducted all flights from the aft deck of the SAS Protea, a Hecla class deep-ocean hydrographic survey vessel. Turbulent head and crosswinds beyond 25 knots, limited deck size as well as lack of NATO landing grid represented exceptional challenges during the trials.


The unmanned helicopter effortlessly conducted automatic take-offs and landings and all other required manoeuvres, thanks to its integrated GPS-independent positioning system, enabling pinpoint precision at a high dynamic range.


During the trials the payload chosen and demonstrated was the Selex ES SAGE Electronic Support Measure (ESM) system, allowing the Camcopter S-100 to detect, identify and geo-locate radio frequency sources while routinely operating out to 200 km or remaining on-station for periods of more than six hours.


“This system provides the right support for maritime surveillance missions or anti-piracy operations in which the SA Navy is interested,” the Vienna headquartered company said.


Camcopter is a rotary-winged vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) UAS that needs no specially prepared area or supporting launch or recovery equipment. It can operate 24/7 with a beyond line-of-sight capability out to 300km, on land and at sea.


The S-100 navigates via pre-programmed GPS waypoints or is operated with a pilot control unit. Missions are planned and controlled via a point-and-click graphic user interface. High-definition payload imagery is transmitted to the control station in real time. Using "fly-by-wire" technology controlled by a triple-redundant flight computer, the UAS can complete its mission automatically. Its carbon fibre and titanium fuselage provides capacity for a wide range of payload/endurance combinations up to a service ceiling of 18,000 foot. In its standard configuration, the Camcopter S-100 carries a 34 kg payload up to 10 hours and is powered by either Avgas or heavy fuel.

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16 septembre 2015 3 16 /09 /septembre /2015 13:50
Complex cyber crisis management exercise in Vienna


Vienna - 16 September, 2015 European Defence Agency


The third Strategic Decision Making Course & Exercise on Cyber Crisis Management within the framework of the European Defence Agency (EDA) takes place in Vienna from the 14th to 16th September 2015. The event is a joint initiative of the EDA, the European Cyber Security Initiative (Estonia), the Austrian Ministry of Defence and the Austrian Ministry of Interior. Forty representatives from the Austrian Federal Chancellery, the Ministries of Interior, Justice, European and International Affairs, Defence and Sports as well as from seven private companies participate in the exercise which is hosted at the Austrian Defence College. The exercise is also observed by 40 national and international cyber security experts.


The main aim of the exercise is to prepare strategic leaders to deal with cyberspace crisis management processes in complex situations and to promote a cyber security and cyber defence strategic culture. It also concentrates on stimulating national synergies and to foster EU member states cooperation. 

The exercise set-up includes presentations as well as a decision-making exercise and an in-depth feedback session. The exercise audience is confronted with a customised fictional political scenario where a crisis situation outside  EU boundaries spills back to an EU member state, here Austria. Manifestations of this spill over are an escalating sequence of targeted cyber-attacks of different degree of severity which are affecting both Austrian public and private sector entities, including national critical infrastructures such as telecommunications and Internet service providers, the energy sector, water supply and the public health care sector;all of this has had an impact on the public up to the level of casualties. The exercise audience is asked to apply the existing Austrian legal and political framework to the escalating scenario. At the same time participants must react to the population’s perception of the situation and to maintain public order. The exercise is following a playbook of more than 200 pages. 

Cyber defence – a key capability

The previous two cyber defence exercises for decision-makers were organised in Portugal in May 2014 and Prague in June 2015. The initiative is part of the EDA’s cyber defence work strand which among others aims at improving training, education and exercises opportunities as highlighted in the "Cyber Defence Policy Framework" which was adopted by the European Council in November 2014. 

"The 2013 EDA landscaping study on cyber defence capabilities among EDA member states revealed a need for harmonised cyber training for decision makers. The present course and exercise are the direct result of this study. The courses are constantly being improved according to participant’s feedback to ensure that our offer corresponds with Member State’s needs", said Peter Round, Director Capability, Armament & Technology at the European Defence Agency.


Cyber defence is the military dimension of cyber security. The military requirements are to prepare for, prevent, detect, respond to, recover from and learn lessons from attacks, damage or un-authorized access originated from cyber space affecting systems and services that support and enable military tasks and operations. 

In the EDA’s capability development plan, cyber defence is one of the priority actions. A project team of EDA and its participating Member States' representatives is responsible for jointly developing cyber defence capabilities within the EU common security and defence policy (CSDP). A network of EDA and Member States research & technology experts support this work by collaborative activities delivering the required technologies at the right time. All of this is positioned next to existing and planned efforts by civil communities (national and EU institutions) and NATO. Given that threats are multifaceted, a comprehensive approach is taken, seeking to enhance synergies between the civilian and military domains in protecting critical cyber assets.


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16 septembre 2015 3 16 /09 /septembre /2015 07:50
"European Guardian 2015" welcomes distinguished guests


Vienna - 15 September, 2015 European Defence Agency

Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) continue to cause significant casualties in operations as well as in civil surroundings. Therefore, countering them remains a priority for all participating Member States. There are situations where the use of normal explosives ordnance disposal procedures is inappropriate due to the operational situation, and Manual Neutralisation Techniques – a last resort of Commanders - might be required to counter the threat. On 8 September, Austria and the European Defence Agency organised the second Distinguished Visitors day during the margins of Exercise “European Guardian 2015” at the Austrian Logistics School facilities of Vienna, Austria.


Forty participants from Austria, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Republic of Serbia, Sweden, and UK, attended the Distinguished Visitors’ Day of the European Guardian 2015 Manual Neutralisation Techniques Courses & Exercises programme. Representatives from EUROPOL and the C-IED Centre of Excellence also took part in the event. 

The day was presided over by the Austrian Armed Forces Capabilities Director Brigadier General Peter Resch and the EDA Capability, Armament & Technology Director, Peter Round. Both recognised the relevance of the programme and insisted on the need to continue to develop it in the future. 

A live demonstration, executed by an MNT specialists team, was staged in the margins of the meeting. The demonstration consisted of the disposal of an IED which held a chemical payload and several complex initiation systems. Attendees not only had the opportunity to witness all MNT teams immersed in their tasks but also to discuss their activity and the latest innovations in MNT kits. 

Attendees discussed their expectations of the programme during their visit to the specific “urban” simulated training area. It was generally agreed that one of the most relevant take away points was that MNT operators are highly trained and few in number, and that given the high degree of specialisation needed, frequent refresher training of MNT operators was considered crucial. To that end, the Manual Neutralisation Techniques Courses & Exercises programme is extremely valuable. The next milestone within the programme will be the first one week MNT refresher course to be held in November 2015 at the Austrian Logistics School.


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24 juillet 2015 5 24 /07 /juillet /2015 16:50
photo EDA

photo EDA


Vienna - 23 July, 2015 by EU Defence Agency

EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq met today with Gerald Klug, Austrian Minister of Defence and Sports, to exchange views on cooperation opportunities and Austria’s involvement in EDA projects. 


The European Defence Agency plays a significant role in the further development of the European Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy. All Member States benefit from the Agency’s coordinating role in various defence matters such as capability development or the promotion of defence-related research and technology. Austria participates in numerous projects of the European Defence Agency to help reduce EU military shortfalls and enhance the EU’s defence cooperation. The added value for Austria especially lies in the transfer of know-how”, said Minister of Defence Gerald Klug.

Austria is an active member of the European Defence Agency, with the country being involved in activities as diverse as European Air Transport Fleet exercises and events, the European Armements Cooperation Course or the successful collaborative work carried out in the field of Counter-IED”, EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq stated after the visit. “We also welcome Austria’s participation in our Cyber Defence workstrand”, he added. 

The visit in Austria is part of a series of visits by Mr. Domecq to all EDA Member States following his appointment as EDA Chief Executive at the beginning of 2015. So far, Mr. Domecq visited Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, Ireland, France, Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Estonia, Poland, Slovenia, Greece, Cyprus and Finland, Sweden, Italy and Slovakia.


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21 mai 2015 4 21 /05 /mai /2015 18:50
Initiative to mitigate human-related risks in cyber space signed


Brussels - 19 May, 2015 by European Defence Agency


On 18 May, the Ministers of Defence of Austria, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Netherlands as well as the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Head of Agency on behalf of the European External Action Service, EU Military Committee and European Defence Agency, signed a pledge to mitigate human-related risks in cyber space by launching the Cyber Hygiene initiative. The initiative is an important contribution to the implementation of the EU Cyber Defence Policy Framework, notably on awareness raising for CSDP structures, missions and operations.


By joining the pledge, the signatory Member States promise to adopt and implement internal guidelines for best behavioural principles for cyber hygiene by the end of 2016. This includes, for example, introducing a mandatory e-learning platform.

Initiated by the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU and the Estonian Ministry of Defence, the initiative calls to strengthen cyber security culture as low awareness and human-related risks are a common cause of cyber incidents. A large number of cyber incidents can be avoided, or their effects greatly mitigated, if certain behavioural cyber security procedures and implementation measures are applied. It is part of a wider project, which aims to educate the members of defence sector institutions on secure behaviour while using online resources. 

Beyond its commitment to implement internal guidelines, the Agency will contribute to expanding this initiative to other interested EU Member States.

EDA activities

The December 2013 European Council identified cyber defence as one of the priority areas to take forward in the European Union. Furthermore, in November 2014 the Council adopted the EU Cyber Defence Policy Framework. Cyber defence has also been identified as a priority area in the EDA’s Capability Development Plan. 

The armed forces are reliant on cyberspace both as a user and as a domain to achieve defence and security missions. The Agency is active in the fields of cyber defence capabilities and in the research & technology domain.

In the last three years, the Agency has completed ten cyber defence related projects with a financial volume of about two million euros. This equals to approximately 10% of EDA’s operational budget. Among these ten projects are a stocktaking study of cyber defence capabilities among all EDA Member States and EU institutions, the establishment of a cyber defence research agenda and cyber defence training courses for senior military decision makers as well as the assessment of the feasibility of a EU Cyber Defence Centre for CSDP. 

Copyright picture: European Union, 2015. 
From left to right: Ms. Jeanine HENNIS-PLASSCHAERT, Dutch Minister of Defence; Mr Gerald KLUG, Austrian Federal Minister for Defence and Sport; Mr Sven MIKSER, Estonian Minister of Defence; Ms. Federica MOGHERINI, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy; Mr Raimonds VEJONIS, Latvian Minister for Defence; Mr Juozas OLEKAS, Lithuanian Minister for National Defence; Ms. Piritta ASUNMAA, PSC Ambassador of Finland


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29 avril 2015 3 29 /04 /avril /2015 07:50
projet DART-450 photo Diamond Aircraft

projet DART-450 photo Diamond Aircraft


23 avril 2015 par Gil Roy – Aerobuzz.fr


Le programme de l’avion monoturbine DA50-JP7 en cours de développement par le constructeur autrichien Diamond Aircraft pourrait déboucher sur un avion biplace d’entrainement militaire et de reconnaissance.


Le constructeur autrichien d’aviation générale exposait à Aero 2015, son DA50-JP7, un gros monoturbopropulseur équipé d’une turbine ukrainienne Motor Sich de 465 ch développée conjointement avec Ivchenko Progress. Dévoilé en 2013 à Aero, il a effectué son premier vol le 19 janvier 2015 et il est venu en vol de Wiener Neustadt. Les performances au décollage et en montée de ce 7 places sont impressionnantes. Le taux de montée annoncé est de 2.500 ft/mn et la vitesse de croisière de 200 kts. Il pourrait être certifié avant fin 2016.


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18 mars 2015 3 18 /03 /mars /2015 17:50
Steyr-Puch 6x6 Pandur Recce and Observation - photo MIL.be

Steyr-Puch 6x6 Pandur Recce and Observation - photo MIL.be


Mar 18, 2015 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: RUAG Defence; issued Mar 16, 2015)


RUAG Signs Contract to Develop Protection Systems for Belgium and Austrian Pandur I Fleet


RUAG Defence, the strategic partner of international land forces, is continuing to develop its business in the field of ballistic protection systems. In a joint procurement effort Belgium and Austria, whereby Austria has the lead, have awarded RUAG Defence to upgrade their fleet of Pandur I with ballistic protection kits. All 5 variants of the Pandur I will be upgraded with mine-, IED- and ballistic protection.


SidePRO-KE/IED is a highly engineered, fully integrated, modular polyvalent composite protection system that utilises a variety of advanced lightweight materials for direct application on armoured vehicles. SidePRO-KE/IED meets current threat level protection requirements. The mine protection system MinePRO is one of the best systems In the market. Various armies rely on the highly effective protection.


MinePRO is a lightweight, blast and EFP resistant, easy to mount armour plate based on state-of-the art technology to ensure the safety of the crew. Further, all other subsystems of the vehicle such as stowage, seating for crew, driver and commander shall be evaluated, improved, reinforced or replaced.


The realisation of the project will start this spring and will be finished by the end of 2020.

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29 novembre 2014 6 29 /11 /novembre /2014 12:50
Austria joins EU Satcom Market


Brussels - 27 November, 2014 European Defence Agency


On 23 November 2014 Austria became a contributing member of EDA’s EU Satcom Market pooled procurement initiative, thus joining Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, and the United Kingdom.


Commercial satellite communications are used by all nations to provide extra capacity on top of their own military and governmental satellite communications. The EU Satcom Market provides a flexible and cost-effective way of doing this, with the European Defence Agency (EDA) acting as the central purchasing body for all participating countries.


A growing intiaitive


Commenting on Austria joining the project, Claude-France Arnould, EDA Chief Executive, underlined: “Since the launch of the project, 20 orders have been processed through this procurement cell, for a total value of about two millions euros. Member States are already forwarding their requirements for 2015 and it is expected that their interest and usage will increase significantly”.


Mag. Gerald Klug, the Minister of Defence and Sports in Austria, also reflected on this new cooperation effort undertaken through EDA: "The main task of the European Defence Agency is to identify synergies that increase the efficiency of projects and thus reduce costs. The EU Satcom Market shows how money can be saved through joint efforts."




EDA is acting as the central purchasing body towards a single economical operator and is managing a single order on behalf of the contributing nations. With the EU Satcom Market, they are provided with a simple and cost-effective solution, especially for occasional use.


More services are being offered to users as the project evolves: mobile satellite, morale and welfare as well as managed services will be added in the coming weeks. Additional Member States also consider joining the project.

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15 octobre 2014 3 15 /10 /octobre /2014 06:50
Kampfpanzer Leopard 2A4 Foto A. Schafler - Austria MoD

Kampfpanzer Leopard 2A4 Foto A. Schafler - Austria MoD

12.10.2014 par Philippe Chapleau - Lignes de Défense

Dans un de mes tout premiers posts (en décembre 2010, lire ici), j'avais annoncé que l'armée autrichienne allait connaître une réduction massive de son parc de blindés et la suppression d'un millier de postes (sur 25 000). A la clé, des économies de l'ordre d'une quinzaine de millions d'euros par an.

Une nouvelle annonce a été faite, il y a quelques jours, par le ministre Gerald Klug. Les restructurations vont se poursuivre. Le budget de la Défense pour 2015 est annoncé à 1,75 milliard d'euros (0,55% du PIB, le plus bas taux d'Europe). 1 400 postes (sur actuellement 23 900 dont 15 600 militaires et 8 300 civils) vont être supprimés d'ici à 2018. Treize garnisons ou écoles vont disparaître (un zoo de Vienne pourrait reprendre quelques hectares pour ses girafes!).

Le parc blindé sera réduit à un bataillon de 25 Leopard; 30 obusiers M109A5 seront conservés. Le nombre de mortiers et missiles anti-char sera divisé par 5 et les vieux hélicoptères Alouette III vont être retirés du service. Le détail des autres restructurations est tout aussi déprimant que la déclaration du ministre assurant que les armées "conserveront certaines capacités de combat" qu'il n'a pas spécifiées.

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5 octobre 2014 7 05 /10 /octobre /2014 11:50
Armement L'avion de combat Eurofighter dans les turbulences - photo Zinner Markus

Armement L'avion de combat Eurofighter dans les turbulences - photo Zinner Markus


03/10/2014, latribune.fr 


Des vérifications de routine sur l'avion de combat européen ont révélé en Autriche un problème sur une pièce du fuselage qui réduit des deux tiers la durée de vie de ce composant.


Après l'Allemagne, l'Autriche. Décidément pour l'Eurofighter, la mauvaise passe se poursuit. Des vérifications de routine ont révélé un problème sur une pièce du fuselage de l'Eurofighter qui réduit des deux tiers la durée de vie de ce composant, ont fait savoir mercredi les forces armées autrichiennes. Le fuselage de l'avion de combat est fabriqué par Premium Aerotec, une filiale allemande d'Airbus Group. Le problème a été signalé en août et doit être résolu par des modifications en cours, ajoutent-elles sans identifier le fabricant du composant.

"La sécurité en vol de l'Eurofighter n'est pas affectée actuellement", a affirmé en revanche  l'armée autrichienne, qui compte 15 avions de combat de ce type. Le problème est situé à l'arrière du fuselage et ramène la durée de vie du composant concerné de 6.000 à 2.000 heures de vol. A Berlin, le ministère de la Défense a confirmé le problème en le qualifiant d'"embêtant" mais en soulignant qu'il n'affectait pas les capacités immédiates des forces aériennes allemandes. Le porte-parole du ministère, Ingo Gerhartz, a précisé que BAE Systems avait identifié des trous de perçage "qui ne correspondent pas aux critères de conception" et effectuait des tests pour en mesurer l'impact.


Soupçons de pots-de-vin pour le contrat Eurofighter

Depuis 2012, la justice allemande et autrichienne soupçonne le constructeur aéronautique européen Airbus Group (alors EADS) d'avoir versé au moins 70 millions d'euros de pots-de-vin dans la vente d'avions de combat Eurofighter à l'Autriche. Les soupçons de corruption autour de ce contrat d'armement, conclu en 2003, ont rythmé la vie politique autrichienne au cours des dernières années.

La commande pour deux milliards d'euros de 18 Eurofighter Typhoon, fabriqués par le consortium Eurofighter, formé par Airbus Group, le britannique BAE Systems et l'italien Finmeccanica, avait été réduite en 2007 à 15 appareils sous l'effet du scandale, plusieurs partis demandant l'annulation pure et simple du contrat.

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17 septembre 2014 3 17 /09 /septembre /2014 16:50
Counter-IED experts complete “European Guardian” exercise in Vienna

A two-week European exercise focused on manual neutralisation of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) has finished in Vienna.


From 1 to 12 September 2014, fourteen Counter-IED experts from Austria, Germany, Italy, Ireland, and Sweden took part in an intensive Manual Neutralisation Exercise at the Austrian Army’s Logistics School in Vienna. The exercise was organised by Austria as lead nation in close cooperation with the European Defence Agency (EDA).

Manual neutralisation refers to situations where a trained operator has to manually defuse an improvised explosive device. This occurs when it is not possible to tackle the device remotely, for example when the device is attached to a hostage or with chemical or even radiological material. It is one of the most mentally and technically challenging jobs performed by anyone in the armed forces, requiring high-level skills and training.

The aim of the exercise was to give participants the chance to use and develop  these skills in a highly demanding, multinational environment. Over the two-week period, they were given a series of different and increasingly complex scenarios and devices to deal with. One operator from Ireland, who participated in the exercise, commented, “for most of us, this is only one element of our jobs, thankfully we do not encounter devices like this every day. Training like this is vital, to ensure that we are as sharp and up-to-date as possible when we do encounter a complex device or hostage situation.”

The Austrian officer in charge, explained the advantages of running the course at a European level, “obviously one important element is cost. By pooling demand from different countries with similar needs, we can afford to do more than we would be able to do individually. However, another important part is bringing together operatives from across Europe, learning from each other, and developing a European network of manual neutralisation experts”, he said.


Manual Neutralisation Techniques Courses and Exercises

The course is part of the EDA’s Manual Neutralisation Techniques Courses and Exercises programme. It is the second event to be held under the programme in Austria this year, after the completion of the first European Manual Neutralisation Training Course in May. Both the course and exercise made use of specially designed manual neutralisation kits for defusing improvised explosive devices. These kits were purchased by EDA and given to the Austrian Armed Forces to be stored at the logistics school, however they are available on request for operational use by all participating EDA Member States.


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8 septembre 2014 1 08 /09 /septembre /2014 11:50
Improvised Explosive Devices Disposal Exercise Kicks Off in Vienna


Vienna - 05 September, 2014 European Defence Agency


The first multinational European exercise  focusing on manual neutralisation of explosive devices, European Guardian 2014,  started this week in Vienna, Austria.


The exercise, which runs from 1- 12 September, brings together explosive disposal experts from five countries, the lead nation Austria, Germany, Italy, Ireland, and Sweden.


Improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, present a challenge to Explosive Ordnance Disposal operators. This is particularly true when there is little time to render the  device safe or when the circumstances make it impossible to use different means but the operator’s skills to safely defuse the device.


In order to tackle these highly dangerous situations, and to deal with complex devices, operators need to have a high level of experience and training. European Guardian 2014 is designed to provide the specialist training that experts from EDA Member States require.


European Guardian is part of the EDA’s Manual Neutralisation Training Courses & Exercise (MNT C&E) Programme. MNT C&E is designed to provide exercises and training courses to experienced Improvised  Explosives Devises Disposal (IEDD) operators in order to accomplish proper threat assessments and course action planning as well to analyse complex IED’s in different circumstances.

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27 mai 2014 2 27 /05 /mai /2014 17:50
First European Manual Neutralisation Training Course Begins
Vienna - 12 May, 2014 European Defence Agency

Experts from Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Sweden are taking place in the first European Manual Neutralisation Training (MNT) in Vienna this week.


Manual Neutralisation is used in situations when it is not possible to for a bomb disposal expert to use remote techniques to neutralise an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). By their nature these are the most dangerous situations, for example where it is not possible to evacuate the surrounding area or where an IED has  been attached to a hostage.

The MNT Course – which takes place from 5 May to 6 June involves experienced experts from each participating country. Due to the high level nature of the course, it focuses on developing and enhancing the skills needed to neutralise complex devices under dangerous situations. It is the first of four courses that will take place over the next four years.

The training will make use of kits developed by EDA to defuse improvised explosive devices. In total twelve kits have been given to the Austrian Armed Forces to be stored at the Handentschärferlehrgängen Army Logistics School. These kits are available on request for training or operational use by all of the participating Member States. 


IEDs – a continuing threat

IEDs have been, and will continue to be, a major threat to armed forces and civilians around the world. Although in the media, they have been most heavily associated with the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq they continue to be a significant threat in a variety locations. EDA has been working in the area for a long time, helping to support coalition forces in Afghanistan through the C-IED Lab and through support for training and exercises in Europe such as MNT.


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21 janvier 2014 2 21 /01 /janvier /2014 12:50
L’Autriche dispose de 16 Eurofighter Typhoon – photo Airbus Group

L’Autriche dispose de 16 Eurofighter Typhoon – photo Airbus Group


20 janvier Aezrobuzz.fr


L’Autriche enverra plusieurs Typhoon pour assurer la protection aérienne du forum économique de Davos qui se tiendra en Suisse entre le 22 et le 25 janvier 2014.


Pour cette opération, désignée Daedalus 2014, les appareils autrichiens ont récemment fait l’objet d’améliorations au niveau des logiciels du système d’arme.

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2 décembre 2013 1 02 /12 /décembre /2013 12:50
source etudetactique.wordpress.com

source etudetactique.wordpress.com


2 décembre 1805 : victoire de Napoléon à d'Austerlitz (actuelle Tchéquie).


Napoléon à la bataille d'Austerlitz par François Gérard

Napoléon à la bataille d'Austerlitz par François Gérard

Napoléon Bonaparte impose son génie tactique à l’empereur d'Autriche et au tsar de Russie. Ayant renoncé après les évènements de Trafalgar à envahir l’Angleterre, ses troupes regroupées dans la région de Calais se sont redéployées à une vitesse foudroyante en Europe Centrale. Dans une situation toutefois précaire, susceptible de s’aggraver avec l’arrivée de nouveaux renforts autrichiens, Napoléon simule un retrait partiel du plateau de Pratzen, où se situe le village d’Austerlitz, incitant ses adversaires à attaquer sans attendre. Profitant en outre d’un brouillard masquant ses réserves, Napoléon peut surprendre ses ennemis sur leur flanc et les mettre en déroute. Les pertes austro-russes s’élèvent à près de 7 000 pour 1 288 Français. 50 drapeaux sont enlevés à l'ennemi et vont orner la voûte de l'église Saint-Louis des Invalides. En outre, le bronze des 180 canons pris à l’ennemi est employé pour fondre la colonne Vendôme, à Paris (copie de l'antique colonne Trajane qui célèbre à Rome la victoire de l'empereur romain sur les Daces). Les écoles de Coëtquidan reconstituent chaque année cette victoire retentissante qui vit pour la première fois tomber au combat des jeunes officiers de la toute nouvelle école spéciale impériale militaire de Saint-Cyr.

source JFP

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7 novembre 2013 4 07 /11 /novembre /2013 08:50
L’Autriche réceptionne ses deux premiers Bell 212 modernisés


06.11.2013 Helen Chachaty - journal-aviation.com


Le ministre autrichien de la Défense Gerald Klug a officiellement transféré les deux premiers hélicoptères de transport Bell 212 au commandement du soutien aérien. La flotte de 23 appareils devrait être totalement rénovée d’ici la fin de l’année 2015 et permettra d’utiliser les hélicoptères jusqu’en 2040, selon le communiqué du ministère.


Les modifications apportées aux Bell 212 comprennent de nouvelles lunettes de vision nocturne, un nouveau kit d’autoprotection composé d’un système de détecteur de départ de missiles, un récepteur d’alerte radar et un nouveau système lanceur de leurres.


Les biturbines Bell 212 de l’armée autrichienne sont surtout utilisés pour des missions de transport, de sauvetage en montagne, d’évacuations sanitaires, de lutte contre les feux de forêt et largage de parachutistes.

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4 novembre 2013 1 04 /11 /novembre /2013 12:50
Après BAe, GDELS-Steyr licencie


30.10.2013 par Guillaume Belan (FOB)


Les constructeurs traditionnels de véhicules blindés vont mal. Le groupe européen de l’armement terrestre GD European Land Systems (GDELS), filiale européenne du géant américain General Dynamics s’apprête à supprimer jusqu’à 200 emplois dans sa filiale autrichienne Steyr. L’essentiel des licenciements vont dramatiquement affecter l’usine Steyr de Simmering, près de Vienne. Les négociations pour un plan social ont été lancées  cet été et les premiers départs sont attendus début 2014. En cause, bien sûr, l’effondrement des commandes de véhicules blindés. Un marché des blindés qui devient très difficile dû aux baisses significatives des budgets défense et également à l’arrivée des pays « low cost » sur ce segment (Chine, Turquie, Corée…). Steyr terminera en avril 2014 la livraison des derniers transports de troupe de type Pandur II (photo) commandés par le Koweït. Steyr a notamment réalisé lʼAscod (véhicule de combat dʼinfanterie austro-espagnol), connu sous le nom d’Ulan dans l’armée autrichienne.  Et même si l’Ascod serait retenu dans la compétition britannique FRES Scout, l’offre prévoit que les caisses seront réalisées par la filiale espagnole de GDELS (Santa Barbara Sistemas). Au final, il ne devrait rester chez Steyr à Simmering qu’entre 70 à 150 employés, autant dire rien. Steyr qui emploi encore 400 personnes aujourd’hui, va donc de facto quasiment disparaitre, ne conservant qu’une activité locale minime de MCO (Maintien en condition opérationnelle).


L’activité terrestre de BAe  mal en point


Le mouvement des fermetures d’usines de plateformes terrestres a débuté déjà il y a quelques années. Le géant anglo-américain BAE licencie lui aussi à tour de bras, y compris aux USA, suite aux baisses importantes des budgets et contrats défense. Les 300 employés de l’usine texane de Sealy, près de Houston, vont se retrouver sur la carreau dès juin de l’année prochaine. Même sur ses terres, le britannique s’efface, l’usine de Leicester a déjà fermé ses portes et celle historique de Newcastle (plus de 300 salariés), qui produit le véhicule du génie Terrier va fermer dans les mois qui viennent. Il s’agit de la dernière usine de production de plateformes terrestres sur le territoire britannique. Les capacité de production de BAe en Europe vont bientôt se limiter à celle suédoise d’Hagglunds, qui a également vu sa surface diminuer…


A contrario, en France, Nexter semble bien se porter et la tendance est plutôt à l’embonpoint des effectifs. Pourvu que cela dur !

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9 octobre 2013 3 09 /10 /octobre /2013 11:50
C-IED Manual Neutralisation Techniques Courses and Exercises
Brussels | Oct 08, 2013 European Defence Agency

Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Sweden signed today a Letter of Intent expressing their interest in pooling resources and expertise for the setting up of a shared C-IED Manual Neutralisation Techniques courses and exercises capacity. Improvised Explosive Devices continue to pose significant threat to military and civilian personnel. In some cases complex explosive devices have to be neutralised manually.

Member States (MS) earlier this year expressed their wish to increase efforts on Manual Neutralisation Techniques (MNT) due to an urgent but limited requirement which does not justify separate, national training programmes in this cost-intensive area. Austria as lead nation proposed and developed a four year MNT project under the umbrella of the Pooling & Sharing Countering IED Training initiative with the intention to conduct one MNT course and exercise a year. The training of Manual Neutralisers is highly cost-intensive due to equipment and specialist’s advisory role. The role of Manual Neutralisers is life saving and is a priority for participating Member States.


With today’s letter of intent, the signatory countries express their interest to cooperate in the development of a project arrangement and to participate in the project. 


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21 septembre 2013 6 21 /09 /septembre /2013 16:35
Vietnam : le ministère de la Défense apprécie le soutien d'un groupe autrichien

20/09/2013 VietnamPlus


Le général Le Huu Duc, vice-ministre de la Défense, a reçu jeudi à Hanoi la directrice générale exécutive du groupe autrichien Vamed Engineering, Andred Raffseder.


Le Huu Duc a hautement apprécié la coopération entre le groupe Vamed Engineering et le ministère de la défense observée ces derniers temps.


Hormis le projet d'aide publique au développement (APD) No 15 consacré à l'investissement dans des hôpitaux militaires, l'Autriche fait avancer actuellement un autre projet (APD No 7) pour investir dans des écoles de formation professionnelles de l'Armée populaire du Vietnam. Projets qui contribuent à répondre aux besoins indispensables des services de santé militaire du Vietnam.


Le Huu Duc a proposé au groupe Vamed Engineering de continuer de mobiliser les organes concernés du gouvernement autrichien afin d'accorder des prêts à taux d'intérêt préférentiel au Vietnam, lui permettant ainsi, en retour, d'élargir son champ d'investissement dans les domaines tels que le traitement des eaux usées et des déchets, la propreté de l'environnement, la formation à distance, la surveillance, la construction des centres de secours, la coopération dans l'industrie de défense, etc. - VNA

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