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22 juin 2015 1 22 /06 /juin /2015 12:50
BALTOPS 2015: A Show of Force in the Baltic Sea

20 juin 2015 by NATO


Ships, planes, and hundreds of Marines attacked a beachfront off the Baltic Sea this week. This impressive show of force is part of BALTOPS 2015 - an annual US-led NATO exercise designed to enhance flexibility and interoperability, and demonstrate the resolve of allied and partner forces to defend the Baltic region.

Thousands of military personnel take part in this multinational exercise involving 49 ships, 61 aircraft, 1 submarine, and a combined landing force of 700 troops. 17 NATO Allies and partner nations participated in BALTOPS 2015, which took place in Poland, Sweden, Germany, and throughout the Baltic Sea.

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11 décembre 2014 4 11 /12 /décembre /2014 17:50
source Defensie-NL

source Defensie-NL


Varsovie, 11 déc 2014 Marine et Océans (AFP)


Le ministre polonais de la Défense Tomasz Siemoniak s'est déclaré jeudi "inquiet" à cause d'une activité militaire "sans précédent" de la Russie au-dessus de la mer Baltique ces derniers jours.


"Depuis un certain temps, depuis quelques jours, on voit une activité sans précédent des Russes, aussi bien de la flotte de la Baltique que de l'aviation, sur la mer Baltique et dans la région de Kaliningrad. Cela nous inquiète. L'Otan s'emploie à préparer une réaction à cela", a déclaré le ministre à la station de télévision privée TVN24.


Dans sa déclaration, le ministre polonais faisait notamment allusion à l'interception lundi par des F-16 hollandais de bombardiers russes dans l'espace aérien international. Les chasseurs hollandais, stationnés en Pologne, surveillent, dans le cadre d'une mission de l'Otan, l'espace aérien des Pays baltes.


Selon un porte-parole de l'Otan, lundi il s'est agi au total de plus de trente appareils russes de types différents, bombardiers, chasseurs et avions de transport, interceptés "au-dessus de la mer Baltique et au large des côtes de la Norvège".


Les interceptions d'appareils russes à proximité des pays de l'Otan ont atteint 400 cas cette année, soit 50% de plus que l'année précédente avait déclaré le 20 novembre en Estonie le secrétaire général de l'Otan Jens Stoltenberg.


Le 8 décembre, la Lituanie a augmenté le niveau d'alerte de ses troupes, après avoir vu passer un groupe de 22 navires de guerre russes dans la Baltique, dont une corvette lourdement armée à 5 km de ses eaux territoriales.

Royal Netherlands Air Force F-16 Intercepts Russian Planes Over Baltic Sea. The Royal Netherlands Air Force released footage showing RNAF F-16´s intercepting Russian Planes over the baltic sea. This is not the first incident of Russian planes violating the airspace of baltic sea contries and the NATO this year and it is coming with the ongoing war in the ukraine and the tensions between Russia and the NATO. The F-16's from the RNAF (Royal Netherlands Air Force) operated from Malbork airbase in Poland.

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22 novembre 2014 6 22 /11 /novembre /2014 12:50
Security situation in the Baltic Sea - SEDE


21-11-2014 SEDE


On 20 November the Subcommittee exchanged views with Airis Rikveilis , Defence Counsellor to NATO and the EU, Latvia and Tomasz Szatkowski, President of the National Centre for Strategic Studies, Poland, on the security situation in the Baltic Sea basin.
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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:50
NATO and Swedish Fighter Jets Train Together Over the Baltic Sea



April 3rd, 2014 By NATO - defencetalk.com


Two U.S. fighter jets under NATO command were scrambled from the Siauliai air base in Lithuania Tuesday (1 April 2014) to exercise with two Swedish Gripen fighter aircraft over the Baltic Sea, in a training event designed to improve coordination and emergency procedures.


The Baltic Regional Training event is conducted several times a year. The exercises bring fighter jets from NATO countries together with the air forces of Sweden and Finland, which are longstanding partners of the Alliance. Search & Rescue and air combat training are included in the two-day event, which is designed to enhance the ability of fighter jets from NATO countries and regional partners to operate with each other effectively.


For the past ten years, air forces across NATO member states have patrolled the skies over the Baltic Allies – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – on a rotational basis, as the three Allies do not have fighter aircraft of their own. NATO’s air-policing mission protects the safety and integrity of Alliance airspace on a 24/7 basis.


The United States is currently responsible for policing Baltic airspace, from January to April 2014. For US Air Force Captain Tyler Clark, the chance to work with the Swedish air force is an important part of his mission. “Today’s scramble had us training with the Swedish Air Force to assist an aircraft which was simulating a loss of all communications, this kind of training is invaluable,” he said. “NATO’s airspace borders that of Sweden and Finland and we have to work together to ensure safety of all our airways.”


NATO normally has four to six fighter jets deployed for the air-policing rotations. In light of the current crisis in Ukraine, the United States has reinforced the air-policing mission with additional aircraft. Many European Allies have also offered additional planes to the mission.

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