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5 octobre 2015 1 05 /10 /octobre /2015 07:35
Bangladesh Air Force received Yak-130 Aircraft from Russia


Oct 4, 2015 By Dylan Vosman - defence-blog.com


Russia has started the delivery process of the first batch of Yakovlev Yak-130 combat trainer aircraft (NATO reporting name Mitten) to Bangladesh, reports UNB. Though the delivery process, according to Russian News Agency—TASS, scheduled to start on September 17, sources at Shah Amanat International Airport on Sunday night said they have seen the landing of three Yakovlev Yak-130 combat trainer aircraft among the first batch of six.


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14 septembre 2015 1 14 /09 /septembre /2015 11:35
Bangladesh to receive Yak-130’s from Russia


September 14, 2015 By: George Allison


Russia will deliver the first Yak-130 trainer aircraft to Bangladesh this week.


The Yak-130 is reportedly able to replicate the characteristics of several fourth generation fighters and also perform light attack and reconnaissance duties.


Bangladesh is the second foreign country beyond former Soviet states to order the Yak-130 combat trainer. Algeria had received 16 of the type before it. At first, Bangladesh wanted 24 Yak-130s, but had to reconsider due to financial constraints.


According to Rostec Director General Sergei Chemezov: “The shipping of the first Yak-130 consignment to Bangladesh will start on September 17, with six aircraft out of the 16 ordered planes to be delivered.”


The aircraft were purchased with an extended loan from Russia.

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26 mai 2015 2 26 /05 /mai /2015 06:45
photo Minusma

photo Minusma


26.05.2015 Romandie.com (ats)


Un Casque bleu de la Mission de l'ONU au Mali a été tué et un autre grièvement blessé par des tirs d'assaillants dans la nuit de lundi à mardi à Bamako, ont indiqué à l'AFP des sources de sécurité. La Minusma y avait déjà essuyé une attaque la semaine dernière.

"Des hommes armés que nous n'avons pas encore identifiés ont tiré dans la nuit de lundi sur deux Casques bleus qui étaient à bord d'un véhicule de l'ONU", a précisé une source de sécurité malienne. "Ce forfait doit être qualifié 'd'acte terroriste'. Les auteurs sont les ennemis de la paix", a-t-elle ajouté, sans autre précision.

L'attaque et le bilan ont été confirmés par une source de sécurité de la Minusma, précisant que tous deux appartenaient au contingent bangladais. Les deux Casques bleus venaient de l'aéroport de Bamako en direction du sud de la ville quand ils ont essuyé les tirs d'assaillants à bord d'un véhicule, selon cette source.

Régulièrement frappée par des attaques dans le nord du Mali depuis son déploiement en juillet 2013, la force de l'ONU a essuyé la semaine dernière la première attaque la visant directement à Bamako.

Lors de cette attaque aux premières heures le 20 mai, un homme armé avait tenté d'incendier un véhicule de l'ONU garé devant une résidence de personnels de la Minusma, blessant un gardien et causant des dégâts matériels. L'attaque avait apparemment pour but de faire ainsi sortir les Casques bleus pour les attaquer à l'arme automatique et à la grenade, selon un enquêteur malien.


Questions de partialité

La Minusma avait alors rappelé la responsabilité des autorités maliennes "d'assurer la sécurité de son personnel, notamment à Bamako", alors que le climat s'est alourdi entre la force de l'ONU et le président malien Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta ainsi que les groupes armés soutenant le gouvernement.

Le président malien avait critiqué vertement la Minusma lors de la signature d'un accord de paix à Bamako par le camp gouvernemental et la médiation internationale, mais pas par les principaux groupes rebelles. Rappelant le mandat du Conseil de sécurité, la Mission de l'ONU avait rejeté "catégoriquement toute mise en question de son impartialité et de celle de son personnel".

Le nord du Mali est tombé en mars-avril 2012 sous la coupe de groupes djihadistes liés à Al-Qaïda après la déroute de l'armée face à la rébellion, d'abord alliée à ces groupes qui l'ont ensuite évincée. Bien que les djihadistes aient été dispersés et en grande partie chassés de cette région par l'opération Serval, des zones entières échappent encore au contrôle des autorités.

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2 décembre 2014 2 02 /12 /décembre /2014 08:35
China builds advanced warship for Bangladesh


2014-12-01 China Defense Blog (Source: CNTV)  

   China has launched its most advanced warship for export. Built by the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, the frigate, named Independent, is made for the Bangladeshi navy and is due to be delivered next year.

  This will become the Bangladeshi navy's most advanced warship, and be a real boost to its coastal defence capability.

   25 knots sailing speed, anti-radar design, highly adaptable to weather and oceanic conditions, and decked out with powerful weapons.

  The frigate "Independent" is made to be an all-rounder.

   "We believe this ship has very good cost performance. It can serve to protect the sovereignty and interests of a country out at sea. It can patrol, escort, protect fishing boats and conduct law enforcement," said Yang Zhigang, president of China Shipbuilding Industry Co..

  The "Independent" is one of two vessels ordered from China by Bangladesh.

   Researchers at the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation have redesigned the ship's structure to suit the complex conditions of the Indian ocean.

  "We made a new ship form. It's cross-section looks like a deep Vee. Compared to the traditional round bilge hull form, it improves the performance of the ship when there are waves, guaranteeing high sailing speed in unfavorable oceanic condition," said Sun Lianfei, chief designer of China Shipbuilding Industry Co..

  Designers also gave a boost its mobility and survivability.

   "It has two engines and two propellers. They can work independently. This design makes it more reliable and durable. Its powerhouses are separately located, improving its survivability," Sun said.

  The newly launched frigate will stay in the port for months while electronic equipment and weaponry systems are installed.

  And after 6 months, the "Independent" will leave her mother port, and take up her post as a mighty guard on the Indian Ocean.


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28 octobre 2014 2 28 /10 /octobre /2014 12:35
Warplanes: K-8Ws In Bangladesh


October 28, 2014: Strategy Page


In September Bangladesh received the first four of twelve Chinese K-8W jet trainers. These are upgraded versions of the basic PL-8 trainer. The K-8W has better electronics and is equipped for ground attack missions. The K-8 uses Ukrainian Motor Sich AI-25TLK (3,300 pounds of thrust) jet engines, to power the 4.3 ton, two seat aircraft. Originally, China was going to use 3,600 pound thrust American engines, but after the 1989 Chinese crackdown on pro-democracy groups, the United States cut off the supply of engines. This encouraged China to design and build a similar engine (the WS-11). But China has had a hard time mastering the precise technologies and manufacturing techniques needed to build jet engines. So it has been buying the AI-25TLK instead.


The K-8 entered service in 1994, and over 500 have been built. The aircraft can be fitted with a 23mm cannon, and carry nearly a ton of missiles and bombs. Venezuela, Egypt and Pakistan also use the K-8. The aircraft sell for $4-5 million each

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9 octobre 2014 4 09 /10 /octobre /2014 23:45
Centrafrique: un Casque bleu tué dans une embuscade près de Bangui


09 octobre 2014 23h45 Romandie.com(AFP)


Nations unies (Etats-Unis) - Un Casque bleu a été tué et huit autres ont été blessés lors d'une embuscade contre un convoi de la mission de l'ONU en République centrafricaine (Minusca) jeudi soir près de Bangui, a indiqué l'ONU.


Le Casque bleu tué est un officier pakistanais et les blessés appartiennent aux contingents du Pakistan et du Bangladesh opérant au sein de la Minusca, a précisé à l'AFP un responsable de l'ONU.


Le convoi a été attaqué par des éléments armés non identifiés alors qu'il circulait dans le district PK11, aux abords de la capitale. Un des blessés est gravement touché et les autres plus légèrement.


Il s'agit du premier Casque bleu de la Minusca tué depuis le déploiement de la force de l'ONU à la mi-septembre.


Dans un communiqué, le représentant spécial de l'ONU et chef de la Minusca, le général Babacar Gaye, a condamné dans les termes les plus forts cette attaque.


Il a rappelé que la Minusca s'est déployée dans le pays à la demande des Centrafricains pour appuyer leur processus de transition, pour protéger les civils et les droits de l'homme et pour aider à la restauration de l'Etat.


Ce crime contre les forces des Nations unies, qui sont ici pour aider le peuple de la République centrafricaine, est inacceptable et les responsables devront répondre de leurs actes et être traduits devant la justice, a affirmé le général Gaye.


Nous continuerons de prendre des mesures robustes contre les criminels qui menacent les civils, a-t-il encore déclaré.


Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU doit publier dans la soirée une déclaration sur la situation à Bangui.


La capitale centrafricaine a été de nouveau secouée jeudi par des violences inter-communautaires qui ont fait au moins sept morts et plusieurs dizaines de blessés en deux jours, provoquant de nouveaux déplacements de populations après des semaines d'accalmie en Centrafrique.


La force onusienne, créée en avril par une résolution du Conseil de sécurité, s'est déployée à partir du 15 septembre et doit compter 12.000 soldats et policiers à effectif plein.

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26 septembre 2014 5 26 /09 /septembre /2014 12:45
Sangaris: la force se réarticule et laisse place à la MINUSCA dans l’Ouest


26/09/2014 Sources : Etat-major des Armées


Le 19 septembre 2014, sur le camp Clermont, à Bouar, une cérémonie a marqué la réarticulation de la force Sangaris et l’arrivée de la mission intégrée multidimensionnelle de stabilisation des Nations Unies en République centrafricaine (MINUSCA) dans l’Ouest.


Présidée par le commandant de la force Sangaris, le général de brigade Eric Bellot des Minières, et en présence du général Martin Tumenta, commandant la composante militaire de la MINUSCA, du général Evariste Murenzi, futur commandant du secteur Ouest de la MINUSCA, et du colonel Shefaul Kabir, commandant du bataillon bangladais de la MINUSCA, cette cérémonie a permis au groupement tactique interarmes (GTIA) de Boissieu de transmettre officiellement le flambeau au bataillon bangladais de l’ONU.


Les troupes du GTIA de Boissieu, commandées par le colonel Armel Dirou, étaient principalement constituées d’éléments du 4e régiment de chasseurs (4e RCH), du 7e bataillon de chasseurs alpins (7e BCA) et du 1er régiment étranger de génie (1er REG). Ils ont opéré durant quatre mois dans une zone de responsabilité étendue et variée, entre Bouar et Bossangoa, afin de rétablir un niveau minimum de sécurité, et permettre ainsi le retour de l’administration, de la justice et de la police au service des Centrafricains.


Au cours de la cérémonie, le COMANFOR a salué le travail accompli par l’ensemble des soldats, chasseurs et légionnaires, dans l’Ouest du pays. Il a particulièrement souligné l’action continue du GTIA de Boissieu pour « appuyer le retour de l’autorité de l’Etat dans les villes du grand Ouest et créer finalement les conditions d’une relève sereine par les troupes de la MINUSCA ».


Le GTIA de Boissieu poursuit les préparatifs en vue de son départ prochain vers le Tchad où il devrait arriver fin septembre afin de rejoindre le dispositif de l’opération Barkhane.


Le 12 septembre dernier, 46 caisses contenant l’allègement, l’armement, les transmissions, l’emballage logistique des valises Félin et tout l’environnement des véhicules de l’avant blindé (VAB) avaient déjà été chargées dans un Antonov 26à destination de Bangui. Le démontage des autres équipements s’échelonnera dans les jours à venir. Pour l’heure, le GTIA de Boissieu continue d’appuyer les forces de sécurité intérieures et finit d’accompagner la mise en place et la montée en puissance de la MINUSCA.


Environ 2 000 militaires français sont actuellement déployés dans l’opération Sangaris, aux côtés des 6 700 hommes de la MINUSCA. Lancée le 5 décembre 2013 par le président de la République, l’opération Sangaris vise à rétablir un niveau de sécurité minimal en République centrafricaine et à accompagner la montée en puissance progressive de la mission de l’ONU.

Sangaris: la force se réarticule et laisse place à la MINUSCA dans l’OuestSangaris: la force se réarticule et laisse place à la MINUSCA dans l’Ouest
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24 septembre 2014 3 24 /09 /septembre /2014 12:45
Sangaris : les précurseurs bangladais en reconnaissance à Bouar



24/09/2014 Sources : EMA


Le 16 septembre 2014, dans le cadre de la mise en place de la mission intégrée multidimensionnelle de stabilisation des Nations Unies en République centrafricaine (MINUSCA), une délégation de militaires bangladais est venue rencontrer les principales autorités militaires présentes à Bouar et reconnaître les bâtiments qui seront ceux des soldats bangladais après le départ du groupement tactique interarmes (GTIA) de Boissieu.


Le chef de corps du bataillon bangladais et ses principaux responsables sont allés au camp de la MINUSCA à la rencontre du commandant du bataillon camerounais déjà sur place. Après un briefing sur la situation sécuritaire de la région et de la ville, la délégation s’est dirigée vers le camp de Boissieu qui jouxte celui de la MINUSCA. Le colonel Armel Dirou, chef de corps du GTIA, leur a fait visiter les installations, en prévision de l’arrivée prochaine du reste de la troupe du bataillon bangladais.


Le bataillon camerounais de la MISCA est passé MINUSCA le 15 septembre à Bouar. A la fin du mois, le contingent bangladais viendra compléter ce dispositif déjà en place. La force Sangaris se réarticulera alors, et concentrera son action sur Bangui et le centre-Est du pays afin d’accompagner la prise en main progressive de la MINUSCA sur l’ensemble de sa zone de responsabilité.


Environ 2 000 militaires français sont actuellement déployés dans l’opération Sangaris, aux côtés des 6 700 hommes de la MINUSCA. Lancée le 5 décembre 2013 par le président de la République, l’opération Sangaris vise à rétablir un niveau de sécurité minimal en République centrafricaine et à accompagner la montée en puissance progressive de la mission de l’ONU.

Sangaris : les précurseurs bangladais en reconnaissance à BouarSangaris : les précurseurs bangladais en reconnaissance à BouarSangaris : les précurseurs bangladais en reconnaissance à Bouar
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21 septembre 2014 7 21 /09 /septembre /2014 11:35
Le Bangladesh achète 2 sous-marins à la Chine


21 septembre 2014. Portail des Sous-Marins


Le Bangladesh a signé un accord avec la Chine un contrat pour l’achat de 2 sous-marins pour un montant de 150.000 €. La marine chinoise utilise actuellement ces 2 sous-marins mis en service il y a 24 ans. La marine du Bangladesh devrait les recevoir en 2018 après qu’ils aient été reconditionnés.


L’objectif du Bangladesh serait d’acheter au total 4 sous-marins. Près de 200 personnes seront nécessaires pour la mise en œuvre des sous-marins et leur environnement et plusieurs ont déjà été formées pour cela.


Un membre de la commission d’achat a indiqué : « La Chine va fournir 2 sous-marins du type 035 G. »


Les sous-marins du type 035G sont dérivés du sous-marin soviétique Romeo (conçus dans les années 50. Le type 035G a été développé à partir de 1985 et le premier exemplaire lancé en 1990.


La base sous-marine sera construite sur le canal de Kutibdia, à Pekua upazila.


Référence : Prothom Alo (Bangladesh)

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15 juillet 2014 2 15 /07 /juillet /2014 16:35
Bangladesh orders two AW139 helicopters from AgustaWestland

The AW139 belongs to AgustaWestland's family of new generation helicopters. Photo AgustaWestland - A Finmeccanica Company.


15 July 2014 airforce-technology.com


Bangladesh has ordered two AW139 intermediate twin-engine helicopters, along with a support and training package, from AgustaWestland.


The Finmeccanica subsidiary will supply the helicopters by the end of 2015.


The helicopters are expected to be operated by the air force to perform maritime search-and-rescue (SAR) operations in all weather conditions. They will also be used to conduct missions in support of maritime security and disaster relief.


The advanced mission configuration of the Bangladeshi AW139s will include search / weather radar, forward looking infrared, search light, rescue hoist, emergency floats and a four-axis dual digital automatic flight control system with hover and SAR modes.



Powered by two Pratt & Whitney PT6C turboshaft engines, the AW139 is a 15-seat medium-sized helicopter.

"The helicopters are expected to be operated by the air force to perform maritime search and rescue operations."


In addition to SAR, the helicopter is widely used for offshore passenger transport, law enforcement, emergency medical service, VIP / corporate transport and firefighting.


The chopper belongs to AgustaWestland's family of new generation helicopters, and has the same flight characteristics and safety features as the other members, such as the AW169 and AW189.


All three helicopters share common cockpit concept and design philosophy.


AgustaWestland has simultaneously won contracts for the supply of one AW139 each for Japan and the UK.


The Yokohama City Fire Department in Japan has ordered an AW139, the second in its fleet, while an undisclosed customer from the UK has ordered the helicopter for VIP transport.


Last week, Australia ordered six helicopters for emergency medical service.


AgustaWestland has more than 770 orders for AW139 from 60 countries including Italy, Spain, Estonia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Sweden and the UK.

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2 février 2014 7 02 /02 /février /2014 17:35
Le Bangladesh a acheté des Yak-130 à la Russie



30/01/2014 Romain Guillot journal-aviation.com



Le Bangladesh a signé un contrat avec Rosoboronexport pour la livraison de 24 avions d’entraînement Yak-130 produits par Irkout.


L’information a été confirmée par Anatoli Issaïkine, le directeur de l’agence d’exportation d’armement russe dans une longue interview publiée par le quotidien Kommersant le 27 janvier.


Ce contrat, valorisé à 800 millions de dollars, entre dans le cadre d’un crédit de 1 milliard de dollars alloué à Dacca par la Russie en janvier 2013. Il avait été annoncé en avril dernier à l’issue du salon aéronautique de Langkawi (Malaisie).


La presse russe indique cependant que les capacités financières du Bangladesh ne lui permettent pas d’acquérir les 24 exemplaires comme initialement prévu, mais seulement 16.

La Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) devrait réceptionner ses premiers exemplaires au cours de l’année.


Le Yak-130 peut également assurer le rôle d’avion d’attaque léger avec une capacité d’emport d’armement de 3 tonnes.


Anatoli Issaïkine a également confirmé qu’aucun des 36 exemplaires commandés par la Syrie n’avait quitté la Russie.

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7 décembre 2013 6 07 /12 /décembre /2013 17:35
Type 039 Song Class attack submarine

Type 039 Song Class attack submarine



December 6, 2013: Strategy Page


Bangladesh has ordered two submarines from China. The specific type of sub was not mentioned but it was probably the Type 39 class, which is relatively modern and very similar to the Russian Kilo class that is a popular export item. This would be the first Chinese sale of their submarines and the Type 39 is the first successful Chinese designed and built submarine.


For over a decade China has been designing and building a rapidly evolving collection of "Song" (Type 39) class diesel-electric submarines that emphasize quietness and reliability. The changes have been so great that the latest seven Songs have been called Yuan class (Type 39A or Type 41). The original design (Type 39) first appeared in 2001, and 13 have been built. But in 2008, a noticeably different Type 39 appeared. This has been called Type 39A or Type 41 and is now accepted as a separate class. The evolution continued until there were seven "Type 41 Yuan Class" subs (of at least three distinct models). These latest models appear to have AIP (air independent propulsion system) along with new electronics and other internal improvements.


This rapid evolution of the Type 39 appears to be another example of China adapting Russian submarine technology to Chinese design ideas and new technology. China has been doing this for as long as it has been building subs (since the 1960s). But this latest version of what appears to be the Type 41 design shows Chinese naval engineers getting more creative. Two or more Yuans are believed to have an AIP that would allow them to cruise underwater longer. Western AIP systems allow subs to stay under water for two weeks or more. The Chinese AIP has less power and reliability and does not appear to be nearly as capable as Russian or Western models. The Chinese will keep improving on their AIP, just as they have done with so much other military technology.


The Songs look a lot like the Russian Kilo class and that was apparently no accident. The 39s and 41s are both 1,800 ton boats with crews of 60 sailors and six torpedo tubes. This is very similar to the Kilos (which are a bit larger). China began ordering Russian Kilo class subs, then one of the latest diesel-electric designs available, in the late 1990s. The first two Type 41s appeared to be a copy of the early model Kilo (the model 877), while the second pair of Type 41s appeared to copy the late Kilos (model 636). The latest Yuans still appear like Kilos but may be part of an evolution into a sub that is similar to the Russian successor to the Kilo, the Lada. The Type 39s were the first Chinese subs to have the teardrop shaped hull. The Type 41 was thought to be just an improved Song but on closer examination, especially by the Russians, it looked like a clone of the Kilos. The Russians now believe that the entire Song/Yuan project is part of a long-range plan to successfully copy the Kilo. If that is the case, it appears to be succeeding.


China currently has 13 Song class, 12 Kilo class, 7 Yuan class, and 18 Ming (improved Russian Romeo) class boats. There are only 4 Shang class and 3 Han class SSNs, as the Chinese are still having a lot of problems with nuclear power in subs. Despite that, the Hans are going to sea, even though they are noisy and easily detected by Western sensors. Five Hans were built (between 1974 and 1991) but 2 have already been retired. There are 4 newer Shang class SSNs in service, but these are still pretty noisy. The Song/Yuan class subs are meant to replace the elderly Mings. China is in the process of buying some even more advanced diesel-electric submarine technology from Russia for a new class of boats.

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18 septembre 2013 3 18 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
Bangladesh Air Force on procurement drive

Sept.14, 2013  Bangladesh Defence Procurement


The Bangladesh Air Force received 8 more F-7BG1 from China last Sunday to make a full squadron of 16 fighter aircraft in the unit.


The F-7BG1 is the newest version of the F-7 series of fighter aircraft and boasts improved multi-role capabilities including launching of precision guided munitions and new generation Chinese air-to-air missiles. Each F-7BG1 cost $9.8 million according to bdmilitary.com sources in the Bangladesh Air Force.


The present government has procured 16 F-7BG1/FT-7BG1  multi-role fighter aircraft, one YLC-6C 3D radar and one JH-16 s-band AESA air defence radar from China. In addition 3 Mi-171Sh combat support and transport helicopters were also procured in the same period to strengthen the Bangladesh Air Force.


The Bangladesh Air Force is also set to receive 4 additional refurbished C-130Es from the United States of America under a $180 million purchase deal.


During the filing of this report the Bangladesh Air Force is in negotiation with Russian Rosoboronexport for the acquisition of 12 multi-role combat aircraft, 12 advanced jet trainers, two armed maritime patrol aircraft and nine other jet training aircraft under a $1.5 billion dollar state export credit facility provided by the Russian government to boost the Bangladesh Air Force’s capabilities.


The Bangladesh Air Force is rejuvenating its aircraft inventory after years of neglect. Ground based air defence will also be improved with the introduction of Russian and Chinese anti-aircraft missile systems, radar and air defence command and control centres.

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12 juin 2013 3 12 /06 /juin /2013 17:35
Two ex-PLAN frigates Type 053H2 (Jianghu-III) guided missile frigates, the Huangshi (535) and Wuhu (536) from the East Sea Fleet

Two ex-PLAN frigates Type 053H2 (Jianghu-III) guided missile frigates, the Huangshi (535) and Wuhu (536) from the East Sea Fleet

12.06.2013 militaryforces.asia


The Bangladesh Navy began a shopping spree in recent years and finally things are coming in to fruition even with economic constraints.


Two ex-PLAN frigates Type 053H2 (Jianghu-III) guided missile frigates, the Huangshi (535) and Wuhu (536) from the East Sea Fleet will join the Bangladesh Navy later this year after what observers call a “heavy refit”.


The frigates were both built by Hudong and commissioned in December 1986 and December 1987 respectively.


Before the refit they were armed with 8 X C-802A SSM, 2 x Type 79A dual-100 mm guns, 4 x Type 76 dual-37 mm AA guns, 2 x 5-tube Type 81 ASW rocket launchers (30 rounds), 4 x Type 64 DC projectors, 2 x DC racks, 2 x Mk. 36 RBOC 6-barrel decoy rocket launchers.


MilitaryForces.Asia sources stated that the vessels would possibly be refitted with updated electronics and weapons.


Bangladesh Navy has recently adopted the H/PJ26 76 mm dual-purpose naval gun in its major surface combatants.  The same model would be installed on the Huangshi and Wuhu considering their Type 79A dual-100 mm guns were removed along with antiquated air defence guns.


Their sistership Xiangtan joined the Bangladesh Navy in 1989 and still serves today renamed as BNS Osman (F 18). It was upgraded with 8 x C-802 SSM’s in recent years.


Highlighting Bangladesh Navy’s eagerness to acquire off the shelf solutions in recent times they acquired a US Coast Guard Hamilton class cutter, which is undergoing refit in California before setting off to Bangladesh for joining the fleet.


The Hamilton class cutter is to be converted to a guided missile frigate in Bangladesh by installation of 8 x C-802A SSM and a Chinese origin SAM system, possibly FL-3000N according to a bdmilitary.com analyst.


Earlier the Bangladesh Navy negotiated with Italy for two improved Sauro class diesel-electric submarines and a number of frigates but it failed due to the steep asking price by the Italian government. Similarly an earlier negotiation with Montenegro also ended negatively due to unreasonable price and poor condition of the warships.


Bangladesh Navy officers confirmed to MilitaryForces.Asia that the new warships purchased from China and United States were in ‘good condition’.


The addition of three new frigates will provide the growing navy with increased patrolling capabilities in the Bay of Bengal as well as ensure they can bring enough fire power to naval confrontations with neighbouring countries.

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3 juin 2012 7 03 /06 /juin /2012 07:10
US naval base in Bangladesh


June 2, 2012 weeklyblitz.net


Times Now – a podcast project of leading Indian daily newspaper The Times of India on Friday, June 1, 2012 claimed that the United States' is on the process of stationing its naval base within the Bay of Bengal and US Seventh Fleet is scheduled to be moving towards Bangladesh maritime area within next couple of weeks. The Indian media claims that during the recent Bangladesh tour of the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Washington formally placed the proposal of using Bangladesh territory for its naval base. US State Department has also confirmed the matter to Times of India. The Indian news media said, "Worried by increasing presence of Chinese naval bases in the South China Sea - America now eyes a counter strategy - as it wants an overall presence in Asia - right from Japan to its Diego Garicia base in the Indian Ocean.


"This by parking its seventh fleet in a base in Chittagong giving it both an eye on taking on China and a strategic post in Asia as it pulls out of Afghanistan. The US State Department denying on the record that Hillary Clinton's visits had anything to do with military co-operation.


"America's concerns clearly documented in the Pentagon report as they increasingly worried over the string of pearls of Chinese bases across the South China Sea and their naval might spreading all across Asia - putting the America behind. The Bangladeshi Government remaining extremely tight-lipped over the recent developments - as they have internally decided to deny it on record - fearing backlash from their own hardliners.


"This move by America could put India on the back foot if the American fleet moves to Bangladesh, all of India's security installations will come under the American scanner. Bangladesh is not willing to comment on record even offering explanation to deny the developments. This Clinton visit a more strategic one than just a friendly one- the Indian establishment caught unawares--as this base could cast a shadow on India's own strategic interests."


The US Seventh Fleet:


The Seventh Fleet is the United States Navy's permanent forward projection force operating forward deployed in Yokosuka, Japan, with units positioned near Japan and South Korea. It is a component force of the United States Pacific Fleet. At present, it is the largest of the forward-deployed U.S. fleets, with 50 to 60 ships, 350 aircraft and 60,000 Navy and Marine Corps personnel. With the support of its Task Force Commanders, it has three major assignments:


Joint Task Force command in a natural disaster or joint military operation,


Operational command of all naval forces in the region, and


Defense of the Korean Peninsula. In 1994, 7th Fleet was assigned the additional responsibility as Commander, Combined Naval Component Command for the defense of South Korea.


The Seventh Fleet was formed on 15 March 1943 in Brisbane, Australia, during World War II, under the command of Admiral Arthur S. Chips Carpender. It served in the South West Pacific Area (SWPA) under General Souglas MacArthur, and the Seventh Fleet commander also served as commander of Allied naval forces in the SWPA.


Most of the ships of the Royal Australian Navy were also part of the fleet from 1943 to 1945 as part of Task Force 74 (formerly the Anzac Squadron). The Seventh Fleet—under Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid—formed a large part of the Allied forces at the Battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval battle in history. After the end of the war, the 7th Fleet moved its headquarters to Qingdao, China.


Princeton of the United States Third Fleet on fire east of Luzon at the Battle of Leyte Gulf.


After the war, on 1 January 1947, the Fleet's name was changed to Naval Forces Western Pacific. On 19 August 1949, just prior to the outbreak of the Korean War, the force was designated as United States Seventh Task Fleet. On 11 February 1950, the force assumed the name United States Seventh Fleet, which it holds today.


In late 1948, the 7th Fleet moved its principal base of operations to the Philippines, where the Navy, following the war, had developed new facilities at Subic Bay and an airfield at Sangley Point. Peacetime operations of the Seventh Fleet were under the control of Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet, Admiral Arthur E. Radford, but standing orders provided that, when operating in Japanese waters or in the event of an emergency, control would pass to Commander Naval Forces Far East, which was a component of Gen. Douglas MacArthur's occupation force.


Of the 50-60 ships typically assigned to Seventh Fleet, 18 operate from U.S. facilities in Japan and Guam. These forward-deployed units represent the heart of Seventh Fleet. The 18 permanently forward-deployed ships of the U.S. 7th Fleet are the centerpieces of American forward presence in Asia. They are 17 steaming days closer to locations in Asia than their counterparts based in the continental U.S.


It would take three to five times the number of rotationally-based ships in the U.S. to equal the same presence and crisis response capability as these 18 forward deployed ships. On any given day, about 50% of Seventh Fleet forces are deployed at sea throughout the area of responsibility.


Following the end of the Cold War, the two major military scenarios in which the Seventh Fleet would be used would be in case of conflict in Korea or a conflict between People's Republic of China and Taiwan in the Taiwan Strait.


It was reported on 10 May 2012 that USS Freedom (LCS-1) would be dispatched to Singapore in the northern spring of 2013 for a roughly 10-month deployment.

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