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4 mars 2015 3 04 /03 /mars /2015 12:30
Arak IR-40 Heavy Water Reactor, Iran photo Nanking2012

Arak IR-40 Heavy Water Reactor, Iran photo Nanking2012


March 3, 2015 By John T. Bennett – Defense news


WASHINGTON — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday warned a joint session of the US Congress that an emerging deal over Iran's nuclear program would "inevitably" trigger war.


Netanyahu was interrupted numerous times by US lawmakers' wild applause. Though the Israeli leader said his appearance and remarks were not political, Republicans clearly appeared more receptive and enthusiastic about his hawkish tone on Iran.


At times, Netanyahu sounded like a political analyst, arguing why the terms of a potential deal that would essentially freeze Iran's nuclear arms program would threaten Israel.


"This deal will not change Iran for the better," he said. "It will only change the Middle East for the worst."


Netanyahu said if Tehran agrees to the deal reportedly offered by the United States and other global powers, it would not bring about "a farewell to arms," but rather "a farewell to arms control."


Israeli officials would support existing and potential new sanctions and restrictions on Iran to be lifted only if Tehran "lifts its aggression on the region and the world."


Facing a re-election vote back home in mere days, Netanyahu warned US lawmakers that even while dealing with sanctions, Iran is interfering in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.


He challenged those in the chamber to imagine what else Iran would do if sanctions were lifted.


“One path leads to a deal that curtails [the program] for a while. The other leads to a nuclear-armed Iran … that inevitably leads to war.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu


"The world should demand that Iran do three things: stop its aggression against its neighbors in the Middle East," he said. "Second, stop supporting terrorism around the world. And third, stop threatening to annihilate my country, Israel, the one and only Jewish state."


That was among the many lines that drew a standing ovation from many in the House chamber, especially on the Republican side.


"If Iran wants to be treated like a normal country," Netanyahu said, "let it act like a normal country."


At other times, Netanyahu channeled his inner nuclear physicist.


He told the joint session that the emerging deal would allow Iran to retain too much of its existing nuclear infrastructure. And he warned that US and other Western powers are proposing to allow Iran to develop too many nuclear centrifuges, a key component to one day fielding an atomic weapon.


"If anyone thinks this deal kicks the can down the road, think again.


"The alternative to this deal," Netanyahu said, his voice booming as he pounded the podium with his left hand, "is a much better deal.


"A better deal that doesn't leave Iran with a vast nuclear infrastructure and short breakout times," Netanyahu said. "A better deal that doesn't give Iran an easy path to the bomb. … This is a bad. A very bad deal. We're better off without it."


That line, too, was met with loud applause.


Netanyahu was very much a politician mindful that his political future is on the line. As he turned toward the speech's climax, the prime minister seemed to be preparing both voters back home and one of his country's closest allies for a possible war.


And his message to the domestic audience was clear: I am the man to lead it.


"We must now choose between two paths: One path leads to a deal that curtails [the program] for a while," he said. "The other leads to a nuclear-armed Iran … that inevitably leads to war.


"Even if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand," he said to raucous applause.


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"But I know that Israel doesn't stand alone. I know that America stands with Israel. I know that you stand with Israel," he told the US lawmakers, who erupted in wild applause.


The day before, Susan Rice, President Barack Obama's national security adviser, told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference "the bottom line is simple, we have Israel's back, come hell or high water."


In a slightly less hawkish tone, Netanyahu advised US lawmakers against viewing the Shiite regime in Tehran as an ally in the fight against the Islamic State, a violent Sunni group.


"Iran and ISIS are competing for the crown of militant Islam. … They just disagree among themselves who will be the leader of that empire," he said, adding under an Islamic "empire" there would be "no room" for Americans, Israelis, women, nor any "freedom for anyone."


"When it comes to Iran, the enemy of your enemy," Netanyahu said in another applause line, "is your enemy."


At the start of his remarks, Netanyahu attempted to tamp down talk on both sides of the Atlantic about a deepening rift with Obama and his top aides.


"We appreciate everything that President Obama has done for Israel," Netanyahu said at the top of his speech.


He expressed appreciation for Obama's moves to bolster US-Israeli intelligence sharing and his pro-Israel actions at the United Nations.


Netanyahu said some things Obama has done for Israel is "less well known," including forest fire aid, and military assistance last year against Hamas.


Though some speculated during the run up to the address that he was there to criticize Obama, Netanyahu said: "That was never my intention."


The prime minister, who considers himself an expert on US politics, thanked Republicans and Democrats alike for what he described as their joint support of Israel "year after year and decade after decade."


"I know that whatever side of the aisle you sit, you stand with Israel," he said, banging the podium as he delivered the last four words to polite applause.


He also praised Congress for increasing funding for the joint American-Israeli "Iron Dome" missile defense system, which his military used to great fanfare in its conflict last year with Hamas.


"This Capitol dome," he said, "helped build our Iron Dome."


But the remarks were not met with wild applause from every member.


Reporters who watched the speech from the House press gallery reported a visibly angry House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.


"The unbreakable bonds between the United States and Israel are rooted in our shared values, our common ideals and mutual interests," Pelosi said in a statement.


"As one who values the US-Israel relationship, and loves Israel, I was near tears throughout the prime minister's speech — saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States as part of the P5+1 nations," Pelosi said, "and saddened by the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation."


House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., through a spokesman, told CongressWatch before the speech that he "remains troubled by the timing of the speech and the lack of coordination with the White House."


Initial reaction from senior Republican members was much the opposite, however.


"Despite the sobering nature of the remarks themselves, Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered an important message that all of Congress, indeed all of America, needed to hear," Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., said in a statement. "At this critical juncture in history, the prime minister's warnings should also be heeded by President Obama, who appears to be on a dangerous and reckless path in negotiations with Iran.


"Even though the administration believes that a deal with Iran is possible, I remain deeply skeptical that the country will abide by any sort of agreement reached," Cole said. "As Prime Minister Netanyahu conveyed today, Israel shares that same concern and distrust of Iran. A nuclear armed Iran is a threat to the safety of the entire West, but also poses a direct threat to the very existence of Israel, as well as to the Sunni states of the Middle East."

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16 septembre 2014 2 16 /09 /septembre /2014 11:30
Israël: Netanyahu veut fortement augmenter le budget de la Défense


15/09/2014 lorientlejour.com


Le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu a appelé lundi à "augmenter de façon significative" le budget de la Défense, déjà le premier poste de dépenses du gouvernement, après la récente guerre dans la bande de Gaza.


"Il n'y a aucun dirigeant responsable qui, face aux menaces qui se multiplient autour de nous, ne permette pas et n'exige pas une augmentation significative du budget de la Défense pour faire face à la réalité et aux défis de sécurité dans notre environnement", a-t-il indiqué dans un communiqué.

M. Netanyahu n'a pas donné de chiffres précis mais a réclamé une augmentation "de plusieurs milliards" de shekels.


Une épreuve de force a débuté ces derniers jours entre le Premier ministre et le ministre des Finances Yaïr Lapid, un rival politique qui se dit prêt à une hausse du budget militaire très inférieure à celle réclamée par l'armée.

Selon les médias, le Trésor veut limiter la hausse à 690 millions de dollars tandis que l'armée réclame plus de trois milliards de dollars pour couvrir les dépenses engagées durant la guerre à Gaza (8 juillet - 26 août), ainsi qu'un supplément pour le développement et l'acquisition de nouvelles armes.


Le budget de la Défense devrait atteindre cette année 18 milliards de dollars en comptant trois milliards d'aide militaire américaine annuelle. Ce budget est le plus important du gouvernement, loin devant l'Education par exemple, et représente près de 6% du Produit intérieur brut israélien.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 11:30
Négociations dans l'impasse: les frappes continuent sur Gaza


10.08.2014 Romandie.com (ats)


Alors que les hostilités se poursuivent entre Israël et les combattants palestiniens, l'incertitude règne sur les négociations menées au Caire en vue d'une trêve. Le Premier ministre israélien a répété qu'Israël "ne négociera pas sous le feu".

"Nous n'avons à aucun moment déclaré que (l'offensive militaire israélienne) était terminée", a souligné Benjamin Netanyahu. "L'opération va se poursuivre jusqu'à ce que son objectif - le rétablissement du calme pendant une période prolongée - soit atteint. Je l'ai dit au début et pendant toute l'opération: cela va demander du temps, et nous devons faire preuve de persévérance."

Conforté par le soutien de l'opinion publique israélienne, le Premier ministre reste intransigeant dans ses déclarations publiques, refusant de paraître lâcher quelque chose au Hamas. Il s'est en même temps déclaré prêt à voir l'Autorité palestinienne, plus modérée, jouer un rôle.

Plusieurs dizaines d'Israéliens ont toutefois bravé samedi soir l'interdiction de manifester dans Tel Aviv contre la poursuite des opérations militaires dans la bande de Gaza. Le rassemblement avait été interdit par la police invoquant des restrictions militaires dans les villes à portée des roquettes palestiniennes.


Pression palestinienne


Israéliens et Palestiniens ont été incapables de s'entendre au cours de discussions indirectes organisées au Caire par l'entremise des Egyptiens sur la prolongation du cessez-le-feu de 72 heures entré en vigueur mardi passé.

Les combats meurtriers ont repris vendredi: Israël refuse toujours de lever le blocus qui asphyxie la bande de Gaza depuis 2006. Israéliens et Palestiniens se rejettent la responsabilité de l'échec de ces négociations.

Les chances que les négociations en vue d'une nouvelle trêve aboutissent dans l'immédiat sont "faibles", a résumé dimanche un membre de la délégation palestinienne au Caire.

"Il est possible que la délégation palestinienne rentre pour des consultations avec les leaders" en territoire palestinien, a ajouté Ezzat al-Rishq, un haut responsable du Hamas. Les médiateurs égyptiens devaient rendre compte de la position israélienne en milieu de journée.


Nouveaux raids


Sur le terrain les hostilités continuaient. La bande de Gaza a subi des frappes israéliennes: des raids ont été menés sur une vingtaine d'objectifs, a indiqué Tsahal dimanche matin. Trois Palestiniens y ont perdu la vie, selon des sources médicales.

Ce qui porte à près de 150 frappes de l'aviation israélienne dans la bande de Gaza depuis la reprise du conflit vendredi matin. Au total, 99 roquettes ont été tirées de la bande de Gaza depuis lors, a précisé l'armée israélienne, dont deux dimanche matin.

Au moins 14 Palestiniens ont été tués depuis la rupture de la trêve, et côté israélien, un civil et un soldat ont été légèrement blessés vendredi.

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