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1 novembre 2015 7 01 /11 /novembre /2015 12:35
Philippines: China Waits For The Americans To Come And Go


October 26, 2015: Strategy Page


The Philippines and its closest neighbors are slowly losing control of their offshore waters to increasingly aggressive Chinese claims. The Philippines faces losing control of 80 percent of its waters in the West Philippine Sea while Malaysia loses 80 percent of its coastal waters off Sabah and Sarawak. Vietnam loses half its coastal waters while Brunei loses 90 percent. Even Indonesia loses 30 percent of its coastal waters facing the South China Sea. These losses include several known offshore oil and natural gas fields and a number of areas that have not been explored yet plus lucrative fishing grounds and control over vital shipping routes. China is going all this by ignoring the 1994 Law of the Sea treaty (as well as at least two other similar treaties. The widely adopted (including by China) 1994 agreement recognizes the waters 22 kilometers from land “national territory” and under the jurisdiction of the nation controlling the nearest land. That means ships cannot enter these "territorial waters" without permission. More importantly the waters 360 kilometers from land are considered the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the nation controlling the nearest land. The EEZ owner can control who fishes there and extracts natural resources (mostly oil and gas) from the ocean floor. But the EEZ owner cannot prohibit free passage or the laying of pipelines and communications cables. While this agreement eliminated or reduced many of the existing or potential disputes it did not completely deal with all of them. Thus some nations keep violating the agreements, usually because they feel their claims supersede the international agreements. China is the most frequent offender. For example China claims that American electronic monitoring ships are conducting illegal espionage while in the Chinese EEZ. But the 1994 treaty says nothing about such matters. China is simply doing what China has been doing for centuries, trying to impose its will on neighbors, or anyone venturing into what China considers areas that should be under its control. China is not alone, but because China is pushing the limits of how the 1994 law can be interpreted (or misinterpreted) other nations with similar opportunities to lay claim to crucial chunks of the seascape are ready to emulate China if some of the more aggressive Chinese ploys actually work. This is one reason why China faces strong opposition from nations worldwide.


Thus while the United States recently announced that it will send warships and military aircraft through areas of the South China Sea that China openly claims as “sovereign Chinese territory” that does not seem to be stopping the Chinese from harassing Filipino ships and fishing boats in disputed (but legally Filipino according to the treaty) waters. This time the United States has said it will move within 22 kilometers of newly established Chinese bases in the South China Sea. China insists that these islands (some of them artificial and recently built) are “sovereign Chinese territory” but the rest of the world disagrees and China will, at the very least, be embarrassed by this American show of force. China will back off when the United States (or even Japan or Taiwan) move through disputed waters with warships but will continue to go after unarmed “intruders”. The Philippines and its neighbors need an ally who is willing and able to stick around and get China to back off. So far, such an ally has not appeared.


The Moslem separatist group MILF is working on implementing its recently signed peace deal for the largely Moslem areas in the south. There is a problem down there in that a sizable minority of southern Moslems (ten percent or more) want to hold out, and keep fighting, to establish a separate Moslem state in the south. MILF leaders know this is impossible because a majority of the people in the south are opposed. That includes a majority of the Moslems and the nearly all the non-Moslems in the south. Moslems are only eight percent of all Filipinos, and an even smaller proportion of the economic activity. MILF wanted control of more of the economy, which meant control of "ancestral Moslem areas" in the south that are now populated by Christians. The Christian majority refused to allow domination by Moslems in a larger and more autonomous Moslem south. MILF settled for a smaller autonomous area that had a Moslem majority. This issue is still a big deal for many Moslems and could still turn into an armed rebellion against MILF and the collapse of the plan for an autonomous Moslem area in the south.  So far MILF has kept things under control. In part this is because of the thousands of soldiers and marines in Basilan taking care of the only large group of Islamic terrorists (Abu Sayyaf) in the country. These guys have not expanded much mainly because they are basically bandits with a veneer of Islamic radicalism. Abu Sayyaf is mostly about the money but they will cooperate with real Islamic terrorists as it suits them.


October 25, 2015: In the south (Basilan) a clash between an army patrol and about 40 Abu Sayyaf gunmen left three Islamic terrorists dead and four soldiers wounded.


October 21, 2015: In the south (Basilan and Sulu) two clashes with Abu Sayyaf gunmen left a soldier dead and a civilian wounded. Both clashes involved the Islamic terrorists attacking soldiers working on development projects.


October 20, 2015: In the south (Tawi-Tawi province) Abu Sayyaf released a mining company manager they kidnapped in 2014. It is a believed that a ransom of over $20,000 was paid.


October 19, 2015: In the south (Agusan del Sur) NPA gunmen murdered another mayor, along with his adult son. This killing is part of an NPA campaign to go after former NPA members who go on to become local leaders and organize defense (against the NPA) militias. The NPA is losing a lot of popular support and seeking to regain it any way it can.


October 16, 2015: In the south (Batangas province) NPA gunmen ambushed two off-duty soldiers and killed them. This was believed to be in retaliation for NPA losses on the 14th.


October 14, 2015: In the south (Batangas province) NPA gunmen clashed with troops and five rebels were killed. Two nearby civilians were wounded. Troops recovered four rifles.


October 10, 2015: China declared operational newly built lighthouses on two reefs in the South China Sea. According to China these lighthouses (not really needed in the GPS age) strengthen their claims on the surrounding waters.


October 5, 2015: In the south (Sulu) marines found and disabled an Aby Sayyaf bomb near one of their checkpoints.

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23 mars 2015 1 23 /03 /mars /2015 17:35
Why Did Brunei Slash Its Defense Budget?


March 19, 2015 By Prashanth Parameswaran – TheDiplomat


Defense spending for the Southeast Asian state has been cut by over 25 percent.


Brunei’s defense spending has been slashed by over 25 percent for 2015 as the tiny, oil rich Southeast Asian state’s revenue is projected to decline partly due to falling global oil prices, according to local media reports.

According to The Brunei Times, Second Finance Minister at the Prime Minister’s office, Abdul Rahman Ibrahim, told the 11th Legislative Council on March 10 that the country’s budget would be around BND 537.49 million ($387.66 million) this year, down from the previous year’s BND 719.15 million.

In terms of the breakdown, around BND 336.15 million of the 2015 budget will be dedicated to personnel expenses, BND 169.34 million will go towards recurring annual costs of the military, and the remaining BND32 million is likely to be classified as “special expenditure”.

Within that breakdown, personnel expenses increased by around BND 15.28 million relative to last year. The rise was attributed to increments, the filling of existing vacancies, and the addition of new positions to maintain the extra equipment that the Royal Brunei Navy and Royal Brunei Air Force had acquired. Recurring annual costs, meanwhile, decreased just slightly.

But the largest shift – and a key reason for the large budget decrease – was due to an 86 percent slashing of the special expenditure portion of the budget. The minister attributed this largely to a transfer of funding for the Defense Capability Enhancement Project from the Ministry of Defense (MinDef) to the Ministry of Finance (MoF). But he also admitted that the cut occurred after a more general “review of priorities” on military capabilities and work buildings “in line with the current economic situation.”

This should come as no surprise. Brunei’s economy is highly dependent on the energy sector – with oil and gas accounting for around 70 percent of the country’s nominal GDP and almost all of its exports. With energy prices declining, the country’s economy has suffered, with anemic growth last year and increasing pressure on government finances. This is now including the country’s defense budget, which has remained quite steady over the past few years at about 2.5 percent of GDP.

Nonetheless, the minister assured the council that Brunei’s capabilities – particularly that of the RBAF – would remain at the highest levels amid growing challenges and as the country moves toward realizing its Wawasan (National Vision) 2035. He also said MinDef is currently conducting an in-depth study to ensure that its defense management and long-term planning is cost-effective.

“MinDef will continue to practice prudent spending and ensure corporate governance such as instituting the program and performance budgeting method in management,” he said.

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26 octobre 2014 7 26 /10 /octobre /2014 09:35
FANC : le Vendémiaire en mission de surveillance en Asie du Sud-Est


24/10/2014 Sources : État-major des armées


Le 20 octobre 2014, la frégate de surveillance (FS) Vendémiaire a appareillé de Nouméa pour entamer une mission de deux mois en Asie du Sud-Est comprenant 40 jours à la mer et 22 jours en escale.


Cette campagne, qui a lieu chaque semestre, s’inscrit dans le cadre de la mission de présence des FANC sur le theâtre Pacifique. Elle vise principalement à entretenir notre connaissance de la zone Asie-Pacifique  et à animer la coopération régionale avec les pays riverains, tout en réaffirmant l’attachement de la France à la libre circulation.


De Nouméa à la Malaisie en passant par l’Australie, ce déploiement permettra notamment de naviguer dans le détroit de Malacca, une des zones de trafic les plus denses au monde, souvent en proie aux actes de piraterie. La mission se poursuivra ensuite en mer de Chine, avec une escale au Vietnam et à Brunei. Tout au long de cette campagne, la FS Vendémiaire et son équipage multiplieront les interactions avec les marines des pays visités.


Le retour en Nouvelle-Calédonie étant prévu fin décembre, l’équipage composé de 93 marins basés à Nouméa, pourra ensuite profiter des fêtes de fin d’année en famille.


Les FANC constituent le point d’appui central du « théâtre Pacifique» avec un dispositif interarmées centré sur un groupement tactique interarmes (GTIA) et les moyens de projection associés. Avec les Forces armées en Polynésie Française (FAPF), dispositif interarmées à dominante maritime, les FANC ont pour principale mission d’assurer la souveraineté de la France dans leur zone de responsabilité, d’animer la coopération régionale et d’entretenir des relations privilégiées avec l’ensemble des pays riverains de la zone pacifique. Enfin, les FANC engagent régulièrement leurs moyens pour des opérations d’aide aux populations, en appui des autres services de l’Etat.

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10 octobre 2014 5 10 /10 /octobre /2014 11:35
8e SIASE (session internationale Armement et économie de défense)


30.09.2014 IHEDN


Du 21 au 26 septembre 2014, l’Institut des hautes études de défense nationale a organisé en partenariat avec la Direction générale de l’armement du ministère de la Défense (DGA) la 8e session internationale Armement et économie de défense à Paris et à Toulon.

Au cours de cette semaine, 11 auditeurs étrangers, professionnels de l’armement, civils et militaires, originaires de 6 pays d’Asie du Sud-est (Brunei, Indonésie, Malaisie, Philippines, Singapour et Vietnam), ont pu échanger avec leurs homologues français et approfondir leurs connaissances dans le domaine de la « programmation pluriannuelle et des processus d’acquisition des équipements pour la Défense ».

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 06:35
Largest International Maritime Exercises Beginning in Hawaii


PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii, June 26, 2014 – Pacific Sentinel


RIMPAC, the world’s largest international maritime exercise consisting of 20 plus nations and hundreds of aircraft, ships and submarines begins today in and around the Hawaiian Islands.


The exercise will provide a unique training opportunity for fostering and sustaining cooperative relationships critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world’s oceans. RIMPAC 2014 is the 24th such exercise since 1971 and for the first time will include Brunei and China.


Ships taking part in an international group sail to Hawaii ahead of the exercise included USS Chosin and USS Howard; along with KDB Darulaman and KDB Darussalam of the Royal Brunei navy; PLA(N) Haikou , PLA(N) Yueyang, PLA(N) Qiandaohu, and PLA(N) Peace Ark from the Chinese navy; and Singapore’s RSS Intrepid. Each of the ships, with the exception of Howard, will participate in RIMPAC.


The 2014 RIMPAC exercise will focus on developing maritime safety and security capabilities. The event is scheduled to take place in the Hawaiian Operating Area and off-shore ranges including: Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, the Pacific Missile Range Facility, Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Bellows Air Force Station, Pohakulao Training Area and Schofield Barracks. Some training events are also scheduled to occur off the coast of southern California.



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18 juin 2014 3 18 /06 /juin /2014 16:35
Royal Brunei Air Force signs aviation training contract

18 June 2014 baesystems.com

Tamworth, NSW — BAE Systems will continue delivering military aviation training to the Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF), with the signing of a contract to train six students across three courses during 2014-15.


BAE Systems has been training RBAF pilots since 2009, when two students started basic flying training (BFT). The relationship has deepened, with the RBAF putting students through our other training packages, including basic helicopter, multi-engine and instructor training. During the past five years, RBAF students have graduated from 10 different military aviation courses offered at our Flight Training Tamworth academy in NSW.

The contract was signed on behalf of the RBAF by Air Force Deputy Commander Colonel Hamzah Sahat and the Commanding Officer 63 Sqn, Major Azmie Iskandar Ariffin, who visited Flight Training Tamworth, as well as the Company’s Williamtown, NSW, facility.

The RBAF is one of several international Defence force customers for BAE Systems’ military aviation training at Tamworth. The Company also provides air grading for the Republic of Singapore Air Force, CASA qualification training for the Republic of Singapore flying instructors and flight training for Papua New Guinea Defence Force pilots and flying instructors.

BAE Systems has also delivered flight screening and basic flight training services to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) at Flight Training Tamworth since 1992.

Building on this extensive training capability, BAE Systems has teamed with Beechcraft and CAE in a bid to deliver the Air 5428 project – the ADF’s new pilot training system.

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16 avril 2014 3 16 /04 /avril /2014 16:35
Brunei joins China Navy exercise for first time

16.02.2014 Pacific Sentinel

MUARA, Monday 14 April 2014 – Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) marks a historical milestone by sending KDB DARULEHSAN which has sailed today to join the first time Multilateral Maritime Exercise (MMEx) held by PLA-Navy and International Fleet Review (IFR) in Qingdao, People's Republic of China from 20th April 2014 until 24th April 2014. It is also a first time for Royal Brunei Navy ship to set sail to China.


The deployment is led by Major (L) Willie bin Padan, Commanding Officer of KDB DARULEHSAN with a total crew of 69 personnel including attachments.


During the ship send-off ceremony, H.E. Mr Fang Xinwen, Acting Ambassador of People's Republic of China and Colonel (L) Pg Norazmi bin Pg Haji Muhammad, Acting Commander of RBN attended to bid farewell. Also presents were Senior Colonel Cheng Shaoying, Defence Attache of People's Republic of China, Lieutenant Colonel (L) Haji Yusuf bin Masron, Fleet Commander, RBN officers and personnel as well as family members of the deployed personnel.



To bless the ceremony, a Doa Selamat was recited and followed by Azan on the forecastle of KDB DARULEHSAN by Captain Ariffin bin Amit, Deputy Head of Religious Department, RBAF.


KDB DARULEHSAN will join 9 other countries involving 10 warships participating in the exercise for two days at sea (23rd to 24th April 2014). The sea-phase includes a range of exercises; Joint Anti-Hijacking, Search and Rescue (SAR) and small arms firing. In conjunction with the celebration to mark the 65th Anniversary of PLA-Navy, honour is also being given for the participating ships to join the PLA-Navy IFR which will takes place during the sea-phase.


The MMEx and IFR will be conducted amidst of the event of Western Pacific Naval Symposium 2014 (WPNS 2014) which will also takes place in Qingdao, China. WPNS is a forum where leaders of Pacific Ocean region navies could meet biennially to discuss cooperative initiatives to address regional and global maritime issues. WPNS 2014 will mainly be attended by the Chief Navies of WPNS members including First Admiral Dato Seri Pahlawan Abdul Aziz bin Haji Mohd Tamit, Commander of Royal Brunei Navy.


The participation of Royal Brunei Navy ship in the exercise will promote defence diplomacy with other participating navies especially the host navy. Promoting good defence diplomacy between the participating navies is important to enhance understanding, consensus, mutual trust as well as friendship. On the other hand, it is always a good opportunity for the deployed personnel to gain skills and experience whilst learning and understanding other cultures.


On the return journey route, KDB DARULEHSAN is scheduled to make a 4-day Goodwill visit at Haiphong, Vietnam to promote defence diplomacy and friendship before heading back and arrive in Brunei Darussalam on 5th May 2014.


Brunei MoD

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17 septembre 2013 2 17 /09 /septembre /2013 17:35
Multilateral SEACAT 2013 naval exercise concludes

Sailors from the Maritime Civil Affairs and Security Training (MCAST) team exchange best practices with a Royal Malaysian Navy boarding team as part of SEACAT 2013 drill. Photo: courtesy of US Navy photo.


17 September 2013 naval-technology.com


Navies from the US, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Singapore have conducted their annual Southeast Asia Cooperation Against Terrorism (SEACAT) 2013 exercise from 2-12 September 2013.


During the exercise, the participating navies performed planning exercises at the Changi command and control (C2) centre at Changi Naval Base, Singapore.


The US Navy's Freedom-variant of the littoral combat ships (LCS), USS Freedom's (LCS 1) boarding team carried out a visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) exercise with the Indonesian Navy, during the at-sea training event.


Freedom's commanding officer commander, Pat Thien, said: "We did exactly what the ship was built to do: we operated in a near-shore environment, in littoral waters, with other ships similar in size and we were successful."


In addition, the drill involved both command post exercise at Singapore's Changi Naval Base and a field training exercise in several regional locations at sea.


The allied navies also conducted other drills such as tracking of ships, and the boarding of a merchant vessel simulating to be engaged in terrorist-related activities at sea.


First conducted in 2002, the SEACAT exercise aims to improve sea-based information-sharing and the coordination of maritime security responses in the region.


The exercise has witnessed patrol vessels from the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), accompanying sea security teams, patrol boats from the Singapore police coastguard and maritime patrol aircraft from the Republic of Singapore Air Force.


In addition to enhancing dialogue and practical cooperation during realistic scenarios, the drill provides hands-on practice for participating navies in maritime security operations, while highlighting information sharing and multilateral cooperation in scenarios.

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 07:35
USA: Hagel Meets with ASEAN Defense Ministers in Brunei

29 August 2013 By Cheryl Pellerin / American Forces Press Service – Pacific Sentinel


BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Brunei, Aug. 28, 2013 – On the first day of Southeast Asia’s most important annual defense ministerial conference, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel met here with his counterparts from the 10 nations that make up the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
On the sidelines, the secretary also took time for bilateral talks on the region and broader topics with his counterparts from Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Brunei, Burma and China.
The ASEAN member states are Burma, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. During lunch today and a meeting afterward, Hagel and the members discussed the need to advance practical cooperation to build trust and lower tensions throughout the region.
When Hagel was in Singapore in June attending the Shangri-La Dialogue meeting, he invited the ASEAN defense ministers to Hawaii in 2014 for an informal meeting -- their first in the United States. During the luncheon, all 10 ministers accepted his invitation.


“I’m obviously very pleased about that,” Hagel said today. “It will give us another opportunity to strengthen and deepen the relationship with our partners here in the Asia-Pacific.”
Hagel noted the need to continue progress toward peacefully resolving territorial disputes, and committed to continued U.S. support for ASEAN, including its Defense Ministers’ Meeting, or ADMM, as a strong organization for achieving shared goals and upholding the common good, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said.
During the meeting, a senior defense official said, each country expressed strong support for the steady U.S. presence in the Asia-Pacific and viewed U.S. engagement in the region as a key contributor to peace and stability.
The representatives also expressed their support for continued active engagement by the United States in this part of the world, he said. “They see it’s essential for a peaceful stable environment and a prosperous environment around them,” the official added.
Brunei has served as chair of ASEAN this year, and yesterday Hagel met with Brunei’s energy minister, Pehin Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Mohammad Yasmin. Little said the secretary recognized Brunei’s strong leadership as ASEAN chair and organizer of the June joint exercise involving humanitarian assistance, disaster relief and military medicine. Burma will take over next year as ASEAN chair.
Tomorrow morning, Hagel will attend the ADMM-Plus ministerial conference, hosted by Yasmin and made up of the 10 ASEAN defense ministers and eight dialogue partners: the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, New Zealand and Russia.
Senior defense officials said today that Hagel’s bilateral meetings were positive and productive.
During a meeting this morning with Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera, Hagel was pleased to accept an invitation to visit Japan next year, and the two militaries agreed to establish a cyber defense effort together, a senior defense official said today.
“There’s a recognition that with both state and nonstate actors, cyber threats and thefts of intellectual property as well as penetrations of government and industrial networks are an increasing concern and there’s a need to cooperate and share information to deal with that,” the official said.
In other discussions, Little said, Hagel and Onodera exchanged views on the regional security environment, including North Korea's continued nuclear and ballistic missile developments.
Hagel said he looks forward during a visit to Tokyo in October to continued bilateral discussion on strengthening the alliance, and both men reaffirmed the importance of the U.S.-Japan alliance in defending Japan and contributing to regional peace and security, Little added.
Both also expressed interest in continuing to modernize the alliance by enhancing their already strong security cooperation initiatives, the press secretary said.
“The U.S. very much appreciates Japan’s important role as a contributor to peace and stability in this region and the rest of the world,” Hagel told Onodera through a translator as the meeting began, “and I’m very much looking forward to my upcoming visit to Japan.”
Hagel also met today with South Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin, thanking him for his friendship and reaffirming the United States’ enduring defense and extended deterrence commitments to South Korea. Little said Hagel told Kim it is a mutual duty to remain vigilant during this time of heightened tension on the Korean Peninsula.
The leaders discussed the importance of recent U.N. Security Council resolutions designed to limit North Korea’s progress on nuclear and missile programs, the press secretary said. The Defense Department is focused on fulfilling security commitments but Hagel said diplomatic efforts are fundamental to encouraging North Korea to pursue the path of peace, Little added.
Hagel will travel to the South Korean capital of Seoul in October to attend the annual Security Consultive Meeting, a senior defense official said, and as part of that trip will be able to help commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Korean War with the country’s leaders.
Later today, during bilateral discussions with Vietnamese Defense Minister Gen. Phung Quang Thanh, Hagel accepted with appreciation an invitation to visit Vietnam in 2014 and through a translator wished the general a happy National Day, which the Vietnamese celebrate on Sept. 2.
Hagel expressed his commitment to growing the bilateral defense relationship with Vietnam and working on issues like maritime security, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and recovering the remains of U.S. personnel missing in action, Little said.
The secretary also conveyed his commitment to continuing to implement the 2011 Memorandum of Understanding for Advancing Bilateral Defense Cooperation, the press secretary added.
On regional security, Little said, the leaders noted the importance of peacefully resolving disputes in the South China Sea and welcomed steps to develop an ASEAN Code of Conduct to guide that process.
This afternoon, Hagel met briefly with Burma’s defense minister, Lt. Gen. Wai Lwin, expressing his support for Burma’s upcoming ASEAN chairmanship and telling the general that the department looks forward to supporting their efforts on ASEAN defense events next year.
A senior defense official noted that such a bilateral meeting at the defense minister level had not happened in more than 20 years with Burma, and that the meeting today is a “a sign of changes and the Obama administration’s very positive engagement with the Burmese, [as well as] recognition of the reforms that have been underway in that country and progress that’s being made on human rights.”
Hagel discussed with the Burmese defense minister the importance of continued progress on reform and said it’s also important that Burma sever military ties to North Korea, Little said.
Hagel applauded the Burmese military’s support for the government's democratic reform efforts and encouraged that the reforms continue.
Hagel also held a bilateral meeting with representatives from China.
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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 07:35
Les ministres de la Défense de l'ASEAN (Source VNA)

Les ministres de la Défense de l'ASEAN (Source VNA)

29/08/2013 vietnamplus.vn


La conférence élargie des ministres de la Défense de l'ASEAN (ADMM+) s'est ouverte jeudi matin au Brunei pour discuter de la sécurité régionale et internationale.


Cet événement a réuni les ministres de la Défense et les hauts officiels militaires des 10 pays membres de l'Association des Nations d'Asie du Sud-Est (ASEAN), ainsi que des huit pays partenaires (Australie, Chine, Inde, Japon, Nouvelle-Zélande, Russie, République de Corée et Etats-Unis).


La délégation vietnamienne était conduite par le ministre de la Défense Phung Quang Thanh.


Lors de la conférence, les participants ont évalué les avancées réalisées depuis la première ADMM+ en 2010 à Hanoi, avant de définir des orientations pour les deux prochaines années.


Selon les experts, l'ADMM+ joue un rôle important pour le renforcement de la coopération et des dialogues en terme de défense et de sécurité entre l'ASEAN et ses pays partenaires, en faveur de la stabilité, de la sécurité, de la paix et du développement de la région. Ces 34 derniers mois, de nombreuses rencontres annuelles à divers échelons ont été organisées dans le cadre de l'ADMM+. Cette dernière est devenue une partie de la structure régionale de sécurité. Il s'agit d'un forum qui permet aux hauts officiels militaires de discuter de questions importantes et de créer un cadre pour la coopération multilatérale entre les armées des pays de la région.


La Déclaration commune de l'ADMM+ de 2013 sera rendue publique cet après-midi.


La prochaine conférence des ministres de la Défense de l'ASEAN (ADMM) aura lieu en 2014 au Myanmar. -VNA

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3 juillet 2013 3 03 /07 /juillet /2013 12:35
Vietnam : Le ministre de la Défense reçoit le commandant de la Marine royale du Brunei

02/07/2013 vietnamplus.vn


Le ministre de la Défense, le général Phung Quang Thanh, a reçu mardi à Hanoi le contre-amiral Haji Mohd Hanifa, commandant de la Marine royale du Brunei, en visite de travail au Vietnam.


M. Haji Mohd Hanifa a informé son interlocuteur des résultats de travail avec le Commandement de la Marine populaire du Vietnam.


Les deux parties ont proposé plusieurs programmes de coopération entre les forces navales des deux pays dont l'accélération de la création d'une ligne rouge afin de régler à temps les problèmes survenant en mer auxquels les deux parties s'intéressent. La Marine royale du Brunei enverra ses officiers au Vietnam pour apprendre le Vietnamien, outre des navires pour des échanges avec la Marine populaire du Vietnam.


Le général Phung Quang Thanh a vivement apprécié les relations de coopération entre les armées et les forces navales des deux pays lors de ces derniers temps, avant de souligner que le développement de ces relations dans la défense a créé les conditions d'une accélération des relations de coopération dans plusieurs autres domaines.


Dans les temps à venir, l'Armée et la Marine des deux pays doivent renforcer leurs échanges de délégation de tous échelons, organiser des échanges entre navires comme entre jeunes officiers, ainsi que coopérer dans la formation à la recherche et au sauvetage maritimes, la lutte contre le terrorisme et la piraterie entre les deux Marines . -VNA

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
CN295 will make visits to  Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and Malaysia

CN295 will make visits to Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and Malaysia


24 May 2013 Defense Studies

Airbus Military and PTDI promoting transport aircraft in the ASEAN region.

A CN295 military transport aircraft of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense will be making a tour around six ASEAN countries to promote the capabilities and efficiency of the transport aircraft that PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) and Airbus Military are producing jointly. The aircraft will make visits to Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and Malaysia between 22nd and 31st of May.

The C295, denominated CN295 in the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, is a medium-sized multirole airlifter for both civic and military use. The tour, organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, PTDI and Airbus Military, and led by Vice Minister Sjafrie Sjamsuddien, will showcase the benefits of the aircraft which is optimally suited for the wide range of humanitarian and defence tasks that ASEAN Governments need to cover. These missions include military transport, emergency response and medical evacuation, search and rescue, maritime patrol, or even more complex missions such as anti-submarine warfare or electronic surveillance missions.

The visits will also allow explanations on the specific capabilities of the CN235 and the NC212i, an upgraded version of the C212 launched in November 2012 between PTDI and Airbus Military with new avionics and autopilot systems as well as an increased passenger seating, increasing its cost efficiency significantly.

The Indonesia Air Force currently has  two CN295s in operation out of the nine units ordered from PTDI. By 2015, all of the nine units will be in service in Indonesia, with deliveries to the Indonesian Ministry of Defense taking place from the delivery centre and a final assembly line that Airbus Military and PTDI are setting up in Bandung, Indonesia, as a direct result of PTDI’s and Airbus Military’s Strategic Partnership signed in 2011.

In total, over 120 C295s have been ordered world-wide from Airbus Military and currently almost 100 are in operation with countries such as Algeria, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, Ghana, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Poland, Portugal and Spain.

Meanwhile, the CN235 and NC212, with sales of over 270 and 470 respectively, are operating successfully in over 30 countries in the world. The operators of CN295, CN235 and NC212 are extremely satisfied with the reliability, capability, and robustness of the aircraft, which are extremely easy to operate even in hostile and difficult environments. As a result, the aircraft currently have the clear leadership in this segment.



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