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2 février 2016 2 02 /02 /février /2016 17:20
Les deux premiers C-130J seront livrés fin 2017 et début 2018 et les deux ravitailleurs en 2019. photo Lockheed Martin

Les deux premiers C-130J seront livrés fin 2017 et début 2018 et les deux ravitailleurs en 2019. photo Lockheed Martin


01/02/2016 Par Michel Cabirol - LaTribune.fr


L'armée de l'air s'offre quatre Hercules C-130J neufs, des avions de transport tactique américains.


La Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) a commandé vendredi à l'armée de l'air des États-Unis (USAF) quatre Hercules C-130J neufs. Deux des quatre appareils disposeront d'une capacité de ravitaillement en vol des hélicoptères conformément aux annonces qui avaient été faites en avril 2015 lors de la réactualisation de la loi de programmation militaire. Cette commande fait suite à la décision prise par du ministre de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, le 15 décembre en comité ministériel d'investissement (CMI). Le 1er janvier, il avait confirmé que "l'acquisition attendue a été confirmée par mes soins il y a quelques jours".

Cette acquisition "permettra de renforcer nos capacités de transport aérien tactique, qui sont excessivement sollicitées", avait expliqué Jean-Yves Le Drian le 4 juin à l'Assemblée nationale.

Les deux premiers avions seront livrés fin 2017 et début 2018 et les deux ravitailleurs en 2019. Ces quatre C-130J viendront renforcer le segment médian de la flotte de transport tactique de l'armée de l'air, actuellement composé des C-160 Transall et C-130H Hercules. Ces appareils sont "en effet particulièrement sollicités et éprouvés par les différentes opérations extérieures dont les conditions environnementales mettent à rude épreuve les matériels", a expliqué ce lundi le communiqué de la DGA.


Une facture de 640 millions de dollars

"Mesure phare de l'actualisation de la loi de programmation militaire, cette acquisition a été réalisée dans des délais très brefs", a estimé la DGA. Elle est effectuée dans le cadre d'une procédure d'acquisition FMS (Foreign Military Sales). Elle comprend également le système de soutien, la formation du personnel et le maintien en condition opérationnelle initial. Mais cette commande n'aura pas été sans mal. Car l'enveloppe budgétaire prévue dans le cadre de cet achat était au départ très serrée : 330 millions d'euros. En août, la DGA avait donc également lancé en parallèle une demande d'information pour l'acquisition de 4 C130 d'occasion.

Car la facture était beaucoup trop serrée, avait estimé dans un premier temps la DGA, pour s'offrir quatre C130 neufs produits par Lockheed Martin avec les équipements demandés, la logistique et les formations nécessaires. Le prix unitaire d'un C130 s'élève à 90 millions de dollars environ, avait même précisé le délégué général pour l'armement, Laurent Collet-Billon, le 21 mai dernier à l'Assemblée nationale. Mais il avait estimé que l'acquisition de quatre C-130J neufs s'élèverait à 800 millions d'euros environ. Selon nos informations, la facture s'élèverait finalement à environ 640 millions de dollars.

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1 février 2016 1 01 /02 /février /2016 17:20
C-130J Super Hercules airlifter photo Lockheed Martin

C-130J Super Hercules airlifter photo Lockheed Martin



Le ministère de la Défense commande quatre avions de transport militaire tactique C-130J


La Direction générale de l’armement (DGA) a commandé le 29 janvier 2016 à l’armée de l’air des États-Unis d’Amérique (USAF) quatre Hercules C-130J neufs. Deux des quatre appareils disposeront d’une capacité de ravitaillement en vol des hélicoptères. Cette commande fait suite à la décision prise par Jean-Yves Le Drian, ministre de la Défense, le 15 décembre 2015 en Comité ministériel d’investissement.  Les deux premiers avions seront livrés fin 2017 et début 2018  et les deux ravitailleurs en 2019.

Ces appareils viendront renforcer le segment médian de la flotte de transport tactique de l’armée de l’air, actuellement composé des C-160 Transall et C-130H Hercules. Ces aéronefs sont en effet particulièrement sollicités et éprouvés par les différentes opérations extérieures dont les conditions environnementales mettent à rude épreuve les matériels.

Mesure phare de l’actualisation de la loi de programmation militaire, cette acquisition a été réalisée dans des délais très brefs. Elle est effectuée dans le cadre d’une procédure d’acquisition FMS (Foreign Military Sales). Elle comprend également le système de soutien, la formation du personnel et le maintien en condition opérationnelle initial.

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4 janvier 2016 1 04 /01 /janvier /2016 08:20
C-130J Super Hercules photo Lockheed Martin

C-130J Super Hercules photo Lockheed Martin


MARIETTA, Ga., Dec. 31, 2015 /PRNewswire


Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) will deliver 78 C-130J Super Hercules to the U.S. government through a C-130J Multiyear II contract, which was announced by the U.S. government on Dec. 30, 2015.

Yesterday, the Department of Defense announced the award of more than $1 billion in funding for the first 32 aircraft of the Multiyear contract. The overall contract, worth $5.3 billion, provides Super Hercules aircraft to the U.S. Air Force (30 MC-130Js, 13 HC-130Js and 29 C-130J-30s) and the U.S. Marine Corps (six KC-130Js). Also through this contract, the U.S. Coast Guard has the option to acquire five HC-130Js. Aircraft purchased through the multiyear contract will deliver between 2016 and 2020.

"We are proud to partner with the U.S. government to continue to deliver to the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Coast Guard the world's most proven, versatile and advanced airlifter," said George Shultz, vice president and general manager, Air Mobility & Maritime Missions at Lockheed Martin. "This multiyear contract provides true value to our U.S. operators as they recapitalize and expand their much-relied-upon Hercules aircraft, which has the distinction of being the world's largest and most tasked C-130 fleet."

Constructed in alignment with the U.S. government's Better Buying Power initiative, this contract provides significant savings to the U.S. government through multiyear procurement as compared to annual buys.

Lockheed Martin provided 60 C-130Js to the U.S. government through an initial multiyear contract announced in 2003, which delivered aircraft to the U.S. Air Force and U.S Marine Corps from 2003-2008.

The C-130J Super Hercules is the standard in tactical airlift, providing a unique mix of versatility and performance to complete any mission, anytime, anywhere. It is the airlifter of choice for 16 nations and 19 different operators. The Super Hercules worldwide fleet has more than 1.3 million flight hours to its credit. For additional information, visit www.lockheedmartin.com/c130.


About Lockheed Martin
Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that – with the addition of Sikorsky – employs approximately 126,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services.

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13 novembre 2015 5 13 /11 /novembre /2015 08:55
KC-130J photo Lockheed Martin

KC-130J photo Lockheed Martin


12.11.2015 Le Monde.fr


Le groupe européen Airbus prend un coup, sur le plan commercial, avec l’achat par la France, son pays d’origine, de plusieurs appareils concurrents. Les Etats-Unis ont validé la vente à la France de quatre avions de la société américaine Lockheed Martin, pour 606 millions d’euros, a annoncé l’Agence américaine de coopération militaire (DSCA). Il s’agit de deux avions de transport C-130J, modèle proche de l’A400M d’Airbus, et deux avions ravitailleurs KC-130J. Mais alors que le C-130J est entré en service dans les années 1950 et est devenu un produit standard vendu à beaucoup d’armées dans le monde, l’A400M d’Airbus a connu plusieurs déboires techniques et subit de surcroît les conséquences de l’accident mortel d’un de ses avions à Séville en mai, lors d’un vol d’essai.


Les avions américains présentent également l’avantage de permettre le parachutage et le ravitaillement aérien. Chaque appareil sera équipé de moteurs AE-2100D du groupe britannique Rolls-Royce, et la France va acheter quatre moteurs de rechange ainsi que d’autres matériels, comme des radars ou des radios.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 17:20
C-130J Super Hercules photo Lockheed Martin

C-130J Super Hercules photo Lockheed Martin


12.12.2015  Par Olivier Berger, grand reporter à La Voix du Nord - Défense Globale


Le Département d'Etat américain vient d'approuver la vente possible à la France de quatre avions C-130 Hercules de Lockheed-Martin, deux cargos et deux ravitailleurs, et leurs équipements et supports logistiques associés. Le coût de la transaction est estimé à 650 millions de dollars par l'Agence américaine de coopération de défense et de sécurité...

Voici un achat en urgence qui rappelle que l'A400M connaît des sérieux problèmes dans ses standards plus évolués, notamment en ravitaillement des hélicoptères et en largage (par la porte latérale). La prochaine commande française concerne deux C-130J et deux ravitailleurs KC-130J (355 millions de dollars, 331 millions d'euros pour les quatre avions). Parmi les équipements associés, on relève notamment six appareils de contre-mesures électroniques, six d'alerte missiles, six radars d'alerte et des terminaux de communication vocale sécurisée.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 13:55
C-130J - photo Lockheed Martin

C-130J - photo Lockheed Martin


Nov 10, 2015 ASDNews Source : Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA)


The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to France for C-130J aircraft and associated equipment, parts and logistical support for an estimated cost of $650 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.


The Government of France has requested a possible sale of:


Major Defense Equipment (MDE):

    Two (2) C-130J aircraft with Rolls Royce AE-2100D Turboprop Engines

    Two (2) KC-130J aircraft with Rolls Royce AE-2100D Turboprop Engines

    Four (4) Rolls Royce AE-2100D Turboprop Engines (spares)


Non-Major Defense Equipment (Non-MDE):

    Six (6) AN/ALE 47 Electronic Countermeasure Dispensers (1 per aircraft, plus 2 spares)

    Six (6) AN/AAR-47A(V)2 Missile Warning Systems (1 per aircraft, plus 2 spares)

    Six (6) AN/ALR-56M Radar Warning Receivers (1 per aircraft, plus 2 spares)

    Ten (10) Embedded Global Positioning/Inertial Navigation Systems (2 per aircraft, plus 2 spares)

    Ten (10) AN/ARC-210 Radios (2 per aircraft, plus 2 spares)

    Ten (10) AN/ARC-164 UHF/VF Radios (2 per aircraft, plus 2 spares)

    Two (2) HF Voice Radios

    Ten (10) KY-100 Secure Voice Terminals (2 per aircraft, plus 2 spares)

    Ten (10) KYV-5 Secure Voice Equipment Units (2 per aircraft, plus 2 spares)


Also provided are support and test equipment; publications and technical documentation; personnel training and training equipment; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated MDE value is $355 million. The total overall estimated value is $650 million.


This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by improving the capability of a NATO ally. It is vital to U.S. national interests to assist the French Air Force to increase its airlift, air refueling, and air drop capabilities. These aircraft will provide these capabilities and will be used to support national, NATO, United Nations, and other coalition operations. Providing these aircraft to the French Air Force will greatly increase interoperability between the U.S. Air Force and the French Air Force, as well as other NATO allies.


The C-130Js will provide critical transport, airdrop, and resupply to thousands of French troops in support of current and future operations. The KC-130Js will provide crucial air refueling capability to France's fighter aircraft, light transport aircraft, and helicopters. France will have no difficulty absorbing these aircraft into its armed forces.


The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.


France requests that Lockheed Martin be the sole source provider for the C-130J aircraft. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.


Implementation of this proposed sale may require multiple trips for U.S. contractor representatives to France and potentially to deployed locations to provide initial launch, recovery, and maintenance support.


This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.

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24 mars 2015 2 24 /03 /mars /2015 12:35
C-130J  photo IAF

C-130J photo IAF


March 24, 2015 by Saurav Jha – Geek at large


Ever since the Ministry of Defence (MoD) issued its 2009 directive to prepare the military for a two front war, there has been a heightened sense of urgency in acquiring transport platforms that can move men and materiel over considerable distances at short notice. Prior to this, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami had also brought to light the need to bring in longer ranged airborne platforms that can sustain humanitarian support across the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).


Accordingly, the Indian Air force (IAF) is recapitalizing its entire transport fleet with a view to becoming more potent in out of area operations besides being able to support the Indian Army's (IA's) ever growing logistical requirements.


While in the short term, quick buys of American platforms through the foreign military sales (FMS) route such as Boeing's C-17 Globemaster III and Lockheed Martin's C-130Js have been effected, it is clear that the IAF's requirements need to be actually used to spur the progressive indigenization of its transport aircraft pool. Moreover the IAF's transport aircraft needs could well be used to seed a second domestic original equipment maker (OEM) besides HAL from within India's private sector.


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19 mars 2015 4 19 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
photo Royal Air Force

photo Royal Air Force


March 19, 2015 By: Craig Hoyle - FG


London - Several of the Royal Air Force’s Lockheed Martin C-130J tactical transports have been upgraded for extended-range operations, the UK Ministry of Defence says.

Nine of the service’s Hercules have been equipped with external fuel tanks under a modification activity valued at around £7 million ($10.3 million), minister for defence equipment, support and technology Philip Dunne said earlier this month, responding to a parliamentary question.


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25 février 2015 3 25 /02 /février /2015 13:20
The LM-100J: One Plane. Many Capabilities.

24 févr. 2015 Lockheed Martin

We delivered more than 100 L-100s from the 1960's through the 90's. Several are still in operation today, performing missions no other commercial airlifter can perform. It's been said that only a Herc can replace a Herc. Enter the new LM-100J Super Hercules. All the proven features of the L-100, combined with the technological advancements of the C-130J.

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10 février 2015 2 10 /02 /février /2015 17:30
Upgrading to Tablets


04.02.2015 Shani Poms – IAF


In addition to the new C-130J, the "Elephant" squadron is now being equipped with new Tablets in order to ease data access and save paper


The worldwide environmental revolution did not skip the IAF and many environmentally-friendly projects are gradually implemented in its lines. A great example is the change in the "Elephant" squadron which recently upgraded to tablets called "iPill". From now on, the entire protocols of the squadron will be summed up in tablets instead of books, saving a large amount of paper.


"The main advantage of the project is the easy access to data", explains Captain Ofer, one of the managers of the project in the squadron. The tablets will be carried to every flight and instead of browsing through thick books in case of a malfunction or a dilemma, the aircrew members would be able to find the relevant answer in an instant, using the tablets. "Beyond the time the tablets save, the accessibility helps the learning process".


From time to time, the squadron is required to update the knowledgebase and now it can be done easily and without wasting any paper. "The update is done very quickly and no paper is thrown away".


The absorption of the tablets is still at the outset, but it seems like the responses are positive. "The feedbacks are positive, especially on the part of accessibility. We keep thinking of ways to improve and everybody shares their ideas", concluded Captain Ofer.

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8 février 2015 7 08 /02 /février /2015 12:30
C-130J - photo Hagar Amibar Israeli air force

C-130J - photo Hagar Amibar Israeli air force


6 Feb 2015 By: Arie Egozi - FG


Lockheed Martin's C-130J tactical transport is being further integrated in the Israeli defence forces' new Depth Command capabilities, with one of the service's examples having conducted a first paratroop drop during an exercise on 4 February. The parachute training was conducted near Palmachim air base in central Israel. Thirty cadets from the parachuting instruction course of the Flight and Special Training Center (FSTC) jumped from the C-130J "Samson".


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11 décembre 2014 4 11 /12 /décembre /2014 17:45
Tunisia AF C-130J Lockheed Martin photo by John Rossino

Tunisia AF C-130J Lockheed Martin photo by John Rossino


MARIETTA, Ga., Dec. 11, 2014Lockheed Martin


The Republic of Tunisia received its second C-130J Super Hercules during a ceremony today at the Lockheed Martin facility here.

Tunisia received its first C-130J in April 2013, marking the first delivery of a J-model to an African nation. Lockheed Martin signed a contract in 2010 with Tunisia to deliver two C-130Js, as well as to provide training and an initial three years of logistics support.

“Tunisia’s Super Hercules fleet is both a national and a regional asset, able to support more missions than any other aircraft in operation today,” said George Shultz, vice president and general manager, C-130 Programs, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. “We are proud to have Tunisia as a member of the global C-130J family. As legacy operators, Tunisian Air Force crews have long showcased why the C-130 is the world’s most versatile aircraft and continue to do so with its C-130J fleet.”

Tunisia’s new C-130Js are the longer fuselage or “stretched” variant of the aircraft. Tunisia’s new C-130Js will support operations across the mission spectrum, including relief efforts around the world, firefighting and traditional airlift sorties.

Sixteen countries have chosen the C-130J Super Hercules to meet their air mobility needs. The C-130J is the standard by which all other airlifters are measured in terms of availability, flexibility and reliability. With more than 1.2 million flight hours to date, the C-130J is available in nine variants and offers operators 17 different mission configurations.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 113,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation’s net sales for 2013 were $45.4 billion.

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17 novembre 2014 1 17 /11 /novembre /2014 17:30
Israeli C-130Js stretch legs for air force


Nov. 17, 2014 by Arie Egozi - FG


Tel Aviv - The Israeli air force is adding the newly introduced Lockheed Martin C-130J to its long-range operational capabilities, having recently performed a proving flight that helped to develop its tactics for using the"Samson". During the long-range flight, the air force conducted a sortie over the skies of Greece, Romania and Bulgaria.


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14 août 2014 4 14 /08 /août /2014 07:30
Humanitarian Assistance to Iraq

Royal Australian Air Force aircrew arrive at their C-130J Hercules transport aircraft as airdrop bundles of humanitarian aid are loaded into the aircraft for delivery to isolated Iraqi civilians on Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq - photo Australian DoD


14 August 2014 Australian DoD


The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has completed its first humanitarian drop to Iraq, delivering nine tonnes of badly needed supplies to Yezidi civilians, trapped on Mount Sinjar in the country’s north.


The RAAF C-130J Hercules delivered 10 large bundles of Australian humanitarian supplies.


The cargo included 150 boxes of high energy biscuits and 340 boxes of bottled water – enough to feed and hydrate 3700 people for 24 hours.


The ADF’s contribution in Iraq is part of a coordinated international humanitarian response.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 07:20
Lockheed Wins $117M for C-130J Production


August 08, 2014 defense-aerospace.com/

(Source: U.S Department of Defense; issued August 06, 2014)


Lockheed Martin Corp., Marietta, Georgia, has been awarded a $116,717,704 firm-fixed-price modification (P00001) to FA8625-14-C-6450 for advance procurement funding for long lead parts for production aircraft associated with 14 fiscal 2015 C-130J aircraft.


Work will be performed at Marietta, Georgia, and is expected to be completed by June 30, 2015. Fiscal 2014 advance procurement funds in the amount of $116,717,704 are being obligated at time of award.


Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center/WLNNC, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity.

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15 avril 2014 2 15 /04 /avril /2014 16:30
Photo Major Ofer IAF

Photo Major Ofer IAF


10.04.2014 Shani Pomes - IAF


The first of the advanced transport planes, the C-130J Hercules, landed in Israel At an exciting ceremony at the new home of the planes - Nevatim airbase - the "Elephants" squadron sign was pasted on the tail of the first "Shimshon" and the plane officially joined the ranks of the IAF


The moment the IAF and "Lockheed Martin" have been waiting for has arrived: the advanced transport plane, the C-130J Hercules, joined the ranks of the IAF. Accompanied by the older planes on base - Boeing 707, Gulfstream, and Hercules planes - the plane landed on the runway of its home in the Negev desert. "On this day, we mark a new peak in the capabilities of the IDF and the Transport Division of the IAF in particular", said Lieutenant General Benny Gantz, IDF Chief of Staff, at the ceremony. "The long arm of the IDF is becoming even longer, more accurate, more flexible and more powerful".


The plane was met by Moshe Ya'alon, the Minister of Defense, the IDF Chief of Staff and Major General Amir Eshel, IAF Commander, in addition to dozens of senior officials from the IAF and the Ministry of Defense. Also in attendance were Mr. Dan Shapiro, U.S. Ambassador to Israel and "Lockheed Martin" CEO, Ms. Marillyn Hewson, whose factories manufactured the planes. During the ceremony, the IAF Commander, IDF Chief of Staff and Minister of Defense pasted the symbol of the "Elephants" squadron, whose crews will be operating the plane in the coming years, on the tail of the plane.


For some time now, the IAF and Nevatim airbase have been preparing for the arrival of the plane and from now on, the "Elephants" squadron will be able to train alongside the plane and go out on operational missions. "Its Hebrew name (Shimshon) which was taken from the Biblical hero, reflects our expectations of its performance and its achievements in war and the battle between wars", said the IAF Commander in his speech.


"The C-130J Hercules will integrate into the long arm of the IAF and will make it even stronger in a range of missions that borders on the imagination. It'll add new dimensions and essential flexibility to IDF missions".The C-130J Hercules is a tactical transport plane that is mostly used in joint missions with ground forces: supply missions, equipment transfer, airdropping combat forces and special missions.

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15 avril 2014 2 15 /04 /avril /2014 11:30
The Secret Behind The Herculean Deal



09.04.2014 Noa Fenigstein - iaf.org.il


This week, the Hercules C-130J, an advanced transport plane, will land at Nevatim airbase. Not many people know that the procurement deal became one of the most complex deals the IAF has ever known. What is behind one of the IAF's most expensive and significant procurement deals in recent years?


This week, the Hercules C-130J plane, one of the best transport planes in the world, will land at Nevatim airbase and will join the ranks of the IAF and the Heavy Transport Division. Against the backdrop of the defense budget cuts, the Hercules C-130J procurement deal became one of the largest, most complex and most challenging processes the IAF and the Ministry of Defense- the Budget Department in particular-have experienced in recent years.


Cuts in the defense budget in the IAF and the IDF have forced decision-makers to take drastic measures: squadrons have been consolidated and even the human resources have been hurt following the dismissal of many commissioned officers. Nonetheless, the IAF has had to remain vigilant and stand firm against the challenges of the day.


"Usually, the people who work in the Budget Department know how to come and say 'these are the resources, good luck'. But that's definitely not our approach", explained Major Galit Golan, Head of Transport Procurements at the Budget Department. "We bring the solutions, we understand the operational needs and we are connected to them".


The Battle Between The Real and The Ideal


The IAF is not economic entity, so when economic considerations are balanced against operational considerations, the latter far outweighs the former, which held true in the purchase of the Hercules C-130J. How would the department reconcile the purchase with the economic reality? "If we decided that we were going to buy the platform and were going to direct the IAF to that point, the Budget department would have to do its best to make it happen", explained Major Galit. "However, there is a lack of resources and we need to find creative solutions in order give the IAF the best answers and that's where the tension starts".

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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 11:30
1st C-130J Super Hercules 'Shimshon' Arrives In Israel


Apr 9, 2014 ASDNews Source : Lockheed Martin Corporation


Israel’s first Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] C-130J Super Hercules airlifter arrived at Nevatim Air Base today.  Along with senior Israeli officials, Chairman, President and CEO Marillyn Hewson attended the ceremony and made remarks.


Israel ordered its C-130Js through a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) contract with the U.S. Government. This is the first ferry of the C-130Js currently on order for the IAF, which has operated legacy C-130s since 1971.


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7 avril 2014 1 07 /04 /avril /2014 16:30
The Future Is Here: The Hercules C-130J lands at Nevatim Airbase



07.04.2014 Shani Pomes - iaf.org.il


This week, the IAF is expected to become stronger with the landing of the latest transport plane, the Hercules C-130J "Shimshon" (Hebrew for Samson). The IAF's new acquisition is capable of carrying much more than its sister plane, the Hercules H, and will be equipped with advanced Israeli systems which will extend the strategic arm of the IAF


This week, it's finally happening: after long anticipation and much preparation, the Hercules C-130J will land at the Nevatim airbase and will join the ranks of the IAF. The latest plane will join the Heavy Transport Division of the force and will add advanced capabilities to the long arm of the IAF.


Big, Accurate, Strong And Safe


The IAF purchased the long version of the Hercules C-130J from Lockheed- Martin which allows for an improved carrying capacity: instead of 64 paratroopers the short version can carry, the Hercules C-130J can accommodate in its cargo hold 92 paratroopers and their equipment. Alternatively, the cargo hold can accommodate four military SUVs instead of three, or transport 128 soldiers.


"The more cargo a plane is able to take, the fewer the trips that are necessary to accumulate power on the battlefield", explains Lieutenant Colonel Uri, commander of the "Elephants" squadron. "Also, there is cargo that cannot be put in a short plane and can only be put in a long plane". A tour of the cockpit of the Hercules C-130J reveals cutting-edge technology: in addition to the digital screens and the advanced displays, the new plane is equipped with new systems that streamline the aircraft maintenance work and allow the technicians to gain information on the routine operations and the malfunctions. Many of the systems that will be installed in the plane are Israeli-made and will make the Hercules C-130J stand out from Hercules planes around the world.


Working With Ground Forces


The installation of the Israeli systems in the Hercules C-130J was carried out in the production line of the planes in the United States and after the plane lands in Israel, additional systems will be installed. This is one step in the integration process of the IAF platform, during which the Hercules C-130J will undergo test flights at the Test Flight Center and, simultaneously, the air crews of the "Elephants" squadron will begin training on it.


"The Hercules C-130J is a plane whose main missions mostly include tactical transport of forces and cargo for long and short distances, in large amounts and with high accuracy", adds Lieutenant Colonel Uri. "The plane will mostly work with ground forces and to their benefit: it will transport forces, rescue them and know how to execute transport and supply missions for them with a high degree of efficiency and safety".

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2 avril 2014 3 02 /04 /avril /2014 07:35
Two C-130Js Delivered to Korea



MARIETTA, Ga., April 1, 2014 –  Lockheed Martin


Two C-130J Super Hercules aircraft operated by the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) ferried from the Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] facility here today to South Korea.

ROKAF accepted delivery of these two aircraft last week at a ceremony in Marietta, home to the C-130J Super Hercules production line. These Super Hercs will be flown by ROKAF aircrews, which currently operate a fleet of C-130H legacy aircraft.

The ROKAF’s new Super Hercules is the longer fuselage or “stretched” combat delivery variant. Lockheed Martin is also contracted to provide a two-year support program to the ROKAF, including C-130J aircrew and maintenance training.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 115,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation’s net sales for 2013 were $45.4 billion.

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2 avril 2014 3 02 /04 /avril /2014 07:30
Israel's first C-130J set for delivery on 9 April



31 Mar 2014 By: Arie Egozi - FG


Tel Aviv - The Israeli air force's first Lockheed Martin C-130J tactical transport will arrive on 9 April, with preparations at Nevatim air base now complete.


The delivery of the first C-130J "Samson" is a major milestone in the reorganisation of the air force's Hercules squadrons. This will culminate with the operational consolidation of its two existing units, with the "Elephants" squadron to be absorbed into the "Knights of the yellow bird". The former will operate the new C-130Js, while the latter mainly uses upgraded H-model examples.


In June 2013 Lockheed delivered the first of four on-order C-130Js to Israel at its Marietta site in Georgia, ahead of the airframer supporting training activities in the USA. The remaining three transports will be delivered towards the end of this year and in early 2015.


The Israeli air force has also made a formal proposal for an additional two aircraft, and sources say a contract is in the final stages of processing.


Israel's new-generation Hercules have a cockpit configured for three crew members, similar to that used by US special forces. They will also be modified post-delivery to carry some Israeli-produced systems.


Flightglobal's Ascend Online advisory service shows the Israeli air force as having a current active fleet of 16 Hercules, comprising 12 C-130Hs and four C-130Es. The latter are being phased out, while the H-model fleet is receiving structural treatment to extend their use.

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29 mars 2014 6 29 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
Lockheed Martin livre les deux premiers C-130J sud-coréens

Le premier C-130J destiné à la Corée du Sud photo Lockheed Martin


28/03/2014 par François Julian – Air & Cosmos


Le constructeur américain Lockheed Martin a annoncé hier la livraison de deux C-130J à la Corée du Sud. Ces avions sont les premiers d'une commande conclue en 2010, et qui porte sur la livraison d'un total de quatre avions.


La Corée du Sud devient ainsi que le quatorzième pays au monde à aligner le C-130J. Ces avions sont destinés à remplacer les C-130H vieillissants de la force aérienne sud-coréenne (Rokaf). Séoul a plus particulièrement porté son choix sur des C-130J-30 Super Hercules, c'est à dire la version à fuselage allongé du C-130J (longueur hors-tout de 34,37 m).


Le constructeur américain devrait livrer les deux autres exemplaires à la Rokaf dans le courant de l'année.


Selon nos informations, il reste dorénavant à Lockheed Martin moins de 20 C-130J à livrer, parmi lesquels des avions pour Oman, la Tunisie, l'Arabie Saoudite, l'Inde, le Koweït ou encore Israël. Si le constructeur veut pouvoir prolonger la fabrication de son avion au delà de 2016, il lui faudra obtenir de nouvelles commandes à l'export. Lockheed Martin espère ainsi vendre son avion au Mexique, à la Libye, l'Algérie ou encore l’Égypte. Il est également possible que la commande saoudienne soit allongée.


Le C-130J a été commandé à 344 exemplaire, dont 125 pour l'export.

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18 mars 2014 2 18 /03 /mars /2014 12:30
New Training Center



19.02.2014 Shani Pomes - IAF


The Heavy Transport Division's new training center opens at the Nevatim airbase. The new center will train and instruct aircrews from the division, which is comprised of four different types of aircrafts and dozens of missions. The vision: a full squadron of heavy transport simulators


Nevatim airbase, located in the Negev, inaugurated a new training center for the IAF's Heavy Transport Division, which will be responsible for training from the basics to qualification maintenance.

The division currently consists of different squadrons: the "Hercules C-130" squadron, the "Boeing 707" squadron, the "Gulfstream" squadron and the soon-to-be operational "Hercules C-130J" squadron.

Yet, despite their numbers, until now there has not been a single body that concentrated the training and each squadron had to take care of its aircrews without professional assistance.

"The reason the Heavy Transport Division didn't have a training center until now was that the simulators were located abroad, outside of Israel", explains Colonel P', Head of the Training Department. "Over time, we realized that in order to operate with the correct training culture we were aiming for, we need to have a training center that would handle these issues".


"Pure training center"


The missions of the Heavy Transport Division are quite varied and as such, the new training center will have to provide an instructional, diverse and satisfactory response. To this end, a research and development section was established within the training center: a section comprised of non-commissioned officers and multimedia producers who will be responsible for the design of the training.

"Until the summer, the first aircrews will complete the construction of the work plan and starting in the summer, the center will begin working with a premade work plan. Every section of the division will start enjoying the achievements of the center and will take part in the training process", said Lieutenant Colonel Eitan, commander of the "Desert Giants" squadron which operates "Boeing 707". "This site is a pure training center, which will provide a solution to all relevant squadrons".


Coming Soon: A Training Squadron


The inauguration of the center is actually the first step among many in a long-term process of developing the instructional training in the Heavy Transport Division.

"This is only the beginning. We envision this center being part of a training squadron", adds Lieutenant Colonel Eitan.

"Even though, we currently don't have any simulators, this center is looking a few years ahead. I hope that in the future we'll see upgraded Hercules C-130 and Hercules C-130J simulators, maybe someday even a "Boeing 707" aerial refueling simulator", said Brigadier General Lihu Hacohen, commander of the Nevatim airbase. "At the end of the day, this professional training will put us, as a division, in a much better place".

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20 janvier 2014 1 20 /01 /janvier /2014 19:20
photo Lockheed Martin

photo Lockheed Martin



January 20, 2014 David Pugliese Defence Watch


U.S. Special Operations Command nearly tripled its investment in the C-130J aircraft fleet over the last two years, according to National Defense magazine.

More from the article:

Special-mission C-130s — including MC-130 customized cargo planes and AC-130 gunships — are among SOCOM’s largest procurement programs. Spending on new aircraft and add-on equipment will increase substantially, from $89 million in 2012 to $232 million in 2014, according to new estimates by Frost & Sullivan, a market intelligence firm.

About $124 million will be spent in 2014 on new aircraft, and $108 million on a “precision strike package” for the AC-130 gunship that includes sensors, a 30 mm gun, standoff precision-guided munitions, a mission operator console, a communications suite and flight deck hardware.

SOCOM purchases of C-130J aircraft and high-tech add-ons are expected to continue in the coming years, said Brad Curran, senior analyst at Frost & Sullivan aerospace and defense practice. C-130J manufacturer Lockheed Martin Corp. is currently SOCOM’s largest contractor, capturing 18 percent of the command’s $2.6 billion modernization budget in 2013.

The command intends to buy 94 MC-130Js of which 37 will be converted to AC-130J gunships. So far, 27 MC-130Js are on contract, and an additional 17 have “advanced procurement funding against them,” an Air Force spokesman told National Defense.


Full article here


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19 décembre 2013 4 19 /12 /décembre /2013 12:20
Lockheed Martin Delivers Landmark 300th C-130J Super Hercules


MARIETTA, Ga., Dec. 18, 2013 – Lockheed Martin


The C-130J Super Hercules program reached another significant milestone with the delivery of its 300th aircraft, which was ferried today by a U.S. Air Force crew from the Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] facility here.

The 300th Super Herc is an MC-130J Commando II assigned to the U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command. The Commando II supports such missions as in-flight refueling, infiltration/exfiltration, and aerial delivery and resupply of special operations forces.

“The delivery of this 300th C-130J is a major achievement for the entire Super Hercules community. Together, we built an aircraft that it is ready for any mission, anywhere, anytime,” said George Shultz, vice president and general manager of the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company’s C-130 programs. “Partnerships and commitment are at the core of this Super Hercules, as was the case with the 299 C-130Js that came before it and with the many others that will follow.”  

Sixteen countries have chosen the C-130J Super Hercules to meet their air mobility needs. The “J” is the standard by which all other airlift is measured in terms of availability, flexibility and reliability.

With more than 1 million flight hours, the C-130J has been deployed in two combat theaters where they operated at a very high tempo efficiently and reliably. In non-combat — but equally harsh —environments,  C-130Js are often the first to support missions like search and rescue, aerial firefighting, and delivering relief supplies after earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons and tsunamis around the world.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 116,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration, and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products, and services. The Corporation’s net sales for 2012 were $47.2 billion.

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