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31 janvier 2014 5 31 /01 /janvier /2014 18:30
Photo Assaf Shilo - Israel Sun

Photo Assaf Shilo - Israel Sun


31.01.2014 Romain Guillot - journal-aviation.com


Le système de protection antimissile israélien C-MUSIC est discrètement entré en service fin janvier sur un Boeing 737-800 de la compagnie El Al. Produit par l’industriel israélien Elbit, le système avait été installé sur l’appareil en juin, mais n’avait pas été activé.


C-MUSIC (Commercial Multi-Spectral Infrared Countermeasure) comprend un détecteur couplé à une tourelle DIRCM (Directional Infrared Counter Measures) qui aveugle les têtes chercheuses des missiles de type MANPADS, le tout logé dans un carénage ventral. Le système pèse 160 kg.


Le système C-MUSIC a été choisi par le gouvernement israélien pour protéger l’intégralité de la flotte d’avions commerciaux du pays suite à la tentative d’attentat survenu sur un Boeing 757-300 de la compagnie Arkia en 2002 à Mombasa (Kenya). Deux missiles air-sol de type SA-7 avaient, fort heureusement, raté de peu l’appareil quelques secondes après son décollage. Tous les appareils de plus de 100 places opérés par les compagnies israéliennes El Al, Arkia et Israir seront ainsi équipés.


La division Elop d’Elbit commercialise également depuis quelques mois un système similaire baptisé Mini-MUSIC et destiné à la protection des hélicoptères.

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25 mars 2013 1 25 /03 /mars /2013 17:50

C-27J – photo1 Alenia Aermacchi

Italian air force types including the C-27J will receive

ELT-572 DIRCM installations


Mar. 25, 2013 by Arie Egozi – FG


Tel Aviv - Work to install Elbit Systems C-Music directed infrared countermeasures (DIRCM) equipment on several Italian air force types is to begin soon, under the terms of a $15 million contract awarded to industry partner Elettronica in 2011.


Dan Slasky, vice-president of airborne electro-optics and laser systems at Elbit's Elop division, says the Italian air force will first install Elettronica's ELT-572 self-protection system onto its Lockheed Martin C-130J and Alenia Aermacchi C-27 tactical transports and AgustaWestland AW101 helicopters.


The integration work is to begin following a series of "very successful" tests performed by the Italian air force, Slasky adds.


Based on the use of advanced fibre laser technology, the Music system counters man-portable air defence systems by emitting a laser beam towards an approaching missile's seeker head, causing it to veer off course. Elbit says the open-architecture technology can be installed on any type of aircraft, with existing customers including operators of military, commercial and VIP-transport aircraft.


"There is a growing demand for the systems for protecting cargo and aerial refuelling aircraft. Each month we respond to at least one request for proposals," Slasky says, citing a "real and imminent" threat posed by shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles. However, integrating such equipment with commercial airliners remains a "complex issue", he adds.


Slasky also reveals that negotiations are taking place about potentially installing Music-series countermeasures equipment on aircraft for four Boeing customers. The US airframer and Elbit earlier this year signed a collaboration agreement enabling the former to offer different versions of the DIRCM technology with its fixed-wing and helicopter product ranges.


Boeing's Military Aircraft and Network & Space Systems organisations are working together to integrate the systems on to new and existing aircraft, as well as providing signature analysis and end-to-end services and support for the equipment.

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