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15 octobre 2015 4 15 /10 /octobre /2015 11:45
photo BBC Africa

photo BBC Africa


14 October 2015 BBC Africa


US President Barack Obama has announced that US armed forces have been deployed to Cameroon to help fight against the Islamist militants Boko Haram.


The force, which will be 300 strong, will conduct airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations in the region. Cameroon and Chad have been targeted by the Islamist militants from northern Nigeria. Mr Obama said the forces would remain in Cameroon until "no longer needed". In a notification to Congress, he said an advance force of 90 troops were sent to the country on Monday. He said all US troops there would be "equipped with weapons for the purpose of providing their own force protection and security".

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4 octobre 2015 7 04 /10 /octobre /2015 11:45
A Scan Eagle UAV

A Scan Eagle UAV


02 October 2015 by defenceWeb


Five African countries will receive 62 armoured personnel carriers manufactured by Mack Defense of the United States under a contract awarded by the United States Army in support of US Africa Command, while another six countries will receive Oskosh military trucks and two will receive Scan Eagle UAVs.


The US Department of Defence announced the armoured vehicle contract on 25 September, which will see Mack Defense of Allentown, Pennsylvania, supplying the vehicles to Cameroon, Ethiopia, Somalia, Tunisia and Uganda.


The firm fixed-price foreign military sales contract is worth $24 974 528 and covers armoured personnel carriers in both left-hand and right-hand drive as well as common spare parts.


Work will be performed in France with an estimated completion date of 30 December 2016. Bids were solicited via the Internet with seven received. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity.


In July the United States Army announced it would seek between 19 and 400 new armoured personnel carriers for the US military’s Africa Command. The presolicitation notice posted on the Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) website, stated that the vehicles should be 2015 or later year models and have a minimum seating capacity for ten passengers. They should also have B7 360-degree ballistic protection (against armour piercing 7.62 mm rounds), 4x4 drivetrain with a V-hull chassis design, manual transmission, mechanically-controlled, high-sulphur (5,000 ppm) diesel engine in both left-hand drive and right-hand drive and operator manuals in English and French or Arabic.


The estimated three-year combined vehicle quantities in year one are 155, year two 125, and year three 120.


Also on 25 September the US Department of Defense announced it had awarded Oshkosh Defense LLC a $21 774 963 modification to an existing foreign military sales contract for Djibouti, Jordan, Kenya, Tunisia, Uganda and Ethiopia for an additional 84 Medium Tactical Vehicle trucks and 59 B-kits (supplemental armour).


The estimated completion date of the truck contract is 28 February 2017.


Oskosh offers its Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles in a variety of configurations, such as five ton tractor, 8.8 ton Load Handling System, 4x4 and 6x6 cargo, ten ton dump truck and five ton wrecker.


One of the other contracts awarded late last month include the delivery of one Insitu Scan Eagle unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system (comprising multiple aircraft) to Kenya and another to Cameroon. In-country work will be carried out in Nanyuki in central Kenya and the Cameroonian port city of Doula. Both contracts are expected to be completed by September 2016.

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29 juin 2015 1 29 /06 /juin /2015 07:45
photo Cameroon Defence Ministry

photo Cameroon Defence Ministry


26/06/2015 Par Journalducameroun.com


Le chef des armées a signé deux décrets portant activation de la Brigade d’intervention rapide et création de centres d’entraînement et d’aguerrissement, a rapporté jeudi un communiqué du Mindef


Le président de la République du Cameroun a signé deux décrets, rapporte un communiqué publié jeudi, 25 juin 2015, par le Ministre de la Défense (Mindef).

Le premier, 2015/270 du 15 juin 2015 porte sur l’activation et l’organisation interne de la Brigade d’intervention rapide. Le second, 2015/271 du 15 juin 2015 a pour objet la création et l’organisation des centres d’entraînement et d’aguerrissement de l’armée de terre.


Activation de la Brigade d’intervention rapide

Créée dans le cadre de la réforme des forces de défense de2001, il s’agit d’une grande unité tactique de l’armée de terre, composée de trois structures d’élite des forces de défense camerounaises, indique le communiqué du Mindef. Notamment, le Bataillon des troupes aéroportées (BTAP) de Koutaba, le Bataillon blindé de reconnaissance (BRR) basé à Douala et le Bataillon spécial amphibie (BSA) à Tiko. Placée sous l’autorité du chef d’état-major des armées, cette Brigade a son poste de commandement à Bafoussam dans l’Ouest du pays.


Création et organisation des centres d’entraînement et d’aguerrissement de l’armée de terre

Trois centres d’entraînement et d’aguerrissement viennent d’être créés. Celui en zone forestière (CEAF) avec un poste de commandement à Motcheboum dans la région de l’Est, en remplacement de la 123ème compagnie d’infanterie motorisée déplacée à Garoua-Boulaï; celui de la zone sahélienne (CEAS) qui a un poste de commandement à Mindif à l’Extrême-Nord du pays; et un dernier en zone montagneuse (CEAM) qui a un poste de commandement à Babadjou dans la région de l’Ouest.


Tous les trois, ils ont pour mission: le recyclage des unités de l’armée de terre; l’aguerrissement des hommes et des unités; et la préparation opérationnelle des unités projetables.

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12 mars 2015 4 12 /03 /mars /2015 17:45
Boko Haram (Mar 2015) - credits BBC

Boko Haram (Mar 2015) - credits BBC


12 March 2015 defenceWeb (Reuters)


The United States supports the creation of a West African force of up to 10,000 troops to fight Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram, a U.S. defence official said on Wednesday.


The 54-nation African Union has approved the force and has asked the United Nations to endorse it urgently, after attacks by the group in northeastern Nigeria and neighbouring Chad, Niger and Cameroon as it seeks to carve out an Islamic state.


U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for African Affairs Amanda J. Dory said on a visit to Cameroon that Washington, one of five veto-holding members of the U.N. Security Council, would back a U.N. resolution.


"The U.S. is providing diplomatic support in terms of engagement in the U.N. Security Council for the awaited resolution authorising the deployment of a Multinational Joint Task Force by the African Union against Boko Haram," she told state radio.


If approved, the new force would receive U.N. funding and would be likely to result in a bigger and better resourced operation than the offensive currently being mounted against the militants by Nigeria and its neighbours.


Boko Haram has killed thousands of people in northeastern Nigeria in its six-year insurgency and last week pledged allegiance to the Islamic State which has created a self-declared caliphate in parts of Iraq and Syria.


However, a perception that Nigeria was failing to deal with the militants alone, and a growing number of cross-border attacks, prompted Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Cameroon to launch their existing operation to try to contain the militants.


Nigeria government spokesman Mike Omeri said on Wednesday that Nigeria and its allies had recovered a total of 36 towns from Boko Haram.


Diplomats said the African Union Peace and Security Council was due to discuss on Thursday the text of a possible resolution that could then be circulated to the 15 U.N. Security Council members.


Chad's U.N. Ambassador Mahamat Cherif has said he hoped the council could vote on a resolution by end-March.


France, which holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council, has been seeking to rally support for the resolution in time for a vote by early April, diplomats said.


The United States has already helped Cameroon's army security equipment to fight Boko Haram and France is increasing its own West African counter-insurgency force to support regional troops fighting Boko Haram.

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10 mars 2015 2 10 /03 /mars /2015 17:45
The closing ceremony of Exercise Flintlock 2015 - photo US Africom

The closing ceremony of Exercise Flintlock 2015 - photo US Africom


10 March 2015 by Africom - defenseWeb


The annual Flintlock exercise wrapped up on Monday in N’Djamena with a closing ceremony that brought together senior leaders from over 20 participating countries.


The Chadian exercise director, Brig. Gen. Zakaria Ngobongue, when bidding farewell to the guests and participants from different African and Western partner nations, who trained tirelessly in Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon and Tunisia, thanked the troops for their professionalism. “I am pleased to note that the progress made during this exercise was tangible and these results were reached thanks to willing participants.”


Ngonbongue thanked partner nations for the quality medical and humanitarian assistance that benefited citizens in locations near Mao, Faya and Moussoro. Similar medical activities were also conducted in Agadez, Niger.


The closing ceremony of the Flintlock exercise was also attended by the Commanding General of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), Gen. David Rodriguez, who thanked Chad for being a great host to this year’s Flintlock despite the security challenges the country faces.


“It is important to recognize that exercise Flintlock 2015 was successfully conducted by Chad and other African partners while actively engaged in combat operations against Boko Haram. The capacity to execute real world operations while simultaneously training to increase capacity and capability, demonstrates a level of proficiency exhibited only by an extremely professional, capable, and disciplined military,” said Rodriguez during the closing ceremony.


This year’s exercise was the largest Flintlock to date and has continued to build on the success of previous exercises. The three-week Chad hosted event included the implementation of a collaborative Command and Control and information sharing systems, which will remain in place for African partners to share operational information and intelligence with each other, as well as international partners.


Over 1,000 personnel from over 20 countries participated in Flintlock ‘15, with locations in Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon and Tunisia. Ten flight crews from Belgium, the United States, Canada, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands, Italy, and the United Kingdom moved most of the troops and 500,000 pounds of cargo with 113 flights. In all the locations, each soldier received 150 hours of training.


They also conducted four community activities, met with key leaders, and treated 1,800 people in several medical assistance clinics. Chadian and U.S. military, as well as U.S. Embassy personnel, also conducted outreach to an orphanage in N’Djamena, supporting victims of war, HIV, and poverty. With the support of non-governmental organization Spirit of America, $4,500 of educational supplies, hygiene tools, and basic items like blankets, sheets, towels, and mosquito nets were given to 59 orphans.


The tactical portion of Flintlock 2015 consisted of small-unit combined training and activities involving partner nation counter-terrorism units and military humanitarian relief operations to help improve the basic medical, dental and veterinary access for some communities in Chad and Niger.


As an enduring exercise, Flintlock is not focused on any specific security situation, but instead on developing security capacity, building professionalism, and strengthening bonds among exercise participants. Flintlock exercises began in 2005 and are conducted by the Special Operations Command Forward – West Africa (SOCFWD-WA) and sponsored by Africa Command’s Special Operations component to develop the capacity of and collaboration among African security forces to protect civilian populations across the Sahel region of Africa.


Flintlock exercises strengthen security institutions, promote multilateral sharing of information, and develop interoperability among the partner nations of the Trans-Sahara Counter Terrorism Partnership (TSCTP). Through exercises such as Flintlock, the United States Special Operations Command provides military training opportunities to foster relationships of peace, security, and cooperation among all Trans-Saharan nations through the TSCTP program.

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3 mars 2015 2 03 /03 /mars /2015 15:45
Boko Haram: Can regional force beat Nigeria's militant Islamists?


3 March 2015 Thomas Fessy BBC News


At last, Nigeria and its neighbours - Chad, Niger, Cameroon and Benin - seem to have a plan for their Multi-National Joint Task Force (MNJTF) to fight Boko Haram's Islamist militants. This plan should be approved by the African Union through a vote on Tuesday.


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25 février 2015 3 25 /02 /février /2015 20:45
Regional force: Proposed numbers:Nigeria 3,500 - Chad 3,500 - Cameroon 750 - Niger 750 - Benin 250

Regional force: Proposed numbers:Nigeria 3,500 - Chad 3,500 - Cameroon 750 - Niger 750 - Benin 250


25 February 2015 By Tomi Oladipo BBC Africa security correspondent


Military chiefs from Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Benin and Niger are finalising their strategy for a 8,750-strong regional force to tackle the militant Islamist group Boko Haram.


In the last few weeks, the Multinational Joint Task Force has retaken several towns captured by the militants in north-eastern Nigeria. Now, the regional chiefs are preparing for a major ground and air offensive due to start next month - and are meeting in Chad this week to set out the command structure. The force will be led by a Nigerian commander, after which the position will rotate among the members.


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5 février 2015 4 05 /02 /février /2015 18:45
Chad says it killed 200 Boko Haram militants in Nigeria


05 February 2015 by defenceWeb (Reuters)


Chad's army said it had killed more than 200 militants from Boko Haram on Tuesday in a battle in the northeastern Nigerian towns of Gambaru and Ngala, which are near the border with Cameroon. Nine Chadian soldiers were killed and 21 others were wounded in a battle with Boko Haram militants in the northeastern Nigerian towns of Gambaru and Ngala, Chadian state television said on Wednesday.Chad has deployed 2,500 troops as part of a regional effort to take on the militant group, which has been fighting for five years to create an Islamist emirate in northern Nigeria. An estimated 10,000 people died in the region last year. Chad's army also destroyed more than a dozen vehicles equipped with heavy weapons in the battle, and 100 motorcycles used by the militants, the army high command said in a statement on Wednesday. There was no independent confirmation of its claim.


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3 février 2015 2 03 /02 /février /2015 20:45
Chad army says kills 120 Boko Haram militants in Cameroon


02 February 2015 by defenceWeb (Reuters)


Chadian forces have killed 120 militants from Boko Haram in a battle in the north of neighbouring Cameroon that began when the insurgents attacked its troops, the army said in a statement on Saturday, adding that three of its soldiers were killed.


Boko Haram has recently launched cross-border attacks from Nigeria into Cameroon and Chad as part of its five-year drive for an Islamist state in the northeast of Nigeria.


Chad and Cameroon have stepped up troop deployments to fight the militants and on Saturday Chad's army said it bombarded Boko Haram militants.


The African Union (AU) has authorised a force of 7,500 troops from Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Benin to fight the militants and the nations will meet in the Cameroon capital next week to decide on its command structure, Ghana President John Mahama told journalists on Saturday.


"When they meet in Yaounde the rules of engagement will be agreed by the nations constituting the force. It will allow them to move across borders because Boko Haram does not recognise borders," Mahama said on his return from an AU summit.


Chad has a reputation as one of the region's best militaries and it helped French forces drive al Qaeda-linked Islamists from northern Mali in 2013. But previous efforts to create a regional force to fight the militants have faltered.

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28 janvier 2015 3 28 /01 /janvier /2015 17:45
Africans may mandate regional force against Boko Haram this week


28 January 2015 defenceWeb (Reuters)


The African Union (AU) might grant a mandate as early as this week for a regional military force to combat Islamist Boko Haram militants, a vital step towards securing U.N. Security Council backing, a diplomat said on Tuesday.


Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger, Chad and Benin agreed in Niger's capital Niamey this month that the AU would seek U.N. support for the operation to take on Boko Haram, which is fighting to create an Islamic emirate in northern Nigeria.


The Islamists have made incursions into neighboring Cameroon and threaten the stability of a region that includes Niger and Chad. Benin lies on Nigeria's western border.


Smail Chergui, the commissioner of the AU's Peace and Security Council, said tackling Boko Haram was on the agenda for talks in Addis Ababa, where African leaders hold a summit meeting later this week. He did not give details.


A diplomat, asking not to be identified, told Reuters the AU's Peace and Security Council might approve the mandate for the multinational force when it meets on Thursday evening.


He said the roughly 3,000-strong force would be "mandated by the AU and supported by the U.N.”, noting that the aim would be to obtain U.N. Security Council backing "as soon as possible".


A U.N. mandate could help draw in international assistance for the African regional force.


The African group plans to meet in early February in Cameroon to draw up a "concept of operations" to cover strategy, rules of engagement, command and control, and related issues.


Each of the five nations would contribute a battalion - 500 soldiers from Benin and about 700 from each of the other four - and each contingent would based within its national borders with operations coordinated from Chad's capital N'Djamena.

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21 janvier 2015 3 21 /01 /janvier /2015 08:45
Cameroon to receive Russian weapons


20 January 2015 by defenceWeb

Cameroon will this year receive artillery, missiles, armoured trucks and other weapons from Russia, according to the country’s government.

Russia’s ambassador Nikolay Ratsiborinskiy met with President Paul Biya on January 16 and discussed a number of issues. In a statement released after the meeting, the president’s office said that, “By the end of the year, the Cameroonian army will be equipped with the most sophisticated military equipment from Russia. This will among other latest generation of weapons, heavy artillery, including missiles, air protection, anti-aircraft missile system, and cannon. Armoured trucks of Russian production will also be delivered to Cameroon to transport troops. To ensure proper use of this equipment, Russia is ready to welcome the young Cameroonians for the training of civilian and military specialists.”

Cameroon has increased its defence budget as it attempts to deal with Boko Haram militants carrying out raids in its territory. According to figures obtained by IHS Janes from a Cameroonian defence official, the Ministry of Defence's budget will grow from CFA198.5 billion ($355 million) in 2014 to CFA212 billion ($376 million) in 2015. After taking into account inflation of 2.7%, this works out as an increase of $16 million in real terms.

At the end of last year, Cameroon became the first country outside of Nigeria to launch coordinated air strikes against Boko Haram. According to Reuters, about a thousand Jihadists had entered the country, “attacking five villages and temporarily seizing a Cameroonian military base”.

“Fighter planes went into action for the first time since the start of the conflict,” Cameroonian Communications Minister Issa Tchiroma Bakary told Al Jazeera. “Militants were driven out after two strikes and heavy fire”, he added. Later on President Biya reportedly deployed more than 1 000 troops to the Nigerian border to fortify against follow-up attacks. Meanwhile, neighbouring Chad has agreed to send troops to Cameroon to combat Boko Haram.

If Cameroon does indeed receive weapons from Russia, it will be a shift away from China, which is supplying a significant amount of hardware to the West African nation, such as two P-108 patrol vessels being built by Poly Technologies. In May last year Cameroon unveiled a variety of new Chinese hardware, including Type 07P infantry fighting vehicles and PTL-02-type tank destroyers.

Apparently Germany has provided over a 100 military vehicles to Cameroon to help it fight Boko Haram militants. Cameroon’s forces are gradually being re-equipped – for example in August 2013 Cameroon ordered Mi-17 helicopters from Russia and in July that year received a CN235-300 medium transport from Airbus. A French OPV-54 patrol craft was delivered in 2012 while two Aresa-320 patrol boats from Spain were delivered last year.

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17 janvier 2015 6 17 /01 /janvier /2015 21:45
Boko Haram crisis: African Union to discuss multinational force


16 January 2015 BBC Africa


Ghana's President John Mahama has said he and other African leaders will discuss plans next week to "deal permanently" with Boko Haram militants.


He said he wanted African Union (AU) countries to produce a "specific plan of action" for tackling the Nigeria-based Islamist group collectively.

"This has to end. We have to make this terror end," he said.

Boko Haram has seized control of many towns and villages in north-east Nigeria in a six-year insurgency.

It has also begun threatening Nigeria's neighbours and earlier this week launched a raid on a military base in northern Cameroon.


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16 janvier 2015 5 16 /01 /janvier /2015 13:45
Boko Haram crisis: Chad sends troops to help Cameroon


16 January 2015 BBC Africa


Cameroon says Chad will send a large contingent of troops to help it fight incursions from the Nigeria-based militant Islamist group, Boko Haram.


The announcement came a day after Chad said it would "actively support" its neighbour against the militants.

No detail was given about how many troops would be sent, or when.

On Tuesday, Cameroon said it had killed 143 Boko Haram militants who attacked one of its army bases at Kolofata near the Nigerian border.

It said one soldier had died during the assault, which led to a gun battle lasting five hours.

It was the first major attack on Cameroon since Boko Haram threatened the country's leader in a video posted online earlier this month.

The militant Islamist group has seized control of towns and villages in north-east Nigeria in a six-year insurgency.


President visits


A French-led initiative has called for Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad to contribute 700 troops each to a multinational force against Boko Haram, but no country has taken steps to implement the plan.

Niger and Cameroon have both criticised Nigeria for failing to do more to confront Boko Haram.

Chad previously had some troops based in Baga, a Nigerian town seized by Boko Haram earlier this month, but they had been withdrawn before the attack.

Correspondents say Nigerian politicians appear more focused on campaigning for elections next month than on security issues, and senior figures rarely comment on the insurgency in the north-east.

On Thursday, President Goodluck Jonathan made an unannounced visit to the area, his first for nearly two years.

He told displaced people in the biggest city of Borno state, Maiduguri, that he was "working very hard" to help them return to their homes.

Mr Jonathan's visit came as the human rights group Amnesty International released satellite images of towns attacked by Boko Haram, suggesting widespread destruction and a high death toll.

The pictures showed about 3,700 structures damaged or destroyed in Baga and neighbouring Doron Baga last week, the rights group said.

Amnesty's before-and-after satellite images were taken on 2 and 7 January.

Nigeria's government has disputed reports that as many as 2,000 people were killed in and around Baga, putting the number of dead at no more than 150.

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8 août 2014 5 08 /08 /août /2014 22:45
Sécurité renforcée au Cameroun


8 août, 2014 – BBC Afrique


Certaines villes camerounaises sont désormais sous vidéo surveillance, notamment l’extrême nord du Cameroun où la secte islamiste Boko Haram sévit et l’est du pays qui connait un afflux massif de réfugiés.


Le délégué général à la Sûreté nationale (Dgsn), Martin Mbarga Nguelé, a expliqué que dans "dans un environnement sécuritaire qui se caractérise par la montée en puissance des nouvelles formes de criminalité, l’afflux des réfugiés à nos frontières, la guerre ouverte contre la secte islamiste Boko Haram, il s’est avéré impérieux pour notre pays, de s’arrimer aux méthodes de prévention".


Le projet a été inauguré jeudi par Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh, le secrétaire général de la présidence de la République du Cameroun, dans quelques points névralgiques du pays, à savoir de grandes villes telles que Yaoundé (Centre), Douala (Littoral), Kye-Ossi (Sud) mais aussi dans des localités jugées sensibles, telles que Kousseri et Waza (extrême nord), inquiètes depuis plusieurs mois par des attaques de la secte islamiste Boko Haram.


Mais également à Garoua Boulai (est) qui connaît un afflux de réfugiés en provenance, pour la plupart, de Centrafrique.


Ces caméras de type solaire, portatif et sans fils ont pour objectif, selon le chef de la police, de renforcer la protection et la sécurité des Camerounais et non pas de les surveiller.

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27 mai 2014 2 27 /05 /mai /2014 18:45
Menaces Boko Haram: le Cameroun déploie d'importants renforts militaires à la frontière nigériane


27 mai 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


Maroua (Cameroun) - L'armée camerounaise a commencé à déployer d'importants renforts de troupes dans la région de l'extrême-nord, frontalière du Nigeria, pour faire face à la menace des islamistes nigérians de Boko Haram, a déclaré mardi à l'AFP une source policière.


Le déploiement des troupes a démarré. Dès ce jour (mardi), le dispatching des militaires en direction des zones frontalières a commencé, a affirmé sous couvert d'anonymat un commissaire de police établi dans la région, faisant état de 3.000 hommes envoyés en renfort.


Dans les réunions de sécurité, il a été fait état de 3.000 hommes au total qui vont être déployés en renfort sur le terrain sur l'ensemble de la région pour contrer les Boko Haram, a-t-il expliqué.


C'est un chiffre significatif puisque le nombre de militaires et gendarmes en poste actuellement dans la région n'atteint pas 1.000, a-t-il commenté.


Jointe par l'AFP, l'armée camerounaise n'a pas voulu confirmer ces chiffres.


Les soldats sont en train d'arriver par groupes. Les blindés qui seront déployés sur le terrain sont encore en route vers l'extrême-nord, a assuré un responsable régional de la gendarmerie.


Nous avons pris des dispositions extrêmement importantes avec du matériel (de guerre) lourd, l'objectif étant de faire face à un éventuellement repli des Boko Haram chez nous en cas d'action de l'armée nigériane, a indiqué pour sa part un responsable de l'armée ayant requis l'anonymat.


Tout ce qui se fait actuellement est collaboration avec le Tchad et le Nigeria. Nous ne pouvons pas en dire plus, a-t-il assuré avant de conclure: on est en guerre.


Mardi, un avion militaire a survolé la ville de Maroua, le chef-lieu de la région de l'extrême-nord, a constaté un journaliste de l'AFP.


Le déploiement de l'armée camerounais intervient moins de deux semaines après le sommet de Paris du 17 mai consacré à la lutte contre Boko Haram, qui a réuni les présidents nigérian, tchadien, camerounais, nigérien et béninois, ainsi que des représentants des Etats-Unis, de la Grande-Bretagne et de l'Union européenne.


La rencontre de Paris avait débouché sur l'adoption d'un plan de guerre contre Boko Haram, qualifié de secte terroriste et de menace majeure pour la région, établissant une large coopération militaire.


Le Cameroun qui partage plus de 2.000 km de frontière avec le Nigeria subit de plus en plus d'attaques ciblées du groupe islamiste armé.


Boko Haram est suspecté d'avoir enlevé 10 Chinois dans la nuit du 16 au 17 mai dans l'extrême-nord du pays.

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10 mars 2014 1 10 /03 /mars /2014 12:45
Forces africaines : 93% du Budget de la Défense camerounaise partent dans les salaires et la consommation



09.03.2014 Panapress


Le budget, l’excellente formation et le nombre de personnel des forces de défense camerounaises auraient pu être de grands  atouts pour les   opérations africaines de maintien de la paix et de rétablissement de l’ordre,  si le pays disposait  d’équipements modernes de qualité,  selon Victorin Hameni Bieleu, expert en question de défense.


Pour répondre à un besoin de sécurisation de ses espaces aériens, maritimes et terrestres, Le gouvernement du Cameroun a assigné à ses forces de défenses plusieurs missions, d'une part, de service public, relatives à la recherche et le sauvetage des vies humaines en mer, à la protection des frontières et de l’environnement, à la lutte contre le braconnage et aux pollutions en mer, ainsi que la sécurité de la navigation.


D'autre part, des missions de police générale et de souveraineté incombent à ces forces de défense, à savoir,  la surveillance maritime, les contrôles, la lutte contre les trafics illicites ainsi que le maintien et le rétablissement de l’ordre.


C’est dans ce sens que des dispositions ont été prises pour doter les forces armées d’un budget du personnel et des infrastructures conséquents, estimé, pour l’année 2014, à un montant de 200 milliards de FCFA (environ 400 millions de dollars américains) et alloué au ministère camerounais de la Défense.


Les principaux postes de dépenses composant ce budgets concernent l’environnement et prospective de la défense, la préparation et l’emploi des forces, notamment l’armée de terre, la marine et l'armée de l’air, le soutien de la politique de la défense, l’équipement des forces ainsi que l’excellence technologique des industries de défense, qui vise à développer la recherche et la technologie dans les domaines des applications de défense, de l’énergie nucléaire et de l’observation spatiale.


Pour  M. Hameni, ce budget n’est pas suffisant, surtout que la majeure partie de ce montant, soit 93 pour cent, est consacré au fonctionnement de l’armée, c'est à dire, aux salaires et aux dépenses de consommation, tandis que les 17% restants sont réservés aux équipements et aux infrastructures.


Dans une étude publiée en 2010 par Léonard Messe sur« L'Etat-major des armées et l'entraînement des forces », il est indiqué que les forces de défense camerounaises comptent environ 30 hélicoptères de types Gazelle et Puma et 20 avions de combats de type Alpha Jets et Foucade et des radars pour la surveillance aérienne.


« Cela contribue à la dissuasion et à la sanctuarisation du territoire camerounais vis-à-vis des pays «frères » africains. Mais la logistique aérienne camerounaise se situe bien en deçà du niveau nigérian (90 avions de combat),  algérien (120 avions de combat), ou angolais (100 avions de combat) », tandis que le pays de Paul Biya ne fait pas partie des « cinq pays africains (Afrique du sud, Nigéria, Algérie, Lybie et Tunisie), qui possèdent des satellites à moyen orbite circumterrestre (MEO) ».


« Avec 200 chars d'assaut et véhicules blindés, et 20 000 hommes, l'armée de terre camerounaise fait partie des 15 premières en Afrique. Quant à la marine camerounaise, son manque d’équipements peut limiter la contribution des forces de défense camerounaises aux opérations internationales  : avec deux sous-marins, 50 vedettes rapides d'embarcation, deux bâtiments de guerre dont un appartenant au BIR-DELTA, une force spéciale maritime et 2000 hommes, la marine camerounaise a un niveau africain moyen » poursuit l’étude.

En termes de capacités opérationnelles, une étude menée en 2009 par Ernest Claude Messigna sur le sujet souligne que, comparé aux puissances militaires mondiales, le Cameroun est plus qu'un nain. Mais comparé aux puissances militaires africaines, le Cameroun a un niveau moyen, qui lui vaut de figurer à la 12ème position du classement des armées nationales africaines.


« Les pays comme Djibouti, Benin, Burkina Faso ont des armées de moins de 5000 hommes, avec un budget annuel de la défense inférieur à 50 milliards de francs CFA (environ 100 millions de dollars). En revanche, la Côte d'Ivoire, le Sénégal, le Ghana, le Togo, le Mali, le Niger, la Mauritanie, le Gabon, le Tchad, la Guinée Équatoriale ont des armées de moins de 20 000 hommes et un budget de la défense qui ne dépasse pas les 200 millions de dollars »


Il ajoute que «quelques pays comme l'Algérie, l'Afrique du Sud, la Tunisie, l'Angola et l'Egypte ont des armées de plus de 80 000 hommes avec un budget annuel de la défense de 5,5 milliards de dollars pour l'Algérie et l'Afrique du Sud, 3 à 4 milliards de dollars pour la Tunisie, l'Egypte et l'Angola, et 1 à 2 milliards de dollars pour le Nigeria et le Maroc ».


Avec un personnel évalué à près de 37 000 hommes dont 10 000 pour la gendarmerie nationale, l’effectif des forces de défenses camerounaises reste insuffisant, comparé aux pays africains ci-dessus cités, estime M. Hameni,  par ailleurs président de l'Union des forces démocratiques du Cameroun et ancien enseignant de l'Ecole militaire interarmées de Yaoundé (EMIA).


Il reconnait que le personnel de l’armée est assez bien formé et suit régulièrement des stages de perfectionnement à l’étranger, mais il reste qu’il n’a pas l’occasion d’expérimenter ce qu’il a appris, du fait, non seulement de l’inexistence des équipements, mais aussi de leur vétusté.


Pour M. Hameni, les forces de défense camerounaise ne pourraient être efficaces sur le plan international que si elles se font aider par les forces des autres pays avec lesquelles elles effectuent la mission, parce qu'elles ne disposent pas de véritables engins qui puissent transporter leurs équipements vers les pays où elles doivent mener les opérations.


Les accords de coopération signés avec la Chine, la Russie, les Etats-Unis et la France pour la fourniture de nouveaux équipements et l'augmentation de 50% du personnel dans les différentes branches qui composent les Forces armées camerounaises devraient être bénéfiques au Cameroun, mais seulement, leur traduction en acte concret se font lentement, conclut M. Bieleu.

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7 janvier 2014 2 07 /01 /janvier /2014 13:45
Les deux hélicoptères français Gazelle, sur le pont du Dixmude, dans le port de Douala.photo Olivier Fourt RFI

Les deux hélicoptères français Gazelle, sur le pont du Dixmude, dans le port de Douala.photo Olivier Fourt RFI


06 Janvier 2014 Jules Romuald Nkonlak  - Le Jour


Contrairement à d'autres, les accords entre les deux pays ne prévoient pas le stationnement de troupes militaires.


Au moment des indépendances, la France a signé un certain nombre d'accords avec des pays africains.


Longtemps l'on a évoqué la question des accords de défense que Nicolas Sarkozy, lorsqu'il est arrivé au pouvoir en France, a décidé de renégocier. Si toutes les clauses de -ces accords n'ont pas toujours été connues, un aspect visible de la coopération militaire entre la France et l'Afrique était la présence de bases de l'armée française dans certains pays.


En 1961, l'accord de défense entre les gouvernements de la République française, de la République de Côte d'Ivoire, de la République du Dahomey et de la République du Niger établit l'installation de forces militaires françaises dans ces trois pays. D'autres bases de l'armée française seront installées, notamment au Sénégal, en Côte d'ivoire, au Gabon, à Djibouti...


Après la fermeture du 43e BIMa, stationné à Abidjan (2009), de la base aérienne 160 Dakar-Ouakam (2011) et des Forces françaises du Cap-Vert (Ffcv), il ne restera que deux bases militaires françaises dans des pays africains, au Gabon et à Djibouti. Toutefois, des forces françaises restent présentes au Tchad, en Côte d'Ivoire et en République centrafricaine dans le cadre des opérations Epervier, Licorne et Boali, respectivement.


En 2013, plus de 10 000 militaires français étaient déployés en Afrique. A côté des bases permanentes, la France s'est engagée dans les conflits en Libye, au Mali et à nouveau en Rca. C'est dans le cadre de cette dernière opération que, pour la première fois, le Cameroun va véritablement servir de base à des militaires français.


Pourtant, de vieilles relations unissent la France et le Cameroun sur le plan militaire.


Sur le site du Ministère français des Affaires étrangères, on lit: Le Cameroun tient une place particulière au sein de l'architecture de paix et de sécurité en Afrique centrale et dans le golfe de Guinée. Ce pays est le premier partenaire de la France en matière de coopération de sécurité et de défense. L'accord rénové de partenariat de défense conclu le 21 mai 2009 est entré en vigueur le 1er août 2012. Ce partenariat vise à soutenir les mécanismes africains de sécurité collective au niveau régional et continental.


Il porte principalement sur la formation à travers des écoles nationales à vocation régionale (Envr), le pôle aéronautique national à vocation régionale de Garoua (Panvr), le cours supérieur interarmées de défense (Csid), l'Ecole internationale des forces de sécurité (Eiforces) et le centre de perfectionnement aux techniques de maintien de l'ordre (Cptmo)».

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20 décembre 2013 5 20 /12 /décembre /2013 13:45
ISS: Terrorism and the threat radical Islam poses to Cameroon


19 December 2013 by Martin Ewi, Senior Researcher, Transnational Threats and International Crime Division, ISS Pretoria


The kidnapping of a French priest, Reverend Georges Vandenbeusch, in northern Cameroon on 14 November 2013, barely seven months after the negotiated release of a French family who had been kidnapped by Boko Haram and Ansaru in the same region, demonstrates Cameroon’s vulnerability to the threat of global jihad.


Recent actions by France seem to confirm this vulnerability. Fearing the Islamists’ growing influence, France has for the first time since Cameroon’s independence, issued a red alert travel warning, declaring certain parts of the country no-go zones (see map).


This reaction has led many analysts to ask whether Cameroon, once lauded as an oasis of peace and stability in a turbulent region, is in danger of becoming another African country where terrorism has degenerated into a chronic social problem. If France’s paranoia is anything to go by, Islamists’ recent activities in Cameroon should be taken as a serious symptom of the growing insecurity in the country.


Despite its relatively stable history since gaining independence in 1960, Cameroon has not been immune from the threat of terrorism. According to the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) maintained by the University of Maryland, roughly 28 major terrorist incidents occurred in Cameroon between 1970 and 2011. The deadliest attack to date took place on 12 November 2007, when gunmen in speedboats attacked a Cameroonian military post on the Bakassi Peninsula, killing 21 soldiers.


Between 2011 and November 2013, 13 major terrorist attacks were reported in Cameroon. The most recent attack occurred on 16 November 2013, when unidentified gunmen from the Central African Republic (CAR) attacked a Cameroonian border post at Gbiti. Seven people died in the attack. Of the 13 attacks that have been recorded since 2011, at least eight have been attributed to Boko Haram and Ansaru, making them the principal terrorist threat to Cameroon.


Until the recent escalation in kidnappings in the country’s far north, the places most vulnerable to terrorism have been the area surrounding the Bakassi Peninsula and the high seas linking Cameroon and the piracy-ridden Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Here Cameroon has suffered at least ten major piracy incidents in the past two years. With the civil war in CAR, east Cameroon has also become vulnerable, broadening the threat of terrorism to include all Cameroon’s borders with Nigeria, Chad and CAR.


The drivers of terrorism in Cameroon may be found in the country’s complex historical, geostrategic and socio-economic dynamics. Often described as Africa in miniature, Cameroon is not only diverse in landscape but also in people. The estimated 21 million Cameroonians comprise more than 250 ethnic groups, many of which trace their roots to other African countries. This diversity also exists in relation to religion, with the population consisting of roughly 40% Christians, 30% Muslims and 30% espousing traditional beliefs. This diversity has never been a source of conflict or instability in Cameroon, but it does provide a setting conducive to the exploitation of certain groups and religions. Kinship is one of the biggest factors in the spread of modern terrorism, as ethnic and religious ties provide a base for both support and protection.


The roots of radical Islam in Cameroon may be traced to the period of Islamic revivalism in northern Nigeria, which took concrete institutional form with the establishment of the Sokoto Caliphate (1804–1903). Until the arrival of the German colonial powers, most of northern Cameroon formed part of Nigeria’s Adamawa Emirate, populated by the same people – mainly the Hausas and Fulanis – and administered by the British from Lagos. It was only after the 1893 agreement between Great Britain and Germany that Adamawa was split between Nigeria and Cameroon with a formula that did not respect ethnic boundaries. As a result, the religious activism that animated the Sokoto Caliphate and particularly the Adamawa Emirate continued in Cameroon, and to some extent took a more radical turn as Muslims in those territories vehemently opposed the split and the subsequent secular regimes in Cameroon.


This historical and ethnic affiliation is vital to understanding the cross-fertilisation of jihadism in Cameroon and Nigeria. For example, the Cameroonian Muhammad Marwa, who moved to Nigeria from northern Cameroon, is believed to be the founder of the Maitatsine Doctrine, an extremely radical form of Islam that spread throughout northern Nigeria and culminated in the Kano uprising of December 1980, in which over 4 000 people died. Boko Haram, which today has many Cameroonian members, espouses the Maitatsine Doctrine, which rejects Western forms of education and other aspects of Western life it considers to be corrupting. In this context it is important to ask why radical Islam has been so violent in Nigeria and not in Cameroon, especially given their geographical proximity, and historical and ethnic affinities.


Indeed, the split of Adamawa and the end of the Sokoto Caliphate were met with same violent reactions in Nigeria and Cameroon. The colonial approach to Islam and the role that the latter played in the nation-building projects of the two nations, are however, different. From the beginning of the German colonial administration, Islamic militancy was identified as the greatest threat to the construction and governance of the Cameroonian nation. This view was upheld by the subsequent British and French administrations, as well as the country’s post-independence regimes.


As a result, policies were developed to pacify, coerce and integrate Muslims into the nation-building project. This began with the dismantling of the religious edifices that underpinned the Sokoto Caliphate. For example, the power of Islamic theocracies, clerics and local chiefs or laamidos was reduced and made subordinate to secular institutions. Other policies have included direct negotiation and preferential treatment, as well as the monitoring and strict regulation of Islamic affairs, including state oversight of mosques.


The 1984 attempted coup by Ahidjo’s loyalists brought to the fore the continued threat from the north and the gaps in the nation-building project. The state responded by developing programmes to encourage and reward cooperative Muslim elites, and created institutions to support and advance Islamic culture. Central to these efforts has been the creation of a unitary republican state that recognises plurality but does not define Cameroon on the basis of any ethnic or religious creed.


The current radical Islamist threat comes from sources external to Cameroon – primarily from neighbouring countries. The pressure Boko Haram and Ansaru face from Nigerian military operations has forced the groups to look for safe havens outside the country. Cameroon is believed to be one of the countries in which Boko Haram has regrouped following the massive military crackdown in Nigeria in 2009. The group is believed to have established a comfortable berth in northern Cameroon, using porous borders, false identity cards and kinship ties to infiltrate the country. Although it traditionally used its Cameroonian bases only for resources, recruitment and planning attacks, it recently started to carry out attacks in the country, including assassinations, murders, armed robberies and kidnappings.


Cameroon, which has no experience in combating terrorism, is employing conventional military tactics similar to those used by Nigeria. Last year, Cameroon reportedly killed about 180 Boko Haram fighters in such operations. Several of the sect’s fighters have been arrested and imprisoned. However, these measures are inadequate to deal effectively with the threat of terrorism in the long term. The overwhelming emphasis on military responses may risk Cameroon falling into the same predicament as Nigeria, where military responses have helped foster Boko Haram’s resistance.


If Cameroon is to be successful in repelling the threat, it will have to take a robust criminal justice approach that combines sound intelligence with effective investigation and prosecution of terrorist suspects. Cameroon must prioritise the adoption of comprehensive national counter-terrorism legislation. It should also provides guidelines for both military responses and long-term measures, with a view to addressing the legal, social, political, economic, religious and cultural conditions that give rise to terrorism. Cameroon should also tighten border security, strengthen the capacity of its judiciary, eliminate corruption among the security forces, and strengthen cooperation at regional and international levels.

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12 décembre 2013 4 12 /12 /décembre /2013 18:45
Aresa 2400 Defender CPV and Aresa 2300 landing craft

Aresa 2400 Defender CPV and Aresa 2300 landing craft


11 December 2013 by Guy Martin - defenceweb


Cameroon’s Navy has taken delivery of two new Spanish patrol boats and a landing craft, providing a major boost to the country in safeguarding its maritime domain.


Cameroon’s Chief of Naval Staff, Rear Admiral Jean Mendoua, commissioned the 23 metre Aresa 2300 landing craft and two 24 metre Aresa 2400 CPV Defender patrol boats at the Cameroon Navy Base in Douala on November 21. The commissioning also included a presentation meeting as well as a tour of the boats while moored at the Naval Base, according to Grup Aresa Internacional.


The Spanish shipbuilding group has worked extensively with Cameroon, supplying a sizeable number of vessels to its Navy, which has 12 Aresa boats in service. This figure includes six Aresa 750 Commandos RIBs - delivered last August -, five 1200 Stealth RIBs and one 1200 Defcon RIB – delivered in May 2013. Further deliveries will take place in February when two 32 metre patrol boats will be delivered.


Grup Aresa said that for the Cameroon Navy, the Spanish shipbuilding group is providing two years of technical support, as well as spares and boat refitting services.


Cameroon’s navy is relatively well equipped in order to secure Cameroon’s oil installations and prevent maritime crime and is optimised for coastal and river patrol, especially in light of rising levels of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea. It has around 40 coastal, inshore and river patrol craft as well as several combat patrol vessels.


The Aresa 2400 CPV Defender is a 24 metre long coastal patrol vessel that can be used for a number of applications such as offshore patrol, border patrol, anti-piracy, anti-smuggling, troop transport, and search and rescue missions, amongst others, according to the manufacturer. The boat is powered by two diesel engines providing 2 800 or 4 800 hp and driving two water jets, giving a maximum speed of 30 knots and an economical speed of 23 knots. The boat has a length of 24.5 metres and a range of 750 nautical miles.


Standard equipment on ARESA 2400 CPV Defender includes an X-band surveillance/navigation radar and electro-optical sensor system for day and night surveillance, optional armour, mounts for 12.7 mm and 20 mm guns and an Aresa 550 Commandos RIB.


The Aresa 2300 Landing Craft is a cargo, troop and roll-on roll-off transport vessel able to carry 32 people aboard. It is powered by two 450 hp diesel engines, and can reach a speed of 12 knots. This 23.30 metre long vessel has a range of 250 nautical miles at 11 knots and features one hydraulic crane (capable of lifting 10 tons), 12.7 mm gun mounts and optional ballistic protection.


Grup Aresa Internacional, established in 1961, manufactures civil and military vessels up to 60 metres in length. It has an established presence in Africa, with service centres in Algeria, Angola, Cameroon and Nigeria. The group is currently host sponsor of the Offshore Patrol Vessels Middle East conference currently underway in Abu Dhabi.

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7 décembre 2013 6 07 /12 /décembre /2013 12:45
Nigeria: Boko Haram Considers Everyone The Enemy


December 6, 2013: Strategy Page


Boko Haram may have been forced into the countryside, but they have not lost their ability to attack. Because of the growing number of soldiers, police and local volunteers in the northeast Boko Haram has adapted and they now attack whoever they can, which means most of their victims are civilians and Moslems. This indicates that Boko Haram now considers most of the civilian population hostile to them. The Islamic terrorists do try and concentrate their attacks against Christians and civilians known to support the volunteer anti-terrorist militias, but generally any civilian will do once the Boko Haram gunmen are out and about. In addition to raids on towns and villages, Boko Haram also likes to set up false military roadblocks (using uniforms stolen from living or dead soldiers and police) and murder any civilians who come along. Sometimes Moslems are spared, but usually everyone dies and their possessions, especially vehicles, are stolen. 


So far this year some 900 Christians have been killed in Nigeria by Moslems. Most of these dead are in the northeast but over a third have died in Central Nigeria where Moslem nomads have been pushing south for decades and have been raiding the largely Christian natives in order to obtain access to more water and grazing land. Thus last month 34 Christians were killed in the northeast while over 40 died in Central Nigeria (Plateau state). The government has promised increased security around Christmas, because Islamic terrorists like to make large attacks on Christian holidays. One reason there has not been more anti-Moslem attacks in the Christian south is because nearly all Moslem religious leaders have condemned Boko Haram, often accusing them of not being Moslems but just deranged killers. These denunciations are convincing to most Christians, who also note that most Boko Haram victims in the Moslem north are Moslem and that many Moslems up there have joined anti-Boko Haram militias. A growing number of Christians are fleeing the north, especially if they still have family down south.


One of the disadvantages of driving Boko Haram out of the cities is that the Islamic terrorists can now set up camps across the borders in Cameroon. Chad and Niger. These three nations have far less numerous security forces and Boko Haram tends to behave on the other side of the border so as to avoid antagonizing the local tribes and security forces. So it’s up to Nigeria to greatly improve surveillance on its side of the border and still leaves a lot of the thinly populated border area unwatched most of the time. There are additional problems with the fact that over 70,000 Nigerian civilians have fled to these two countries to escape the Boko Haram violence. The government is discussing getting some help with this from the United States in for form of American UAVs.


Piracy off the coast continues to be a problem as some of the pirates now go after locals in addition to the better guarded foreign ships and oil company service boats. Robbing the locals won’t make you rich but it’s easier and safer than the foreign owned ships. The navy has responded with more patrol boats and naval bases on the coast and more patrols and quicker reaction to pirate attacks. But so far there are more pirates entering the business than are being taken out by the navy and police.


December 3, 2013: In the northeast (Maiduguri) the curfew was reduced to 11 hours so people could continue their lives. Cell phone networks were also turned back on after having been shut down since May. This was seen as necessary to make it more difficult for Boko Haram raiding parties to move about undetected. Most people in the area are hostile to Boko Haram (although they agree with the Islamic terrorists’ hostility to corrupt and ineffective government).


December 1, 2013: In the northeast (Maiduguri) Boko Haram attacked the air force facility at the main airport outside the city. Over twenty air force personnel were killed and five helicopters and aircraft destroyed. The attackers lost over twenty men. The air force said that three of the “damaged” aircraft were not in service anyway. Flight operations at the airport were halted for a few hours and a 24 hour curfew was declared in Maiduguri because the attack on the airport was just one of many attacks around the city by up to 300 Boko Haram men.


November 29, 2013: In the northeast (Borno state) Boko Haram attacked a rural village, killed 17 people and burned down dozens of buildings and vehicles. Two of the attackers were killed by a pro-government militia.


November 28, 2013: In the northeast (Borno state) the air force bombed a Boko Haram camp in a forest and killed over a dozen of the Islamic terrorists.


November 26, 2013: Tribal violence continues in central Nigeria (Plateau State) as Moslem gunmen attacked four villages killing at least 37 people and destroying much property. Most of the victims were Berom, a tribe that has been in the area for centuries. The governor of Plateau state is Beron. Moslem nomadic Fulani tribesmen have been fighting with Christian and pagan farmers outside the city of Jos for years. The violence has gotten worse now and there have been over a thousand casualties so far this year. Boko Haram has recently claimed involvement, but that appears to be marginal. The Fulani have long claimed that the government was sending Christian police to persecute them because of their religion (not because they were constantly attacking Christian farmers). The settled (farming) tribes have been there a long time and in the last few decades more Fulani have come south looking for pasturage and water for their herds and have increasingly used force to get what they want.

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3 décembre 2013 2 03 /12 /décembre /2013 17:45
Nigeria says kills more than 50 Islamist insurgents in airstrike (2 dec.)



02 December 2013 defenceWeb (Reuters)


Nigeria's military said on Friday that it may have killed more than 50 Islamist insurgents in an airstrike on one of their main bases in the northeast of the country.


The latest strikes on Thursday targeted Boko Haram sect hideouts in the Gwoza hills, near the border with Cameroon.


In May, the military stepped up an offensive against the Islamist group, which is fighting to establish an Islamic state in Nigeria, Africa's most populous country split roughly evenly between Christians and Muslims. President Jonathan declared a state of emergency and ordered in extra troops.


"We had intelligence that Boko Haram were still hiding somewhere around the Bita bush. Some villagers alerted us," Colonel Muhammad Dole, spokesman for Nigerian forces in the northeast, told Reuters.


"We may even have killed more than that 51 because the pilot didn't capture the images at that time. Our troops are on ground in the area now," he added, declining to give details of the aircraft used.


The military often reports large death tolls among Islamists in fighting but rarely acknowledges significant casualties on its side. It is usually impossible to verify the casualty figures.


The House of Representatives, the lower chamber of Nigeria's federal parliament, last week approved a six-month extension of a state of emergency in areas where the offensive is going on.


Initially, Jonathan's military campaign tempered violence as soldiers wrested back control of towns, cities and stretches of semi-desert in the northeast.


But the insurgents have proved resilient. Boko Haram fighters retreated into semi-arid land near the northern border with Niger and steep forested hills near Cameroon, from where they have mounted deadly counter-attacks and have intensified killings of civilians.

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24 juin 2013 1 24 /06 /juin /2013 17:45
Thuraya sat-map

Thuraya sat-map

20 June 2013 defenceWeb (Reuters)


Nigeria's military banned the use of Thuraya satellite phones in northeastern Borno state, a step it said was designed to stop Islamist militants communicating.


President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in Borno and two other states on May 14, ordering extra troops in to try to crush Islamist sect Boko Haram, whose insurgency against has killed thousands of people in the past three years.


Authorities cut the mobile network in Borno state in the same week to disrupt Boko Haram's operations, Reuters reports.


It is the most determined offensive yet against Boko Haram, whose nickname translates as "Western education is sinful" and whose struggle to carve an Islamic state out of religiously-mixed Nigeria has destabilised Africa's top oil producer.


Borno state military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Sagir Musa said the ban was imposed after evidence emerged that Boko Haram used satellite phones to coordinate attacks on civilians, including in two school attacks in the past week.


Suspected Islamist militants fired on a school in Maiduguri on Tuesday, killing nine students.. The attack followed one in the city of Damaturu, also under a state of emergency, that killed seven pupils and two teachers.


"Effective from 19th June 2013, the JTF imposes a ban on the use and sales of Thuraya phones and accessories," Musa said in a statement handed out to journalists. "Anyone seen with Thuraya phones, recharge cards and accessories will be arrested."


The move will make it even more difficult for journalists to report from the conflict zone, something press freedom groups say Nigeria's military has been trying to do anyway.


Nigerian forces say their offensive has enabled them to wrest back control of the remote northeast from Boko Haram. They say they have destroyed important bases and arrested more than 150 suspected insurgents.


But critics take the latest attacks as evidence that Boko Haram will prove almost impossible to stamp out using pure military means, since they inhabit a vast, semi-desert area with porous borders with Chad, Cameroon and Niger.

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 16:50
Airbus Military focusing on African market



23 May 2012by Guy Martin - defenceWeb


Airbus Military expects to sell 70 light and medium military aircraft to Africa over the next decade, as it shifts it focus to the African continent and other emerging markets. Ghana, Cameroon and Gabon are some of the nations that are in the midst of buying new aircraft or are about to sign, whilst South Africa is a leading potential customer for the C295.

Airbus Military said that countries in sub-Saharan Africa will buy 50 light and medium aircraft over the next ten years, and that countries on the whole continent (excluding those in the Middle East) will purchase a total of 70.


Antonio Rodriguez Barberan, Senior Vice President: Commercial at Airbus, told defenceWeb that Airbus was in very preliminary discussions with Ghana for the acquisition of two more C295 transports. Ghana took delivery of its second C295 on April 25 and has a requirement for another two. Barberan said the Ghana Air Force was making good use of its new aircraft, flying them around Africa. Ultimately, it wants to base two transports in the capital Accra and another two in Tamale. Airbus said that Ghana may order another two C295s next year.


In August last year the contract for Ghana’s two C295s was announced, and the first was delivered in November. The C295s are being used for troop transport, medical evacuation, paratrooping, training and humanitarian operations, including United Nations peace missions.


Barberan said that an impending order for CN235s is coming from Cameroon, which recently signed a contract but had problems financing the new aircraft. A few weeks ago Cameroon obtained financing for the order, which will soon be announced by Airbus Military once it is firmed up.


Meanwhile, Gabon is one of several nations interested in acquiring C295s to be operated on behalf of the United Nations. The United Nations has also expressed interest in acquiring the C-295 to replace its old, inefficient Russian aircraft. Last year the UN invited Airbus to demonstrate the C-295 in the DRC, which Airbus duly did in July. Another demonstration took place this year. The United Nations does not own its own aircraft, but operates aircraft leased by contributor nations. Airbus Military, the United Nations and its partner nations are discussing possible procurement of the C-295, with Gabon emerging as a likely customer.


In October 2010 Egypt signed a contract for three C295s, and received its first in September last year. Airbus Military told journalists at its annual Trade Media Briefing in Spain that Egypt this year placed an order for an additional three C295s.


Airbus recently flew a C295 out to Africa for a demonstration tour, showing the aircraft to Kenya and Tanzania, amongst others. At the moment there is “no real interest” in the C295 from African countries following the tour, but Barberan is confident that orders will materialise. During its demonstration tour, Airbus Military demonstrated the C295 to the South African Air Force in April, in the hopes of receiving orders to fulfil its transport and maritime patrol requirements.


“Airbus Military has a long established partnership with South Africa and the SA Air Force. By bringing the C-295 to South Africa, we are able to demonstrate the aircraft’s capabilities in typical SANDF [South African National Defence Force] mission configurations for tactical transport, medevac, anti-piracy, countersmuggling and Economic Exclusion Zone protection operations,” Barberan said at the time.


On Monday Airbus Military announced that Oman had ordered eight C295s, including five configured as tactical transports and three as maritime patrol aircraft, for delivery in 2013. This setup could be emulated by South Africa, which could acquire the Fully Integrated Tactical System (FITS) mission suite for maritime patrol duties. This comprises a search radar, electro-optical/infrared sensor, magnetic anomaly detector and hardpoints for torpedoes and depth charges.


Head of Airbus Military, Domingo Urena-Raso, yesterday told defenceWeb that there are several key countries his company is targeting in Africa, including Egypt, Algeria, Morocco and South Africa. He said that although most African countries order only a few aircraft, when put together Africa offers a very reasonable volume of business.


Urena-Raso said that South Africa is a market for both the C295 as well as the A400M and that even though the South African government cancelled its previous order, the A400M “will come later” to South Africa. Airbus Military recently started marketing the airlifter to foreign countries, and sent it on a sales tour to Asia and Latin America.


After South Africa ordered the A400M, Denel Saab Aerostructures (Denel Aerostructures today) and other local companies began manufacturing components for the aircraft. Urena-Raso said that Airbus Military was satisfied with Denel’s performance and will continue to work with the company as far as they keep performing. In fact, Airbus Military and Denel Aerostructures have negotiated a new contract that will be signed in the coming weeks and will see Denel increase A400M component production.


Total Airbus Military sales in sub-Saharan Africa to the first quarter of this year include two C295s, six CN235s and 42 C212s with 14 customers in 11 countries.



Guy Martin is in France as a guest of Airbus Military and is attending the Trade Media Briefing 2012.

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