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2 octobre 2013 3 02 /10 /octobre /2013 11:45
MQ-1 Predator armed with an AGM-114 Hellfire missile - photo USAF

MQ-1 Predator armed with an AGM-114 Hellfire missile - photo USAF

01 octobre 2013 Par Romain Mielcarek - RFI


Courant septembre 2013, les drones américains ont dû mettre fin à leurs vols depuis Camp Lemonnier, à Djibouti. Après une série de crash, le Pentagone a dû se résigner à déménager ces engins un peu plus au sud, pour pouvoir continuer de mener des raids depuis cette position où Washington prévoit encore d'investir un milliard de dollars.


À l'aéroport international d'Ambouli, à Djibouti, les passagers des vols civils ont toujours la surprise de voir, par les hublots, les avions militaires stationnés à proximité de la piste. Locataires de structures sur place, les Français, les Japonais, mais surtout les Américains déploient depuis ce micro-Etat au cœur de la Corne de l'Afrique des moyens stratégiques. Ces derniers opèrent depuis Camp Lemonnier, un important détachement de transport aérien, d'avions de combat et de drones armés.


Les célèbres Predator de l'aviation américaine mènent depuis 2011 jusqu'à 16 vols de drones par jour. La demi-douzaine d'engins sans pilote effectue des missions de renseignement ou de bombardement vers l'ensemble de la Corne de l'Afrique, ainsi que vers le golfe Arabo-Persique. Leurs cibles : les combattants d'al-Qaïda dans la péninsule arabique (Aqpa) au nord, et les shebabs somaliens à l'est.


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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:45
Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti - source washingtonpost

Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti - source washingtonpost

25.09.2013 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense

L'armée américaine a annoncé, mardi soir, l'attribution de trois contrats de construction sur le camp Lemonnier, à Djibouti.


Montant total: 202 millions de dollars dont 150 pour B.L. Harbert (lire l'avis n°1 ci-dessous) qui va se charger de la construction de hangars, soutes à munitions, centres opérationnels, parking etc. Caddell Construction se chargera de la construction d'un PC (36 millions) et ITSI Gilbane des approvisionnements en énergie électrique (8 nouveaux modules qui s'ajoutent aux 4 existants).

B.L. Harbert International LLC, Birmingham, Ala., is being awarded a $150,703,040 firm-fixed-price contract for construction of a forward operating site at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti. The site will be comprised of 11 buildings, site work and supporting facilities required to support current and emerging operational missions. The following buildings will be constructed on a site that is approximately 20 acres in size: aircraft hangar, air operations center, armory, joint operations center/tactical operation center/communication center, berthing/fitness/morale, welfare and recreation facility, logistics warehouse, maritime/riggers facility, training facility, engineering facility, vehicle maintenance shop, tactical support facility, and an aircraft parking apron. The contract also contains three unexercised options, which if exercised would increase cumulative contract value to $156,809,541. Work will be performed in Djibouti, Africa, and is expected to be completed by August 2016. Fiscal 2011 military construction overseas contingency operations supplemental appropriations, Army contract funds in the amount of $150,703,040 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website with 10 proposals received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-13-C-3001).

Caddell Construction Co., Inc., Montgomery, Ala., is being awarded a $36,169,500 firm-fixed-price contract for the design and construction of a combined headquarters building and joint operations center facility at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti. The work to be performed provides for the design and construction of a multi-story building consisting of administrative space, open and private offices, and multi-purpose conference rooms. There will be open storage secure areas with compartmented areas within. The contract also contains two unexercised options, which if exercised would increase cumulative contract value to $39,484,500. Work will be performed in Djibouti, Africa, and is expected to be completed by December 2015. Fiscal 2013 military construction overseas contingency operations supplemental appropriations, Navy contract funds in the amount of $36,169,500 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with 13 proposals received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-13-C-3000).

ITSI Gilbane Co., Walnut Creek, Calif., is being awarded a $16,635,737 firm-fixed-price contract for power plant upgrades at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti. The work to be performed provides for electrical and mechanical renovations to Power Plant 2, Power Plant 3, and a modular building, Power Plant 2A. The contractor will provide and install eight new power modules to supplement the four existing power modules, as well as an overflow fuel tank and a fuel line connecting Power Plant 2 and Power Plant 3. Work will be performed in Djibouti, Africa, and is expected to be completed by October 2014. Fiscal 2012 research development test and evaluation, Navy; fiscal 2012 operations and maintenance, Navy; and fiscal 2011 military construction overseas contingency operations supplemental appropriations, Army contract funds in the amount of $16,635,737 are being obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with 10 proposals received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-13-C-3006).

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 22:45
Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti - source washingtonpost

Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti - source washingtonpost

Sept. 25, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Sept. 24, 2013)


Pentagon Contract Announcement


B.L. Harbert International LLC, Birmingham, Ala., is being awarded a $150,703,040 firm-fixed-price contract for construction of a forward operating site at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.

The site will be comprised of 11 buildings, site work and supporting facilities required to support current and emerging operational missions.

The following buildings will be constructed on a site that is approximately 20 acres in size: aircraft hangar, air operations center, armory, joint operations center/tactical operation center/communication center, berthing/fitness/morale, welfare and recreation facility, logistics warehouse, maritime/riggers facility, training facility, engineering facility, vehicle maintenance shop, tactical support facility, and an aircraft parking apron.

The contract also contains three unexercised options, which if exercised would increase cumulative contract value to $156,809,541.

Work will be performed in Djibouti, Africa, and is expected to be completed by August 2016.

Fiscal 2011 military construction overseas contingency operations supplemental appropriations, Army contract funds in the amount of $150,703,040 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website with 10 proposals received.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-13-C-3001).



-- Caddell Construction Co., Inc., Montgomery, Ala., is being awarded a $36,169,500 firm-fixed-price contract for the design and construction of a combined headquarters building and joint operations center facility at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.

The work to be performed provides for the design and construction of a multi-story building consisting of administrative space, open and private offices, and multi-purpose conference rooms.

There will be open storage secure areas with compartmented areas within.

The contract also contains two unexercised options, which if exercised would increase cumulative contract value to $39,484,500.

Work will be performed in Djibouti, Africa, and is expected to be completed by December 2015. Fiscal 2013 military construction overseas contingency operations supplemental appropriations, Navy contract funds in the amount of $36,169,500 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with 13 proposals received.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-13-C-3000).



-- ITSI Gilbane Co., Walnut Creek, Calif., is being awarded a $16,635,737 firm-fixed-price contract for power plant upgrades at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.

The work to be performed provides for electrical and mechanical renovations to Power Plant 2, Power Plant 3, and a modular building, Power Plant 2A.

The contractor will provide and install eight new power modules to supplement the four existing power modules, as well as an overflow fuel tank and a fuel line connecting Power Plant 2 and Power Plant 3.

Work will be performed in Djibouti, Africa, and is expected to be completed by October 2014.

Fiscal 2012 research development test and evaluation, Navy; fiscal 2012 operations and maintenance, Navy; and fiscal 2011 military construction overseas contingency operations supplemental appropriations, Army contract funds in the amount of $16,635,737 are being obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with 10 proposals received.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-13-C-3006).

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