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4 juillet 2014 5 04 /07 /juillet /2014 16:50
The three effects of dual-use: firms, capabilities, and governance


 04 July 2014 Daniel Fiott Brief - No21


It is easy to overlook the fact that many of the products and technologies we use on a daily basis – and now take for granted – have their origins in the defence sector. GPS navigation units, the internet, touch screens, digital cameras, and even microwaves, were all, in one way or another, invented and developed in the defence field and paid for out of defence budgets. The reverse is also true, however, with a number of commercially designed products and technologies now being employed in the realm of security and defence.

The term ‘dual-use’ has since emerged as a label which reflects these increasingly blurred lines. At a policymaking level, dual-use is seen as a means to address general decreases in defence expenditure across the European continent, market fragmentation, rising technology costs and fierce international competition. The hard truth is that Europeans are finding it increasingly difficult to sustain investment in the defence sector. Eurostat, for example, calculates that the EU28 allocated only 5.11% of their total research and development (R&D) budgets to defence in 2012. Additionally, ASD Europe estimates that out of the total €128 billion worth of sales in the aeronautics sector, only €46 billion was generated by military-related projects. For those firms with both defence and commercial arms, commercial R&D and sales are therefore increasingly essential to their competitiveness.


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12 mars 2014 3 12 /03 /mars /2014 08:50
EDA Annual Conference Update: Roundtables on Capabilities & Defence Industry


Brussels - 11 March, 2014 European Defence Agency


Less than three weeks before the Agency’s Annual Conference “European Defence Matters”, high-level speakers have confirmed their attendance at the two prestigious roundtables on defence capabilities and the state of research & innovation in the European defence sector.


Speakers at the first roundtable will discuss ways for Europe to provide for future defence capabilities. The Agency is delighted to welcome Ine Eriksen Søreide, Norwegian Minister of Defence, Norway, General Patrick de Rousiers, Chairman of the EU Military Committee, General Sverker Göranson, Swedish Chief of Defence, Tim Rowntree, Director of OCCAR and Alexander Vershbow, NATO Deputy Secretary General to the discussion.

Investment in research is an investment in the future. The decline in defence budgets however often does not leave much room for maneuver. In the second high-level roundtable, policy and industry leaders will be discussing the state of the European defence industry and prospects for the future.

Confirmed speakers are: Michael Gahler, Member of the European Parliament, Committee on Foreign Affairs & Subcommittee on Security and Defence; Hakan Buskhe, President and Chief Executive Officer of SAAB; Bernhard Gerwert, Chief Executive Officer of Airbus Defence & Space; Holger Becker, Chief Executive Officer of Microfluidic ChipShop  and Jenny Body, President of the Royal Aeronautical Society



On 27 March 2014, around 400 European defence stakeholders are expected to attend the EDA Annual Conference. Major figures in defence cooperation as well as leaders from the military, politics and industry will engage in highly interactive panel debates and keynote speeches with plenty of opportunities for the audience to contribute to the discussion.

The conference will be opened by Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of EDA followed by keynote speeches by Catherine Ashton, Head of the Agency, and Dimitris Avramopoulos, Greek Minister of Defence.

This year’s main panels are entitled: “European Defence Capabilities: Pool it or Lose it?” and “Securing the future: Research & innovation at the point of no return?” A free debate on the role of EDA in the fabric of European defence cooperation including Pieter de Crem, Belgian Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, as well as focus sessions on EDA’s cooperative projects and programmes complement the agenda.


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Access to the conference is upon invitation only. If you want to stay up-to-date with the discussions, follow us on twitter (@EUDefenceAgency) #defencematters.

For more information about the EDA’s 2014 Annual Conference, visit the dedicated webpage.


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16 janvier 2014 4 16 /01 /janvier /2014 13:50
European Defence Matters - new video

18 déc. 2013  European Defence Agency


European Defence Agency is the place for defence cooperation enabling Member States to strengthen their defence capabilities. Find out more about the work of the Agency in this video.

More on http://www.eda.europa.eu/

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26 mars 2013 2 26 /03 /mars /2013 10:55



26.03.2013 Elisabeth.SCHOEFFMANN - EU Defence Agency News


Peter Round, Capabilities Director of the European Defence Agency, highlighted during his presentation at the Agency’s annual conference some Pooling & Sharing priorities. Already in his introduction he made clear that Pooling & Sharing was not just a buzz word and that pragmatism was the answer to budget restrictions in Member States. Mr Round emphasised that the objective of Pooling & Sharing was to address shortfalls while getting more out of current capabilities and at the same time freeing resources for other activities.


While Pooling & Sharing might look easy on paper, it clearly is not. However, the Agency’s work since the endorsement of eleven initial Pooling & Sharing priorities by Defence Ministers in November 2011, has produced concrete results.

Mr Round mentioned in his presentation the Agency’s Counter-IED Laboratory as an excellent example of EU/NATO co-operation and of EDA’s support to operations. Other projects with possible benefits to operations are the Agency’s European Satellite Communication Procurement Cell, its helicopter training programme, the Maritime Surveillance network, the field hospitals initiative and its comprehensive work regarding air-to-air refuelling. Regarding the latter, Mr Round emphasised that the Agency was addressing shortfalls as well as fragmentation.


Next to these projects, the Agency is also working on improving efficiency. Some examples are its initiatives on diplomatic clearances for transport aircraft or on innovative tools like the Third Party Logistic Support or the Effective Procurement Methods. Finally, Mr Round emphasised the importance of the recently signed Code of Conduct on Pooling & Sharing as an important signal of increased will to cooperate.


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