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30 octobre 2015 5 30 /10 /octobre /2015 12:25
U.S. and Chile strengthen naval partnership in training

The USS George Washington (CVN-73) aircraft carrier participated in joint naval exercise UNITAS 2015 with Chilean forces. The exercise is the longest running annual naval training program for the U.S. Navy. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Brendan Morgan


Oct. 29, 2015 By Ryan Maass (UPI)


WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Navy's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington hosted several Chilean officers as part of naval exercise UNITAS 2015. Carrier Strike Group Nine and embarked Carrier Air Wing Two also took part in hosting the officers, as they participated in several exercises designed to improve cooperative relations during tactical engagements. UNITAS is the Navy's longest running multinational annual training exercise. Sailors from both the U.S. and Chile said the program is helpful for building working relationships.

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15 octobre 2015 4 15 /10 /octobre /2015 11:35
FANC : Participation à l’exercice Equateur 2015


14/10/2015 Sources : État-major des armées


Du 28 septembre au 7 octobre 2015, l’état-major interarmées des Forces armées en Nouvelle-Calédonie (FANC) a organisé à Nouméa l’exercice Equateur 2015. Il s’agit d’un exercice d’état-major (Command Post Exercice) réalisé tous les 2 ans et alliant plusieurs pays partenaires de la région. L’objectif est d’optimiser l’interopérabilité des chaînes de commandement des pays participants dans la perspective de l’exercice Croix du Sud dont la prochaine édition aura lieu en 2016 et qui s’accompagnera d’un important déploiement de forces interalliées. 80 personnes  issues de 13 Nations différentes y ont participé.


Cette édition était fondée sur un scénario de catastrophe naturelle majeure dans un pays du Pacifique Sud nécessitant l’intervention d’une force interalliée mandatée par l’ONU. L’objectif, pour les FANC, était de déployer le PC opératif de la force chargé de planifier et de conduire les deux volets de l’opération consistant à sécuriser l’envoi d’une aide humanitaire et procéder à une évacuation de ressortissants. Un scénario bien réel, puisque les FANC sont intervenues après le passage en mars dernier du cyclone Pam au Vanuatu, où vivent 2000 ressortissants français. Il s’agissait pour l’ensemble des participants à l’exercice, de valider l’interopérabilité des moyens et du commandement selon des procédures communes, en vue de leur application sur le terrain lors du prochain exercice majeur Croix du Sud en novembre 2016.

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FANC : Participation à l’exercice Equateur 2015
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1 avril 2015 3 01 /04 /avril /2015 11:25
Jorge Ledezma Cornejo - photo gob.bo

Jorge Ledezma Cornejo - photo gob.bo


01 avril 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


LA PAZ - Le président bolivien Evo Morales a destitué mardi son ministre de la Défense pour avoir porté une veste faisant allusion au conflit maritine entre La Paz et Santiago dans le nord du Chili où il distribuait de l'aide humanitaire à la population touchée par les inondations.


Je regrette beaucoup devoir prendre cette décision, mais nous ne pouvons pas commettre ce genre d'erreur, a déclaré le président bolivien lors d'une cérémonie au palais présidentiel, peu après que le ministre, Jorge Ledezma, ait suscité une polémique au Chili en arborant une inscription brodée sur sa veste clamant la mer appartient à la Bolivie alors qu'il livrait un don de 13 tonnes d'eau en bouteilles pour aider les sinistrés.


Le Chili et la Bolivie n'ont pas de relations diplomatiques depuis 1978 et La Paz a déposé il y a deux ans une plainte devant la Cour internationale de La Haye pour tenter de récupérer son accès à la mer, perdu lors de la guerre du Pacifique (1879-1883).


La Bolivie avait perdu 120.000 km2 de territoire et 400 km de côte à l'issue de ce conflit.


Le président Moralès a présenté des excuses au guvernement du Chili, affirmant que nous ne gérons pas l'aide à des fins électorales.


Le Chili avait exprimé sa reconnaissance pour l'aide apportée par le pays voisin mais s'était offusqué du slogan brodé sur la veste du ministre bolivien venu livrer l'aide personnellement dans la ville de Copiapo, à 800 km au nord de Santiago, une des régions les plus touchées par les inondations qui ont frappé cette région aride du Chili et fait jusqu'à présent 18 morts et 49 disparus.


Permettez-moi de dire clairement que la tragédie et la douleur de la catastrophe dans le nord ne doivent pas être utilisées à des fins politiques dans la campagne médiatique de la Bolivie, avait réagi le ministre chilien des Affaires étrangères Heraldo Muñoz.


Le Sénat chilien avait immédiatement approuvé à l'unanimité un texte rejetant l'utilisation à des buts de propagande de l'aide de la Bolivie qui profite de la catastrophe.


Quelques heures plus tard, averti du mécontentement des autorités chiliennes, Ledezma avait présenté ses excuses. Nous ne sommes pas venus faire de la propagande, ni pour provoquer qui que ce soit, nous avons simplement apporté de l'eau, a déclaré le ministre bolivien sur CNN Chili.


Ledezma avait précisé qu'il avait mis sa veste parce qu'il faisait froid.


C'était la seule que j'avais sous la main, s'est-il excusé.


Le ministre des Affaires étrangères du Chili l'avait exhorté à demander des excuses plus formelles pour cette erreur de jugement.

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7 mars 2015 6 07 /03 /mars /2015 17:20
Lockheed Martin P-3 Orion Wing Line Restarted

From left: Peter Hillier, Karen Eilbmeier, and Michael Spurr from the Canada Department of National Defence were on hand to commemorate the reopening of the P-3 wing line at Marietta, Georgia.


MARIETTA, Ga., March 5, 2015 – Lockheed Martin


Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] restarted the wing production line for the P-3 Orion Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) program for Canada and Chile on March 4.


The P-3 wing line was last in production in August 2014. The gap in production extended the opportunities for global operators to assess their fleet needs.


“We are very excited about restarting the wing line here in Marietta and we are very proud of the partnership with Canada and Chile,” said Mark Jarvis, P-3 program manager. “We look forward to building wings for the many P-3 operators across the globe.”


The MLU replaces the outer wings, center wing, horizontal stabilizer and horizontal stabilizer leading edges.  All necessary fatigue life-limiting structures are replaced, leading to significantly reduced maintenance and sustainment costs.  New alloys are employed that provide a five-fold increase in corrosion resistance.


The P-3 Orion plays a vital role in maritime intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, drug interdiction, hurricane hunting, fire-fighting and anti-submarine surveillance. Due to the MLU, it will support operators for 20-25 more years.


“The P-3 Orion is the gold standard in maritime reconnaissance,” said Jarvis, “We are excited to keep this venerable workhorse flying for many years to come.”


In addition to Canada and Chile, other MLU customers include U.S. Customs & Border Protection, the U.S. Navy and Norway.


Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 112,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation’s net sales for 2014 were $45.6 billion.

From left to right:  Sean Lockhart, Ali Khoshro start working on Canada’s first wing of 2015 while Brent Miller, the Beam Shop Supervisor looks on.

From left to right: Sean Lockhart, Ali Khoshro start working on Canada’s first wing of 2015 while Brent Miller, the Beam Shop Supervisor looks on.

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3 octobre 2014 5 03 /10 /octobre /2014 11:25
CSDP’s new partners: South America


At first glance, it may appear somewhat odd that a considerable number of Latin American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and the Dominican Republic) participate in EU missions and operations in regions far from their immediate geographic security sphere. Yet this is part of a broader trend whereby the number of third countries involved in CSDP activities has steadily risen over the last decade. Of the 19 non-EU states which have contributed to date, 7 have signed Framework Participation Agreements (FPAs) with the Union, thereby establishing a legal foundation for their involvement in its crisis management activities.

In 2014, Chile and Colombia became the first South American countries to sign FPAs, moving their respective partnerships with the EU beyond the traditional realms of trade, aid and political dialogue.


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26 septembre 2014 5 26 /09 /septembre /2014 16:25
L’amiral Bernard Rogel a reçu son homologue chilien


26/09/2014 Sources : Marine nationale


La France entretient d’excellentes relations avec le Chili. Ainsi, dans le domaine naval, les relations bilatérales se concrétisent par des actions de formation et des embarquements croisés. La marine chilienne a en effet  fait l’acquisition d’unités françaises : les sous-marins de type  Scorpène et le Transport de Chalands de débarquement Foudre qui lui a été cédé en 2012, désormais baptisé Sargento Aldea.


La Marine nationale, à travers l’amiral commandement la zone maritime de Polynésie Française et de l’océan Pacifique (ALPACI), travaille régulièrement avec l’Armada chilienne avec laquelle elle partage des sujets d’intérêts communs. En effet, dans cette partie du monde où la France possède une zone économique exclusive qui représente plus de huit fois son territoire métropolitain et dans laquelle le Chili dispose d’un littoral s’étirant sur plus de 5338 kilomètres,  les deux marines cherchent à améliorer leur coopération dans le domaine de l’action de l’État en mer, domaine qui a été au cœur des réunions de travail qui se sont tenues à l’état-major de la marine.


Le CEMM Chilien s’est également fait présenter  la fonction garde-côtes dont il a visité le centre opérationnel. La visite officielle de l’amiral Larranaga dans la marine française s’est poursuivie par la visite de bâtiments basés à Toulon et du CROSS MED, ce qui lui a donné une vision globale des principes et des moyens d’action de la marine nationale.

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2 mai 2014 5 02 /05 /mai /2014 16:25
Hermes 900 - photo Elbit Systems

Hermes 900 - photo Elbit Systems


April 22, 2014 by CESA


En dépit de contraintes budgétaires, les forces aériennes latino-américaines s’efforcent aujourd’hui de se moderniser.


Le marché des drones apparaît en particulier comme un secteur en plein essor dans la région. Ces vecteurs sont utilisés par les forces aériennes, aux côtés des forces terrestres et de police, pour assurer des missions de surveillance des frontières, de lutte contre le crime organisé et de protection des ressources naturelles.


La Colombie, en raison du conflit armé auquel elle est confrontée depuis un demi-siècle, est précurseur dans ce domaine (18 Scan Eagle, 2 Hermes 450 et 1 Hermes 900). Elle est suivie de l’Equateur (2 Heron et 4 Searcher), du Brésil (4 Hermes 450) et du Chili (3 Hermes 900). Le Pérou met en œuvre également des mini-drones (Microfalcon et Orbiter) pour lutter contre le groupe armé du Sentier lumineux.


Au vu des besoins croissants, la plupart des pays ont entamé des projets de développement locaux, comme au Brésil (partenariat entre Embraer et Elbit pour adapter l’Hermes 450), en Equateur (projet de drone de haute altitude intégrant un satellite de communication et un radar), au Pérou (drones en cours de tests) et en Uruguay (utilisation d’un drone local léger, le Charrua, dans le cadre d’opérations de maintien de paix à l’étranger et pour lutter contre les incendies).


Source : International Defense News, 24 mars 2014, Special report « Latin American defense »

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2 avril 2014 3 02 /04 /avril /2014 07:25
IMI and Chile Jointly Present: Rocket Launcher Vehicle


27/3/2014 Amir Rapaport, Chile - israeldefense.com


Israeli-Chilean cooperation at FIDAE 2014: IMI and its counterpart in Chile present a rocket launcher vehicle for the Accular and EXTRA rockets. Special Report from Chile


Famae Company, the Chilean equivalent of the Israeli Military Industries is cooperating with the IMI: the companies are presenting together, at FIDAE 2014 in Chile, a rocket launcher vehicle that allows carrying and shooting of precise rockets. The launcher is for the Accular and EXTRA rockets – the Accular has a range of 40 km and the EXTRA of 150 km.


The rocket launcher vehicle is made ​​by Chile and is versatile, while the precise rockets are manufactured by Israel Military Industries. The exhibition allows a rare glimpse of the EXTRA rocket.


According to Shai Haimovitz from IMI, Chile has adopted the Israeli method of multiple rocket launcher that is versatile. Using the vehicle and launchers, it is possible to carry four EXTRA rockets, and ten Accular rockets.


Rami Sokolower, Director of Marketing of IMI's Land Systems Division, says that there is an ongoing cooperation with the Chilean company, also regarding marketing an active defense system for armored vehicles - the "Iron Fist". Both companies are jointly presenting this system as well.


The FIDAE exhibition is one of the major defense exhibitions in South America. This year 13 Israeli companies are presenting at the exhibition, with the assistance of SIBAT. Hundreds of senior officials from around the world have already shown interest in Israeli products presented at the exhibition.

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27 mars 2014 4 27 /03 /mars /2014 08:25
FIDAE: Chilean Army Receives AS532 ALe


Mar. 26, 2014 - By JOSÉ HIGUERA – Defense News


The Cougar AS532 ALe was delivered to the Chilean Army.


SANTIAGO — The first production Cougar AS532 Ale was delivered yesterday to the Chilean Army’s Aviation Brigade in a ceremony at the FIDAE international aerospace show.

The AS532 Ale, the latest member of the Cougar family of medium-lift helicopters, features the same four-axis autopilot and glass cockpit as the EC225. It is the ninth Cougar helicopter ordered by the Chilean Army.

Current service plans call for the procurement of additional AS532s until completing a fleet of at least 20 machines of the type to increase vertical air mobility of troops, equipment and supplies.

Other considerations that drove the selection included its value in rescue operations and responding to natural disasters.

Gen. Sergio Retamal, chief of the Chilean Army’s Aviation Command, said the service “is very proud to be the first operator of this new, more advanced version of Cougar.”

The Chilean Army’s Aviation Command operated a mixed fleet of medium-lift helicopters, including around 13 aircraft comprising SA330 Pumas, AS332 Super Puma and the AS532 AL

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26 mars 2014 3 26 /03 /mars /2014 18:25
FIDAE: Chilean Army Selects Galil ACE as New Standard Rifle



Mar. 26, 2014 By JOSÉ HIGUERA – Defense News


SANTIAGO — The Chilean Army has selected the Galil ACE from Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) in 5.56mm caliber as its new standard assault rifle, sources told Defense News during the FIDAE international aerospace show.


It brings to an end the protracted Project Titanio launched in 2007 to select and procure an assault rifle for both the Army and the Navy’s Marine Corps.


A selection team including experts from both services evaluated weapons but preferences and requirements were divergent.


The marines wanted a rifle able to stand prolonged service under extreme environmental conditions in different geographical arenas, including maritime, desert and semi-arctic conditions.


The Army favored the 556 rifle from Swiss maker SIG Sauer, for reasons including familiarity with previous models, including SIG’s 510 and 540, which were procured and partially manufactured locally by Fábricas and Maestranzas del Ejército (FAMAE), a state-owned firm under Army administration.


Since no agreement was possible, the marines dropped out of the Titanio project in 2011, and the Navy subsequently ordered the SCAR-L from Belgium’s Herstal in 2013


Meanwhile, in 2010, FAMAE launched production of an initial series of the SIG Sauer 556 under license to meet an initial order from the Army.


But the performance of the weapon was not satisfactory, especially in Chile’s northern desert of Atacama, and the search was renewed for a new weapon leading to the selection of IWI’s Galil ACE.


According to the sources, the Israeli-designed rifle will be assembled in Chile by FAMAE, including a number of locally manufactured parts.


Earlier model Galil rifles were procured by the Chilean Air Force and the Chilean Army Special Forces in the late 1980s and are still in use.


The Galil rifle is also in service with the military and law enforcing organizations in other South American and Central American nations, both in original AR variant and upgraded ACE versions. The latter is produced under license by INDUMIL in Colombia.

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26 mars 2014 3 26 /03 /mars /2014 08:25
Le Chili pourrait produire des armes russes sous licence


MOSCOU, 24 mars - RIA Novosti


La Russie propose au Chili de produire sous licence différents armements russes dans ce pays, a déclaré à RIA Novosti Alexandre Fomine, directeur du Service fédéral russe pour la coopération militaire et technique (FSVTS).


"Nous menons des négociations sur un vaste éventail d'armements et de produits civils, des armes d'infanterie aux avions Be-200 et SuperJet-100", a expliqué la responsable à la veille de l'ouverture du Salon d'armements FIDAE. 


M.Fomine a souligné que le Chili achetait traditionnellement des armes aux Etats-Unis.


"Toutefois, nous tentons de surmonter cette tendance grâce aux qualités des armes russes telles que la fiabilité, leur facilité d'utilisation et leur rapport prix/qualité. Nous proposons à nos partenaires chiliens de localiser la production de nos armements dans  leur pays, ce qui est incontestablement un atout de nos futurs contrats", a conclu le directeur du FSVTS. 

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25 mars 2014 2 25 /03 /mars /2014 22:25
FIDAE: Airbus Expands Cooperation With Chile's ENAER



Mar. 25, 2014 - By JOSÉ HIGUERA – Defense News


SANTIAGO — Airbus Defence and Space and Chile’s Empresa Nacional Aeronautica (ENAER), the state-owned aerospace firm under Air Force administration, signed a cooperation agreement Tuesday expanding their 30-year joint business arrangement for maintenance and upgrade services.

The agreement will increase cooperation and technology transfers for maintenance of C-295, CN-235 and C-212 transport planes, as well as for upgrading of A-36T Aviojet training and light strike planes.

The agreement was signed by Antonio Rodriguez-Barberan, the head of military sales at Airbus Defence and Space, and Chilean Air Force Brig. Gen. Henry Cleveland, CEO of ENAER.

The signing took place during the opening day of the FIDAE International Aerospace Show, the main military and commercial trade aerospace show in South America, which is running here this week.

The agreement with ENAER is part of a push by Airbus Defence and Space to establish a maintenance, repair and overhaul network with preferred partners around the world.

In the case of ENAER, the arrangement will allow the Chilean firm to provide, at the start, maintenance services to operators of the C-212 from Chile as well as other South American nations.

There are about 30 C-212s in service with military operators in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay and Venezuela.

As part of the agreement, ENAER will receive additional support for the maintenance and potential upgrade of the A-36T/C-101 Aviojet training and light strike jets of the Chilean Air Force.

The Chilean firm also maintains C-101 jets in service with the Honduran Air Force.

Rodriguez-Barberan said, “It was a great pleasure for Airbus Defence and Space to sign this cooperation agreement with ENAER, a company with which we have such close historical ties. We are today strengthening not only our cooperation with this company, but with the whole Chilean aerospace industry.”

Cleveland underlined that “this agreement will allow us in ENAER to provide maintenance services that are much needed, both in Chile and in other countries in our region.”

ENAER’s relationship with the European group started in the 1980s, when a number of C-101 jets were locally assembled for service with the Chilean Air Force. Later, the Chilean firm started manufacturing parts for the CN-235 and C-295, as well as providing maintenance services for C-212s

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25 mars 2014 2 25 /03 /mars /2014 17:40
Mi-35M military transport helicopter

Mi-35M military transport helicopter


25.03.2014 by Rostec


The company will present multirole Mi-35M military transport helicopter


Russian Helicopters, a subsidiary of Oboronprom, part of State Corporation Rostec, will showcase new models including the Mi-171A2 and Ka-32A11BC at the 18th International Air and Space Fair (FIDAE 2014) on 25-30 March in the Chilean capital Santiago. The company’s display can be found at stand D70. In collaboration with Rosoboronexport, Russian Helicopters will also present the multirole Mi-35M military transport helicopter.


“Latin America is a strategically important market for Rostec, and for Russian Helicopters in particular,” said Sergei Goreslavsky, head of Rostec’s department for international cooperation. “Today over 400 Soviet- and Russian-built helicopters operate in the region, and there are also service centres providing after-sales care for our machines. Many countries have a long tradition of purchasing Russian products. We are interested in promoting not only military helicopters but also Russian Helicopters’ commercial offering – in recent years we have achieved significant success on this front.”

Latin America is a high-growth market where Russian Helicopters has for many years sold a wide range of commercial and military helicopters. The new Mi-171A2 has been developed based on the world-famous Mi-8/17 series and drawing on its extensive operational history in various regions and climates. The helicopter makes use of the latest technologies and solutions, and also factors in feedback from potential clients and operators of Mi-8/17 series helicopters. The Mi-171A2 will be fitted with the latest power plant, a new rotor system and modern “glass cockpit” avionics suite.

The coaxial Ka-32A11BC is already well known to helicopter operators in the region. The helicopter received EASA certification in 2009, and meets FAR29 and AP-29 standards. The Ka-32A11BC can fly a range of missions and is a particularly valuable tool for fire-fighting, with more than 40 different options for fire-fighting equipment. In early 2013 the helicopter was chosen as the symbol of the Global Helicopter Firefighting Initiative (GHFI), and later that year in summer was actively deployed in Borneo to combat some of the worst wildfires in Indonesia’s history.

Russian Helicopters will also hold meetings with operators regarding the status of the Ka-62 programme and opportunities for deployment of the new helicopter, which has been created with extensive international collaboration. The helicopter is fitted with modern Ardiden 3G engines by Turbomeca, which meat the highest environmental and fuel-efficiency standards.

In its more than 35-year history, FIDAE has developed a reputation as the most important aerospace and defence exhibition in South America. Every year it brings together leading companies from commercial aviation, the defence sector and aircraft service industries, aerospace developers and the space industry.


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25 mars 2014 2 25 /03 /mars /2014 13:25
AS532 AL SAR Naval - photo Airbus HC

AS532 AL SAR Naval - photo Airbus HC


21 March 2014 Airbus Helicopters


For the first time in Latin America under its new branding, Airbus Helicopters will display its efficient and adapted product line-up at next week’s FIDAE International Air and Space Fair, featuring rotorcraft flown by a cross-section of Latin American operators to underscore the company’s leadership in this portion of the world.


Maintaining an overall 40 percent market share in Latin America during the past five years with a deployed fleet of more than 1,350 rotorcraft across the region, Airbus Helicopters has developed a diversified customer base, as well as a strong industrial presence – with 1,200 employees assigned to its subsidiaries in Brazil, Chile and Mexico for production, maintenance and support.


Airbus Helicopters’ 12 different rotorcraft types position the company as the only manufacturer covering Latin America’s full operational requirements, from lightweight to heavy-lift; with designed-in performance for duties in the region’s unique conditions, from jungle and hot environments to high altitudes in the Andes.


The product line’s versatility and efficiency is underscored by Airbus Helicopters’ Ecureuil family: more than 600 are in service across the region, having logged over 130,000 flight hours in missions that include passenger transport, mining support, power line maintenance, fire-fighting and the transportation of external loads.


Exhibited at FIDAE will be a utility-configured single-engine AS350 B3 Ecureuil from a Chile based aerial services operator that specializes in mining and energy, construction, civil work, extreme sports, tourism and filming.


Other lightweight helicopters on display at FIDAE are the EC120 and the EC130 T2 – the latter being the first of this type to arrive in the South Cone. Retaining the EC130 helicopter’s external lines, this latest Ecureuil family member benefits from Airbus Helicopters’ continued investment in its products – with approximately 70 percent of the EC130 T2’s airframe structure modified. New features include a more powerful Arriel 2D turboshaft engine and upgraded main gearbox; along with a cabin interior structure redesign and a cockpit update for enhanced man-machine interface.


The EC145, also showcased at FIDAE, is one of the most popular light twin-engine helicopter models, and is relied on around the globe for public security and disaster relief missions. With more than 500 delivered to date, this helicopter serves in the police fleets of 26 countries worldwide. Powerful, versatile and perfectly suited to the region’s terrain, the EC145 has become a reference for public services missions in Latin America, where it is being operated by the public services of Argentina, Brazil, Mexico – and more recently Bolivia and Peru, with recent purchases for four and five aircraft, respectively.


The Dauphin family’s EC155 B1 arrives in the region to set new standards for private aviation in terms of style and comfort. Presenting the biggest cabin in its class, the EC155 B1 offers a unique combination of elegance, comfort, silence and speed and, it is well position for the growing trend among private operators for large-cabin helicopters. High-end options include soft leather club seats, power sources for laptops, adjustable reading lights, cabin air conditioning, as well as satellite communications and in-flight entertainment for an exclusive flight experience.


Completing Airbus Helicopters’ flight-line presence at FIDAE is the latest Cougar family member: the AS532 ALe version of the workhorse Super Puma family that incorporates the EC225 version’s glass cockpit and four-axis autopilot. Of the 870 Super Puma/Cougar helicopters delivered to date, more than 100 are in service in Latin America, with 60 others on order. Most of the continent’s armed forces are operating this family for a wide variety of missions that range from assault and combat to special operations, tactical transport, SAR, medical evacuation and the transport of high-ranking officials.


The Cougar family is present in Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Venezuela – with Airbus Helicopters’ Helibras subsidiary in Brazil producing the EC725 version for the Brazilian Armed Forces.


Airbus Helicopters’ participation in this year’s FIDAE is the company’s first at the biennial show in its new branding, underscoring its commitment toward customer satisfaction, quality, safety and competitiveness.


About Airbus Helicopters

Airbus Helicopters, formerly Eurocopter, is a division of Airbus Group, a global pioneer in aerospace and defense related services. Airbus Helicopters is the world’s No. 1 helicopter manufacturer and employs more than 23,000 people worldwide. With over 40% market share in civil and parapublic sectors, the company’s fleet in service includes some 12,000 helicopters operated by more than 3,000 customers in approximately 150 countries. Airbus Helicopters’ international presence is marked by its subsidiaries and participations in 21 countries, and its worldwide network of service centers, training facilities, distributors and certified agents. Airbus Helicopters’ range of civil and military helicopters is the world’s largest; its aircraft account for one third of the worldwide civil and parapublic fleet. The company’s chief priority is to ensure the safe operation of its aircraft for the thousands of people who fly more than 3 million hours per year.

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25 mars 2014 2 25 /03 /mars /2014 11:25
Sukhoi Su-35S (Su-35BM) multirole fighter

Sukhoi Su-35S (Su-35BM) multirole fighter


25.03.2014 Rostec


Negotiations on a number of potential projects will take place during the FIDAE-2014 exhibition

The company Rosoboronexport plans to increase the presence of Russian military equipment in Latin America. During FIDAE-2014, the company will discuss cooperation with representatives of the armed forces of Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, and other countries in the region.


FIDAE-2014, the international exhibition of military and aerospace engineering, will take place in Santiago from March 25-30, 2014. There Rosoboronexport plans to increase its contacts with Chilean partners and continue developing a productive dialogue with Latin American countries concerning topics such as industrial cooperation.

“Russia’s presence in the Latin American market will only expand. We work with practically every country in the region, and we expect that the FIDAE-2014 exhibition will open a phase of cooperation with many countries, particularly with Chile,” noted Sergei Ladygin, Deputy CEO of Rosoboronexport, who is leading the company’s delegation to the exhibition. “Some time ago we conducted rather productive talks with Chilean partners about helicopters, but then this work began to lag. We hope that while in Santiago we can resume these kinds of negotiations, as well as discussing a number of other potential projects.”

The Rosoboronexport delegation will hold a series of talks with senior members of the armed forces of Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, and other countries in the region.

Rosoboronexport’s schedule of joint activities includes talks with several Brazilian companies on technological cooperation, such as with the company Atlas Taxi Aero, which already actively uses the multipurpose Mi-171A1 helicopter, and the large industrial company IAS (Indústria de Aviação e Serviçios).

Foreign experts are expected to show particular interest in the combat training Yak-130 aircraft, the Mi-17 military transport helicopter, the Mi-28N military helicopter, the Su-35 multipurpose fighter jet, and the Il-76MD-90A military transport aircraft. Questions about aftermarket services and the development of service centers in the region are also expected to be discussed. Major Russian air defense systems, such as the Pantsir-S1, Buk-M2E, Tor-M2E, and Igla-S, are also expected to have great potential.

“Naturally, the Latin American market is traditionally thought of as the purview of Western European and American manufacturers. However, we offer not only military hardware and weapons that are ahead of competitors in terms of cost-effectiveness, but also technological cooperation projects. Gradually, as a result of systematic and phased work based on the principles of mutual benefit and transparency, we have been able to strengthen our position in the region,” noted Sergei Ladygin.

Russia has been a traditional participant in the FIDAE exhibition since 1994, presenting many times over the skies of Santiago the country’s best products, including Su and MiG fighter planes. In 2002, a group of Chilean parliamentarians at the exhibition familiarized themselves with the Mi-17 helicopter during a demonstration flight. Such demonstration flights were also held for the K-32 helicopter in 2008 and for the unique Be-200 amphibious aircraft in 2010.

Rosoboronexport is the only state organization in Russia authorized to export the entire spectrum of military and civilian products, services, and technologies. Part of the state corporation Rostec, Rosoboronexport is one of the leaders in the world arms market. The company accounts for over 80% of Russia’s exports of weapons and military equipment. Rosoboronexport cooperates with more than 700 enterprises and organizations of Russia’s military-industrial complex. The geography of Russia’s military-technical cooperation spans more than 70 countries.

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22 mars 2014 6 22 /03 /mars /2014 12:25
Thales at FIDAE 2014


20/03/2014 Thales

Thales, a global technology leader in the Aerospace, Transportation and Defence & Security markets, will present its latest products and technologies at the 2014 edition of FIDAE (Feria Internacional del Aire y del Espacio) on March 25-30 in Santiago, Chile. Organised every two years for over 35 years with the support of the Chilean government, FIDAE is one of the key events for defence, aerospace and security professionals in Latin America.


Thales has been operating in Chile since 1968, mainly serving the air traffic control market, armed forces (air, land and naval), the civil aviation authority, the finance industry, the urban rail transport sector and also providing avionics equipment and service activities. With over 40 years of history in Latin America, Thales has continuously expanded its operations and has strengthened its presence in the region through a number of significant local partnerships. Thales employs about 650 people in the region and serves the aerospace, defence, security transportation and space markets.


At FIDAE 2014, Thales will present a broad range of equipment and solutions in the following areas:

Advanced air defence: Thales is leading the way for air defence solutions and is able to deliver a fully integrated air defence capability, from radars and C2 centres through to effectors and their respective fire control systems. Thales’s Advanced Air Defence offering is an integrated set of solutions designed to ensure timely decision-making and effective responses for the protection of military forces, key assets, nations and citizens around the globe. Thales and ThalesRaytheonSystems have developed, manufactured and supported best-in-class air defence systems for customers worldwide for more than 40 years. Over 300 air defence radars have been sold to 26 countries. Thales is also the world's leading supplier of integrated weapon systems, with more than 450 mobile, integrated systems in service with customers throughout the world. Its solutions include the STARStreak system, integrated on a wide range of armoured vehicle platforms. Thales’s innovations in open systems architecture are behind the development of the RAPID range of mobile integrated weapon systems, which combine sophisticated sensors, fire control software, latest-generation human-machine interfaces and a wide range of weapons, including missiles, guns and directed-energy weapons.


Communications: Thales offers a broad array of communication products and solutions to provide the armed forces with the information superiority and network-centric capabilities they need. Thales offers interoperable systems and a complete range of tactical radios for all levels of command, from C2 centres to infantry in the field and for land, air and naval platforms, to meet the requirements for air-to-air, ground-to-air and surface-to-air communications. The armed forces of more than 50 countries around the world are equipped with Thales communication solutions.


Optronics: Thales is a pioneer in optronic equipment and systems, with thousands of products in service in more than 60 countries. Working closely with its partners and end users, Thales draws on a range of advanced optronics technologies to develop imaging and image processing solutions, tailored to the precise requirements of each customer.


Air Traffic Management: Today, Thales ranks as the leading global provider of Air Traffic Management (ATM) solutions. Thales’s mission is to contribute to the future prosperity of the civil aerospace sector by providing equipment, systems and services - both in the air and on the ground - to support air traffic controllers, airports and civil aviation authorities in meeting the challenges of growth, safety, economic and environmental performance, security and passenger comfort.


High-Resolution Observation Satellites: Thales Alenia Space is the European leader in high-resolution optical and radar (sub-metric) payloads for military, civil or dual-use missions: intelligence gathering, target designation, meteorology, oceanography, climatology, mapping and crisis management. The world leader in space altimetry, Thales Alenia Space has been the exclusive supplier for the last 30 years of all high- and very-high-resolution optical instruments on French intelligence satellites, as well as for Italy with the dual-use COSMO-SkyMed constellation.


Thales’s training solutions: Thales is a major training services provider serving an international customer base in the military domain as well as in the civil helicopter area. Thales works with its customers to analyse their requirements in full, and developed thorough understanding of them. Thales can design the solution that meets their operational and financial needs precisely. Thales then implements the training solution and relevant infrastructure, getting the customer’s unique training underway. Depending on the requirements, Thales’s solutions include a full range of equipment, systems and infrastructure, from basic to advanced, from standalone missions to collective operations, and for all platforms, across all domains.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 11:25
Chile moves to get rid of cluster munitions

Sep 25, 2013 (UPI)


Santiago, Chile - Chile taking steps to get rid of cluster munitions in its military inventories but official briefs on the development remain sketchy and somewhat shrouded in mystery, analysts said.


Past problems with neighbors have burdened the Latin American country with huge backlogs on munitions and tens of thousands of mines in border regions are waiting to be cleared.


The cluster munitions' presence in the military's arsenals came as a surprise and followed months of speculation about Chilean defense acquisitions and ambitious military modernization plans. Follow-ups to reported multimillion dollar purchases by the army, navy and the air force have been scant and lacking in detail.


A Spanish-language announcement on the military command's website said the Chilean army eliminated all cluster munitions from its inventory as part of obligations under an international treaty.


"Of course, the fact that the Army declares itself free of cluster munitions means its artillery units had them before, even if those were never publicly acknowledged," the Chilean Defense and Military blog said.


"There has been no similar declaration from the (Chilean) Air Force about its cluster bombs," the blog said.


President Sebastian Pinera and his military aides have been talking on and off about modernizing the country's defenses, more in the interest of combat-readiness than in response to a particular threat to Chilean security.


The military receives a percentage of Chile's earnings from copper exports and there have been reports that, while awash with cash, the military is undecided about what to buy. International arms exporters undertook frequent marketing visits to Santiago to try and extract deals from the military and the Ministry of Defense.


Expo Naval in Valparaiso last year drew arms dealers from 29 countries and, although focused on naval defenses, the December 2012 event showcased weapons for different services. Chilean defense purchases in before or after the fair were not discussed.


Pinera has been wary of regional criticism and diplomatic moves to monitor military purchases and sales by governments.


Amid regional rhetoric that Latin America had entered an arms race, the administration of former President Michele Bachelet promised to compile a comprehensive list of all military purchases and to pursue other regional governments for similar transparency, but the project wasn't pursued.


The government hasn't produced a full inventory of its weapons and there hasn't been an explanation of the reasons behind recent comments on cluster munitions.


Chile is a signatory to various international conventions, including the Convention on Cluster Munitions adopted in Dublin, Ireland, in May 2008 and signed in Oslo in December that year.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 16:25
Le Sargento Aldea à son départ de Toulon - crédits Mer et Marine Jean-Louis Venne

Le Sargento Aldea à son départ de Toulon - crédits Mer et Marine Jean-Louis Venne

SANTIAGO, Chile, July 1 (UPI


The Chilean navy is on track to buy another reconditioned amphibious multirole assault vessel from France, Chilean defense media reported.


Purchase of the Sirocco 12,000-ton vessel was delayed through 2012 and this year as the Chilean navy considered various options for equipping Chile's year-old Amphibious Expeditionary Brigade. The force eventually will have at least 1,400 troops in its ranks and an unspecified number of ships, helicopters and armored vehicles.


President Sebastian Pinera and aides see the expeditionary force as a prestige addition to the military infrastructure, to be used for a range of missions from disaster relief to international peacekeeping under U.N. auspices.


In 2011 Chile acquired another Sirocco multirole ship from France, previously called the Foudre. The vessel was renamed Sargento Aldea after it entered Chilean naval service and heralded the launch of the Amphibious Expeditionary Brigade.


Chilean officials have not yet discussed details of the second purchase. The Foudre was sold to Chile for $80 million but it's far from clear if the same price will apply to the second ship. The Foudre was involved in an incident while pursuing French military operations in west Africa in 2009. On Jan. 17 that year, one of the ship's helicopters crashed off the coast of Gabon, killing eight French military personnel. Casualties during the ship's previous operations in Ivory Coast and during the NATO operations in Yugoslavia were not discussed.


The Sargento Aidea operates out of Valparaiso, Chile's historic transit point for ships operating between the Pacific and the Atlantic via the Magellan Strait. The waterway has assumed strategic importance for Chile as it projects its military and political presence in the Antarctic and surrounding regions.


Official consideration of the second purchase was also held up amid leadership changes in the Chilean navy. This month Adm. Enrique Larranaga Martin took over as the new naval chief, replacing Admiral Edmundo Gonzalez-Robles. Military analysts say with that change at the top the stage was set for completing the purchase.


The French navy plans to retire an amphibious assault ship later this year.


Progress on the Amphibious Expeditionary Brigade has been slow. The Sargento Aidea still is being refurbished and may add more helicopters to its inventory. At full capacity, the Foudre-class vessel can carry up to seven helicopters, about 100 armored vehicles and transport up to 450 troops, Chile's Defense and Military blog said on its website.


Chile regards the amphibious ships as valuable to its program of developing patrol duties along the Pacific coast, enhancing the ship's role as a hospital on the move to cater for outlying inhabitants along the coast and perform other peacetime security duties.


There are plans also to acquire more helicopters and armored vehicles.


Chile would be able to move its Amphibious Expeditionary Brigade many thousands of miles, and be able to support it with armor and logistical units, the blog said.


"But the brigade still would lack one of the key elements of a true blue water navy: warplanes," it said. Chile has no plans to acquire vertical-takeoff planes such as Harriers to give its marines an air-attack or air-superiority arm. Instead, the brigade is being built to serve as a peacekeeping force, though it certainly could be used in case of armed conflict.


Former Navy Commander Adm. Gonzalez-Robles said the Foudre's purchase was more than a new acquisition.


"What we are doing is recovering the capacity we lost when Valdivia after fifteen years in service was decommissioned," he said, citing the former U.S. Navy ship acquired by Chile in 1995 and retired in January 2011.


Earlier Chile bought a 42,000-ton tanker, Andrew J. Higgins, from the U.S. Navy. Renamed Almirante Montt the vessel replaced AO-53 Araucano, which was decommissioned after 40 years of service.

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7 juin 2013 5 07 /06 /juin /2013 11:25
Chile to buy surplus U.S. armored amphibious vehicles

SANTIAGO, Chile, June 6 (UPI)


Chile will buy surplus U.S. stock of a dozen AAV7 armored amphibious vehicles for its new sea-borne Amphibious Expeditionary Brigade, defense industry media reported.


Officials say the vehicles are being acquired from excess inventory of U.S. stockpiles but will be upgraded before they are put into service. The cost of the AAV7 acquisition was not mentioned.


The upgrade is likely to be carried out by BAE Systems' Global Combat Systems unit, Defense Market Intelligence and Chile's Defense and Military blog reported. Independent comment on the acquisition and upgrade was not immediately available.


The first of the AAV7s is set to be delivered in 2014 after the upgrade, likely to involve installation of more powerful engines. Chile's purchase includes 10 AAVP7 A1 troop transports, one AAVC7 command vehicle and one AAVR7 recovery vehicle, the reports said.


Manufactured by U.S. Combat Systems, the AAV-7A1 is the current amphibious troop transport of the U.S. Marine Corps.


The vehicles, once commissioned, will be part of a 1,400-strong brigade Chile operates aboard its Sargento Aldea multirole assault ship, acquired from France in a $80 million deal. The Sargento Aldea previously operated in the French navy as the Foudre and served allied forces in NATO Yugoslavia operations in 1992-93 and French military action in Ivory Coast.


Analysts said the tracked AAV7 could work well with the Sargento Aldea and other Chilean navy vessels but might not be suitable for peacekeeping missions requiring faster, wheeled vehicles.


It was not immediately clear if the BAE upgrade would extend to weaponry.


A standard AAV7 is usually equipped with a .50-caliber machine gun and a 40mm grenade launcher.


Chile is also looking into acquiring new helicopters, landing craft and other hardware for its armed forces.


The Chilean military, recently spotlighted for its alleged failure to spend enough of its allocations channeled through the copper export tax and other financial instruments, is aiming to catch up with military advances made by South American neighbors Brazil and Argentina.


However, the military is also hamstrung by low response to its recruitment drive. Chile's economic growth has opened new career opportunities and turned the military into an employer of last resort.


The armed forces enlistment numbers are set to be the lowest this year since 2007, the Santiago Times reported.


The number of Chileans volunteering to join the military is down 21 percent from 2012 and is the lowest since the rules on military service were reformed in 2007, the newspaper said on its website.


"The explanation for the decrease is similar to previous years, as we have been a country with full employment and a wide range of educational opportunities," Armed Forces Undersecretary Alfonso Vargas told La Tercera newspaper. "There has been a strong competition that has changed the landscape."


Chile's economy has continued to grow by more than 5 percent each year since 2009 and the average unemployment rate is 6.4 percent, the Santiago Times said, citing 2012 data.


The military announced new incentives including higher pay, bonuses and scholarships as part of the effort to reverse falling recruitment.

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